// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Arcade.Common;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.VersionTools.Util
internal static class GitCommand
private static readonly ICommandFactory s_commandFactory = new CommandFactory();
internal static ICommand Create(params string[] args) => s_commandFactory.Create("git", args);
internal static string PorcelainStatus()
CommandResult result = Create("status", "--porcelain")
return result.StdOut;
internal static void Commit(string message, string authorName, string authorEmail, bool all)
string allFlag = all ? "--all" : "";
Create("commit", allFlag, "-m", message, "--author", $"{authorName} <{authorEmail}>")
.EnvironmentVariable("GIT_COMMITTER_NAME", authorName)
.EnvironmentVariable("GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL", authorEmail)
internal static void Push(string repository, string redactedRepository, string refSpec, bool force)
string forceFlag = force ? "--force" : "";
string[] args =
"push", forceFlag, repository, refSpec
var logArgs = args.Select(arg => arg == repository ? redactedRepository : arg);
string logMessage = ArgumentEscaper.EscapeAndConcatenateArgArrayForProcessStart(logArgs);
Trace.TraceInformation($"EXEC {logMessage}");
CommandResult pushResult =
.QuietBuildReporter() // we don't want secrets showing up in our logs
.CaptureStdErr() // git push will write to StdErr upon success, disable that
var message = $"{logMessage} exited with exit code {pushResult.ExitCode}";
if (pushResult.ExitCode == 0)
Trace.TraceInformation($"EXEC success: {message}");
Trace.TraceError($"EXEC failure: {message}");
pushResult.EnsureSuccessful(suppressOutput: true);
internal static void Checkout(string path, string hash)
Trace.TraceInformation($"In '{path}', checking out '{hash}'.");
Create("-C", path, "checkout", hash)
internal static void Fetch(
string path,
string repository,
string refspec)
Create("-C", path, "fetch", repository, refspec)
internal static void FetchAll(string path)
Create("-C", path, "fetch", "--all")
internal static string LsRemoteHeads(string path, string repository, string @ref)
CommandResult result = Create("-C", path, "ls-remote", "--heads", repository, @ref)
return result.StdOut;
internal static string RevParse(string path, params string[] args)
CommandResult result = Create(new[] { "-C", path, "rev-parse" }.Concat(args).ToArray())
return result.StdOut;
internal static string SubmoduleStatusCached(string submodulePath)
CommandResult result = Create("submodule", "status", "--cached", submodulePath)
return result.StdOut;