// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Shared.Diagnostics;
using OpenAI;
using OpenAI.Assistants;
using OpenAI.Chat;
#pragma warning disable OPENAI001 // Type is for evaluation purposes only and is subject to change or removal in future updates. Suppress this diagnostic to proceed.
#pragma warning disable CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types
#pragma warning disable S1067 // Expressions should not be too complex
#pragma warning disable S1751 // Loops with at most one iteration should be refactored
#pragma warning disable S3011 // Reflection should not be used to increase accessibility of classes, methods, or fields
#pragma warning disable SA1204 // Static elements should appear before instance elements
#pragma warning disable SA1108 // Block statements should not contain embedded comments
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.AI;
/// <summary>Represents an <see cref="IChatClient"/> for an OpenAI <see cref="OpenAIClient"/> or <see cref="ChatClient"/>.</summary>
internal sealed class OpenAIAssistantClient : IChatClient
/// <summary>Metadata for the client.</summary>
private readonly ChatClientMetadata _metadata;
/// <summary>The underlying <see cref="AssistantClient" />.</summary>
private readonly AssistantClient _assistantClient;
/// <summary>The ID of the assistant to use.</summary>
private readonly string _assistantId;
/// <summary>The thread ID to use if none is supplied in <see cref="ChatOptions.ChatThreadId"/>.</summary>
private readonly string? _threadId;
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="OpenAIAssistantClient"/> class for the specified <see cref="AssistantClient"/>.</summary>
/// <param name="assistantClient">The underlying client.</param>
/// <param name="assistantId">The ID of the assistant to use.</param>
/// <param name="threadId">
/// The ID of the thread to use. If not supplied here, it should be supplied per request in <see cref="ChatOptions.ChatThreadId"/>.
/// If none is supplied, a new thread will be created for a request.
/// </param>
public OpenAIAssistantClient(AssistantClient assistantClient, string assistantId, string? threadId)
_assistantClient = Throw.IfNull(assistantClient);
_assistantId = Throw.IfNull(assistantId);
_threadId = threadId;
_metadata = new("openai");
/// <inheritdoc />
public object? GetService(Type serviceType, object? serviceKey = null)
_ = Throw.IfNull(serviceType);
serviceKey is not null ? null :
serviceType == typeof(ChatClientMetadata) ? _metadata :
serviceType == typeof(AssistantClient) ? _assistantClient :
serviceType.IsInstanceOfType(this) ? this :
/// <inheritdoc />
public Task<ChatResponse> GetResponseAsync(
IEnumerable<ChatMessage> messages, ChatOptions? options = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) =>
GetStreamingResponseAsync(messages, options, cancellationToken).ToChatResponseAsync(cancellationToken);
/// <inheritdoc />
public async IAsyncEnumerable<ChatResponseUpdate> GetStreamingResponseAsync(
IEnumerable<ChatMessage> messages, ChatOptions? options = null, [EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
// Extract necessary state from messages and options.
(RunCreationOptions runOptions, List<FunctionResultContent>? toolResults) = CreateRunOptions(messages, options);
// Get the thread ID.
string? threadId = options?.ChatThreadId ?? _threadId;
if (threadId is null && toolResults is not null)
Throw.ArgumentException(nameof(messages), "No thread ID was provided, but chat messages includes tool results.");
// Get the updates to process from the assistant. If we have any tool results, this means submitting those and ignoring
// our runOptions. Otherwise, create a run, and a thread if we don't have one.
IAsyncEnumerable<StreamingUpdate> updates;
if (GetRunId(toolResults, out List<ToolOutput>? toolOutputs) is string existingRunId)
updates = _assistantClient.SubmitToolOutputsToRunStreamingAsync(threadId, existingRunId, toolOutputs, cancellationToken);
else if (threadId is null)
ThreadCreationOptions creationOptions = new();
foreach (var message in runOptions.AdditionalMessages)
updates = _assistantClient.CreateThreadAndRunStreamingAsync(_assistantId, creationOptions, runOptions, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
updates = _assistantClient.CreateRunStreamingAsync(threadId, _assistantId, runOptions, cancellationToken);
// Process each update.
string? responseId = null;
await foreach (var update in updates.ConfigureAwait(false))
switch (update)
case MessageContentUpdate mcu:
yield return new(mcu.Role == MessageRole.User ? ChatRole.User : ChatRole.Assistant, mcu.Text)
ChatThreadId = threadId,
RawRepresentation = mcu,
ResponseId = responseId,
case ThreadUpdate tu when options is not null:
threadId ??= tu.Value.Id;
case RunUpdate ru:
threadId ??= ru.Value.ThreadId;
responseId ??= ru.Value.Id;
ChatResponseUpdate ruUpdate = new()
AuthorName = ru.Value.AssistantId,
ChatThreadId = threadId,
CreatedAt = ru.Value.CreatedAt,
ModelId = ru.Value.Model,
RawRepresentation = ru,
ResponseId = responseId,
Role = ChatRole.Assistant,
if (ru.Value.Usage is { } usage)
ruUpdate.Contents.Add(new UsageContent(new()
InputTokenCount = usage.InputTokenCount,
OutputTokenCount = usage.OutputTokenCount,
TotalTokenCount = usage.TotalTokenCount,
if (ru is RequiredActionUpdate rau && rau.ToolCallId is string toolCallId && rau.FunctionName is string functionName)
new FunctionCallContent(
JsonSerializer.Serialize(new[] { ru.Value.Id, toolCallId }, OpenAIJsonContext.Default.StringArray!),
JsonSerializer.Deserialize(rau.FunctionArguments, OpenAIJsonContext.Default.IDictionaryStringObject)!));
yield return ruUpdate;
/// <inheritdoc />
void IDisposable.Dispose()
// Nothing to dispose. Implementation required for the IChatClient interface.
