// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using NuGet.Packaging.Core;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks.UsageReport
public class ValidateUsageAgainstBaseline : Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Task
public string DataFile { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The prebuilt baseline: an XML file that lists allowed prebuilt usage.
/// </summary>
public string BaselineDataFile { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// A hint path used in error messages to tell the user where to update the prebuilt
/// baseline data if a baseline validation error occurs. If there is no baseline data file
/// at all yet, the error indicates that one should be created at this location if the
/// prebuilt usage should be permitted.
/// </summary>
public string BaselineDataUpdateHintFile { get; set; }
public string OutputBaselineFile { get; set; }
public string OutputReportFile { get; set; }
private readonly string _preBuiltDocMessage = "See https://aka.ms/dotnet/prebuilts " +
"for guidance on what pre-builts are and how to eliminate them.";
private readonly string _reviewRequestMessage = "When altering this file or making " +
"other Source Build related changes, include @dotnet/source-build as a reviewer.";
public override bool Execute()
string ReviewRequestComment = $"<!-- {_reviewRequestMessage} -->{Environment.NewLine}";
string PreBuiltDocXmlComment = $"<!-- {_preBuiltDocMessage} -->{Environment.NewLine}";
var used = UsageData.Parse(XElement.Parse(File.ReadAllText(DataFile)));
string baselineText = string.IsNullOrEmpty(BaselineDataFile)
? "<UsageData />"
: File.ReadAllText(BaselineDataFile);
var baseline = UsageData.Parse(XElement.Parse(baselineText));
UsageValidationData data = GetUsageValidationData(baseline, used);
File.WriteAllText(OutputBaselineFile, ReviewRequestComment + PreBuiltDocXmlComment + Environment.NewLine + data.ActualUsageData.ToXml().ToString());
File.WriteAllText(OutputReportFile, PreBuiltDocXmlComment + Environment.NewLine + data.Report.ToString());
return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;
public UsageValidationData GetUsageValidationData(UsageData baseline, UsageData used)
// Remove prebuilts from the used data if the baseline says to ignore them. Do this
// first, so the new generated baseline doesn't list usages that are ignored by a
// pattern anyway.
ApplyBaselineIgnorePatterns(used, baseline);
// Find new, removed, and unchanged usage after filtering patterns.
Comparison<PackageIdentity> diff = Compare(
used.Usages.Select(u => u.GetIdentityWithoutRid()).Distinct(),
baseline.Usages.Select(u => u.GetIdentityWithoutRid()).Distinct());
var report = new XElement("BaselineComparison");
bool tellUserToUpdateBaseline = false;
if (diff.Added.Any())
tellUserToUpdateBaseline = true;
$"{diff.Added.Length} new pre-builts discovered! Detailed usage " +
$"report can be found at {OutputReportFile}.{Environment.NewLine}{_preBuiltDocMessage}{Environment.NewLine}" +
$"Package IDs are:{Environment.NewLine}" + string.Join(Environment.NewLine, diff.Added.Select(u => u.ToString())));
// In the report, list full usage info, not only identity.
new XElement(
.Where(u => diff.Added.Contains(u.GetIdentityWithoutRid()))
.Select(u => u.ToXml())));
if (diff.Removed.Any())
tellUserToUpdateBaseline = true;
$"{diff.Removed.Length} packages in baseline weren't used!");
report.Add(new XElement("Removed", diff.Removed.Select(id => id.ToXElement())));
if (diff.Unchanged.Any())
$"{diff.Unchanged.Length} packages used as expected in the baseline.");
// Simplify the used data to what is necessary for a baseline, to reduce file size.
foreach (var usage in used.Usages)
usage.AssetsFile = null;
used.ProjectDirectories = null;
used.Usages = used.Usages.Distinct().ToArray();
if (tellUserToUpdateBaseline)
string baselineNotFoundWarning = "";
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(BaselineDataFile))
baselineNotFoundWarning =
$"not expected, because no baseline file exists at '{BaselineDataUpdateHintFile}'";
baselineNotFoundWarning =
$"different from the baseline found at '{BaselineDataFile}'";
$"Prebuilt usages are {baselineNotFoundWarning}. If it's acceptable to " +
"update the baseline, copy the contents of the automatically generated " +
$"baseline '{OutputBaselineFile}'.");
return new UsageValidationData
Report = report,
ActualUsageData = used
private static void ApplyBaselineIgnorePatterns(UsageData actual, UsageData baseline)
Regex[] ignoreUsageRegexes = baseline.IgnorePatterns.NullAsEmpty()
.Select(p => p.CreateRegex())
actual.IgnorePatterns = baseline.IgnorePatterns;
var ignoredUsages = actual.Usages
.Where(usage =>
string id = $"{usage.PackageIdentity.Id}/{usage.PackageIdentity.Version}";
return ignoreUsageRegexes.Any(r => r.IsMatch(id));
actual.Usages = actual.Usages.Except(ignoredUsages).ToArray();
private static Comparison<T> Compare<T>(IEnumerable<T> actual, IEnumerable<T> baseline)
return new Comparison<T>(actual.ToArray(), baseline.ToArray());
private class Comparison<T>
public T[] Added { get; }
public T[] Removed { get; }
public T[] Unchanged { get; }
public Comparison(
IEnumerable<T> actual,
IEnumerable<T> baseline)
Added = actual.Except(baseline).ToArray();
Removed = baseline.Except(actual).ToArray();
Unchanged = actual.Intersect(baseline).ToArray();