File: Sdk\ArgumentFormatterTests.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.XUnitAssert\tests\Microsoft.DotNet.XUnitAssert.Tests.csproj (Microsoft.DotNet.XUnitAssert.Tests)
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Sdk;
public class ArgumentFormatterTests
	public class SimpleValues
		public static void NullValue()
			Assert.Equal("null", ArgumentFormatter.Format(null));
		// NOTE: It's important that this stays as MemberData
		// instead of InlineData. String constants in attributes
		// are stored as UTF-8 as IL, so since "\uD800" cannot
		// be converted to valid UTF-8, it ends up getting corrupted
		// and being stored as two characters instead. Thus, this test
		// will fail:
		// [Theory]
		// [InlineData("\uD800", 1)]
		// public void HasLength(string s, int length)
		// {
		//     Assert.Equal(length, s.Length);
		// }
		// While this one will pass:
		// public static IEnumerable<object[]> HasLength_TestData()
		// {
		//     yield return new object[] { "\uD800", 1 };
		// }
		// [Theory]
		// [MemberData(nameof(HasLength_TestData))]
		// public void HasLength(string s, int length)
		// {
		//     Assert.Equal(length, s.Length);
		// }
		// For more information, see the following links:
		// -
		// -
		public static IEnumerable<object[]> StringValue_TestData()
			yield return new object[] { "\uD800", @"""\xd800""" };
			yield return new object[] { "\uDC00", @"""\xdc00""" };
			yield return new object[] { "\uDC00\uD800", @"""\xdc00\xd800""" };
			yield return new object[] { "\uFFFD", "\"\uFFFD\"" };
		[InlineData("Hello, world!", "\"Hello, world!\"")]
		[InlineData(@"""", @"""\""""")] // quotes should be escaped
		[InlineData("\uD800\uDFFF", "\"\uD800\uDFFF\"")] // valid surrogates should print normally
		[InlineData("\uFFFE", @"""\xfffe""")] // same for U+FFFE
		[InlineData("\uFFFF", @"""\xffff""")] // and U+FFFF, which are non-characters
		[InlineData("\u001F", @"""\x1f""")] // non-escaped C0 controls should be 2 digits
											// Other escape sequences
		[InlineData("\0", @"""\0""")] // null
		[InlineData("\r", @"""\r""")] // carriage return
		[InlineData("\n", @"""\n""")] // line feed
		[InlineData("\a", @"""\a""")] // alert
		[InlineData("\b", @"""\b""")] // backspace
		[InlineData("\\", @"""\\""")] // backslash
		[InlineData("\v", @"""\v""")] // vertical tab
		[InlineData("\t", @"""\t""")] // tab
		[InlineData("\f", @"""\f""")] // formfeed
		[InlineData("----|----1----|----2----|----3----|----4----|----5-", "\"----|----1----|----2----|----3----|----4----|----5\"$$ELLIPSIS$$")] // truncation
		[MemberData(nameof(StringValue_TestData), DisableDiscoveryEnumeration = true)]
		public static void StringValue(string value, string expected)
			Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("$$ELLIPSIS$$", ArgumentFormatter.Ellipsis), ArgumentFormatter.Format(value));
		public static IEnumerable<object[]> CharValue_TestData()
			yield return new object[] { '\uD800', "0xd800" };
			yield return new object[] { '\uDC00', "0xdc00" };
			yield return new object[] { '\uFFFD', "'\uFFFD'" };
			yield return new object[] { '\uFFFE', "0xfffe" };
		// Printable
		[InlineData(' ', "' '")]
		[InlineData('a', "'a'")]
		[InlineData('1', "'1'")]
		[InlineData('!', "'!'")]
