// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection.Metadata;
using System.Reflection.PortableExecutable;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.SignTool
public static class StrongName
// Checksum offset in the PE header.
internal const int ChecksumOffsetInPEHeader = 0x40;
internal const int CheckSumSize = sizeof(uint);
// Internal constants obtained from runtime's
// src/libraries/System.Reflection.Metadata/src/System/Reflection/PortableExecutable/PEHeader.cs
private const int PEHeaderSize32Bit = 224;
private const int PEHeaderSize64Bit = 240;
private const int PESectionHeaderSize = 40;
private const int AuthenticodeDirectorySize = 2 * sizeof(int);
private const int SnPublicKeyHeaderSize = 12;
private const int BlobHeaderSize = sizeof(byte) + sizeof(byte) + sizeof(ushort) + sizeof(uint);
private const int RsaPubKeySize = sizeof(uint) + sizeof(uint) + sizeof(uint);
private const UInt32 RSA1 = 0x31415352;
private const UInt32 RSA2 = 0x32415352;
// In wincrypt.h both public and private key blobs start with a
// PUBLICKEYSTRUC and RSAPUBKEY and then start the key data
private const int OffsetToKeyData = BlobHeaderSize + RsaPubKeySize;
// From wincrypt.h
private const byte PublicKeyBlobId = 0x06;
private const byte PrivateKeyBlobId = 0x07;
// from winnt.h
private const int FlagsOffsetInCorHeader = sizeof(uint) + // cb
sizeof(ushort) + // MajorRuntimeVersion
sizeof(ushort) + // MinorRuntimeVersion
sizeof(uint) * 2; // MetaData
internal const int CorFlagsSize = sizeof(uint);
/// <summary>
/// Neutral public key indicates that the ECMA key was used to strong name the binary.
/// </summary>
static readonly byte[] NeutralPublicKey = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
// ECMA key
static readonly byte[] ECMAKey =
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the file has a valid strong name signature.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="file">Path to file</param>
/// <param name="log">MSBuild logger if desired</param>
/// <param name="snPath">Path to sn.exe, if available and desired.</param>
/// <returns>True if the file has a valid strong name signature, false otherwise.</returns>
public static bool IsSigned(string file, string snPath = null, TaskLoggingHelper log = null)
using (var metadata = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open))
return IsSigned(metadata);
catch (Exception e)
if (log != null)
log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.High, $"Failed to determine whether PE file {file} has a valid strong name signature. {e}");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(snPath))
// Fall back to the old method of checking for a strong name signature, but only on Windows.
// Otherwise, return false:
return IsSigned_Legacy(file, snPath);
return false;
// Internal for testing to avoid having to write a file to disk.
internal static bool IsSigned(Stream peStream)
var peHeaders = new PEHeaders(peStream);
peStream.Position = 0;
using (PEReader peReader = new PEReader(peStream, PEStreamOptions.LeaveOpen))
if (!peReader.HasMetadata)
return false;
// If the binary doesn't have metadata (e.g. crossgenned) then it's not signed.
MetadataReader metadataReader = peReader.GetMetadataReader();
var flags = peHeaders.CorHeader.Flags;
// If the strong name bit isn't set, then it's not signed.
if (CorFlags.StrongNameSigned != (flags & CorFlags.StrongNameSigned))
return false;
// Reset position before creating the blob builder.
peStream.Position = 0;
byte[] peBuffer = ReadPEToBuffer(peStream);
// Verify the checksum before verifying the strong name signature
// PreparePEForHashing will zero out the checksum and authenticode signature.
if (peHeaders.PEHeader.CheckSum != CalculateChecksum(peBuffer, peHeaders))
return false;
// If the strong name signature data isn't present, then it's also not signed.
var snDirectory = peReader.PEHeaders.CorHeader.StrongNameSignatureDirectory;
if (!peHeaders.TryGetDirectoryOffset(snDirectory, out int snOffset))
return false;
// Prepare the buffer for hashing. No need to set the strong name bit.
PreparePEForHashing(peBuffer, peHeaders, setStrongNameBit: false);
int snSize = snDirectory.Size;
byte[] hash = ComputeSigningHash(peBuffer, peHeaders, snOffset, snSize);
ImmutableArray<byte> publicKeyBlob = metadataReader.GetBlobContent(metadataReader.GetAssemblyDefinition().PublicKey);
if (!IsValidPublicKey(publicKeyBlob))
return false;
// It's possible that the public key blob is a neutral public key blob,
// meaning that it's actually the ECMA key that was used to sign the assembly.
