// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Microsoft.Cci.Extensions;
using Microsoft.Cci.Extensions.CSharp;
namespace Microsoft.Cci.Differs.Rules
internal class CannotMakeNonVirtual : CompatDifferenceRule
public override DifferenceType Diff(IDifferences differences, ITypeDefinitionMember impl, ITypeDefinitionMember contract)
if (impl == null || contract == null)
return DifferenceType.Unknown;
bool isImplOverridable = IsOverridable(impl);
bool isContractOverridable = IsOverridable(contract);
//@todo: Move to a separate rule that's only run in "strict" mode.
if (isImplInhertiable && !isContractInheritiable)
// This is separate because it can be noisy and is generally allowed as long as it is reviewed properly.
"Member '{0}' is virtual in the implementation but non-virtual in the contract.",
return DifferenceType.Changed;
if (isContractOverridable && !isImplOverridable)
differences.AddIncompatibleDifference("CannotMakeMemberNonVirtual", impl.GetMemberViolationMessage("Member", $"is non-virtual in the {Implementation}", $"is virtual in the {Contract}"));
return DifferenceType.Changed;
return DifferenceType.Unknown;
private bool IsOverridable(ITypeDefinitionMember member)
if (!member.IsVirtual())
return false;
// member virtual final is not overridable
if (member.IsSealed())
return false;
// if member type is Effectively sealed and cannot be extended, then the member cannot be inherited
if (member.ContainingTypeDefinition != null && member.ContainingTypeDefinition.IsEffectivelySealed())
return false;
return true;