		// Escape sequences
		[InlineData('\t', @"'\t'")] // tab
		[InlineData('\n', @"'\n'")] // newline
		[InlineData('\'', @"'\''")] // single quote
		[InlineData('\v', @"'\v'")] // vertical tab
		[InlineData('\a', @"'\a'")] // alert
		[InlineData('\\', @"'\\'")] // backslash
		[InlineData('\b', @"'\b'")] // backspace
		[InlineData('\r', @"'\r'")] // carriage return
		[InlineData('\f', @"'\f'")] // formfeed
		// Non-ASCII
		[InlineData('©', "'©'")]
		[InlineData('╬', "'╬'")]
		[InlineData('ئ', "'ئ'")]
		// Unprintable
		[InlineData(char.MinValue, @"'\0'")]
		[InlineData(char.MaxValue, "0xffff")]
		[MemberData(nameof(CharValue_TestData), DisableDiscoveryEnumeration = true)]
		public static void CharacterValue(char value, string expected)
			Assert.Equal(expected, ArgumentFormatter.Format(value));
		public static void FloatValue()
			var floatPI = (float)Math.PI;
			Assert.Equal(floatPI.ToString("G9"), ArgumentFormatter.Format(floatPI));
		public static void DoubleValue()
			Assert.Equal(Math.PI.ToString("G17"), ArgumentFormatter.Format(Math.PI));
		public static void DecimalValue()
			Assert.Equal(123.45M.ToString(), ArgumentFormatter.Format(123.45M));
		public static void DateTimeValue()
			var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
			Assert.Equal(now.ToString("o"), ArgumentFormatter.Format(now));
		public static void DateTimeOffsetValue()
			var now = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
			Assert.Equal(now.ToString("o"), ArgumentFormatter.Format(now));
		public static async Task TaskValue()
			var task = Task.Run(() => { });
			await task;
			Assert.Equal("Task { Status = RanToCompletion }", ArgumentFormatter.Format(task));
		public static void TaskGenericValue()
			var taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<int>();
			taskCompletionSource.SetException(new DivideByZeroException());
			Assert.Equal("Task<int> { Status = Faulted }", ArgumentFormatter.Format(taskCompletionSource.Task));
		public static TheoryData<Type, string> TypeValueData = new()
			{ typeof(string), "typeof(string)" },
			{ typeof(int[]), "typeof(int[])" },
			{ typeof(int).MakeArrayType(1), "typeof(int[*])" },
			{ typeof(int).MakeArrayType(2), "typeof(int[,])" },
			{ typeof(int).MakeArrayType(3), "typeof(int[,,])" },
			{ typeof(DateTime[,]), "typeof(System.DateTime[,])" },
			{ typeof(decimal[][,]), "typeof(decimal[][,])" },
			{ typeof(IEnumerable<>), "typeof(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<>)" },
			{ typeof(IEnumerable<int>), "typeof(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int>)" },
			{ typeof(IDictionary<,>), "typeof(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<,>)" },
			{ typeof(IDictionary<string, DateTime>), "typeof(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, DateTime>)" },
			{ typeof(IDictionary<string[,], DateTime[,][]>), "typeof(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string[,], DateTime[,][]>)" },
			{ typeof(bool?), "typeof(bool?)" },
			{ typeof(bool?[]), "typeof(bool?[])" },
			{ typeof(nint), "typeof(nint)" },
			{ typeof(IntPtr), "typeof(nint)" },
			{ typeof(nuint), "typeof(nuint)" },
			{ typeof(UIntPtr), "typeof(nuint)" },
		[MemberData(nameof(TypeValueData), DisableDiscoveryEnumeration = true)]
		public static void TypeValue(Type type, string expected)
			Assert.Equal(expected, ArgumentFormatter.Format(type));
	public class Enums
		public enum NonFlagsEnum
			Value0 = 0,
			Value1 = 1
#pragma warning disable xUnit1010 // The value is not convertible to the method parameter type
		[InlineData(0, "Value0")]
		[InlineData(1, "Value1")]
		[InlineData(42, "42")]
#pragma warning restore xUnit1010 // The value is not convertible to the method parameter type
		public static void NonFlags(NonFlagsEnum enumValue, string expected)
			var actual = ArgumentFormatter.Format(enumValue);
			Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
		public enum FlagsEnum
			Nothing = 0,
			Value1 = 1,
			Value2 = 2,
#pragma warning disable xUnit1010 // The value is not convertible to the method parameter type
		[InlineData(0, "Nothing")]
		[InlineData(1, "Value1")]
		[InlineData(3, "Value1 | Value2")]
		// This is expected, not "Value1 | Value2 | 4"
		[InlineData(7, "7")]
#pragma warning restore xUnit1010 // The value is not convertible to the method parameter type
		public static void Flags(FlagsEnum enumValue, string expected)
			var actual = ArgumentFormatter.Format(enumValue);
			Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
	public class KeyValuePair
		public static void KeyValuePairValue()
			var kvp = new KeyValuePair<object, List<object>>(42, new() { 21.12M, "2600" });
			var expected = $"[42] = [{21.12M}, \"2600\"]";
			Assert.Equal(expected, ArgumentFormatter.Format(kvp));
	public class Enumerables
		// Both tracked and untracked should be the same
		public static TheoryData<IEnumerable> Collections = new()
			new object[] { 1, 2.3M, "Hello, world!" },
			new object[] { 1, 2.3M, "Hello, world!" }.AsTracker(),
		[MemberData(nameof(Collections), DisableDiscoveryEnumeration = true)]
		public static void EnumerableValue(IEnumerable collection)
			var expected = $"[1, {2.3M}, \"Hello, world!\"]";
			Assert.Equal(expected, ArgumentFormatter.Format(collection));
		public static void DictionaryValue()
