Implemented interface member:
Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.ILog.LogError(System.String, params System.Object[])
90 references to LogError
Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Packaging (90)
ApplyPreReleaseSuffix.cs (2)
54Log.LogError($"{nameof(OriginalPackages)} argument must be specified"); 60Log.LogError($"{nameof(PreReleaseSuffix)} argument must be specified");
CreateTrimDependencyGroups.cs (2)
59Log.LogError("Dependencies argument must be specified"); 64Log.LogError("PackageIndexes argument must be specified");
GeneratePackageReport.cs (5)
212Log.LogError($"Could not parse Framework {framework.ItemSpec}. {ex}"); 218Log.LogError($"Did not recognize {framework.ItemSpec} as valid Framework."); 299Log.LogError($"{packageItem.TargetPath} is missing TargetPath metadata"); 312Log.LogError($"Could not parse File {file.ItemSpec}. {ex}"); 329Log.LogError($"Files {_targetPathToPackageItem[packageSpecificTargetPath].SourcePath} and {packageItem.SourcePath} have the same TargetPath {packageSpecificTargetPath}.");
GenerateRuntimeDependencies.cs (4)
51Log.LogError("Dependencies argument must be specified"); 57Log.LogError("PackageID argument must be specified"); 63Log.LogError("RuntimeJson argument must be specified"); 184Log.LogError("Dependency {0} has invalid version {1}", dependency.ItemSpec, dependencyVersionString);
GetApplicableAssetsFromPackageReports.cs (2)
52Log.LogError("PackageReports argument must be specified"); 58Log.LogError("TargetMoniker argument must be specified");
GetApplicableAssetsFromPackages.cs (7)
72Log.LogError("PackageAssets argument must be specified"); 78Log.LogError("TargetMoniker argument must be specified"); 115Log.LogError($"Could not locate compile assets for any of the frameworks {String.Join(";", compileFxs.Select(fx => fx.ToString()))}"); 139Log.LogError($"Could not locate runtime assets for any of the frameworks {String.Join(";", runtimeFxs.Select(fx => fx.ToString()))}"); 158Log.LogError($"{packageItem.TargetPath} is missing TargetPath metadata"); 169Log.LogError($"Could not parse File {file.ItemSpec}. {ex}"); 185Log.LogError($"Files {_targetPathToPackageItem[packageSpecificTargetPath].SourcePath} and {packageFile.SourcePath} have the same TargetPath {packageSpecificTargetPath}.");
GetAssemblyReferences.cs (1)
52Log.LogError($"File {assemblyItem.ItemSpec} does not exist, ensure you have built libraries before building the package.");
GetInboxFrameworks.cs (2)
45Log.LogError("PackageIndexes argument must be specified"); 51Log.LogError("AssemblyName argument must be specified");
GetLastStablePackage.cs (1)
107Log.LogError($"Could not parse version {versionString} for StablePackage {packageId}");
GetPackageDescription.cs (6)
43Log.LogError("DescriptionFile argument must be specified"); 49Log.LogError("PackageId argument must be specified"); 57Log.LogError("DescriptionFile '{0}' does not exist", descriptionPath); 80Log.LogError("Unable to find description for package {0}", PackageId); 107Log.LogError("Error loading {0}, {1}", descriptionPath, excep); 121Log.LogError("Package {0} has no Description, please add it to {1}", metadata.Name, descriptionPath);
GetPackageDestination.cs (2)
102Log.LogError($"Project is built as {nuGetFx.GetShortFolderName()} but packaged as {packageFx.GetShortFolderName()} and {portableFramework} is not compatible with {nuGetFx.GetShortFolderName()}. To suppress this error you can add <SuppressPackageTargetFrameworkCompatibility Include=\"{packageFx.GetShortFolderName()}\" /> to your project file."); 108Log.LogError($"Project is built as {nuGetFx.GetShortFolderName()} but packaged as {packageFx.GetShortFolderName()} which are not compatible; A {nuGetFx.GetShortFolderName()} asset cannot be referenced by a {packageFx.GetShortFolderName()} project. To suppress this error you can add <SuppressPackageTargetFrameworkCompatibility Include=\"{packageFx.GetShortFolderName()}\" /> to your project file.");
GetPackageVersion.cs (1)
32Log.LogError("Files argument must be specified");
HarvestPackage.cs (6)