// Verify against that.
if (publicKeyBlob.SequenceEqual(NeutralPublicKey))
publicKeyBlob = ECMAKey.ToImmutableArray();
using (RSA rsa = RSA.Create())
// Ensure we skip over the sn key header.
rsa.ImportParameters(publicKeyBlob.Slice(RsaPubKeySize, publicKeyBlob.Length - RsaPubKeySize).ToRSAParameters(false));
var reversedSignature = peReader.GetSectionData(snDirectory.RelativeVirtualAddress).GetContent(0, snSize).ToArray();
// The signature bytes are in host (little-endian) byte order.
// Reverse the bytes to put them back into network byte order to verify the signature.
// CodeQL [SM02196] ECMA-335 requires us to support SHA-1 and this is testing that support
if (!rsa.VerifyHash(hash, reversedSignature, HashAlgorithmName.SHA1, RSASignaturePadding.Pkcs1))
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Determine whether the file is strong named, using sn.exe instead
/// of the custom implementation
/// </summary>
/// <param name="file">Path to file</param>
/// <param name="snPath">sn.exe path</param>
/// <returns>True if the file is strong named, false otherwise.</returns>
internal static bool IsSigned_Legacy(string file, string snPath)
if (!RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
return false;
var process = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo()
FileName = snPath,
Arguments = $@"-vf ""{file}"" > nul",
UseShellExecute = false,
CreateNoWindow = true,
RedirectStandardError = false,
RedirectStandardOutput = false
return process.ExitCode == 0;
/// <summary>
/// Unset the strong name signing bit from a file. This is required for sn
/// </summary>
/// <param name="file"></param>
public static void ClearStrongNameSignedBit(string file)
using (var stream = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.Read))
using (var peReader = new PEReader(stream))
using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream))
if (!ContentUtil.IsPublicSigned(peReader))
stream.Position = peReader.PEHeaders.CorHeaderStartOffset + FlagsOffsetInCorHeader;
writer.Write((UInt32)(peReader.PEHeaders.CorHeader.Flags & ~CorFlags.StrongNameSigned));
/// <summary>
/// Strong names an existing previously signed or delay-signed binary with keyfile.
/// Fall back to legacy signing if available and new signing fails.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="file">Path to file to sign</param>
/// <param name="keyFile">Path to key pair.</param>
/// <param name="log">Optional logger</param>
/// <param name="snPath">Optional path to sn.exe</param>
/// <returns>True if the file was signed successfully, false otherwise</returns>
public static bool Sign(string file, string keyFile, string snPath = null, TaskLoggingHelper log = null)
using (var metadata = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open))
Sign(metadata, keyFile);
return true;
catch (Exception e)
if (log != null)
log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.High, $"Failed to sign PE file {file} with strong name {keyFile}: {e}");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(snPath))
// Fall back to the old method of checking for a strong name signature, but only on Windows.
// Otherwise, return false:
return Sign_Legacy(file, keyFile, snPath);
return false;
internal static bool Sign_Legacy(string file, string keyfile, string snPath)
// sn -R <path_to_file> <path_to_snk>
var process = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo()
FileName = snPath,
Arguments = $@"-R ""{file}"" ""{keyfile}""",
UseShellExecute = false
if (process.ExitCode != 0)
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Given a key file, sets the strong name in the managed binary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="peStream"></param>
/// <param name="keyFile"></param>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"></exception>
/// <exception cref="Exception"></exception>
internal static void Sign(Stream peStream, string keyFile)
// This process happens as follows:
// 1. Open the PE and read into a file.
// 2. Compute the signing hash of the binary (excluding the strong name and authenticode signatures)
// 3. Read the key data from the provided file
// 4. Attempt to sign the hash using the crypto service provider.
// 5. Write the signature into the strong name signature directory.
// 6. Compute the checksum of the binary and write it back into the PE header.
// 7. Write the binary back to the file.
byte[] signature;
byte[] peBuffer;
int snSignatureOffset;
var peHeaders = new PEHeaders(peStream);
// Reset the stream position before loading the PE
peStream.Position = 0;
using (PEReader peReader = new PEReader(peStream, PEStreamOptions.LeaveOpen))
if (!peReader.HasMetadata)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot strong name sign binary without metadata.");
// If the binary doesn't have metadata (e.g. crossgenned) then it's not signed.
