// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using Microsoft.Deployment.DotNet.Releases;
using Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Workloads.Msi;
using Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Workloads.Swix;
using Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WorkloadManifestReader;
using static Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Workloads.Msi.WorkloadManifestMsi;
using Parallel = System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Workloads
/// <summary>
/// An MSBuild task used to create workload artifacts including MSIs and SWIX projects for Visual Studio Installer.
/// </summary>
public class CreateVisualStudioWorkload : VisualStudioWorkloadTaskBase
/// <summary>
/// Used to track which feature bands support the machineArch property.
/// </summary>
private Dictionary<ReleaseVersion, bool> _supportsMachineArch = new();
/// <summary>
/// A set of items that provide metadata associated with the Visual Studio components derived from
/// workload manifests.
/// </summary>
public ITaskItem[] ComponentResources
/// <summary>
/// When <see langword="true" />, manifest installers will generate a non-stable UpgradeCode
/// and a unique dependency provider key to ensure side-by-side installs.
/// </summary>
public bool EnableSideBySideManifests
} = false;
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the component (and related packs) should be flagged as
/// out-of-support in Visual Studio.
/// </summary>
public bool IsOutOfSupportInVisualStudio
/// <summary>
/// The version to assign to workload manifest installers.
/// </summary>
public string ManifestMsiVersion
/// <summary>
/// A set of items used to shorten the names and identifiers of setup packages.
/// </summary>
public ITaskItem[] ShortNames
/// <summary>
/// A set of packages containing workload manifests.
/// </summary>
public ITaskItem[] WorkloadManifestPackageFiles
/// <summary>
/// Overrides the default component prefix when generating component IDs.
/// </summary>
public string VisualStudioComponentPrefix
} = DefaultValues.VisualStudioComponentPrefix;
public bool CreateWorkloadPackGroups
/// <summary>
/// The directory to use for locating workload pack packages.
/// </summary>
public string PackageSource
public bool UseWorkloadPackGroupsForVS
/// <summary>
/// If true, will skip creating MSIs for workload packs if they are part of a pack group
/// </summary>
public bool SkipRedundantMsiCreation
public bool DisableParallelPackageGroupProcessing
/// <summary>
/// Allow VS workload generation to proceed if any nupkgs declared in the manifest are not found on disk.
/// </summary>
public bool AllowMissingPacks
} = false;
/// <summary>
/// Generate components using a fixed prefix that follow the Visual Studio component naming convention.
/// </summary>
public bool UseVisualStudioComponentPrefix
} = false;
protected override bool ExecuteCore()
// TODO: trim out duplicate manifests.
List<WorkloadManifestPackage> manifestPackages = new();
List<WorkloadManifestMsi> manifestMsisToBuild = new();
HashSet<SwixComponent> swixComponents = new();
HashSet<SwixPackageGroup> swixPackageGroups = new();
Dictionary<string, BuildData> buildData = new();
Dictionary<string, WorkloadPackGroupPackage> packGroupPackages = new();
// First construct sets of everything that needs to be built. This includes
// all the packages (manifests and workload packs) that need to be extracted along
// with the different installer types.
foreach (ITaskItem workloadManifestPackageFile in WorkloadManifestPackageFiles)
// 1. Process the manifest package and create a set of installers.
WorkloadManifestPackage manifestPackage = new(workloadManifestPackageFile, PackageRootDirectory,
string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ManifestMsiVersion) ? null : new Version(ManifestMsiVersion), ShortNames, Log, EnableSideBySideManifests);
if (!_supportsMachineArch.ContainsKey(manifestPackage.SdkFeatureBand))
// Log the original setting and manifest that created the machineArch setting for the featureband.
Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, $"Setting {nameof(_supportsMachineArch)} to {manifestPackage.SupportsMachineArch} for {Path.GetFileName(manifestPackage.PackageFileName)}");
_supportsMachineArch[manifestPackage.SdkFeatureBand] = manifestPackage.SupportsMachineArch;
else if (_supportsMachineArch[manifestPackage.SdkFeatureBand] != manifestPackage.SupportsMachineArch)
// If multiple manifest packages for the same feature band have conflicting machineArch values
// then we'll treat it as an warning. It will likely fail the build.
