File: ChatClientIntegrationTests.cs
Web Access
Project: src\test\Libraries\Microsoft.Extensions.AI.Integration.Tests\Microsoft.Extensions.AI.Integration.Tests.csproj (Microsoft.Extensions.AI.Integration.Tests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Testing;
using Microsoft.TestUtilities;
using OpenTelemetry.Trace;
using Xunit;
#pragma warning disable CA2000 // Dispose objects before losing scope
#pragma warning disable CA2214 // Do not call overridable methods in constructors
#pragma warning disable CA2249 // Consider using 'string.Contains' instead of 'string.IndexOf'
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.AI;
public abstract class ChatClientIntegrationTests : IDisposable
    private readonly IChatClient? _chatClient;
    protected ChatClientIntegrationTests()
        _chatClient = CreateChatClient();
    public void Dispose()
    protected abstract IChatClient? CreateChatClient();
    public virtual async Task GetResponseAsync_SingleRequestMessage()
        var response = await _chatClient.GetResponseAsync("What's the biggest animal?");
        Assert.Contains("whale", response.Text, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
    public virtual async Task GetResponseAsync_MultipleRequestMessages()
        var response = await _chatClient.GetResponseAsync(
            new(ChatRole.User, "Pick a city, any city"),
            new(ChatRole.Assistant, "Seattle"),
            new(ChatRole.User, "And another one"),
            new(ChatRole.Assistant, "Jakarta"),
            new(ChatRole.User, "What continent are they each in?"),
        Assert.Contains("America", response.Text);
        Assert.Contains("Asia", response.Text);
    public virtual async Task GetResponseAsync_WithEmptyMessage()
        var response = await _chatClient.GetResponseAsync(
            new(ChatRole.User, []),
            new(ChatRole.User, "What is 1 + 2? Reply with a single number."),
        Assert.Contains("3", response.Text);
    public virtual async Task GetStreamingResponseAsync()
        IList<ChatMessage> chatHistory =
            new(ChatRole.User, "Quote, word for word, Neil Armstrong's famous words.")
        StringBuilder sb = new();
        await foreach (var chunk in _chatClient.GetStreamingResponseAsync(chatHistory))
        string responseText = sb.ToString();
        Assert.Contains("one small step", responseText, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
        Assert.Contains("one giant leap", responseText, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
    public virtual async Task GetResponseAsync_UsageDataAvailable()
        var response = await _chatClient.GetResponseAsync("Explain in 10 words how AI works");
        Assert.True(response.Usage?.InputTokenCount > 1);
        Assert.True(response.Usage?.OutputTokenCount > 1);
        Assert.Equal(response.Usage?.InputTokenCount + response.Usage?.OutputTokenCount, response.Usage?.TotalTokenCount);
    public virtual async Task GetStreamingResponseAsync_UsageDataAvailable()
        var response = _chatClient.GetStreamingResponseAsync("Explain in 10 words how AI works", new()
            AdditionalProperties = new()
                ["stream_options"] = new Dictionary<string, object> { ["include_usage"] = true, },
        List<ChatResponseUpdate> chunks = [];
        await foreach (var chunk in response)
        Assert.True(chunks.Count > 1);
        UsageContent usage = chunks.SelectMany(c => c.Contents).OfType<UsageContent>().Single();
        Assert.True(usage.Details.InputTokenCount > 1);
        Assert.True(usage.Details.OutputTokenCount > 1);
        Assert.Equal(usage.Details.InputTokenCount + usage.Details.OutputTokenCount, usage.Details.TotalTokenCount);
    public virtual async Task GetStreamingResponseAsync_AppendToHistory()
        List<ChatMessage> history = [new(ChatRole.User, "Explain in 100 words how AI works")];
        var streamingResponse = _chatClient.GetStreamingResponseAsync(history);
        await history.AddMessagesAsync(streamingResponse);
        Assert.Equal(2, history.Count);
        Assert.Equal(ChatRole.Assistant, history[1].Role);
        var singleTextContent = (TextContent)history[1].Contents.Single();
        Assert.Equal(history[1].Text, singleTextContent.Text);
    protected virtual string? GetModel_MultiModal_DescribeImage() => null;
    public virtual async Task MultiModal_DescribeImage()
        var response = await _chatClient.GetResponseAsync(
                    new TextContent("What does this logo say?"),
                    new DataContent(GetImageDataUri(), "image/png"),
            new() { ModelId = GetModel_MultiModal_DescribeImage() });
        Assert.True(response.Text.IndexOf("net", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0, response.Text);
    public virtual async Task FunctionInvocation_AutomaticallyInvokeFunction_Parameterless()
        var sourceName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
        var activities = new List<Activity>();
        using var tracerProvider = OpenTelemetry.Sdk.CreateTracerProviderBuilder()
        using var chatClient = new FunctionInvokingChatClient(
            new OpenTelemetryChatClient(_chatClient, sourceName: sourceName));
        int secretNumber = 42;
        List<ChatMessage> messages =
            new(ChatRole.User, "What is the current secret number?")