188Log.LogError($"Could not parse Framework {framework.ItemSpec}. {ex}"); 194Log.LogError($"Did not recognize {framework.ItemSpec} as valid Framework."); 281Log.LogError($"Package contains two files with same targetpath: {livePackageItem.TargetPath}, items:{livePackageItem.SourcePath}, {existingitem.SourcePath}."); 458Log.LogError($"Path '{pathNotIncluded}' was specified in {nameof(PathsToInclude)} but was not found in the package {PackageId}/{PackageVersion}."); 488Log.LogError($"Cannot locate package '{PackageId}' version '{PackageVersion}' under '{string.Join(", ", PackagesFolders)}'. Harvesting is needed to redistribute assets and ensure compatibility with the previous release. You can disable this by setting HarvestStablePackage=false."); 501Log.LogError($"Package path {packagePath} was specified to be harvested but it conflicts with live build{reason}.");
NuGetPack.cs (7)
139Log.LogError("Nuspecs argument must be specified"); 145Log.LogError("OuputDirectory argument must be specified"); 162Log.LogError($"Nuspec {nuspecPath} does not exist"); 215Log.LogError($"Nuspec {nuspecPath} does not contain a valid Id"); 229Log.LogError($"Failed to parse Package Version: '{PackageVersion}' is not a valid version."); 237Log.LogError($"Nuspec {nuspecPath} does not contain a valid version"); 320Log.LogError($"Error when creating nuget {packageType} package from {nuspecPath}. {e}");
NuGetUtility.cs (1)
126public void LogError(string data) => _log.LogError(data);
ValidateFrameworkPackage.cs (3)
53new Action<string>(s => Log.LogError(s)); 77new Action<string>(s => Log.LogError(s)); 93Log.LogError($"Could not find target {targetKey} in {ReportFile}.");
ValidateHarvestVersionIsLatestForRelease.cs (4)
42Log.LogError($"Validation Failed: {packageReport.Id} is harvesting package version {harvestVersion} which belongs to the current package release: {packageReport.Version}"); 49Log.LogError($"Validation Failed: {packageReport.Id} is harvesting assets from package version {harvestVersion} which is not the latest for that package release. Latest package version from that release is {latestPatchVersion}. In order to fix this, run `dotnet msbuild {packageReport.Id}.pkgproj /t:UpdateHarvestVersionOnPackageIndex /p:UpdateStablePackageInfo=true`"); 123Log.LogError($"Failed to parse package version from string: {harvestedFrom}"); 129Log.LogError($"Failed to parse package version from string: {harvestedFrom}");
ValidatePackage.cs (33)
164Log.LogError($"Invalid generation {compileAsset.TargetFramework.Version} for {compileAsset.LocalPath}, must be at least {minSupportedGeneration} based on the implementations in the package. If you meant to target the lower generation you may be missing an implementation for a framework on that lower generation. If not you should raise the generation of the reference assembly to match that of the lowest supported generation of all implementations/placeholders."); 182Log.LogError($"Missing target {fx.ToString()} from validation report {ReportFile}"); 198Log.LogError($"Missing target {target} from validation report {ReportFile}"); 214Log.LogError($"{ContractName} should not be supported on {target} but has both compile and runtime assets."); 218Log.LogError($"{ContractName} should not be supported on {target} but has runtime assets."); 223Log.LogError($"{ContractName} should not be supported on {target} but has placeholders for both compile and runtime which will permit the package to install."); 232Log.LogError($"Framework {fx} should support {ContractName} inbox but was missing a placeholder for compile-time. You may need to add <InboxOnTargetFramework Include=\"{fx.GetShortFolderName()}\" /> to your project."); 236Log.LogError($"Framework {fx} should support {ContractName} inbox but contained a reference assemblies: {String.Join(", ", compileAssetPaths)}. You may need to add <InboxOnTargetFramework Include=\"{fx.GetShortFolderName()}\" /> to your project."); 241Log.LogError($"Framework {fx} should support {ContractName} inbox but was missing a placeholder for run-time. You may need to add <InboxOnTargetFramework Include=\"{fx.GetShortFolderName()}\" /> to your project."); 245Log.LogError($"Framework {fx} should support {ContractName} inbox but contained a implementation assemblies: {String.Join(", ", runtimeAssetPaths)}. You may need to add <InboxOnTargetFramework Include=\"{fx.GetShortFolderName()}\" /> to