// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Xunit;
#pragma warning disable SA1204 // Static elements should appear before instance elements
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.AI;
public class ChatResponseUpdateExtensionsTests
public void InvalidArgs_Throws()
Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>("updates", () => ((List<ChatResponseUpdate>)null!).ToChatResponse());
public static IEnumerable<object?[]> ToChatResponse_SuccessfullyCreatesResponse_MemberData()
foreach (bool useAsync in new[] { false, true })
foreach (bool? coalesceContent in new bool?[] { null, false, true })
yield return new object?[] { useAsync, coalesceContent };
public async Task ToChatResponse_SuccessfullyCreatesResponse(bool useAsync, bool? coalesceContent)
ChatResponseUpdate[] updates =
new() { ChoiceIndex = 0, Text = "Hello", ResponseId = "12345", CreatedAt = new DateTimeOffset(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, TimeSpan.Zero), ModelId = "model123" },
new() { ChoiceIndex = 1, Text = "Hey", ResponseId = "12345", CreatedAt = new DateTimeOffset(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, TimeSpan.Zero), ModelId = "model124" },
new() { ChoiceIndex = 0, Text = ", ", AuthorName = "Someone", Role = ChatRole.User, AdditionalProperties = new() { ["a"] = "b" } },
new() { ChoiceIndex = 1, Text = ", ", AuthorName = "Else", Role = ChatRole.System, ChatThreadId = "123", AdditionalProperties = new() { ["g"] = "h" } },
new() { ChoiceIndex = 0, Text = "world!", CreatedAt = new DateTimeOffset(2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, TimeSpan.Zero), AdditionalProperties = new() { ["c"] = "d" } },
new() { ChoiceIndex = 1, Text = "you!", Role = ChatRole.Tool, CreatedAt = new DateTimeOffset(3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, TimeSpan.Zero), AdditionalProperties = new() { ["e"] = "f", ["i"] = 42 } },
new() { ChoiceIndex = 0, Contents = new[] { new UsageContent(new() { InputTokenCount = 1, OutputTokenCount = 2 }) } },
new() { ChoiceIndex = 3, Contents = new[] { new UsageContent(new() { InputTokenCount = 4, OutputTokenCount = 5 }) } },
ChatResponse response = (coalesceContent is bool, useAsync) switch
(false, false) => updates.ToChatResponse(),
(false, true) => await YieldAsync(updates).ToChatResponseAsync(),
(true, false) => updates.ToChatResponse(coalesceContent.GetValueOrDefault()),
(true, true) => await YieldAsync(updates).ToChatResponseAsync(coalesceContent.GetValueOrDefault()),
Assert.Equal(5, response.Usage.InputTokenCount);
Assert.Equal(7, response.Usage.OutputTokenCount);
Assert.Equal("12345", response.ResponseId);
Assert.Equal(new DateTimeOffset(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, TimeSpan.Zero), response.CreatedAt);
Assert.Equal("model123", response.ModelId);
Assert.Equal("123", response.ChatThreadId);
Assert.Equal(3, response.Choices.Count);
ChatMessage message = response.Choices[0];
Assert.Equal(ChatRole.User, message.Role);
Assert.Equal("Someone", message.AuthorName);
Assert.Equal(2, message.AdditionalProperties.Count);
Assert.Equal("b", message.AdditionalProperties["a"]);
Assert.Equal("d", message.AdditionalProperties["c"]);
message = response.Choices[1];
Assert.Equal(ChatRole.System, message.Role);
Assert.Equal("Else", message.AuthorName);
Assert.Equal(3, message.AdditionalProperties.Count);
Assert.Equal("h", message.AdditionalProperties["g"]);
Assert.Equal("f", message.AdditionalProperties["e"]);
Assert.Equal(42, message.AdditionalProperties["i"]);
message = response.Choices[2];
Assert.Equal(ChatRole.Assistant, message.Role);
if (coalesceContent is null or true)
Assert.Equal("Hello, world!", response.Choices[0].Text);
Assert.Equal("Hey, you!", response.Choices[1].Text);
Assert.Equal("Hello", response.Choices[0].Contents[0].ToString());
Assert.Equal(", ", response.Choices[0].Contents[1].ToString());
Assert.Equal("world!", response.Choices[0].Contents[2].ToString());
Assert.Equal("Hey", response.Choices[1].Contents[0].ToString());
Assert.Equal(", ", response.Choices[1].Contents[1].ToString());
Assert.Equal("you!", response.Choices[1].Contents[2].ToString());
public static IEnumerable<object[]> ToChatResponse_Coalescing_VariousSequenceAndGapLengths_MemberData()
foreach (bool useAsync in new[] { false, true })
for (int numSequences = 1; numSequences <= 3; numSequences++)
for (int sequenceLength = 1; sequenceLength <= 3; sequenceLength++)
for (int gapLength = 1; gapLength <= 3; gapLength++)
foreach (bool gapBeginningEnd in new[] { false, true })
yield return new object[] { useAsync, numSequences, sequenceLength, gapLength, false };
public async Task ToChatResponse_Coalescing_VariousSequenceAndGapLengths(bool useAsync, int numSequences, int sequenceLength, int gapLength, bool gapBeginningEnd)
List<ChatResponseUpdate> updates = [];
List<string> expected = [];
if (gapBeginningEnd)
for (int sequenceNum = 0; sequenceNum < numSequences; sequenceNum++)
StringBuilder sb = new();
for (int i = 0; i < sequenceLength; i++)
string text = $"{(char)('A' + sequenceNum)}{i}";
updates.Add(new() { Text = text });
if (sequenceNum < numSequences - 1)
if (gapBeginningEnd)
void AddGap()
for (int i = 0; i < gapLength; i++)
updates.Add(new() { Contents = [new DataContent("https://uri", mediaType: "image/png")] });
ChatResponse response = useAsync ? await YieldAsync(updates).ToChatResponseAsync() : updates.ToChatResponse();
ChatMessage message = response.Message;
Assert.Equal(expected.Count + (gapLength * ((numSequences - 1) + (gapBeginningEnd ? 2 : 0))), message.Contents.Count);
TextContent[] contents = message.Contents.OfType<TextContent>().ToArray();
Assert.Equal(expected.Count, contents.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < expected.Count; i++)
Assert.Equal(expected[i], contents[i].Text);
public async Task ToChatResponse_UsageContentExtractedFromContents()
ChatResponseUpdate[] updates =
new() { Text = "Hello, " },
new() { Text = "world!" },
new() { Contents = [new UsageContent(new() { TotalTokenCount = 42 })] },
ChatResponse response = await YieldAsync(updates).ToChatResponseAsync();
Assert.Equal(42, response.Usage.TotalTokenCount);
Assert.Equal("Hello, world!", Assert.IsType<TextContent>(Assert.Single(response.Message.Contents)).Text);
private static async IAsyncEnumerable<ChatResponseUpdate> YieldAsync(IEnumerable<ChatResponseUpdate> updates)
foreach (ChatResponseUpdate update in updates)
await Task.Yield();
yield return update;