        var response = await chatClient.GetResponseAsync(messages, new()
            Tools = [AIFunctionFactory.Create(() => secretNumber, "GetSecretNumber")]
        Assert.Contains(secretNumber.ToString(), response.Text);
        // If the underlying IChatClient provides usage data, function invocation should aggregate the
        // usage data across all calls to produce a single Usage value on the final response
        if (response.Usage is { } finalUsage)
            var totalInputTokens = activities.Sum(a => (int?)a.GetTagItem("gen_ai.response.input_tokens")!);
            var totalOutputTokens = activities.Sum(a => (int?)a.GetTagItem("gen_ai.response.output_tokens")!);
            Assert.Equal(totalInputTokens, finalUsage.InputTokenCount);
            Assert.Equal(totalOutputTokens, finalUsage.OutputTokenCount);
    public virtual async Task FunctionInvocation_AutomaticallyInvokeFunction_WithParameters_NonStreaming()
        using var chatClient = new FunctionInvokingChatClient(_chatClient);
        var response = await chatClient.GetResponseAsync("What is the result of SecretComputation on 42 and 84?", new()
            Tools = [AIFunctionFactory.Create((int a, int b) => a * b, "SecretComputation")]
        Assert.Contains("3528", response.Text);
    public virtual async Task FunctionInvocation_AutomaticallyInvokeFunction_WithParameters_Streaming()
        using var chatClient = new FunctionInvokingChatClient(_chatClient);
        var response = chatClient.GetStreamingResponseAsync("What is the result of SecretComputation on 42 and 84?", new()
            Tools = [AIFunctionFactory.Create((int a, int b) => a * b, "SecretComputation")]
        StringBuilder sb = new();
        await foreach (var chunk in response)
        Assert.Contains("3528", sb.ToString());
    protected virtual bool SupportsParallelFunctionCalling => true;
    public virtual async Task FunctionInvocation_SupportsMultipleParallelRequests()
        if (!SupportsParallelFunctionCalling)
            throw new SkipTestException("Parallel function calling is not supported by this chat client");
        using var chatClient = new FunctionInvokingChatClient(_chatClient);
        // The service/model isn't guaranteed to request two calls to GetPersonAge in the same turn, but it's common that it will.
