// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Installers;
using Microsoft.SignCheck.Logging;
namespace Microsoft.SignCheck.Verification
public class DebVerifier : LinuxPackageVerifier
public DebVerifier(Log log, Exclusions exclusions, SignatureVerificationOptions options) : base(log, exclusions, options, ".deb") { }
protected override IEnumerable<ArchiveEntry> ReadArchiveEntries(string archivePath)
=> ReadDebContainerEntries(archivePath, "data.tar");
protected override (string signatureDocument, string signableContent) GetSignatureDocumentAndSignableContent(string archivePath, string tempDir)
string signatureDocument = null;
string signableContent = null;
string debianBinary = ExtractDebContainerEntry(archivePath, "debian-binary", tempDir);
string controlTar = ExtractDebContainerEntry(archivePath, "control.tar", tempDir);
string dataTar = ExtractDebContainerEntry(archivePath, "data.tar", tempDir);
signatureDocument = ExtractDebContainerEntry(archivePath, "_gpgorigin", tempDir);
signableContent = Path.Combine(tempDir, "signableContent");
Utils.RunBashCommand($"cat {debianBinary} {controlTar} {dataTar} > {signableContent}");
catch (FileNotFoundException)
// The signature document may be missing if the package is not signed.
return (signatureDocument, signableContent);
protected override void WriteArchiveEntry(ArchiveEntry archiveEntry, string targetPath)
=> File.WriteAllBytes(targetPath, ((MemoryStream)archiveEntry.ContentStream).ToArray());
/// <summary>
/// Read the entries in the deb container.
/// </summary>
private IEnumerable<ArchiveEntry> ReadDebContainerEntries(string archivePath, string match = null)
using var archive = new ArReader(File.OpenRead(archivePath), leaveOpen: false);
while (archive.GetNextEntry() is ArEntry entry)
string relativePath = entry.Name; // lgtm [cs/zipslip] Archive from trusted source
// The relative path ocassionally ends with a '/', which is not a valid path given that the path is a file.
// Remove the following workaround once https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/issues/15384 is resolved.
if (relativePath.EndsWith("/"))
relativePath = relativePath.TrimEnd('/');
if (match == null || relativePath.StartsWith(match))
yield return new ArchiveEntry()
RelativePath = relativePath,
ContentStream = entry.DataStream,
ContentSize = entry.DataStream.Length
/// <summary>
/// Extract a single entry from the deb container.
/// </summary>
private string ExtractDebContainerEntry(string archivePath, string entryName, string workingDir)
IEnumerable<ArchiveEntry> entries = ReadDebContainerEntries(archivePath, entryName);
if (!entries.Any())
throw new FileNotFoundException($"The entry '{entryName}' was not found in the archive '{archivePath}'");
ArchiveEntry archiveEntry = entries.First();
string entryPath = Path.Combine(workingDir, archiveEntry.RelativePath);
WriteArchiveEntry(archiveEntry, entryPath);
return entryPath;