MetadataReader metadataReader = peReader.GetMetadataReader();
// Parse the SNK
if (!TryParseKey(File.ReadAllBytes(keyFile).ToImmutableArray(), out ImmutableArray<byte> snkPublicKey, out RSAParameters? privateKey) ||
privateKey == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to parse strong name '{keyFile}'. Key must be a full public/private keypair");
// If the strong name signature data isn't present, then we can't sign it.
var snDirectory = peReader.PEHeaders.CorHeader.StrongNameSignatureDirectory;
if (!peHeaders.TryGetDirectoryOffset(snDirectory, out snSignatureOffset))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Strong name directory is not present. Binary is not signed or delay-signed.");
// Verify the public key of the assembly matches the private key we're using to sign.
// We do not support signing with the ECMA key
ImmutableArray<byte> publicKeyBlob = metadataReader.GetBlobContent(metadataReader.GetAssemblyDefinition().PublicKey);
if (publicKeyBlob.SequenceEqual(NeutralPublicKey))
throw new NotImplementedException("Cannot sign with the ECMA key.");
// Verify that the public key of the assembly matches the public key of the provided key file.
if (!TryParseKey(publicKeyBlob, out ImmutableArray<byte> assemblyPublicKey, out _))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to parse the public key of the assembly.");
if (!assemblyPublicKey.SequenceEqual(snkPublicKey))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Public key of the assembly does not match the public key of the provided key file.");
// Copy the PE into a buffer
peStream.Position = 0;
peBuffer = ReadPEToBuffer(peStream);
// Now prepare that buffer for hashing
PreparePEForHashing(peBuffer, peHeaders, setStrongNameBit: true);
byte[] hash = ComputeSigningHash(peBuffer, peHeaders, snSignatureOffset, snDirectory.Size);
using (RSA snkRSA = RSA.Create())
// CodeQL [SM02196] ECMA-335 requires us to support SHA-1 and this is testing that support
signature = snkRSA.SignHash(hash, HashAlgorithmName.SHA1, RSASignaturePadding.Pkcs1);
// The signature is written in reverse order
// Write the signature into the strong name signature directory
peBuffer.SetBytes(snSignatureOffset, signature);
// Compute a new checksum and write it out.
uint checksum = CalculateChecksum(peBuffer, peHeaders);
var checksumBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(checksum);
peBuffer.SetBytes(peHeaders.PEHeaderStartOffset + ChecksumOffsetInPEHeader, checksumBytes);
// Write the PE stream back
peStream.Position = 0;
peStream.Write(peBuffer, 0, peBuffer.Length);
private static uint AggregateChecksum(uint checksum, ushort value)
uint sum = checksum + value;
return (sum >> 16) + unchecked((ushort)sum);
private static uint CalculateChecksum(byte[] peImage, PEHeaders peHeaders)
return CalculateChecksum(GetContentWithoutChecksum(peImage, peHeaders)) + (uint)peImage.Length;
private static uint CalculateChecksum(IEnumerable<Blob> blobs)
uint checksum = 0;
int pendingByte = -1;
// Iterates over the blobs in the PE image.
// For each pair of bytes in the blob, compute an aggregate checksum
// If the blob has an odd number of bytes, save the value of the last byte
// and pair it with the first byte of the next blob. If there is no next blob, aggregate it.