        var response = await chatClient.GetResponseAsync("How much older is Elsa than Anna? Return the age difference as a single number.", new()
            Tools = [AIFunctionFactory.Create((string personName) =>
                return personName switch
                    "Elsa" => 21,
                    "Anna" => 18,
                    _ => 30,
            }, "GetPersonAge")]
            Regex.IsMatch(response.Text ?? "", @"\b(3|three)\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase),
            $"Doesn't contain three: {response.Text}");
    public virtual async Task FunctionInvocation_RequireAny()
        int callCount = 0;
        var tool = AIFunctionFactory.Create(() =>
            return 123;
        }, "GetSecretNumber");
        using var chatClient = new FunctionInvokingChatClient(_chatClient);
        var response = await chatClient.GetResponseAsync("Are birds real?", new()
            Tools = [tool],
            ToolMode = ChatToolMode.RequireAny,
        Assert.True(callCount >= 1);
    public virtual async Task FunctionInvocation_RequireSpecific()
        bool shieldsUp = false;
        var getSecretNumberTool = AIFunctionFactory.Create(() => 123, "GetSecretNumber");
        var shieldsUpTool = AIFunctionFactory.Create(() => shieldsUp = true, "ShieldsUp");
        using var chatClient = new FunctionInvokingChatClient(_chatClient);
        // Even though the user doesn't ask for the shields to be activated, verify that the tool is invoked
        var response = await chatClient.GetResponseAsync("What's the current secret number?", new()
            Tools = [getSecretNumberTool, shieldsUpTool],
            ToolMode = ChatToolMode.RequireSpecific(shieldsUpTool.Name),
    public virtual async Task Caching_OutputVariesWithoutCaching()
        var message = new ChatMessage(ChatRole.User, "Pick a random number, uniformly distributed between 1 and 1000000");
        var firstResponse = await _chatClient.GetResponseAsync([message]);
        var secondResponse = await _chatClient.GetResponseAsync([message]);
        Assert.NotEqual(firstResponse.Text, secondResponse.Text);
    public virtual async Task Caching_SamePromptResultsInCacheHit_NonStreaming()
        using var chatClient = new DistributedCachingChatClient(
            new MemoryDistributedCache(Options.Options.Create(new MemoryDistributedCacheOptions())));
        var message = new ChatMessage(ChatRole.User, "Pick a random number, uniformly distributed between 1 and 1000000");
        var firstResponse = await chatClient.GetResponseAsync([message]);
        // No matter what it said before, we should see identical output due to caching
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            var secondResponse = await chatClient.GetResponseAsync([message]);
            Assert.Equal(firstResponse.Messages.Select(m => m.Text), secondResponse.Messages.Select(m => m.Text));
        // ... but if the conversation differs, we should see different output
        ((TextContent)message.Contents[0]).Text += "!";
        var thirdResponse = await chatClient.GetResponseAsync([message]);
        Assert.NotEqual(firstResponse.Messages, thirdResponse.Messages);
    public virtual async Task Caching_SamePromptResultsInCacheHit_Streaming()
        using var chatClient = new DistributedCachingChatClient(
            new MemoryDistributedCache(Options.Options.Create(new MemoryDistributedCacheOptions())));
        var message = new ChatMessage(ChatRole.User, "Pick a random number, uniformly distributed between 1 and 1000000");
        StringBuilder orig = new();
        await foreach (var update in chatClient.GetStreamingResponseAsync([message]))
        // No matter what it said before, we should see identical output due to caching
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            StringBuilder second = new();
            await foreach (var update in chatClient.GetStreamingResponseAsync([message]))
            Assert.Equal(orig.ToString(), second.ToString());
        // ... but if the conversation differs, we should see different output
        ((TextContent)message.Contents[0]).Text += "!";
        StringBuilder third = new();
        await foreach (var update in chatClient.GetStreamingResponseAsync([message]))
        Assert.NotEqual(orig.ToString(), third.ToString());
    public virtual async Task Caching_BeforeFunctionInvocation_AvoidsExtraCalls()
        int functionCallCount = 0;
        var getTemperature = AIFunctionFactory.Create([Description("Gets the current temperature")] () =>
            return $"{100 + functionCallCount} degrees celsius";
        }, "GetTemperature");
        // First call executes the function and calls the LLM
        using var chatClient = CreateChatClient()!
