File: Modeler\MethodModel.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.SwaggerGenerator\Microsoft.DotNet.SwaggerGenerator.CodeGenerator\Microsoft.DotNet.SwaggerGenerator.CodeGenerator.csproj (Microsoft.DotNet.SwaggerGenerator.CodeGenerator)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Microsoft.OpenApi.Models;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SwaggerGenerator.Modeler
    public class MethodModel
        public MethodModel(
            string name,
            string path,
            HttpMethod httpMethod,
            TypeReference responseType,
            TypeReference errorType,
            IEnumerable<ParameterModel> parameters,
            PaginatedOpenApiExtension paginated)
            Name = name;
            Path = path;
            HttpMethod = httpMethod;
            ResponseType = responseType;
            ErrorType = errorType;
            Paginated = paginated;
            Parameters = parameters.ToImmutableList();
        public string Name { get; }
        public string Path { get; }
        public HttpMethod HttpMethod { get; }
        public IImmutableList<ParameterModel> Parameters { get; }
        public TypeReference ResponseType { get; }
        public TypeReference ErrorType { get; }
        public PaginatedOpenApiExtension Paginated { get; }
        public bool ResponseIsVoid => ResponseType == TypeReference.Void;
        public bool ResponseIsFile => ResponseType == TypeReference.File;
        public IEnumerable<ParameterModel> ConstantParameters =>
            Parameters.Where(p => p.Type is TypeReference.ConstantTypeReference).OrderBy(p => p.Name);
        public IEnumerable<ParameterModel> NonConstantParameters =>
            Parameters.Where(p => !(p.Type is TypeReference.ConstantTypeReference)).OrderBy(p => p.Name);
        public IEnumerable<ParameterModel> FormalParameters => NonConstantParameters.OrderBy(p => p.Required ? 0 : 1).ThenBy(p => p.Name);
        public IEnumerable<ParameterModel> FormalParametersNoPaging => NonConstantParameters.OrderBy(p => p.Required ? 0 : 1).ThenBy(p => p.Name).Where(p => Paginated == null || (p.Name != Paginated.PageParameterName && p.Name != Paginated.PageSizeParameterName));
        public ParameterModel PageParameter => Paginated == null ? null : NonConstantParameters.Single(p => p.Name == Paginated.PageParameterName);
        public ParameterModel PageSizeParameter => Paginated == null ? null : NonConstantParameters.Single(p => p.Name == Paginated.PageSizeParameterName);
        public IEnumerable<ParameterModel> PathParameters =>
            Parameters.Where(p => p.Location == ParameterLocation.Path);
        public IEnumerable<ParameterModel> QueryParameters =>
            Parameters.Where(p => p.Location == ParameterLocation.Query);
        public IEnumerable<ParameterModel> HeaderParameters =>
            Parameters.Where(p => p.Location == ParameterLocation.Header);
        public ParameterModel BodyParameter => Parameters.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Location == null);