File: SpanAssertsTests.cs
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Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.XUnitAssert\tests\Microsoft.DotNet.XUnitAssert.Tests.csproj (Microsoft.DotNet.XUnitAssert.Tests)

using System;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Sdk;
public class SpanAssertsTests
	public class Contains
		public void CanSearchForReadOnlySpanSubstrings()
			Assert.Contains("wor".AsSpan(), "Hello, world!".AsSpan());
		public void CanSearchForSpanSubstrings()
			Assert.Contains("wor".Spanify(), "Hello, world!".Spanify());
		public void SubstringReadOnlyContainsIsCaseSensitiveByDefault()
			var ex = Record.Exception(() => Assert.Contains("WORLD".AsSpan(), "Hello, world!".AsSpan()));
				"Assert.Contains() Failure" + Environment.NewLine +
				"Not found: WORLD" + Environment.NewLine +
				"In value:  Hello, world!",
		public void SubstringSpanContainsIsCaseSensitiveByDefault()
			var ex = Record.Exception(() => Assert.Contains("WORLD".Spanify(), "Hello, world!".Spanify()));
				"Assert.Contains() Failure" + Environment.NewLine +
				"Not found: WORLD" + Environment.NewLine +
				"In value:  Hello, world!",
		public void SubstringReadOnlyNotFound()
			Assert.Throws<ContainsException>(() => Assert.Contains("hey".AsSpan(), "Hello, world!".AsSpan()));
		public void SubstringSpanNotFound()
			Assert.Throws<ContainsException>(() => Assert.Contains("hey".Spanify(), "Hello, world!".Spanify()));
		public void NullActualReadOnlyIntThrows()
			Assert.Throws<ContainsException>(() => Assert.Contains("foo".AsSpan(), ((string?)null).AsSpan()));
		public void SuccessWithIntReadOnly()
			Assert.Contains(new int[] { 3, 4, }.RoSpanify(), new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }.RoSpanify());
		public void SuccessWithStringReadOnly()
			Assert.Contains(new string[] { "test", "it", }.RoSpanify(), new string[] { "something", "interesting", "test", "it", "out", }.RoSpanify());
		public void SuccessWithIntSpan()
			Assert.Contains(new int[] { 3, 4, }.Spanify(), new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }.Spanify());
		public void NotFoundWithIntReadOnly()
			Assert.Throws<ContainsException>(() => Assert.Contains(new int[] { 13, 14, }.RoSpanify(), new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }.RoSpanify()));
		public void NotFoundWithNonStringSpan()
			Assert.Throws<ContainsException>(() => Assert.Contains(new int[] { 13, 14, }.Spanify(), new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }.Spanify()));
		public void FindingNonEmptySpanInsideEmptySpanFails()
			Assert.Throws<ContainsException>(() => Assert.Contains(new int[] { 3, 4, }.Spanify(), Span<int>.Empty));
		public void FindingEmptySpanInsideAnySpanSucceeds()
			Assert.Contains(Span<int>.Empty, new int[] { 3, 4, }.Spanify());
			Assert.Contains(Span<int>.Empty, Span<int>.Empty);
	public class Contains_WithComparisonType
		public void CanSearchForReadOnlySubstringsCaseInsensitive()
			Assert.Contains("WORLD".AsSpan(), "Hello, world!".AsSpan(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
		public void CanSearchForSpanSubstringsCaseInsensitive()
			Assert.Contains("WORLD".Spanify(), "Hello, world!".Spanify(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
	public class DoesNotContain
		public void CanSearchForReadOnlySubstrings()
			Assert.DoesNotContain("hey".AsSpan(), "Hello, world!".AsSpan());
		public void CanSearchForSpanSubstrings()
			Assert.DoesNotContain("hey".Spanify(), "Hello, world!".Spanify());
		public void SubstringReadOnlyDoesNotContainIsCaseSensitiveByDefault()
			Assert.DoesNotContain("WORLD".AsSpan(), "Hello, world!".AsSpan());
		public void SubstringSpanDoesNotContainIsCaseSensitiveByDefault()
			Assert.DoesNotContain("WORLD".Spanify(), "Hello, world!".Spanify());