            .ConfigureOptions(options => options.Tools = [getTemperature])
            .UseDistributedCache(new MemoryDistributedCache(Options.Options.Create(new MemoryDistributedCacheOptions())))
        var llmCallCount = chatClient.GetService<CallCountingChatClient>();
        var message = new ChatMessage(ChatRole.User, "What is the temperature?");
        var response = await chatClient.GetResponseAsync([message]);
        Assert.Contains("101", response.Text);
        // First LLM call tells us to call the function, second deals with the result
        Assert.Equal(2, llmCallCount!.CallCount);
        // Second call doesn't execute the function or call the LLM, but rather just returns the cached result
        var secondResponse = await chatClient.GetResponseAsync([message]);
        Assert.Equal(response.Text, secondResponse.Text);
        Assert.Equal(1, functionCallCount);
        Assert.Equal(2, llmCallCount!.CallCount);
    public virtual async Task Caching_AfterFunctionInvocation_FunctionOutputUnchangedAsync()
        // This means that if the function call produces the same result, we can avoid calling the LLM
        // whereas if the function call produces a different result, we do call the LLM
        var functionCallCount = 0;
        var getTemperature = AIFunctionFactory.Create([Description("Gets the current temperature")] () =>
            return "58 degrees celsius";
        }, "GetTemperature");
        // First call executes the function and calls the LLM
        using var chatClient = CreateChatClient()!
            .ConfigureOptions(options => options.Tools = [getTemperature])
            .UseDistributedCache(new MemoryDistributedCache(Options.Options.Create(new MemoryDistributedCacheOptions())))
        var llmCallCount = chatClient.GetService<CallCountingChatClient>();
        var message = new ChatMessage(ChatRole.User, "What is the temperature?");
        var response = await chatClient.GetResponseAsync([message]);
        Assert.Contains("58", response.Text);
        // First LLM call tells us to call the function, second deals with the result
        Assert.Equal(1, functionCallCount);
        Assert.Equal(2, llmCallCount!.CallCount);
        // Second time, the calls to the LLM don't happen, but the function is called again
        var secondResponse = await chatClient.GetResponseAsync([message]);
        Assert.Equal(response.Text, secondResponse.Text);
        Assert.Equal(2, functionCallCount);
        Assert.Equal(2, llmCallCount!.CallCount);
    public virtual async Task Caching_AfterFunctionInvocation_FunctionOutputChangedAsync()
        // This means that if the function call produces the same result, we can avoid calling the LLM
        // whereas if the function call produces a different result, we do call the LLM
        var functionCallCount = 0;
        var getTemperature = AIFunctionFactory.Create([Description("Gets the current temperature")] () =>
            return $"{80 + functionCallCount} degrees celsius";
        }, "GetTemperature");
        // First call executes the function and calls the LLM
        using var chatClient = CreateChatClient()!
            .ConfigureOptions(options => options.Tools = [getTemperature])
            .UseDistributedCache(new MemoryDistributedCache(Options.Options.Create(new MemoryDistributedCacheOptions())))
        var llmCallCount = chatClient.GetService<CallCountingChatClient>();
        var message = new ChatMessage(ChatRole.User, "What is the temperature?");
        var response = await chatClient.GetResponseAsync([message]);
        Assert.Contains("81", response.Text);
        // First LLM call tells us to call the function, second deals with the result
        Assert.Equal(1, functionCallCount);
        Assert.Equal(2, llmCallCount!.CallCount);
        // Second time, the first call to the LLM don't happen, but the function is called again,
        // and since its output now differs, we no longer hit the cache so the second LLM call does happen
        var secondResponse = await chatClient.GetResponseAsync([message]);
        Assert.Contains("82", secondResponse.Text);
        Assert.Equal(2, functionCallCount);
        Assert.Equal(3, llmCallCount!.CallCount);
    public virtual async Task Logging_LogsCalls_NonStreaming()
        var collector = new FakeLogCollector();
        using ILoggerFactory loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(b => b.AddProvider(new FakeLoggerProvider(collector)).SetMinimumLevel(LogLevel.Trace));
        using var chatClient = CreateChatClient()!.AsBuilder()
        await chatClient.GetResponseAsync([new(ChatRole.User, "What's the biggest animal?")]);
            entry => Assert.Contains("What's the biggest animal?", entry.Message),
            entry => Assert.Contains("whale", entry.Message));
    public virtual async Task Logging_LogsCalls_Streaming()
        var collector = new FakeLogCollector();
        using ILoggerFactory loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(b => b.AddProvider(new FakeLoggerProvider(collector)).SetMinimumLevel(LogLevel.Trace));
        using var chatClient = CreateChatClient()!.AsBuilder()
        await foreach (var update in chatClient.GetStreamingResponseAsync("What's the biggest animal?"))
