// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Composition;
using Microsoft.Cci.Extensions;
using Microsoft.Cci.Extensions.CSharp;
namespace Microsoft.Cci.Differs.Rules
internal class EnumTypesMustMatch : CompatDifferenceRule
public IEqualityComparer<ITypeReference> _typeComparer { get; set; } = null;
public override DifferenceType Diff(IDifferences differences, ITypeDefinition impl, ITypeDefinition contract)
if (impl == null || contract == null)
return DifferenceType.Unknown;
if (!impl.IsEnum || !contract.IsEnum)
return DifferenceType.Unknown;
ITypeReference implType = impl.GetEnumType();
ITypeReference contractType = contract.GetEnumType();
if (!_typeComparer.Equals(implType, contractType))
differences.AddTypeMismatchDifference(this, implType, contractType,
$"Enum type for '{impl.FullName()}' is '{implType.FullName()}' in {Implementation} but '{contractType.FullName()}' in the {Contract}.");
return DifferenceType.Changed;
return DifferenceType.Unknown;