// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.AI;
public class AdditionalPropertiesDictionaryTests
public void Constructor_Roundtrips()
AdditionalPropertiesDictionary d = new();
d = new(new Dictionary<string, object?> { ["key1"] = "value1" });
d = new((IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object?>>)new Dictionary<string, object?> { ["key1"] = "value1", ["key2"] = "value2" });
Assert.Equal(2, d.Count);
public void Comparer_OrdinalIgnoreCase()
AdditionalPropertiesDictionary d = new()
["key1"] = "value1",
["KEY1"] = "value2",
["key2"] = "value3",
["key3"] = "value4",
["KeY3"] = "value5",
Assert.Equal(3, d.Count);
Assert.Equal("value2", d["key1"]);
Assert.Equal("value2", d["kEY1"]);
Assert.Equal("value3", d["key2"]);
Assert.Equal("value3", d["KEY2"]);
Assert.Equal("value5", d["Key3"]);
Assert.Equal("value5", d["KEy3"]);
public void TryGetValue_Typed_ExtractsExpectedValue()
AssertFound(42, 42L);
AssertFound(42, 42.0);
AssertFound(42, 42f);
AssertFound(42, true);
AssertFound(42, "42");
AssertFound(42, (object)42);
AssertFound(42.0, 42f);
AssertFound(42f, 42.0);
AssertFound(42m, 42.0f);
AssertFound(42L, 42);
AssertFound("42", "42");
AssertFound("42", 42);
AssertFound("42", 42L);
AssertFound("42", 42.0);
AssertFound("42", 42f);
AssertFound(true, 1);
AssertFound(false, 0);
AssertNotFound<int, DateTime>(42);
AssertNotFound<int, AdditionalPropertiesDictionaryTests>(42);
static void AssertFound<T1, T2>(T1 input, T2 expected)
AdditionalPropertiesDictionary d = [];
d["key"] = input;
Assert.True(d.TryGetValue("key", out T2? value));
Assert.Equal(expected, value);
Assert.False(d.TryGetValue("key2", out value));
Assert.Equal(default, value);
static void AssertNotFound<T1, T2>(T1 input)
AdditionalPropertiesDictionary d = [];
d["key"] = input;
Assert.False(d.TryGetValue("key", out T2? value));
Assert.Equal(default(T2), value);
public void TryAdd_AddsOnlyIfNonExistent()
AdditionalPropertiesDictionary d = [];
Assert.True(d.TryAdd("key", "value"));
Assert.Equal("value", d["key"]);
Assert.False(d.TryAdd("key", "value2"));
Assert.Equal("value", d["key"]);
public void Enumerator_EnumeratesAllItems()
AdditionalPropertiesDictionary d = [];
const int NumProperties = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < NumProperties; i++)
d.Add($"key{i}", $"value{i}");
Assert.Equal(NumProperties, d.Count);
// This depends on an implementation detail of the ordering in which the dictionary
// enumerates items. If that ever changes, this test will need to be updated.
int count = 0;
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object?> item in d)
Assert.Equal($"key{count}", item.Key);
Assert.Equal($"value{count}", item.Value);
Assert.Equal(NumProperties, count);