File: BuildManifest\VersionIdentifier.cs
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Project: src\src\VersionTools\Microsoft.DotNet.VersionTools\Microsoft.DotNet.VersionTools.csproj (Microsoft.DotNet.VersionTools)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.VersionTools.BuildManifest
    public static class VersionIdentifier
        private static readonly HashSet<string> _knownTags = new HashSet<string>
        private static readonly SortedDictionary<string, string> _sequencesToReplace =
            new SortedDictionary<string, string>
                { "-.", "." },
                { "..", "." },
                { "--", "-" },
                { "//", "/" },
                { "_.", "." }
        private const string _finalSuffix = "final";
        private static readonly char[] _delimiters = new char[] { '.', '-', '_' };
        /// <summary>
        /// Identify the version of an asset.
        /// Asset names can come in two forms:
        /// - Blobs that include the full path
        /// - Packages that do not include any path elements.
        /// There may be multiple different version numbers in a blob path.
        /// This method starts at the last segment of the path and works backward to find a version number.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assetName">Asset name</param>
        /// <returns>Version, or null if none is found.</returns>
        public static string GetVersion(string assetName)
            string[] pathSegments = assetName.Split(new char[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            string potentialVersion = null;
            for (int i = pathSegments.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                potentialVersion = GetVersionForSingleSegment(pathSegments[i]);
                if (potentialVersion != null)
                    return potentialVersion;
            return potentialVersion;
        /// <summary>
        /// Identify the version number of an asset segment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assetPathSegment">Asset segment</param>
        /// <returns>Version number, or null if none was found</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Identifying versions is not particularly easy. To constrain the problem,
        /// we apply the following assumptions which are generally valid for .NET Core.
        /// - We always have major.minor.patch, and it always begins the version string.
        /// - The only pre-release or build metadata labels we use begin with the _knownTags shown above.
        /// - We use additional numbers in our version numbers after the initial
        ///   major.minor.patch-prereleaselabel.prereleaseiteration segment,
        ///   but any non-numeric element will end the version string.
        /// - The <see cref="_delimiters"/> we use in versions and file names are ., -, and _.
        /// </remarks>
        private static string GetVersionForSingleSegment(string assetPathSegment)
            // Find the start of the version number by finding the major.minor.patch.
            // Scan the string forward looking for a digit preceded by one of the delimiters,
            // then look for a minor.patch, completing the major.minor.patch.  Continue to do so until we get
            // to something that is NOT major.minor.patch (this is necessary because we sometimes see things like:
            // VS.Redist.Common.NetCore.Templates.x86.
            // Continue iterating until we find ALL potential versions. Return the one that is the latest in the segment
            // This is to deal with files with multiple major.minor.patchs in the file name, for example:
            // Microsoft.NET.Workload.Mono.ToolChain.Manifest-6.0.100.Msi.x64.6.0.0-rc.1.21380.2.symbols.nupkg
            int currentIndex = 0;
            // Stack of major.minor.patch.
            Stack<(int versionNumber, int index)> majorMinorPatchStack = new Stack<(int,int)>(3);
            string majorMinorPatch = null;
            int majorMinorPatchIndex = 0;
            StringBuilder versionSuffix = new StringBuilder();
            char prevDelimiterCharacter = char.MinValue;
            char nextDelimiterCharacter = char.MinValue;
            Dictionary<int,string> majorMinorPatchDictionary = new Dictionary<int, string>();
            while (true)
                string nextSegment;
                prevDelimiterCharacter = nextDelimiterCharacter;
                int nextDelimiterIndex = assetPathSegment.IndexOfAny(_delimiters, currentIndex);
                if (nextDelimiterIndex != -1)
                    nextDelimiterCharacter = assetPathSegment[nextDelimiterIndex];
                    nextSegment = assetPathSegment.Substring(currentIndex, nextDelimiterIndex - currentIndex);
                    nextSegment = assetPathSegment.Substring(currentIndex);
                // If we have not yet found the major/minor/patch, then there are four cases:
                // - There have been no potential major/minor/patch numbers found and the current segment is a number. Push onto the majorMinorPatch stack
                //   and continue.
                // - There has been at least one number found, but less than 3, and the current segment not a number or not preceded by '.'. In this case,
                //   we should clear out the stack and continue the search.