		public void SubstringReadOnlyFound()
			Assert.Throws<DoesNotContainException>(() => Assert.DoesNotContain("world".AsSpan(), "Hello, world!".AsSpan()));
		public void SubstringSpanFound()
			var ex = Record.Exception(() => Assert.DoesNotContain("world".Spanify(), "Hello, world!".Spanify()));
				"Assert.DoesNotContain() Failure" + Environment.NewLine +
				"Found:    world" + Environment.NewLine +
				"In value: Hello, world!",
		public void NullActualStringReadOnlyDoesNotThrow()
			Assert.DoesNotContain("foo".AsSpan(), ((string?)null).AsSpan());
		public void SuccessWithNonStringReadOnly()
			Assert.DoesNotContain(new int[] { 13, 14, }.RoSpanify(), new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }.RoSpanify());
		public void SuccessWithNonStringSpan()
			Assert.DoesNotContain(new int[] { 13, 14, }.Spanify(), new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }.Spanify());
		public void NotFoundWithNonStringReadOnly()
			Assert.Throws<DoesNotContainException>(() => Assert.DoesNotContain(new int[] { 3, 4, }.RoSpanify(), new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }.RoSpanify()));
		public void NotFoundWithNonStringSpan()
			Assert.Throws<DoesNotContainException>(() => Assert.DoesNotContain(new int[] { 3, 4, }.Spanify(), new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }.Spanify()));
		public void FindingNonEmptySpanInsideEmptySpanSucceeds()
			Assert.DoesNotContain(new int[] { 3, 4, }.Spanify(), Span<int>.Empty);
		public void FindingEmptySpanInsideAnySpanFails()
			Assert.Throws<DoesNotContainException>(() => Assert.DoesNotContain(Span<int>.Empty, new int[] { 3, 4, }.Spanify()));
			Assert.Throws<DoesNotContainException>(() => Assert.DoesNotContain(Span<int>.Empty, Span<int>.Empty));
	public class DoesNotContain_WithComparisonType
		public void CanSearchForSubstringsReadOnlyCaseInsensitive()
			Assert.Throws<DoesNotContainException>(() => Assert.DoesNotContain("WORLD".AsSpan(), "Hello, world!".AsSpan(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
		public void CanSearchForSubstringsSpanCaseInsensitive()
			Assert.Throws<DoesNotContainException>(() => Assert.DoesNotContain("WORLD".Spanify(), "Hello, world!".Spanify(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
	public class Equal
		// Null values
		[InlineData(null, null, false, false, false)]
		// Null ReadOnlySpan<char> acts like an empty string
		[InlineData(null, "", false, false, false)]
		[InlineData("", null, false, false, false)]
		// Empty values
		[InlineData("", "", false, false, false)]
		// Identical values
		[InlineData("foo", "foo", false, false, false)]
		// Case differences
		[InlineData("foo", "FoO", true, false, false)]
		// Line ending differences
		[InlineData("foo \r\n bar", "foo \r bar", false, true, false)]
		[InlineData("foo \r\n bar", "foo \n bar", false, true, false)]
		[InlineData("foo \n bar", "foo \r bar", false, true, false)]
		// Whitespace differences
		[InlineData(" ", "\t", false, false, true)]
		[InlineData(" \t", "\t ", false, false, true)]
		[InlineData("    ", "\t", false, false, true)]
		public void SuccessReadOnlyCases(string? value1, string? value2, bool ignoreCase, bool ignoreLineEndingDifferences, bool ignoreWhiteSpaceDifferences)
			// Run them in both directions, as the values should be interchangeable when they're equal
			Assert.Equal(value1.AsSpan(), value2.AsSpan(), ignoreCase, ignoreLineEndingDifferences, ignoreWhiteSpaceDifferences);
			Assert.Equal(value2.AsSpan(), value1.AsSpan(), ignoreCase, ignoreLineEndingDifferences, ignoreWhiteSpaceDifferences);
		// Identical values
		[InlineData("foo", "foo", false, false, false)]
		// Case differences
		[InlineData("foo", "FoO", true, false, false)]
		// Line ending differences
		[InlineData("foo \r\n bar", "foo \r bar", false, true, false)]