			var value = new Dictionary<object, List<object>>
				{ 42, new() { 21.12M, "2600" } },
				{ "123", new() { } },
			var expected = $"[[42] = [{21.12M}, \"2600\"], [\"123\"] = []]";
			Assert.Equal(expected, ArgumentFormatter.Format(value));
		public static TheoryData<IEnumerable> LongCollections = new()
			new[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 },
			new[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }.AsTracker(),
		[MemberData(nameof(LongCollections), DisableDiscoveryEnumeration = true)]
		public static void OnlyFirstFewValuesOfEnumerableAreRendered(IEnumerable collection)
			Assert.Equal($"[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, {ArgumentFormatter.Ellipsis}]", ArgumentFormatter.Format(collection));
		public static void EnumerablesAreRenderedWithMaximumDepthToPreventInfiniteRecursion()
			var looping = new object[2];
			looping[0] = 42;
			looping[1] = looping;
			Assert.Equal($"[42, [42, [{ArgumentFormatter.Ellipsis}]]]", ArgumentFormatter.Format(looping));
	public class ComplexTypes
		public static void ReturnsValuesInAlphabeticalOrder()
			var expected = $"MyComplexType {{ MyPublicField = 42, MyPublicProperty = {21.12M} }}";
			Assert.Equal(expected, ArgumentFormatter.Format(new MyComplexType()));
		public class MyComplexType
#pragma warning disable 414
			private string MyPrivateField = "Hello, world";
#pragma warning restore 414
			public static int MyPublicStaticField = 2112;
			public decimal MyPublicProperty { get; private set; }
			public int MyPublicField = 42;
			public MyComplexType()
				MyPublicProperty = 21.12M;
		public static void ComplexTypeInsideComplexType()
			var expected = $"MyComplexTypeWrapper {{ c = 'A', s = \"Hello, world!\", t = MyComplexType {{ MyPublicField = 42, MyPublicProperty = {21.12M} }} }}";
			Assert.Equal(expected, ArgumentFormatter.Format(new MyComplexTypeWrapper()));
		public class MyComplexTypeWrapper
			public MyComplexType t = new();
			public char c = 'A';
			public string s = "Hello, world!";
		public static void Empty()
			Assert.Equal("Object { }", ArgumentFormatter.Format(new object()));
		public static void WithThrowingPropertyGetter()
			Assert.Equal("ThrowingGetter { MyThrowingProperty = (throws NotImplementedException) }", ArgumentFormatter.Format(new ThrowingGetter()));
		public class ThrowingGetter
			public string MyThrowingProperty { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
		public static void LimitsOutputToFirstFewValues()
			var expected = $@"Big {{ MyField1 = 42, MyField2 = ""Hello, world!"", MyProp1 = {21.12}, MyProp2 = typeof(ArgumentFormatterTests+ComplexTypes+Big), MyProp3 = 2014-04-17T07:45:23.0000000+00:00, {ArgumentFormatter.Ellipsis} }}";
			Assert.Equal(expected, ArgumentFormatter.Format(new Big()));
		public class Big
			public string MyField2 = "Hello, world!";
			public decimal MyProp1 { get; set; }
			public object MyProp4 { get; set; }
			public object MyProp3 { get; set; }
			public int MyField1 = 42;
			public Type MyProp2 { get; set; }
			public Big()
				MyProp1 = 21.12M;
				MyProp2 = typeof(Big);
				MyProp3 = new DateTimeOffset(2014, 04, 17, 07, 45, 23, TimeSpan.Zero);
				MyProp4 = "Should not be shown";
		public static void TypesAreRenderedWithMaximumDepthToPreventInfiniteRecursion()
			Assert.Equal($"Looping {{ Me = Looping {{ Me = Looping {{ {ArgumentFormatter.Ellipsis} }} }} }}", ArgumentFormatter.Format(new Looping()));
		public class Looping
			public Looping Me;
			public Looping() => Me = this;
		public static void WhenCustomTypeImplementsToString_UsesToString()
			Assert.Equal("This is what you should show", ArgumentFormatter.Format(new TypeWithToString()));
		public class TypeWithToString
			public override string ToString() => "This is what you should show";
	public class TypeNames
		public static TheoryData<Type, string> ArgumentFormatterFormatTypeNamesData = new()
			{ typeof(int), "typeof(int)" },
			{ typeof(long), "typeof(long)" },
			{ typeof(string), "typeof(string)" },
			{ typeof(List<int>), "typeof(System.Collections.Generic.List<int>)" },
			{ typeof(Dictionary<int, string>), "typeof(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<int, string>)" },
			{ typeof(List<>), "typeof(System.Collections.Generic.List<>)" },
			{ typeof(Dictionary<,>), "typeof(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<,>)" }
		[MemberData(nameof(ArgumentFormatterFormatTypeNamesData), DisableDiscoveryEnumeration = true)]
		public void ArgumentFormatterFormatTypeNames(Type type, string expectedResult)
			Assert.Equal(expectedResult, ArgumentFormatter.Format(type));
		public void ArgumentFormatterFormatTypeNameGenericTypeParameter()
			var genericTypeParameters = typeof(List<>).GetGenericArguments();
			var parameterType = genericTypeParameters.First();
			Assert.Equal("typeof(T)", ArgumentFormatter.Format(parameterType));
		public void ArgumentFormatterFormatTypeNameGenericTypeParameters()
			var genericTypeParameters = typeof(Dictionary<,>).GetGenericArguments();
			var parameterTKey = genericTypeParameters.First();
			Assert.Equal("typeof(TKey)", ArgumentFormatter.Format(parameterTKey));
			var parameterTValue = genericTypeParameters.Last();
			Assert.Equal("typeof(TValue)", ArgumentFormatter.Format(parameterTValue));