// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
namespace Xunit
public enum TestPlatforms
Windows = 1,
Linux = 2,
OSX = 4,
FreeBSD = 8,
NetBSD = 16,
illumos= 32,
Solaris = 64,
iOS = 128,
tvOS = 256,
Android = 512,
Browser = 1024,
MacCatalyst = 2048,
LinuxBionic = 4096,
Wasi = 8192,
Haiku = 16384,
AnyUnix = FreeBSD | Linux | NetBSD | OSX | illumos | Solaris | iOS | tvOS | MacCatalyst | Android | Browser | LinuxBionic | Wasi | Haiku,
Any = ~0