Log.LogWarning($"{_supportsMachineArch} was previously set to {_supportsMachineArch[manifestPackage.SdkFeatureBand]}");
Dictionary<string, WorkloadManifestMsi> manifestMsisByPlatform = new();
foreach (string platform in SupportedPlatforms)
var manifestMsi = new WorkloadManifestMsi(manifestPackage, platform, BuildEngine, WixToolsetPath, BaseIntermediateOutputPath, EnableSideBySideManifests);
manifestMsisByPlatform[platform] = manifestMsi;
// If we're supporting SxS manifests, generate a package group to wrap the manifest VS packages
// so we don't deal with unstable package IDs during VS insertions.
if (EnableSideBySideManifests)
SwixPackageGroup packageGroup = new(manifestPackage);
if (!swixPackageGroups.Add(packageGroup))
Log.LogError(Strings.ManifestPackageGroupExists, manifestPackage.Id, packageGroup.Name);
// 2. Process the manifest itself to determine the set of packs involved and create
// installers for all the packs. Duplicate packs will be ignored, example, when
// workloads in two manifests targeting different feature bands contain the
// same pack dependencies. Building multiple copies of MSIs will cause
// problems (ref counting, repair operations, etc.) and also increases the build time.
// When building multiple manifests, it's possible for feature bands to have
// different sets of packs. For example, the same manifest for different feature bands
// can add additional platforms that requires generating additional SWIX projects, while
// ensuring that the pack and MSI is only generated once.
WorkloadManifest manifest = manifestPackage.GetManifest();
List<WorkloadPackGroupJson> packGroupJsonList = new();
foreach (WorkloadDefinition workload in manifest.Workloads.Values)
if ((workload is WorkloadDefinition wd) && (wd.Platforms == null || wd.Platforms.Any(platform => platform.StartsWith("win"))) && (wd.Packs != null))
Dictionary<string, List<WorkloadPackPackage>> packsInWorkloadByPlatform = new();
string packGroupId = null;
WorkloadPackGroupJson packGroupJson = null;
if (CreateWorkloadPackGroups)
packGroupId = WorkloadPackGroupPackage.GetPackGroupID(workload.Id);
packGroupJson = new WorkloadPackGroupJson()
GroupPackageId = packGroupId,
GroupPackageVersion = manifestPackage.PackageVersion.ToString()
foreach (WorkloadPackId packId in wd.Packs)
WorkloadPack pack = manifest.Packs[packId];
if (CreateWorkloadPackGroups)
packGroupJson.Packs.Add(new WorkloadPackJson()
PackId = pack.Id,
PackVersion = pack.Version
foreach ((string sourcePackage, string[] platforms) in WorkloadPackPackage.GetSourcePackages(PackageSource, pack))
if (!File.Exists(sourcePackage))
if (AllowMissingPacks)
Log.LogMessage($"Pack {sourcePackage} - {string.Join(",", platforms)} could not be found, it will be skipped.");
throw new FileNotFoundException(message: "NuGet package not found", fileName: sourcePackage);
// Create new build data and add the pack if we haven't seen it previously.
if (!buildData.ContainsKey(sourcePackage))
buildData[sourcePackage] = new BuildData(WorkloadPackPackage.Create(pack, sourcePackage, platforms, PackageRootDirectory,
ShortNames, Log));
foreach (string platform in platforms)
// If we haven't seen the platform, create a new entry, then add
// the current feature band. This allows us to track platform specific packs
// across multiple feature bands and manifests.
if (!buildData[sourcePackage].FeatureBands.ContainsKey(platform))
buildData[sourcePackage].FeatureBands[platform] = new();
_ = buildData[sourcePackage].FeatureBands[platform].Add(manifestPackage.SdkFeatureBand);
if (!packsInWorkloadByPlatform.ContainsKey(platform))
packsInWorkloadByPlatform[platform] = new();
// TODO: Find a better way to track this
if (SkipRedundantMsiCreation)
if (CreateWorkloadPackGroups)
// TODO: Support passing in data to skip creating pack groups for certain packs (possibly EMSDK, because it's large)
foreach (var kvp in packsInWorkloadByPlatform)
string platform = kvp.Key;
// The key is the paths to the packages included in the pack group, sorted in alphabetical order
string uniquePackGroupKey = string.Join("\r\n", kvp.Value.Select(p => p.PackagePath).OrderBy(p => p));
if (!packGroupPackages.TryGetValue(uniquePackGroupKey, out var groupPackage))
groupPackage = new WorkloadPackGroupPackage(workload.Id);
packGroupPackages[uniquePackGroupKey] = groupPackage;
if (!groupPackage.ManifestsPerPlatform.ContainsKey(platform))
groupPackage.ManifestsPerPlatform[platform] = new();
foreach (var manifestMsi in manifestMsisByPlatform.Values)
string prefix = UseVisualStudioComponentPrefix ? VisualStudioComponentPrefix : null;
// Finally, add a component for the workload in Visual Studio.
