// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Json;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Shared.Diagnostics;
#pragma warning disable EA0011 // Consider removing unnecessary conditional access operator (?)
#pragma warning disable SA1204 // Static elements should appear before instance elements
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.AI;
/// <summary>Represents an <see cref="IChatClient"/> for Ollama.</summary>
public sealed class OllamaChatClient : IChatClient
private static readonly JsonElement _defaultParameterSchema = JsonDocument.Parse("{}"{}").RootElement;
private static readonly JsonElement _schemalessJsonResponseFormatValue = JsonDocument.Parse("\"json\""\"json\"").RootElement;
/// <summary>The api/chat endpoint URI.</summary>
private readonly Uri _apiChatEndpoint;
/// <summary>The <see cref="HttpClient"/> to use for sending requests.</summary>
private readonly HttpClient _httpClient;
/// <summary>The <see cref="JsonSerializerOptions"/> use for any serialization activities related to tool call arguments and results.</summary>
private JsonSerializerOptions _toolCallJsonSerializerOptions = AIJsonUtilities.DefaultOptions;
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="OllamaChatClient"/> class.</summary>
/// <param name="endpoint">The endpoint URI where Ollama is hosted.</param>
/// <param name="modelId">
/// The ID of the model to use. This ID can also be overridden per request via <see cref="ChatOptions.ModelId"/>.
/// Either this parameter or <see cref="ChatOptions.ModelId"/> must provide a valid model ID.
/// </param>
/// <param name="httpClient">An <see cref="HttpClient"/> instance to use for HTTP operations.</param>
public OllamaChatClient(string endpoint, string? modelId = null, HttpClient? httpClient = null)
: this(new Uri(Throw.IfNull(endpoint)), modelId, httpClient)
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="OllamaChatClient"/> class.</summary>
/// <param name="endpoint">The endpoint URI where Ollama is hosted.</param>
/// <param name="modelId">
/// The ID of the model to use. This ID can also be overridden per request via <see cref="ChatOptions.ModelId"/>.
/// Either this parameter or <see cref="ChatOptions.ModelId"/> must provide a valid model ID.
/// </param>
/// <param name="httpClient">An <see cref="HttpClient"/> instance to use for HTTP operations.</param>
public OllamaChatClient(Uri endpoint, string? modelId = null, HttpClient? httpClient = null)
_ = Throw.IfNull(endpoint);
if (modelId is not null)
_ = Throw.IfNullOrWhitespace(modelId);
_apiChatEndpoint = new Uri(endpoint, "api/chat");
_httpClient = httpClient ?? OllamaUtilities.SharedClient;
Metadata = new("ollama", endpoint, modelId);
/// <inheritdoc />
public ChatClientMetadata Metadata { get; }
/// <summary>Gets or sets <see cref="JsonSerializerOptions"/> to use for any serialization activities related to tool call arguments and results.</summary>
public JsonSerializerOptions ToolCallJsonSerializerOptions
get => _toolCallJsonSerializerOptions;
set => _toolCallJsonSerializerOptions = Throw.IfNull(value);
/// <inheritdoc />
public async Task<ChatCompletion> CompleteAsync(IList<ChatMessage> chatMessages, ChatOptions? options = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
_ = Throw.IfNull(chatMessages);
using var httpResponse = await _httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(
ToOllamaChatRequest(chatMessages, options, stream: false),
var response = (await httpResponse.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync(
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.Error))
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Ollama error: {response.Error}");
return new([FromOllamaMessage(response.Message!)])
CompletionId = response.CreatedAt,
ModelId = response.Model ?? options?.ModelId ?? Metadata.ModelId,
CreatedAt = DateTimeOffset.TryParse(response.CreatedAt, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTimeOffset createdAt) ? createdAt : null,
FinishReason = ToFinishReason(response),
Usage = ParseOllamaChatResponseUsage(response),
/// <inheritdoc />
public async IAsyncEnumerable<StreamingChatCompletionUpdate> CompleteStreamingAsync(
IList<ChatMessage> chatMessages, ChatOptions? options = null, [EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
_ = Throw.IfNull(chatMessages);
using HttpRequestMessage request = new(HttpMethod.Post, _apiChatEndpoint)
Content = JsonContent.Create(ToOllamaChatRequest(chatMessages, options, stream: true), JsonContext.Default.OllamaChatRequest)
using var httpResponse = await _httpClient.SendAsync(request, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
using var httpResponseStream = await httpResponse.Content
#if NET
using var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponseStream);
#if NET
while ((await streamReader.ReadLineAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)) is { } line)
while ((await streamReader.ReadLineAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)) is { } line)
var chunk = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(line, JsonContext.Default.OllamaChatResponse);