foreach (var blob in blobs)
var segment = blob.GetBytes().ToList();
Debug.Assert(segment.Count > 0);
int currIndex = 0;
int count = segment.Count;
if (pendingByte >= 0)
checksum = AggregateChecksum(checksum, (ushort)(segment[currIndex] << 8 | pendingByte));
if ((count - currIndex) % 2 != 0)
// Save last byte for later
pendingByte = segment[count - 1];
pendingByte = -1;
while (currIndex < count)
checksum = AggregateChecksum(checksum, (ushort)(segment[currIndex + 1] << 8 | segment[currIndex]));
currIndex += 2;
if (pendingByte >= 0)
checksum = AggregateChecksum(checksum, (ushort)pendingByte);
return checksum;
private static byte[] ComputeSigningHash(
byte[] peImage,
PEHeaders peHeaders,
int strongNameOffset,
int strongNameSize)
int peHeadersSize = peHeadersSize = peHeaders.PEHeaderStartOffset
+ (peHeaders.PEHeader.Magic == PEMagic.PE32 ? PEHeaderSize32Bit : PEHeaderSize64Bit)
+ PESectionHeaderSize * peHeaders.SectionHeaders.Length;
// CodeQL [SM02196] ECMA-335 requires us to support SHA-1 and this is testing that support
using (var hash = IncrementalHash.CreateHash(HashAlgorithmName.SHA1))
// First hash the DOS header and PE headers
hash.AppendData(peImage, 0, peHeadersSize);
// Now each section, skipping the strong name signature if present
foreach (var sectionHeader in peHeaders.SectionHeaders)
int sectionOffset = sectionHeader.PointerToRawData;
int sectionSize = sectionHeader.SizeOfRawData;
if ((strongNameOffset + strongNameSize) < sectionOffset ||
strongNameOffset >= (sectionOffset + sectionSize))
// No signature overlap, hash the whole section
hash.AppendData(peImage, sectionOffset, sectionSize);
// There is overlap. Hash either side of signature
hash.AppendData(peImage, sectionOffset, strongNameOffset - sectionOffset);
var strongNameEndOffset = strongNameOffset + strongNameSize;
hash.AppendData(peImage, strongNameEndOffset, sectionSize - (strongNameEndOffset - sectionOffset));
return hash.GetHashAndReset();
/// <summary>
/// Prepare a PE buffer for hashing by zeroing out the checksum and authenticode signature, and
/// potentially setting the strong name bit.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="peBuffer">PE buffer</param>
/// <param name="peHeaders">Headers</param>
/// <param name="setStrongNameBit">If true, strong name bit is set.</param>
private static void PreparePEForHashing(byte[] peBuffer, PEHeaders peHeaders, bool setStrongNameBit)
bool is32bit = peHeaders.PEHeader.Magic == PEMagic.PE32;
// Zero the checksum
peBuffer.SetBytes(peHeaders.PEHeaderStartOffset + ChecksumOffsetInPEHeader, CheckSumSize, 0);
// Zero the authenticode signature
int authenticodeOffset = GetAuthenticodeOffset(peHeaders, is32bit);
var authenticodeDir = peHeaders.PEHeader.CertificateTableDirectory;
peBuffer.SetBytes(authenticodeOffset, AuthenticodeDirectorySize, 0);
if (setStrongNameBit)
var flagBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)(peHeaders.CorHeader.Flags | CorFlags.StrongNameSigned));
peBuffer.SetBytes(peHeaders.CorHeaderStartOffset + FlagsOffsetInCorHeader, flagBytes);
/// <summary>
/// Sets <paramref name="count"/> bytes starting at <paramref name="index"/> in buffer to value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="buffer">Buffer to alter</param>
/// <param name="index">Start index</param>
/// <param name="count">count</param>
/// <param name="value">Value to set</param>
private static void SetBytes(this byte[] buffer, int index, int count, byte value)
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
buffer[index + i] = value;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the bytes in the buffer starting at <paramref name="index"/> to the bytes in <paramref name="value"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="buffer">Buffer to alter</param>
/// <param name="index">Starting index</param>
/// <param name="value">Value</param>
private static void SetBytes(this byte[] buffer, int index, byte[] value)
for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
buffer[index + i] = value[i];
private static byte[] ReadPEToBuffer(Stream peStream)
byte[] peImage = new byte[checked((int)peStream.Length)];
peStream.Position = 0;
if (peStream.Read(peImage, 0, peImage.Length) != peImage.Length)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to read the full PE file.");
return peImage;