            // Do nothing with the updates
        var logs = collector.GetSnapshot();
        Assert.Contains(logs, e => e.Message.Contains("What's the biggest animal?"));
        Assert.Contains(logs, e => e.Message.Contains("whale"));
    public virtual async Task Logging_LogsFunctionCalls_NonStreaming()
        var collector = new FakeLogCollector();
        using ILoggerFactory loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(b => b.AddProvider(new FakeLoggerProvider(collector)).SetMinimumLevel(LogLevel.Trace));
        using var chatClient = CreateChatClient()!
        int secretNumber = 42;
        await chatClient.GetResponseAsync(
            "What is the current secret number?",
            new ChatOptions { Tools = [AIFunctionFactory.Create(() => secretNumber, "GetSecretNumber")] });
            entry => Assert.Contains("What is the current secret number?", entry.Message),
            entry => Assert.Contains("\"name\": \"GetSecretNumber\"", entry.Message),
            entry => Assert.Contains($"\"result\": {secretNumber}", entry.Message),
            entry => Assert.Contains(secretNumber.ToString(), entry.Message));
    public virtual async Task Logging_LogsFunctionCalls_Streaming()
        var collector = new FakeLogCollector();
        using ILoggerFactory loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(b => b.AddProvider(new FakeLoggerProvider(collector)).SetMinimumLevel(LogLevel.Trace));
        using var chatClient = CreateChatClient()!
        int secretNumber = 42;
        await foreach (var update in chatClient.GetStreamingResponseAsync(
            "What is the current secret number?",
            new ChatOptions { Tools = [AIFunctionFactory.Create(() => secretNumber, "GetSecretNumber")] }))
            // Do nothing with the updates
        var logs = collector.GetSnapshot();
        Assert.Contains(logs, e => e.Message.Contains("What is the current secret number?"));
        Assert.Contains(logs, e => e.Message.Contains("\"name\": \"GetSecretNumber\""));
        Assert.Contains(logs, e => e.Message.Contains($"\"result\": {secretNumber}"));
    public virtual async Task OpenTelemetry_CanEmitTracesAndMetrics()
        var sourceName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
        var activities = new List<Activity>();
        using var tracerProvider = OpenTelemetry.Sdk.CreateTracerProviderBuilder()
        var chatClient = CreateChatClient()!.AsBuilder()
            .UseOpenTelemetry(sourceName: sourceName)
        var response = await chatClient.GetResponseAsync([new(ChatRole.User, "What's the biggest animal?")]);
        var activity = Assert.Single(activities);
        Assert.StartsWith("chat", activity.DisplayName);
        Assert.StartsWith("http", (string)activity.GetTagItem("server.address")!);
        Assert.Equal(chatClient.GetService<ChatClientMetadata>()?.ProviderUri?.Port, (int)activity.GetTagItem("server.port")!);
        Assert.NotEqual(0, (int)activity.GetTagItem("gen_ai.response.input_tokens")!);
        Assert.NotEqual(0, (int)activity.GetTagItem("gen_ai.response.output_tokens")!);
        Assert.True(activity.Duration.TotalMilliseconds > 0);
    public virtual async Task GetResponseAsync_StructuredOutput()
        var response = await _chatClient.GetResponseAsync<Person>("""
            Who is described in the following sentence?
            Jimbo Smith is a 35-year-old programmer from Cardiff, Wales.
        Assert.Equal("Jimbo Smith", response.Result.FullName);
        Assert.Equal(35, response.Result.AgeInYears);
        Assert.Contains("Cardiff", response.Result.HomeTown);
        Assert.Equal(JobType.Programmer, response.Result.Job);
    public virtual async Task GetResponseAsync_StructuredOutputArray()
        var response = await _chatClient.GetResponseAsync<Person[]>("""
            Who are described in the following sentence?
            Jimbo Smith is a 35-year-old software developer from Cardiff, Wales.
            Josh Simpson is a 25-year-old software developer from Newport, Wales.
