21 references to ContractName
Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Packaging (21)
ValidatePackage.cs (21)
188NuGetAssetResolver.ExamineAssets(Log, "Compile", ContractName, fx.ToString(), compileAssetPaths, out hasCompileAsset, out hasCompilePlaceHolder); 205NuGetAssetResolver.ExamineAssets(Log, "Runtime", ContractName, target, runtimeAssetPaths, out hasRuntimeAsset, out hasRuntimePlaceHolder); 214Log.LogError($"{ContractName} should not be supported on {target} but has both compile and runtime assets."); 218Log.LogError($"{ContractName} should not be supported on {target} but has runtime assets."); 223Log.LogError($"{ContractName} should not be supported on {target} but has placeholders for both compile and runtime which will permit the package to install."); 232Log.LogError($"Framework {fx} should support {ContractName} inbox but was missing a placeholder for compile-time. You may need to add <InboxOnTargetFramework Include=\"{fx.GetShortFolderName()}\" /> to your project."); 236Log.LogError($"Framework {fx} should support {ContractName} inbox but contained a reference assemblies: {String.Join(", ", compileAssetPaths)}. You may need to add <InboxOnTargetFramework Include=\"{fx.GetShortFolderName()}\" /> to your project."); 241Log.LogError($"Framework {fx} should support {ContractName} inbox but was missing a placeholder for run-time. You may need to add <InboxOnTargetFramework Include=\"{fx.GetShortFolderName()}\" /> to your project."); 245Log.LogError($"Framework {fx} should support {ContractName} inbox but contained a implementation assemblies: {String.Join(", ", runtimeAssetPaths)}. You may need to add <InboxOnTargetFramework Include=\"{fx.GetShortFolderName()}\" /> to your project."); 255Log.LogError($"{ContractName} should be supported on {target} but has a compile placeholder. You may need to remove InboxOnTargetFramework Include=\"{fx.GetShortFolderName()}\" /> from your project."); 259Log.LogError($"{ContractName} should be supported on {target} but has no compile assets."); 271Log.LogError($"{ContractName} should only contain a single compile asset for {target}."); 280Log.LogError($"{ContractName} should support API version {supportedVersion} on {target} but {referenceAssembly.LocalPath} was found to support {referenceAssemblyVersion?.ToString() ?? "<unknown version>"}."); 290Log.LogMessage($"Suppressed: {ContractName} should be supported on {target} but has no runtime assets."); 295Log.LogError($"{ContractName} should be supported on {target} but has no runtime assets."); 309Log.LogError($"{ContractName} should support API version {supportedVersion} on {target} but {implementationAssembly.LocalPath} was found to support {implementationVersion?.ToString() ?? "<unknown version>"}."); 318Log.LogError($"{ContractName} has mismatched compile ({referenceAssemblyVersion}) and runtime ({implementationVersion}) versions on {target}."); 325Log.LogError($"{ContractName} has a higher runtime version ({implementationVersion}) than compile version ({referenceAssemblyVersion}) on .NET Desktop framework {target}. This will break bindingRedirects. If the live reference was replaced with a harvested reference you may need to set <Preserve>true</Preserve> on your reference assembly ProjectReference."); 332Log.LogError($"{ContractName} includes both {implementationAssembly.LocalPath} and {implementationFiles[fileName].LocalPath} an on {target} which have the same name and will clash when both packages are used."); 352Log.LogError($"When targeting {target} {ContractName} will use {implementationAssembly.LocalPath} which targets {implementationAssembly.TargetFramework.GetShortFolderName()} but {String.Join(";", matchingFxAssets.Select(i => i.PackagePath))} targets {fx.GetShortFolderName()} specifically."); 588if (_index.Packages.TryGetValue(ContractName, out packageInfo))