		[InlineData("foo \r\n bar", "foo \n bar", false, true, false)]
		[InlineData("foo \n bar", "foo \r bar", false, true, false)]
		// Whitespace differences
		[InlineData(" ", "\t", false, false, true)]
		[InlineData(" \t", "\t ", false, false, true)]
		[InlineData("    ", "\t", false, false, true)]
		public void SuccessSpanCases(string value1, string value2, bool ignoreCase, bool ignoreLineEndingDifferences, bool ignoreWhiteSpaceDifferences)
			// Run them in both directions, as the values should be interchangeable when they're equal
			Assert.Equal(value1.Spanify(), value2.Spanify(), ignoreCase, ignoreLineEndingDifferences, ignoreWhiteSpaceDifferences);
			Assert.Equal(value2.Spanify(), value1.Spanify(), ignoreCase, ignoreLineEndingDifferences, ignoreWhiteSpaceDifferences);
		// Non-identical values
		[InlineData("foo", "foo!", false, false, false, 3, 3)]
		[InlineData("foo", "foo\0", false, false, false, 3, 3)]
		// Case differences
		[InlineData("foo bar", "foo   Bar", false, true, true, 4, 6)]
		// Line ending differences
		[InlineData("foo \nbar", "FoO  \rbar", true, false, true, 4, 5)]
		// Whitespace differences
		[InlineData("foo\n bar", "FoO\r\n  bar", true, true, false, 5, 6)]
		public void FailureReadOnlyCases(string? expected, string? actual, bool ignoreCase, bool ignoreLineEndingDifferences, bool ignoreWhiteSpaceDifferences, int expectedIndex, int actualIndex)
			var ex = Record.Exception(
				() => Assert.Equal(expected.AsSpan(), actual.AsSpan(), ignoreCase, ignoreLineEndingDifferences, ignoreWhiteSpaceDifferences)
			var eqEx = Assert.IsType<EqualException>(ex);
			Assert.Equal(expectedIndex, eqEx.ExpectedIndex);
			Assert.Equal(actualIndex, eqEx.ActualIndex);
		// Non-identical values
		[InlineData("foo", "foo!", false, false, false, 3, 3)]
		[InlineData("foo", "foo\0", false, false, false, 3, 3)]
		// Case differences
		[InlineData("foo bar", "foo   Bar", false, true, true, 4, 6)]
		// Line ending differences
		[InlineData("foo \nbar", "FoO  \rbar", true, false, true, 4, 5)]
		// Whitespace differences
		[InlineData("foo\n bar", "FoO\r\n  bar", true, true, false, 5, 6)]
		public void FailureSpanCases(string expected, string actual, bool ignoreCase, bool ignoreLineEndingDifferences, bool ignoreWhiteSpaceDifferences, int expectedIndex, int actualIndex)
			var ex = Record.Exception(
				() => Assert.Equal(expected.Spanify(), actual.Spanify(), ignoreCase, ignoreLineEndingDifferences, ignoreWhiteSpaceDifferences)
			var eqEx = Assert.IsType<EqualException>(ex);
			Assert.Equal(expectedIndex, eqEx.ExpectedIndex);
			Assert.Equal(actualIndex, eqEx.ActualIndex);
		public void StringMessageFormatting()
			var ex = Record.Exception(() =>
					"Why hello there world, you're a long string with some truncation!".Spanify(),
					"Why hello there world! You're a long string!".Spanify()
				"Assert.Equal() Failure" + Environment.NewLine +
				"                                 ↓ (pos 21)" + Environment.NewLine +
				"Expected: ···hy hello there world, you're a long string with some truncati···" + Environment.NewLine +
				"Actual:   ···hy hello there world! You're a long string!" + Environment.NewLine +
				"                                 ↑ (pos 21)",
		// Null values
		[InlineData(null, null)]
		[InlineData(null, new int[] { })] // Null ReadOnlySpan<int> acts like an empty array
		[InlineData(new int[] { }, null)]
		// Identical values
		[InlineData(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, new int[] { 1, 2, 3 })]
		public void SuccessReadOnlyCasesInt(int[]? value1, int[]? value2)
			// Run them in both directions, as the values should be interchangeable when they're equal
			Assert.Equal(value1.RoSpanify(), value2.RoSpanify());
			Assert.Equal(value2.RoSpanify(), value1.RoSpanify());
		// Null values
