// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.TestUtilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.AI;
public class OllamaChatClientIntegrationTests : ChatClientIntegrationTests
protected override IChatClient? CreateChatClient() =>
IntegrationTestHelpers.GetOllamaUri() is Uri endpoint ?
new OllamaChatClient(endpoint, "llama3.1") :
public override Task FunctionInvocation_RequireAny() =>
throw new SkipTestException("Ollama does not currently support requiring function invocation.");
public override Task FunctionInvocation_RequireSpecific() =>
throw new SkipTestException("Ollama does not currently support requiring function invocation.");
protected override string? GetModel_MultiModal_DescribeImage() => "llava";
public async Task PromptBasedFunctionCalling_NoArgs()
using var chatClient = CreateChatClient()!
.Use(innerClient => new AssertNoToolsDefinedChatClient(innerClient))
var secretNumber = 42;
var response = await chatClient.GetResponseAsync("What is the current secret number? Answer with digits only.", new ChatOptions
ModelId = "llama3:8b",
Tools = [AIFunctionFactory.Create(() => secretNumber, "GetSecretNumber")],
Temperature = 0,
Seed = 0,
Assert.Contains(secretNumber.ToString(), response.Text);
public async Task PromptBasedFunctionCalling_WithArgs()
using var chatClient = CreateChatClient()!
.Use(innerClient => new AssertNoToolsDefinedChatClient(innerClient))
var stockPriceTool = AIFunctionFactory.Create([Description("Returns the stock price for a given ticker symbol")] (
[Description("The ticker symbol")] string symbol,
[Description("The currency code such as USD or JPY")] string currency) =>
Assert.Equal("MSFT", symbol);
Assert.Equal("GBP", currency);
return 999;
}, "GetStockPrice");
var didCallIrrelevantTool = false;
var irrelevantTool = AIFunctionFactory.Create(() => { didCallIrrelevantTool = true; return 123; }, "GetSecretNumber");
var response = await chatClient.GetResponseAsync("What's the stock price for Microsoft in British pounds?", new ChatOptions
Tools = [stockPriceTool, irrelevantTool],
Temperature = 0,
Seed = 0,
Assert.Contains("999", response.Text);
public async Task InvalidModelParameter_ThrowsInvalidOperationException()
var endpoint = IntegrationTestHelpers.GetOllamaUri();
using var chatClient = new OllamaChatClient(endpoint, modelId: "inexistent-model");
InvalidOperationException ex;
ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<InvalidOperationException>(() => chatClient.GetResponseAsync("Hello, world!"));
Assert.Contains("inexistent-model", ex.Message);
ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<InvalidOperationException>(() => chatClient.GetStreamingResponseAsync("Hello, world!").ToChatResponseAsync());
Assert.Contains("inexistent-model", ex.Message);
private sealed class AssertNoToolsDefinedChatClient(IChatClient innerClient) : DelegatingChatClient(innerClient)
public override Task<ChatResponse> GetResponseAsync(
IEnumerable<ChatMessage> messages, ChatOptions? options = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
return base.GetResponseAsync(messages, options, cancellationToken);