/// <summary>Adds the provided messages to the thread and returns the options to use for the request.</summary>
private static (RunCreationOptions RunOptions, List<FunctionResultContent>? ToolResults) CreateRunOptions(
IEnumerable<ChatMessage> messages, ChatOptions? options)
_ = Throw.IfNull(messages);
RunCreationOptions runOptions = new();
// Handle ChatOptions.
if (options is not null)
// Propagate the simple properties that have a 1:1 correspondence.
runOptions.MaxOutputTokenCount = options.MaxOutputTokens;
runOptions.ModelOverride = options.ModelId;
runOptions.NucleusSamplingFactor = options.TopP;
runOptions.Temperature = options.Temperature;
// Propagate additional properties from AdditionalProperties.
if (options.AdditionalProperties?.TryGetValue(nameof(RunCreationOptions.AllowParallelToolCalls), out bool allowParallelToolCalls) is true)
runOptions.AllowParallelToolCalls = allowParallelToolCalls;
if (options.AdditionalProperties?.TryGetValue(nameof(RunCreationOptions.MaxInputTokenCount), out int maxInputTokenCount) is true)
runOptions.MaxInputTokenCount = maxInputTokenCount;
if (options.AdditionalProperties?.TryGetValue(nameof(RunCreationOptions.TruncationStrategy), out RunTruncationStrategy? truncationStrategy) is true)
runOptions.TruncationStrategy = truncationStrategy;
// Store all the tools to use.
if (options.Tools is { Count: > 0 } tools)
foreach (AITool tool in tools)
switch (tool)
case AIFunction aiFunction:
bool? strict =
aiFunction.AdditionalProperties.TryGetValue("Strict", out object? strictObj) &&
strictObj is bool strictValue ?
strictValue : null;
var functionParameters = BinaryData.FromBytes(
JsonSerializer.Deserialize(aiFunction.JsonSchema, OpenAIJsonContext.Default.OpenAIChatToolJson)!,
runOptions.ToolsOverride.Add(ToolDefinition.CreateFunction(aiFunction.Name, aiFunction.Description, functionParameters, strict));
case CodeInterpreterTool:
// Store the tool mode.
switch (options.ToolMode)
case NoneChatToolMode:
runOptions.ToolConstraint = ToolConstraint.None;
case null:
case AutoChatToolMode:
runOptions.ToolConstraint = ToolConstraint.Auto;
case RequiredChatToolMode required:
runOptions.ToolConstraint = required.RequiredFunctionName is null ?
new ToolConstraint(ToolDefinition.CreateFunction(required.RequiredFunctionName)) :
// Store the response format.
if (options.ResponseFormat is ChatResponseFormatText)
runOptions.ResponseFormat = AssistantResponseFormat.Text;
else if (options.ResponseFormat is ChatResponseFormatJson jsonFormat)
runOptions.ResponseFormat = jsonFormat.Schema is { } jsonSchema ?
jsonFormat.SchemaName ?? "json_schema",
BinaryData.FromBytes(JsonSerializer.SerializeToUtf8Bytes(jsonSchema, OpenAIJsonContext.Default.JsonElement)),
jsonFormat.SchemaDescription) :
// Handle ChatMessages. System messages are turned into additional instructions.
StringBuilder? instructions = null;
List<FunctionResultContent>? functionResults = null;
foreach (var chatMessage in messages)
List<MessageContent> messageContents = [];
if (chatMessage.Role == ChatRole.System ||
chatMessage.Role == OpenAIModelMappers.ChatRoleDeveloper)
instructions ??= new();
foreach (var textContent in chatMessage.Contents.OfType<TextContent>())
_ = instructions.Append(textContent);
foreach (AIContent content in chatMessage.Contents)
switch (content)
case TextContent tc:
case DataContent dc when dc.HasTopLevelMediaType("image"):
case FunctionResultContent frc:
(functionResults ??= []).Add(frc);
if (messageContents.Count > 0)
chatMessage.Role == ChatRole.Assistant ? MessageRole.Assistant : MessageRole.User,
if (instructions is not null)
runOptions.AdditionalInstructions = instructions.ToString();
return (runOptions, functionResults);
private static string? GetRunId(List<FunctionResultContent>? toolResults, out List<ToolOutput>? toolOutputs)
string? runId = null;
toolOutputs = null;
if (toolResults?.Count > 0)
foreach (var frc in toolResults)
// When creating the FunctionCallContext, we created it with a CallId == [runId, callId].
// We need to extract the run ID and ensure that the ToolOutput we send back to OpenAI
// is only the call ID.
string[]? runAndCallIDs;
runAndCallIDs = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(frc.CallId, OpenAIJsonContext.Default.StringArray);
if (runAndCallIDs is null ||
runAndCallIDs.Length != 2 ||
string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(runAndCallIDs[0]) || // run ID
string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(runAndCallIDs[1]) || // call ID
(runId is not null && runId != runAndCallIDs[0]))
runId = runAndCallIDs[0];
(toolOutputs ??= []).Add(new(runAndCallIDs[1], frc.Result?.ToString() ?? string.Empty));
return runId;