private static int GetAuthenticodeOffset(PEHeaders peHeaders, bool is32bit)
return peHeaders.PEHeaderStartOffset
+ ChecksumOffsetInPEHeader
+ sizeof(int) // Checksum
+ sizeof(short) // Subsystem
+ sizeof(short) // DllCharacteristics
+ 4 * (is32bit ? sizeof(int) : sizeof(long)) // SizeOfStackReserve, SizeOfStackCommit, SizeOfHeapReserve, SizeOfHeapCommit
+ sizeof(int) // LoaderFlags
+ sizeof(int) // NumberOfRvaAndSizes
+ 4 * sizeof(long); // directory entries before Authenticode
private static IEnumerable<Blob> GetContentWithoutChecksum(byte[] peImage, PEHeaders peHeaders)
BlobBuilder imageWithoutChecksum = new BlobBuilder();
int checksumStart = peHeaders.PEHeaderStartOffset + ChecksumOffsetInPEHeader;
int checksumEnd = checksumStart + CheckSumSize;
// Content up to the checksum
imageWithoutChecksum.WriteBytes(peImage, 0, checksumStart);
// Content after the checksum
imageWithoutChecksum.WriteBytes(peImage, checksumEnd, peImage.Length - checksumEnd);
return imageWithoutChecksum.GetBlobs();
/// <summary>
/// Adapted from roslyn's CryptoBlobParser
/// </summary>
private enum AlgorithmClass
Signature = 1,
Hash = 4,
/// <summary>
/// Adapted from roslyn's CryptoBlobParser
/// </summary>
private enum AlgorithmSubId
Sha1Hash = 4,
// Other possible values ommitted
/// <summary>
/// Adapted from roslyn's CryptoBlobParser
/// </summary>
private struct AlgorithmId
// From wincrypt.h
private const int AlgorithmClassOffset = 13;
private const int AlgorithmClassMask = 0x7;
private const int AlgorithmSubIdOffset = 0;
private const int AlgorithmSubIdMask = 0x1ff;
private readonly uint _flags;
public const int RsaSign = 0x00002400;
public const int Sha = 0x00008004;
public bool IsSet
get { return _flags != 0; }
public AlgorithmClass Class
get { return (AlgorithmClass)((_flags >> AlgorithmClassOffset) & AlgorithmClassMask); }
public AlgorithmSubId SubId
get { return (AlgorithmSubId)((_flags >> AlgorithmSubIdOffset) & AlgorithmSubIdMask); }
public AlgorithmId(uint flags)
_flags = flags;
// From StrongNameInternal.cpp
// Checks to see if a public key is a valid instance of a PublicKeyBlob as
// defined in StongName.h
internal static bool IsValidPublicKey(ImmutableArray<byte> blob)
// The number of public key bytes must be at least large enough for the header and one byte of data.
if (blob.IsDefault || blob.Length < SnPublicKeyHeaderSize + 1)
return false;
var blobStream = new MemoryStream(blob.ToArray());
var blobReader = new BinaryReader(blobStream);
// Signature algorithm ID
var sigAlgId = blobReader.ReadUInt32();
// Hash algorithm ID
var hashAlgId = blobReader.ReadUInt32();
// Size of public key data in bytes, not including the header
var publicKeySize = blobReader.ReadUInt32();
// publicKeySize bytes of public key data
var publicKey = blobReader.ReadByte();
// The number of public key bytes must be the same as the size of the header plus the size of the public key data.
if (blob.Length != SnPublicKeyHeaderSize + publicKeySize)
return false;
// Check for the ECMA neutral public key, which does not obey the invariants checked below.
if (blob.SequenceEqual(NeutralPublicKey))
return true;
// The public key must be in the wincrypto PUBLICKEYBLOB format
if (publicKey != PublicKeyBlobId)
return false;
var signatureAlgorithmId = new AlgorithmId(sigAlgId);
if (signatureAlgorithmId.IsSet && signatureAlgorithmId.Class != AlgorithmClass.Signature)
return false;
var hashAlgorithmId = new AlgorithmId(hashAlgId);
if (hashAlgorithmId.IsSet && (hashAlgorithmId.Class != AlgorithmClass.Hash || hashAlgorithmId.SubId < AlgorithmSubId.Sha1Hash))
return false;
return true;
private static ImmutableArray<byte> CreateSnPublicKeyBlob(
byte type,
byte version,
uint algId,
uint magic,
uint bitLen,
uint pubExp,
ReadOnlySpan<byte> pubKeyData)
var w = new BlobWriter(3 * sizeof(uint) + OffsetToKeyData + pubKeyData.Length);
w.WriteUInt32((uint)(OffsetToKeyData + pubKeyData.Length));
w.WriteUInt16(0 /* 16 bits of reserved space in the spec */);
// re-add padding for exponent
fixed (byte* bytes = pubKeyData)
w.WriteBytes(bytes, pubKeyData.Length);
return w.ToImmutableArray();
/// <summary>
/// Try to retrieve the public key from a crypto blob.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Can be either a PUBLICKEYBLOB or PRIVATEKEYBLOB. The BLOB must be unencrypted.