if (chunk is null)
string? modelId = chunk.Model ?? Metadata.ModelId;
StreamingChatCompletionUpdate update = new()
Role = chunk.Message?.Role is not null ? new ChatRole(chunk.Message.Role) : null,
CreatedAt = DateTimeOffset.TryParse(chunk.CreatedAt, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTimeOffset createdAt) ? createdAt : null,
FinishReason = ToFinishReason(chunk),
ModelId = modelId,
if (chunk.Message is { } message)
if (message.ToolCalls is { Length: > 0 })
foreach (var toolCall in message.ToolCalls)
if (toolCall.Function is { } function)
// Equivalent rule to the nonstreaming case
if (message.Content?.Length > 0 || update.Contents.Count == 0)
update.Contents.Insert(0, new TextContent(message.Content));
if (ParseOllamaChatResponseUsage(chunk) is { } usage)
update.Contents.Add(new UsageContent(usage));
yield return update;
/// <inheritdoc />
public object? GetService(Type serviceType, object? serviceKey = null)
_ = Throw.IfNull(serviceType);
serviceKey is null && serviceType.IsInstanceOfType(this) ? this :
/// <inheritdoc />
public void Dispose()
if (_httpClient != OllamaUtilities.SharedClient)
private static UsageDetails? ParseOllamaChatResponseUsage(OllamaChatResponse response)
AdditionalPropertiesDictionary<long>? additionalCounts = null;
OllamaUtilities.TransferNanosecondsTime(response, static r => r.LoadDuration, "load_duration", ref additionalCounts);
OllamaUtilities.TransferNanosecondsTime(response, static r => r.TotalDuration, "total_duration", ref additionalCounts);
OllamaUtilities.TransferNanosecondsTime(response, static r => r.PromptEvalDuration, "prompt_eval_duration", ref additionalCounts);
OllamaUtilities.TransferNanosecondsTime(response, static r => r.EvalDuration, "eval_duration", ref additionalCounts);
if (additionalCounts is not null || response.PromptEvalCount is not null || response.EvalCount is not null)
return new()
InputTokenCount = response.PromptEvalCount,
OutputTokenCount = response.EvalCount,
TotalTokenCount = response.PromptEvalCount.GetValueOrDefault() + response.EvalCount.GetValueOrDefault(),
AdditionalCounts = additionalCounts,
return null;
private static ChatFinishReason? ToFinishReason(OllamaChatResponse response) =>
response.DoneReason switch
null => null,
"length" => ChatFinishReason.Length,
"stop" => ChatFinishReason.Stop,
_ => new ChatFinishReason(response.DoneReason),
private static ChatMessage FromOllamaMessage(OllamaChatResponseMessage message)
List<AIContent> contents = [];
// Add any tool calls.
if (message.ToolCalls is { Length: > 0 })
foreach (var toolCall in message.ToolCalls)
if (toolCall.Function is { } function)
// Ollama frequently sends back empty content with tool calls. Rather than always adding an empty
// content, we only add the content if either it's not empty or there weren't any tool calls.
if (message.Content?.Length > 0 || contents.Count == 0)
contents.Insert(0, new TextContent(message.Content));
return new ChatMessage(new(message.Role), contents);
private static FunctionCallContent ToFunctionCallContent(OllamaFunctionToolCall function)
#if NET
var id = System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator.GetHexString(8);
var id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 8);
return new FunctionCallContent(id, function.Name, function.Arguments);
private static JsonElement? ToOllamaChatResponseFormat(ChatResponseFormat? format)
if (format is ChatResponseFormatJson jsonFormat)
return jsonFormat.Schema ?? _schemalessJsonResponseFormatValue;
return null;
private OllamaChatRequest ToOllamaChatRequest(IList<ChatMessage> chatMessages, ChatOptions? options, bool stream)
OllamaChatRequest request = new()
Format = ToOllamaChatResponseFormat(options?.ResponseFormat),
Messages = chatMessages.SelectMany(ToOllamaChatRequestMessages).ToArray(),
Model = options?.ModelId ?? Metadata.ModelId ?? string.Empty,
Stream = stream,
Tools = options?.Tools is { Count: > 0 } tools ? tools.OfType<AIFunction>().Select(ToOllamaTool) : null,
if (options is not null)
TransferMetadataValue<bool>(nameof(OllamaRequestOptions.embedding_only), (options, value) => options.embedding_only = value);
TransferMetadataValue<bool>(nameof(OllamaRequestOptions.f16_kv), (options, value) => options.f16_kv = value);
TransferMetadataValue<bool>(nameof(OllamaRequestOptions.logits_all), (options, value) => options.logits_all = value);
TransferMetadataValue<bool>(nameof(OllamaRequestOptions.low_vram), (options, value) => options.low_vram = value);
TransferMetadataValue<int>(nameof(OllamaRequestOptions.main_gpu), (options, value) => options.main_gpu = value);
TransferMetadataValue<float>(nameof(OllamaRequestOptions.min_p), (options, value) => options.min_p = value);
TransferMetadataValue<int>(nameof(OllamaRequestOptions.mirostat), (options, value) => options.mirostat = value);
TransferMetadataValue<float>(nameof(OllamaRequestOptions.mirostat_eta), (options, value) => options.mirostat_eta = value);
TransferMetadataValue<float>(nameof(OllamaRequestOptions.mirostat_tau), (options, value) => options.mirostat_tau = value);
