5 writes to BaseValue
Microsoft.Extensions.AI.Abstractions.Tests (5)
test\Shared\JsonSchemaExporter\TestTypes.cs (5)
605Value: new PocoWithPolymorphism.DerivedPocoStringDiscriminator { BaseValue = 42, DerivedValue = "derived" }, 607new PocoWithPolymorphism.DerivedPocoNoDiscriminator { BaseValue = 42, DerivedValue = "derived" }, 608new PocoWithPolymorphism.DerivedPocoIntDiscriminator { BaseValue = 42, DerivedValue = "derived" }, 609new PocoWithPolymorphism.DerivedCollection { BaseValue = 42 }, 610new PocoWithPolymorphism.DerivedDictionary { BaseValue = 42 },
11 references to BaseValue
Microsoft.Extensions.AI.Abstractions.Tests (11)
test\Shared\JsonSchemaExporter\TestTypes.cs (11)
1099public IEnumerator<int> GetEnumerator() => Enumerable.Repeat(BaseValue, 1).GetEnumerator(); 1105public int this[string key] => key == nameof(BaseValue) ? BaseValue : throw new KeyNotFoundException(); 1106public IEnumerable<string> Keys => [nameof(BaseValue)]; 1107public IEnumerable<int> Values => [BaseValue]; 1109public bool ContainsKey(string key) => key == nameof(BaseValue); 1110public bool TryGetValue(string key, out int value) => key == nameof(BaseValue) ? (value = BaseValue) == BaseValue : (value = 0) == 0; 1111public IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<string, int>> GetEnumerator() => Enumerable.Repeat(new KeyValuePair<string, int>(nameof(BaseValue), BaseValue), 1).GetEnumerator();