SwixComponent component = SwixComponent.Create(manifestPackage.SdkFeatureBand, workload, manifest, packGroupId,
ComponentResources, ShortNames, null, prefix);
// Create an additional component for shipping previews
SwixComponent previewComponent = SwixComponent.Create(manifestPackage.SdkFeatureBand, workload, manifest, packGroupId,
ComponentResources, ShortNames, "pre", prefix);
// Check for duplicates, e.g. manifests that were copied without changing workload definition IDs and
// provide a more usable error message so users can track down the duplication.
if (!swixComponents.Add(component))
Log.LogError(Strings.WorkloadComponentExists, workload.Id, component.Name);
if (!swixComponents.Add(previewComponent))
Log.LogError(Strings.WorkloadComponentExists, workload.Id, previewComponent.Name);
List<ITaskItem> msiItems = new();
List<ITaskItem> swixProjectItems = new();
_ = Parallel.ForEach(buildData.Values, data =>
// Extract the contents of the workload pack package.
Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, string.Format(Strings.BuildExtractingPackage, data.Package.PackagePath));
// Enumerate over the platforms and build each MSI once.
_ = Parallel.ForEach(data.FeatureBands.Keys, platform =>
WorkloadPackMsi msi = new(data.Package, platform, BuildEngine, WixToolsetPath, BaseIntermediateOutputPath);
ITaskItem msiOutputItem = msi.Build(MsiOutputPath, IceSuppressions);
// Generate a .csproj to package the MSI and its manifest for CLI installs.
MsiPayloadPackageProject csproj = new(msi.Metadata, msiOutputItem, BaseIntermediateOutputPath, BaseOutputPath, msi.NuGetPackageFiles);
msiOutputItem.SetMetadata(Metadata.PackageProject, csproj.Create());
lock (msiItems)
foreach (ReleaseVersion sdkFeatureBand in data.FeatureBands[platform])
// Don't generate a SWIX package if the MSI targets arm64 and VS doesn't support machineArch
if (_supportsMachineArch[sdkFeatureBand] || !string.Equals(msiOutputItem.GetMetadata(Metadata.Platform), DefaultValues.arm64))
MsiSwixProject swixProject = _supportsMachineArch[sdkFeatureBand] ?
new(msiOutputItem, BaseIntermediateOutputPath, BaseOutputPath, sdkFeatureBand, chip: null, machineArch: msiOutputItem.GetMetadata(Metadata.Platform), outOfSupport: IsOutOfSupportInVisualStudio) :
new(msiOutputItem, BaseIntermediateOutputPath, BaseOutputPath, sdkFeatureBand, chip: msiOutputItem.GetMetadata(Metadata.Platform), outOfSupport: IsOutOfSupportInVisualStudio);
string swixProj = swixProject.Create();
ITaskItem swixProjectItem = new TaskItem(swixProj);
swixProjectItem.SetMetadata(Metadata.SdkFeatureBand, $"{sdkFeatureBand}");
swixProjectItem.SetMetadata(Metadata.PackageType, DefaultValues.PackageTypeMsiPack);
swixProjectItem.SetMetadata(Metadata.IsPreview, "false");
lock (swixProjectItems)
// Parallel processing of pack groups was causing file access errors for heat in an earlier version of this code
// So we support a flag to disable the parallelization if that starts happening again
PossiblyParallelForEach(!DisableParallelPackageGroupProcessing, packGroupPackages.Values, packGroup =>
foreach (var pack in packGroup.Packs)
foreach (var platform in packGroup.ManifestsPerPlatform.Keys)
WorkloadPackGroupMsi msi = new(packGroup, platform, BuildEngine, WixToolsetPath, BaseIntermediateOutputPath);
ITaskItem msiOutputItem = msi.Build(MsiOutputPath, IceSuppressions);
// Generate a .csproj to package the MSI and its manifest for CLI installs.
MsiPayloadPackageProject csproj = new(msi.Metadata, msiOutputItem, BaseIntermediateOutputPath, BaseOutputPath, msi.NuGetPackageFiles);
msiOutputItem.SetMetadata(Metadata.PackageProject, csproj.Create());
lock (msiItems)
if (UseWorkloadPackGroupsForVS)
PossiblyParallelForEach(!DisableParallelPackageGroupProcessing, packGroup.ManifestsPerPlatform[platform], manifestPackage =>
// Don't generate a SWIX package if the MSI targets arm64 and VS doesn't support machineArch
if (_supportsMachineArch[manifestPackage.SdkFeatureBand] || !string.Equals(msiOutputItem.GetMetadata(Metadata.Platform), DefaultValues.arm64))
MsiSwixProject swixProject = _supportsMachineArch[manifestPackage.SdkFeatureBand] ?