        Assert.Equal(2, response.Result.Length);
        Assert.Contains(response.Result, x => x.FullName == "Jimbo Smith");
        Assert.Contains(response.Result, x => x.FullName == "Josh Simpson");
    public virtual async Task GetResponseAsync_StructuredOutputInteger()
        var response = await _chatClient.GetResponseAsync<int>("""
            There were 14 abstractions for AI programming, which was too many.
            To fix this we added another one. How many are there now?
        Assert.Equal(15, response.Result);
    public virtual async Task GetResponseAsync_StructuredOutputString()
        var response = await _chatClient.GetResponseAsync<string>("""
            The software developer, Jimbo Smith, is a 35-year-old from Cardiff, Wales.
            What's his full name?
        Assert.Equal("Jimbo Smith", response.Result);
    public virtual async Task GetResponseAsync_StructuredOutputBool_True()
        var response = await _chatClient.GetResponseAsync<bool>("""
            Jimbo Smith is a 35-year-old software developer from Cardiff, Wales.
            Is there at least one software developer from Cardiff?
    public virtual async Task GetResponseAsync_StructuredOutputBool_False()
        var response = await _chatClient.GetResponseAsync<bool>("""
            Jimbo Smith is a 35-year-old software developer from Cardiff, Wales.
            Can we be sure that he is a medical doctor?
    public virtual async Task GetResponseAsync_StructuredOutputEnum()
        var response = await _chatClient.GetResponseAsync<JobType>("""
            Taylor Swift is a famous singer and songwriter. What is her job?
        Assert.Equal(JobType.PopStar, response.Result);
    public virtual async Task GetResponseAsync_StructuredOutput_WithFunctions()
        var expectedPerson = new Person
            FullName = "Jimbo Smith",
            AgeInYears = 35,
            HomeTown = "Cardiff",
            Job = JobType.Programmer,
        using var chatClient = new FunctionInvokingChatClient(_chatClient);
        var response = await chatClient.GetResponseAsync<Person>(
            "Who is person with ID 123?", new ChatOptions
                Tools = [AIFunctionFactory.Create((int personId) =>
                    Assert.Equal(123, personId);
                    return expectedPerson;
                }, "GetPersonById")]
        Assert.NotSame(expectedPerson, response.Result);
        Assert.Equal(expectedPerson.FullName, response.Result.FullName);
        Assert.Equal(expectedPerson.AgeInYears, response.Result.AgeInYears);
        Assert.Equal(expectedPerson.HomeTown, response.Result.HomeTown);
        Assert.Equal(expectedPerson.Job, response.Result.Job);
    public virtual async Task GetResponseAsync_StructuredOutput_Native()
        var capturedCalls = new List<IList<ChatMessage>>();
        var captureOutputChatClient = _chatClient.AsBuilder()
            .Use((messages, options, nextAsync, cancellationToken) =>
                capturedCalls.Add([.. messages]);
                return nextAsync(messages, options, cancellationToken);
        var response = await captureOutputChatClient.GetResponseAsync<Person>("""
            Supply a JSON object to represent Jimbo Smith from Cardiff.
            """, useNativeJsonSchema: true);
        Assert.Equal("Jimbo Smith", response.Result.FullName);
        Assert.Contains("Cardiff", response.Result.HomeTown);
        // Verify it used *native* structured output, i.e., no prompt augmentation
            message => Assert.DoesNotContain("schema", message.Text));
    private class Person
#pragma warning disable S1144, S3459 // Unassigned members should be removed
        public string? FullName { get; set; }
        public int AgeInYears { get; set; }
        public string? HomeTown { get; set; }
        public JobType Job { get; set; }
#pragma warning restore S1144, S3459 // Unused private types or members should be removed
    private enum JobType
    private static Uri GetImageDataUri()
        using Stream? s = typeof(ChatClientIntegrationTests).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Microsoft.Extensions.AI.dotnet.png");
        MemoryStream ms = new();
        return new Uri($"data:image/png;base64,{Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ToArray())}");
    protected void SkipIfNotEnabled()
        if (_chatClient is null)
            throw new SkipTestException("Client is not enabled.");