TransferMetadataValue<int>(nameof(OllamaRequestOptions.num_batch), (options, value) => options.num_batch = value);
TransferMetadataValue<int>(nameof(OllamaRequestOptions.num_ctx), (options, value) => options.num_ctx = value);
TransferMetadataValue<int>(nameof(OllamaRequestOptions.num_gpu), (options, value) => options.num_gpu = value);
TransferMetadataValue<int>(nameof(OllamaRequestOptions.num_keep), (options, value) => options.num_keep = value);
TransferMetadataValue<int>(nameof(OllamaRequestOptions.num_thread), (options, value) => options.num_thread = value);
TransferMetadataValue<bool>(nameof(OllamaRequestOptions.numa), (options, value) => options.numa = value);
TransferMetadataValue<bool>(nameof(OllamaRequestOptions.penalize_newline), (options, value) => options.penalize_newline = value);
TransferMetadataValue<int>(nameof(OllamaRequestOptions.repeat_last_n), (options, value) => options.repeat_last_n = value);
TransferMetadataValue<float>(nameof(OllamaRequestOptions.repeat_penalty), (options, value) => options.repeat_penalty = value);
TransferMetadataValue<float>(nameof(OllamaRequestOptions.tfs_z), (options, value) => options.tfs_z = value);
TransferMetadataValue<float>(nameof(OllamaRequestOptions.typical_p), (options, value) => options.typical_p = value);
TransferMetadataValue<bool>(nameof(OllamaRequestOptions.use_mmap), (options, value) => options.use_mmap = value);
TransferMetadataValue<bool>(nameof(OllamaRequestOptions.use_mlock), (options, value) => options.use_mlock = value);
TransferMetadataValue<bool>(nameof(OllamaRequestOptions.vocab_only), (options, value) => options.vocab_only = value);
if (options.FrequencyPenalty is float frequencyPenalty)
(request.Options ??= new()).frequency_penalty = frequencyPenalty;
if (options.MaxOutputTokens is int maxOutputTokens)
(request.Options ??= new()).num_predict = maxOutputTokens;
if (options.PresencePenalty is float presencePenalty)
(request.Options ??= new()).presence_penalty = presencePenalty;
if (options.StopSequences is { Count: > 0 })
(request.Options ??= new()).stop = [.. options.StopSequences];
if (options.Temperature is float temperature)
(request.Options ??= new()).temperature = temperature;
if (options.TopP is float topP)
(request.Options ??= new()).top_p = topP;
if (options.TopK is int topK)
(request.Options ??= new()).top_k = topK;
if (options.Seed is long seed)
(request.Options ??= new()).seed = seed;
return request;
void TransferMetadataValue<T>(string propertyName, Action<OllamaRequestOptions, T> setOption)
if (options.AdditionalProperties?.TryGetValue(propertyName, out T? t) is true)
request.Options ??= new();
setOption(request.Options, t);
private IEnumerable<OllamaChatRequestMessage> ToOllamaChatRequestMessages(ChatMessage content)
// In general, we return a single request message for each understood content item.
// However, various image models expect both text and images in the same request message.
// To handle that, attach images to a previous text message if one exists.
OllamaChatRequestMessage? currentTextMessage = null;
foreach (var item in content.Contents)
if (currentTextMessage is not null && item is not ImageContent)
yield return currentTextMessage;
currentTextMessage = null;
switch (item)
case TextContent textContent:
currentTextMessage = new OllamaChatRequestMessage
Role = content.Role.Value,
Content = textContent.Text ?? string.Empty,
case ImageContent imageContent when imageContent.Data is not null:
IList<string> images = currentTextMessage?.Images ?? [];
#if NET
if (currentTextMessage is not null)
currentTextMessage.Images = images;
yield return new OllamaChatRequestMessage
Role = content.Role.Value,
Images = images,
case FunctionCallContent fcc:
yield return new OllamaChatRequestMessage
Role = "assistant",
Content = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new OllamaFunctionCallContent
CallId = fcc.CallId,
Name = fcc.Name,
Arguments = JsonSerializer.SerializeToElement(fcc.Arguments, ToolCallJsonSerializerOptions.GetTypeInfo(typeof(IDictionary<string, object?>))),
}, JsonContext.Default.OllamaFunctionCallContent)
case FunctionResultContent frc:
JsonElement jsonResult = JsonSerializer.SerializeToElement(frc.Result, ToolCallJsonSerializerOptions.GetTypeInfo(typeof(object)));
yield return new OllamaChatRequestMessage
Role = "tool",
Content = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new OllamaFunctionResultContent
CallId = frc.CallId,
Result = jsonResult,
}, JsonContext.Default.OllamaFunctionResultContent)
if (currentTextMessage is not null)
yield return currentTextMessage;
private static OllamaTool ToOllamaTool(AIFunction function) => new()
Type = "function",
Function = new OllamaFunctionTool
Name = function.Metadata.Name,
Description = function.Metadata.Description,
Parameters = new OllamaFunctionToolParameters
Properties = function.Metadata.Parameters.ToDictionary(
p => p.Name,
p => p.Schema is JsonElement e ? e : _defaultParameterSchema),
Required = function.Metadata.Parameters.Where(p => p.IsRequired).Select(p => p.Name).ToList(),