your project."); 255Log.LogError($"{ContractName} should be supported on {target} but has a compile placeholder. You may need to remove InboxOnTargetFramework Include=\"{fx.GetShortFolderName()}\" /> from your project."); 259Log.LogError($"{ContractName} should be supported on {target} but has no compile assets."); 271Log.LogError($"{ContractName} should only contain a single compile asset for {target}."); 280Log.LogError($"{ContractName} should support API version {supportedVersion} on {target} but {referenceAssembly.LocalPath} was found to support {referenceAssemblyVersion?.ToString() ?? "<unknown version>"}."); 295Log.LogError($"{ContractName} should be supported on {target} but has no runtime assets."); 309Log.LogError($"{ContractName} should support API version {supportedVersion} on {target} but {implementationAssembly.LocalPath} was found to support {implementationVersion?.ToString() ?? "<unknown version>"}."); 318Log.LogError($"{ContractName} has mismatched compile ({referenceAssemblyVersion}) and runtime ({implementationVersion}) versions on {target}."); 325Log.LogError($"{ContractName} has a higher runtime version ({implementationVersion}) than compile version ({referenceAssemblyVersion}) on .NET Desktop framework {target}. This will break bindingRedirects. If the live reference was replaced with a harvested reference you may need to set <Preserve>true</Preserve> on your reference assembly ProjectReference."); 332Log.LogError($"{ContractName} includes both {implementationAssembly.LocalPath} and {implementationFiles[fileName].LocalPath} an on {target} which have the same name and will clash when both packages are used."); 352Log.LogError($"When targeting {target} {ContractName} will use {implementationAssembly.LocalPath} which targets {implementationAssembly.TargetFramework.GetShortFolderName()} but {String.Join(";", matchingFxAssets.Select(i => i.PackagePath))} targets {fx.GetShortFolderName()} specifically."); 383Log.LogError($"PackageIndex from {String.Join(", ", PackageIndexes.Select(i => i.ItemSpec))} is missing an entry for package {PackageId}. Please run /t:UpdatePackageIndex on this project to commit an update."); 400Log.LogError($"PackageIndex from {String.Join(", ", PackageIndexes.Select(i => i.ItemSpec))} is missing an assembly version entry for {fileVersion} for package {PackageId}. Please run /t:UpdatePackageIndex on this project to commit an update."); 407Log.LogError($"PackageIndex from {String.Join(", ", PackageIndexes.Select(i => i.ItemSpec))} indicates that assembly version {fileVersion} is contained in non-stable package version {packageVersion} which differs from this package version {thisPackageVersion}."); 417Log.LogError($"PackageIndex from {String.Join(", ", PackageIndexes.Select(i => i.ItemSpec))} is has an assembly version entry(s) for {String.Join(", ", orphanedAssemblyVersions)} which are no longer in package {PackageId}. Please run /t:UpdatePackageIndex on this project to commit an update."); 430Log.LogError($"PackageIndex from {String.Join(", ", PackageIndexes.Select(i => i.ItemSpec))} is missing an baseline entry(s) for native module {PackageId}. Please run /t:UpdatePackageIndex on this project to commit an update."); 441Log.LogError($"PackageIndex from {String.Join(", ", PackageIndexes.Select(i => i.ItemSpec))} is missing ModulesToPackages entry(s) for {String.Join(", ", missingModuleNames)} to package {PackageId}. Please add a an entry for the appropriate package."); 467Log.LogError($"Could not parse Framework {framework.ItemSpec}. {ex}"); 473Log.LogError($"Did not recognize {framework.ItemSpec} as valid Framework."); 481Log.LogError($"Framework {fx} has been listed in Frameworks more than once."); 513Log.LogError($"Could not parse TargetFramework {fxString} as a SupportedFramework. {ex}"); 519Log.LogError($"Did not recognize TargetFramework {fxString} as a SupportedFramework."); 531Log.LogError($"Could not parse Version {version} on SupportedFramework item {supportedFramework.ItemSpec}. {ex}"); 538Log.LogError($"SupportedFramework {fx} was specified but is not part of the Framework list to use for validation.");
ValidationTask.cs (1)
117Log.LogError($"Unknown suppression {keyString}");