// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Microsoft.Cci.Comparers
public class NamespaceRemappingComparers : CciComparers
private List<Tuple<string, string>> _mappings = new List<Tuple<string, string>>();
public NamespaceRemappingComparers(string mappingFile)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mappingFile))
Debug.Assert(_mappings.Count > 0, "NamespaceRemappingComparers has no namespace remappings.");
public override string GetKey(INamespaceDefinition ns)
return RemapName(base.GetKey(ns));
public override string GetKey(ITypeReference type)
return RemapName(base.GetKey(type));
public override string GetKey(ITypeDefinitionMember member)
return RemapName(base.GetKey(member));
private string RemapName(string name)
Debug.Assert(name != null);
Debug.Assert(_mappings.Count > 0, "NamespaceRemappingComparers has no namespace remappings.");
int maxNumTypesLeft = CountNumTypes(name);
string mappedName = name;
foreach (var mapping in _mappings)
// Note that we can have partial matches on type names! Do not rename a type like
// RelativeSourceMode to RelativeSource - we have both names. Similarly, if we have
// a rule like DependencyProperty -> IDependencyProperty, then make sure we don't
// consider IDependencyProperty a match, converting it to "IIDependencyProperty"
if (IsBadTypeNameMatch(mappedName, mapping.Item1))
//Debug.WriteLine("NamespaceRemappingComparer: Avoiding name mapping for {0} because {1} is a partial match.", name, mapping.Item1);
mappedName = mappedName.Replace(mapping.Item1, mapping.Item2);
// Perf optimization - assume if we've found what we're trying to replace, we're done and can return.
// However this needs to work for strings that contain multiple types, such as method signatures
// or generic types. We'd replace hopefully each of those types.
if (!Object.ReferenceEquals(mappedName, name))
if (maxNumTypesLeft == 0)
return mappedName;
return mappedName;
private static bool IsBadTypeNameMatch(String name, String mappingName)
// Check whether we have more characters afterwards
bool moreAfter = (name.StartsWith(mappingName) && !name.Equals(mappingName) &&
(name[mappingName.Length] != '.' && name[mappingName.Length] != ')' && name[mappingName.Length] != '<'));
int indexOfName = name.IndexOf(mappingName);
bool moreBefore = indexOfName > 0 && (name[indexOfName - 1] != '.' && name[indexOfName - 1] != '(' && name[indexOfName - 1] != ' ' && name[indexOfName - 1] != '<');
return moreAfter || moreBefore;
// Maximum number of types in a type name is 1 + the number of commas, :'s, ('s and <'s. Consider Foo<int,object>(int x, Bar y). 5 types.
// Or consider G<Foo> : Base, IFoo
// Note name can be a type name or method signature or generic type or delegate.
private int CountNumTypes(String name)
Debug.Assert(name != null);
// For nested types, I think we only need to map the outer type. But in case it comes up, *you* can think about this.
Debug.Assert(name.IndexOf('+') < 0, "Encountered a nested type. Not sure whether to treat that as two types or one, or to only remap the outer type.");
int numTypes = 1;
foreach (char c in name)
if (c == ',' || c == '(' || c == '<' || c == ':')
return numTypes;
private void ParseConfig(string mappingFile)
Debug.Assert(File.Exists(mappingFile), String.Format("Excepting namespace mapping file \"{0}\" to exist.", mappingFile));
foreach (string mapping in File.ReadAllLines(mappingFile))
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mapping) ||
mapping.StartsWith("#") ||
string[] split = mapping.Split(',');
if (split.Length != 2)
Debug.WriteLine("ApiCompat NamespaceRemappingComparer: unparsable line found in file {0}. Line: \"{1}\"", mappingFile, mapping);
_mappings.Add(Tuple.Create(split[0], split[1]));
Debug.Assert(_mappings.Count > 0, "Expected to find namespace mappings in our namespace mapping text file. Is this intentional?");