		[InlineData(null, null)]
		[InlineData(null, new int[] { })] // Null Span<int> acts like an empty array
		[InlineData(new int[] { }, null)]
		// Identical values
		[InlineData(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, new int[] { 1, 2, 3 })]
		public void SuccessSpanCasesInt(int[]? value1, int[]? value2)
			// Run them in both directions, as the values should be interchangeable when they're equal
			Assert.Equal(value1.Spanify(), value2.Spanify());
			Assert.Equal(value2.Spanify(), value1.Spanify());
		// Non-identical values
		[InlineData(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, 3, 3)]
		[InlineData(new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, 0, 0)]
		public void FailureReadOnlyCasesInt(int[]? expected, int[]? actual, int expectedIndex, int actualIndex)
			var ex = Record.Exception(
				() => Assert.Equal(expected.RoSpanify(), actual.RoSpanify())
			var eqEx = Assert.IsType<EqualException>(ex);
			Assert.Equal(expectedIndex, eqEx.ExpectedIndex);
			Assert.Equal(actualIndex, eqEx.ActualIndex);
		// Non-identical values
		[InlineData(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, 3, 3)]
		[InlineData(new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, 0, 0)]
		public void FailureSpanCasesInt(int[]? expected, int[]? actual, int expectedIndex, int actualIndex)
			var ex = Record.Exception(
				() => Assert.Equal(expected.Spanify(), actual.Spanify())
			var eqEx = Assert.IsType<EqualException>(ex);
			Assert.Equal(expectedIndex, eqEx.ExpectedIndex);
			Assert.Equal(actualIndex, eqEx.ActualIndex);
		// Null values
		[InlineData(null, null)]
		[InlineData(null, new string[] { })] // Null ReadOnlySpan<string> acts like an empty array
		[InlineData(new string[] { }, null)]
		// Identical values
		[InlineData(new string[] { "yes", "no", "maybe" }, new string[] { "yes", "no", "maybe" })]
		public void SuccessReadOnlyCasesString(string[]? value1, string[]? value2)
			// Run them in both directions, as the values should be interchangeable when they're equal
			Assert.Equal(value1.RoSpanify(), value2.RoSpanify());
			Assert.Equal(value2.RoSpanify(), value1.RoSpanify());
		// Null values
		[InlineData(null, null)]
		[InlineData(null, new string[] { })] // Null Span<string> acts like an empty array
		[InlineData(new string[] { }, null)]
		// Identical values
		[InlineData(new string[] { "yes", "no", "maybe" }, new string[] { "yes", "no", "maybe" })]
		public void SuccessSpanCasesString(string[]? value1, string[]? value2)
			// Run them in both directions, as the values should be interchangeable when they're equal
			Assert.Equal(value1.Spanify(), value2.Spanify());
			Assert.Equal(value2.Spanify(), value1.Spanify());
		// Non-identical values
		[InlineData(new string[] { "yes", "no", "maybe" }, new string[] { "yes", "no", "maybe", "so" }, 3, 3)]
		[InlineData(new string[] { "so", "yes", "no", "maybe" }, new string[] { "yes", "no", "maybe", "so" }, 0, 0)]
		public void FailureReadOnlyCasesString(string[]? expected, string[]? actual, int expectedIndex, int actualIndex)
			var ex = Record.Exception(
				() => Assert.Equal(expected.RoSpanify(), actual.RoSpanify())
			var eqEx = Assert.IsType<EqualException>(ex);
			Assert.Equal(expectedIndex, eqEx.ExpectedIndex);
			Assert.Equal(actualIndex, eqEx.ActualIndex);
		// Non-identical values
		[InlineData(new string[] { "yes", "no", "maybe" }, new string[] { "yes", "no", "maybe", "so" }, 3, 3)]
		[InlineData(new string[] { "so", "yes", "no", "maybe" }, new string[] { "yes", "no", "maybe", "so" }, 0, 0)]
		public void FailureSpanCasesString(string[]? expected, string[]? actual, int expectedIndex, int actualIndex)
			var ex = Record.Exception(
				() => Assert.Equal(expected.Spanify(), actual.Spanify())
			var eqEx = Assert.IsType<EqualException>(ex);