/// </remarks>
public static bool TryParseKey(ImmutableArray<byte> blob, out ImmutableArray<byte> snKey, out RSAParameters? privateKey)
privateKey = null;
snKey = default;
if (IsValidPublicKey(blob))
snKey = blob;
return true;
if (blob.Length < BlobHeaderSize + RsaPubKeySize)
return false;
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(blob.ToArray());
var br = new BinaryReader(stream);
byte bType = br.ReadByte(); // BLOBHEADER.bType: Expected to be 0x6 (PUBLICKEYBLOB) or 0x7 (PRIVATEKEYBLOB), though there's no check for backward compat reasons.
byte bVersion = br.ReadByte(); // BLOBHEADER.bVersion: Expected to be 0x2, though there's no check for backward compat reasons.
br.ReadUInt16(); // BLOBHEADER.wReserved
uint algId = br.ReadUInt32(); // BLOBHEADER.aiKeyAlg
uint magic = br.ReadUInt32(); // RSAPubKey.magic: Expected to be 0x31415352 ('RSA1') or 0x32415352 ('RSA2')
var bitLen = br.ReadUInt32(); // Bit Length for Modulus
var pubExp = br.ReadUInt32(); // Exponent
var modulusLength = (int)(bitLen / 8);
if (blob.Length - OffsetToKeyData < modulusLength)
return false;
var modulus = br.ReadBytes(modulusLength);
if (!(bType == PrivateKeyBlobId && magic == RSA2) && !(bType == PublicKeyBlobId && magic == RSA1))
return false;
if (bType == PrivateKeyBlobId)
privateKey = blob.ToRSAParameters(true);
// For snKey, rewrite some of the parameters
algId = AlgorithmId.RsaSign;
magic = RSA1;
snKey = CreateSnPublicKeyBlob(PublicKeyBlobId, bVersion, algId, RSA1, bitLen, pubExp, modulus);
return true;
catch (Exception)
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Helper for RsaCryptoServiceProvider.ExportParameters()
/// Adapted from https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/blob/2f0aa43abd019143ae4662b5ccca11d4d666a61f/src/Compilers/Core/Portable/StrongName/CryptoBlobParser.cs#L257
/// </summary>
internal static RSAParameters ToRSAParameters(this ImmutableArray<byte> cspBlob, bool includePrivateParameters)
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(cspBlob.ToArray());
var br = new BinaryReader(stream);
byte bType = br.ReadByte(); // BLOBHEADER.bType: Expected to be 0x6 (PUBLICKEYBLOB) or 0x7 (PRIVATEKEYBLOB), though there's no check for backward compat reasons.
byte bVersion = br.ReadByte(); // BLOBHEADER.bVersion: Expected to be 0x2, though there's no check for backward compat reasons.
br.ReadUInt16(); // BLOBHEADER.wReserved
int algId = br.ReadInt32(); // BLOBHEADER.aiKeyAlg
int magic = br.ReadInt32(); // RSAPubKey.magic: Expected to be 0x31415352 ('RSA1') or 0x32415352 ('RSA2')
int bitLen = br.ReadInt32(); // RSAPubKey.bitLen
int modulusLength = bitLen / 8;
int halfModulusLength = (modulusLength + 1) / 2;
uint expAsDword = br.ReadUInt32();
RSAParameters rsaParameters = new RSAParameters();
rsaParameters.Exponent = ExponentAsBytes(expAsDword);
rsaParameters.Modulus = br.ReadReversed(modulusLength);
if (includePrivateParameters)
rsaParameters.P = br.ReadReversed(halfModulusLength);
rsaParameters.Q = br.ReadReversed(halfModulusLength);
rsaParameters.DP = br.ReadReversed(halfModulusLength);
rsaParameters.DQ = br.ReadReversed(halfModulusLength);
rsaParameters.InverseQ = br.ReadReversed(halfModulusLength);
rsaParameters.D = br.ReadReversed(modulusLength);
return rsaParameters;
private static byte[] ReadReversed(this BinaryReader reader, int count)
byte[] data = reader.ReadBytes(count);
return data;
/// <summary>
/// Convert a UInt32 into the minimal number of bytes (in big-endian order) to represent the value.
/// Copied from https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/blob/5fe5f9aae7b2987adc7082f90712b265bee5eefc/src/System.Security.Cryptography.Csp/src/System/Security/Cryptography/CapiHelper.Shared.cs
/// </summary>
private static byte[] ExponentAsBytes(uint exponent)
if (exponent <= 0xFF)
return new[] { (byte)exponent };
else if (exponent <= 0xFFFF)
return new[]
(byte)(exponent >> 8),
else if (exponent <= 0xFFFFFF)
return new[]
(byte)(exponent >> 16),
(byte)(exponent >> 8),
return new[]
(byte)(exponent >> 24),
(byte)(exponent >> 16),
(byte)(exponent >> 8),