// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.SignCheck.Logging;
namespace Microsoft.SignCheck.Verification
public class LzmaVerifier : FileVerifier
public LzmaVerifier(Log log, Exclusions exclusions, SignatureVerificationOptions options) : base(log, exclusions, options, fileExtension: ".lzma")
public override SignatureVerificationResult VerifySignature(string path, string parent, string virtualPath)
// LZMA is just an unsigned stream
var svr = SignatureVerificationResult.UnsupportedFileTypeResult(path, parent, virtualPath);
string fullPath = svr.FullPath;
svr.AddDetail(DetailKeys.File, SignCheckResources.DetailSigned, SignCheckResources.NA);
if (VerifyRecursive)
string tempPath = svr.TempPath;
Log.WriteMessage(LogVerbosity.Diagnostic, SignCheckResources.DiagExtractingFileContents, tempPath);
// Drop the LZMA extensions when decompressing so we don't process the uncompressed file as an LZMA file again
string destinationFile = Path.Combine(tempPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path));
// LZMA files are just compressed streams. Decompress and then try to verify the decompressed file.
LZMAUtils.Decompress(fullPath, destinationFile);
svr.NestedResults.Add(VerifyFile(destinationFile, parent, Path.Combine(svr.VirtualPath, destinationFile), containerPath: null));
return svr;