new(msiOutputItem, BaseIntermediateOutputPath, BaseOutputPath, manifestPackage.SdkFeatureBand, chip: null, machineArch: msiOutputItem.GetMetadata(Metadata.Platform), outOfSupport: IsOutOfSupportInVisualStudio) :
new(msiOutputItem, BaseIntermediateOutputPath, BaseOutputPath, manifestPackage.SdkFeatureBand, chip: msiOutputItem.GetMetadata(Metadata.Platform), outOfSupport: IsOutOfSupportInVisualStudio);
string swixProj = swixProject.Create();
ITaskItem swixProjectItem = new TaskItem(swixProj);
swixProjectItem.SetMetadata(Metadata.SdkFeatureBand, $"{manifestPackage.SdkFeatureBand}");
swixProjectItem.SetMetadata(Metadata.PackageType, DefaultValues.PackageTypeMsiPack);
swixProjectItem.SetMetadata(Metadata.IsPreview, "false");
lock (swixProjectItems)
// Generate MSIs for the workload manifests along with a .csproj to package the MSI and a SWIX project for
// Visual Studio.
_ = Parallel.ForEach(manifestMsisToBuild, msi =>
ITaskItem msiOutputItem = msi.Build(MsiOutputPath, IceSuppressions);
// Don't generate a SWIX package if the MSI targets arm64 and VS doesn't support machineArch
if (_supportsMachineArch[msi.Package.SdkFeatureBand] || !string.Equals(msiOutputItem.GetMetadata(Metadata.Platform), DefaultValues.arm64))
// Generate SWIX authoring for the MSI package. Do not flag manifest MSI packages for out-of-support.
// These are typically pulled in through .NET SDK components.
MsiSwixProject swixProject = _supportsMachineArch[msi.Package.SdkFeatureBand] ?
new(msiOutputItem, BaseIntermediateOutputPath, BaseOutputPath, msi.Package.SdkFeatureBand, chip: null, machineArch: msiOutputItem.GetMetadata(Metadata.Platform)) :
new(msiOutputItem, BaseIntermediateOutputPath, BaseOutputPath, msi.Package.SdkFeatureBand, chip: msiOutputItem.GetMetadata(Metadata.Platform));
ITaskItem swixProjectItem = new TaskItem(swixProject.Create());
swixProjectItem.SetMetadata(Metadata.SdkFeatureBand, $"{((WorkloadManifestPackage)msi.Package).SdkFeatureBand}");
swixProjectItem.SetMetadata(Metadata.PackageType, DefaultValues.PackageTypeMsiManifest);
swixProjectItem.SetMetadata(Metadata.IsPreview, "false");
lock (swixProjectItems)
// Generate a .csproj to package the MSI and its manifest for CLI installs.
MsiPayloadPackageProject csproj = new(msi.Metadata, msiOutputItem, BaseIntermediateOutputPath, BaseOutputPath, msi.NuGetPackageFiles);
msiOutputItem.SetMetadata(Metadata.PackageProject, csproj.Create());
lock (msiItems)
// Generate SWIX projects for the Visual Studio components. These are driven by the manifests, so
// they need to be ordered based on feature bands to avoid pulling in unnecessary packs into the drop
// artifacts.
_ = Parallel.ForEach(swixComponents, swixComponent =>
ComponentSwixProject swixComponentProject = new(swixComponent, BaseIntermediateOutputPath, BaseOutputPath, IsOutOfSupportInVisualStudio);
ITaskItem swixProjectItem = new TaskItem(swixComponentProject.Create());
swixProjectItem.SetMetadata(Metadata.SdkFeatureBand, $"{swixComponent.SdkFeatureBand}");
swixProjectItem.SetMetadata(Metadata.PackageType, DefaultValues.PackageTypeComponent);
swixProjectItem.SetMetadata(Metadata.IsPreview, swixComponent.Name.EndsWith(".pre").ToString().ToLowerInvariant());
lock (swixProjectItems)
if (EnableSideBySideManifests)
// Generate SWIX projects for the Visual Studio package groups.
_ = Parallel.ForEach(swixPackageGroups, swixPackageGroup =>
lock (swixProjectItems)
swixProjectItems.Add(PackageGroupSwixProject.CreateProjectItem(swixPackageGroup, BaseIntermediateOutputPath, BaseOutputPath,
Msis = msiItems.ToArray();
SwixProjects = swixProjectItems.ToArray();
return true;
static void PossiblyParallelForEach<T>(bool runInParallel, IEnumerable<T> source, Action<T> body)
if (runInParallel)
_ = Parallel.ForEach(source, body);
foreach (var item in source)