			Assert.Equal(expectedIndex, eqEx.ExpectedIndex);
			Assert.Equal(actualIndex, eqEx.ActualIndex);
	public class StartsWith
		public void SuccessReadOnly()
			Assert.StartsWith("Hello".AsSpan(), "Hello, world!".AsSpan());
		public void SuccessSpan()
			Assert.StartsWith("Hello".Spanify(), "Hello, world!".Spanify());
		public void IsCaseSensitiveByDefaultReadOnly()
			var ex = Record.Exception(() => Assert.StartsWith("HELLO".AsSpan(), "Hello".AsSpan()));
				"Assert.StartsWith() Failure:" + Environment.NewLine +
				"Expected: HELLO" + Environment.NewLine +
				"Actual:   Hello",
		public void IsCaseSensitiveByDefaultSpan()
			var ex = Record.Exception(() => Assert.StartsWith("HELLO".Spanify(), "Hello".Spanify()));
				"Assert.StartsWith() Failure:" + Environment.NewLine +
				"Expected: HELLO" + Environment.NewLine +
				"Actual:   Hello",
		public void NotFoundReadOnly()
			Assert.Throws<StartsWithException>(() => Assert.StartsWith("hey".AsSpan(), "Hello, world!".AsSpan()));
		public void NotFoundSpan()
			Assert.Throws<StartsWithException>(() => Assert.StartsWith("hey".Spanify(), "Hello, world!".Spanify()));
		public void NullActualStringThrowsReadOnly()
			Assert.Throws<StartsWithException>(() => Assert.StartsWith("foo".AsSpan(), null));
		public void NullActualStringThrowsSpan()
			Assert.Throws<StartsWithException>(() => Assert.StartsWith("foo".Spanify(), null));
	public class StartsWith_WithComparisonType
		public void CanSearchForSubstringsCaseInsensitiveReadOnly()
			Assert.StartsWith("HELLO".AsSpan(), "Hello, world!".AsSpan(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
		public void CanSearchForSubstringsCaseInsensitiveSpan()
			Assert.StartsWith("HELLO".Spanify(), "Hello, world!".Spanify(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
	public class EndsWith
		public void SuccessReadOnly()
			Assert.EndsWith("world!".AsSpan(), "Hello, world!".AsSpan());
		public void SuccessSpan()
			Assert.EndsWith("world!".Spanify(), "Hello, world!".Spanify());
		public void IsCaseSensitiveByDefaultReadOnly()
			var ex = Record.Exception(() => Assert.EndsWith("WORLD!".AsSpan(), "world!".AsSpan()));
				"Assert.EndsWith() Failure:" + Environment.NewLine +
				"Expected: WORLD!" + Environment.NewLine +
				"Actual:   world!",
		public void IsCaseSensitiveByDefaultSpan()
			var ex = Record.Exception(() => Assert.EndsWith("WORLD!".Spanify(), "world!".Spanify()));
				"Assert.EndsWith() Failure:" + Environment.NewLine +
				"Expected: WORLD!" + Environment.NewLine +
				"Actual:   world!",
		public void NotFoundReadOnly()
			Assert.Throws<EndsWithException>(() => Assert.EndsWith("hey".AsSpan(), "Hello, world!".AsSpan()));
		public void NotFoundSpan()
			Assert.Throws<EndsWithException>(() => Assert.EndsWith("hey".Spanify(), "Hello, world!".Spanify()));
		public void NullActualStringThrowsReadOnly()
			Assert.Throws<EndsWithException>(() => Assert.EndsWith("foo".AsSpan(), null));
		public void NullActualStringThrowsSpan()
			Assert.Throws<EndsWithException>(() => Assert.EndsWith("foo".Spanify(), null));
	public class EndsWith_WithComparisonType
		public void CanSearchForSubstringsCaseInsensitiveReadOnly()
			Assert.EndsWith("WORLD!".AsSpan(), "Hello, world!".AsSpan(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
		public void CanSearchForSubstringsCaseInsensitiveSpan()
			Assert.EndsWith("WORLD!".Spanify(), "Hello, world!".Spanify(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
public static class SpanTestHelpers
	public static Span<T> Spanify<T>(this T[]? values)
		return new Span<T>(values);
	public static ReadOnlySpan<T> RoSpanify<T>(this T[]? values)
		return new ReadOnlySpan<T>(values);
	public static Span<char> Spanify(this string? value)
		return new Span<char>((value ?? string.Empty).ToCharArray());