                // - There have been at least 2 numbers found and the current segment is a number and preceded by '.'. Push onto the majorMinorPatch stack and continue
                // - There have been at least 3 numbers found and the current segment is not a number or not preceded by '-'. In this case, we can call this the major minor
                //   patch number and no longer need to continue searching
                if (majorMinorPatch == null)
                    bool isNumber = int.TryParse(nextSegment, out int potentialVersionSegment);
                    if ((majorMinorPatchStack.Count == 0 && isNumber) ||
                        (majorMinorPatchStack.Count > 0 && prevDelimiterCharacter == '.' && isNumber))
                        majorMinorPatchStack.Push((potentialVersionSegment, currentIndex));
                    // Check for partial major.minor.patch cases, like: or 2.2-100.bleh
                    else if (majorMinorPatchStack.Count > 0 && majorMinorPatchStack.Count < 3 &&
                             (prevDelimiterCharacter != '.' || !isNumber))
                    // Determine whether we are done with major.minor.patch after this update.
                    if (majorMinorPatchStack.Count >= 3 && (prevDelimiterCharacter != '.' || !isNumber || nextDelimiterIndex == -1))
                        // Done with major.minor.patch, found. Pop the top 3 elements off the stack.
                        (int patch, int patchIndex) = majorMinorPatchStack.Pop();
                        (int minor, int minorIndex) = majorMinorPatchStack.Pop();
                        (int major, int majorIndex) = majorMinorPatchStack.Pop();
                        majorMinorPatch = $"{major}.{minor}.{patch}";
                        majorMinorPatchIndex = majorIndex;
                // Don't use else, so that we don't miss segments
                // in case we are just deciding that we've finished major minor patch.
                if (majorMinorPatch != null)
                    // Now look at the next segment. If it looks like it could be part of a version, append to what we have
                    // and continue. If it can't, then we're done.
                    // Cases where we should break out and be done:
                    // - We have an empty pre-release label and the delimiter is not '-'.
                    // - We have an empty pre-release label and the next segment does not start with a known tag.
                    // - We have a non-empty pre-release label and the current segment is not a number and also not 'final'
                    //      A corner case of versioning uses .final to represent a non-date suffixed final pre-release version:
                    if (versionSuffix.Length == 0 &&
                        (prevDelimiterCharacter != '-' || !_knownTags.Any(tag => nextSegment.StartsWith(tag, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))))
                        majorMinorPatchDictionary.Add(majorMinorPatchIndex, majorMinorPatch);
                        majorMinorPatch = null;
                        versionSuffix = new StringBuilder();
                    else if (versionSuffix.Length != 0 && !int.TryParse(nextSegment, out int potentialVersionSegment) && nextSegment != _finalSuffix)
                        majorMinorPatchDictionary.Add(majorMinorPatchIndex, $"{majorMinorPatch}{versionSuffix.ToString()}");
                        majorMinorPatch = null;
                        versionSuffix = new StringBuilder();
                        // Append the delimiter character and then the current segment
                if (nextDelimiterIndex != -1)
                    currentIndex = nextDelimiterIndex + 1;
            if(majorMinorPatch != null)
                majorMinorPatchDictionary.Add(majorMinorPatchIndex, $"{majorMinorPatch}{versionSuffix.ToString()}");
            if (!majorMinorPatchDictionary.Any())
                return null;
            int maxKey = majorMinorPatchDictionary.Keys.Max();
            return majorMinorPatchDictionary[maxKey];
        /// <summary>
        ///     Given an asset name, remove all .NET Core version numbers (as defined by GetVersionForSingleSegment)
        ///     from the string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assetName">Asset</param>
        /// <returns>Asset name without versions</returns>
        public static string RemoveVersions(string assetName)
            string[] pathSegments = assetName.Split('/');
            // Remove the version number from each segment, then join back together and
            // remove any useless character sequences.
            for (int i = 0; i < pathSegments.Length; i++)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathSegments[i]))
                    string versionForSegment = GetVersionForSingleSegment(pathSegments[i]);
                    if (versionForSegment != null)
                        pathSegments[i] = pathSegments[i].Replace(versionForSegment, "");
            // Continue replacing things until there is nothing left to replace.
            string assetWithoutVersions = string.Join("/", pathSegments);
            bool anyReplacements = true;
            while (anyReplacements)
                string replacementIterationResult = assetWithoutVersions;
                foreach (var sequence in _sequencesToReplace)
                    replacementIterationResult = replacementIterationResult.Replace(sequence.Key, sequence.Value);
                anyReplacements = (replacementIterationResult != assetWithoutVersions);
                assetWithoutVersions = replacementIterationResult;
            return assetWithoutVersions;