// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
namespace Microsoft.Data.Analysis
/// <summary>
/// PrimitiveColumnContainer is just a store for the column data. APIs that want to change the data must be defined in PrimitiveDataFrameColumn
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
internal partial class PrimitiveColumnContainer<T> : IEnumerable<T?>
where T : unmanaged
public IList<ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T>> Buffers = new List<ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T>>();
// To keep the mapping simple, each buffer is mapped 1v1 to a nullBitMapBuffer
// A set bit implies a valid value. An unset bit => null value
public IList<ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<byte>> NullBitMapBuffers = new List<ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<byte>>();
public PrimitiveColumnContainer(IEnumerable<T> values)
values = values ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(values));
foreach (T value in values)
public PrimitiveColumnContainer(IEnumerable<T?> values)
values = values ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(values));
foreach (T? value in values)
public PrimitiveColumnContainer(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> buffer, ReadOnlyMemory<byte> nullBitMap, int length, int nullCount)
ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T> dataBuffer;
if (buffer.IsEmpty)
DataFrameBuffer<T> mutableBuffer = new DataFrameBuffer<T>(length);
dataBuffer = mutableBuffer;
dataBuffer = new ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T>(buffer, length);
int bitMapBufferLength = (length + 7) / 8;
ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<byte> nullDataFrameBuffer;
if (nullBitMap.IsEmpty)
if (nullCount != 0)
throw new ArgumentNullException(Strings.InconsistentNullBitMapAndNullCount, nameof(nullBitMap));
if (!buffer.IsEmpty)
// Create a new bitMap with all the bits up to length set
var bitMap = new DataFrameBuffer<byte>(bitMapBufferLength);
var span = bitMap.Span;
int lastByte = 1 << (length - (bitMapBufferLength - 1) * 8);
span[bitMapBufferLength - 1] = (byte)(lastByte - 1);
nullDataFrameBuffer = bitMap;
nullDataFrameBuffer = new DataFrameBuffer<byte>();
if (nullBitMap.Length < bitMapBufferLength)
throw new ArgumentException(Strings.InconsistentNullBitMapAndLength, nameof(nullBitMap));
nullDataFrameBuffer = new ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<byte>(nullBitMap, bitMapBufferLength);
Length = length;
NullCount = nullCount;
public PrimitiveColumnContainer(long length = 0, T? defaulValue = null)
AppendMany(defaulValue, length);
public void Resize(long length)
if (length < Length)
throw new ArgumentException(Strings.CannotResizeDown, nameof(length));
AppendMany(default, length - Length);
public void Append(T? value)
if (Buffers.Count == 0)
Buffers.Add(new DataFrameBuffer<T>());
NullBitMapBuffers.Add(new DataFrameBuffer<byte>());
if (Buffers[Buffers.Count - 1].Length == ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T>.MaxCapacity)
Buffers.Add(new DataFrameBuffer<T>());
NullBitMapBuffers.Add(new DataFrameBuffer<byte>());
DataFrameBuffer<T> mutableLastBuffer = Buffers.GetOrCreateMutable(Buffers.Count - 1);
mutableLastBuffer.Append(value ?? default);
SetValidityBit(Length, value.HasValue);
public void AppendMany(T? value, long count)
if (!value.HasValue)
NullCount += count;
var remaining = count;
while (remaining > 0)
if (Buffers.Count == 0)
Buffers.Add(new DataFrameBuffer<T>());
NullBitMapBuffers.Add(new DataFrameBuffer<byte>());
if (Buffers[Buffers.Count - 1].Length == ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T>.MaxCapacity)
Buffers.Add(new DataFrameBuffer<T>());
NullBitMapBuffers.Add(new DataFrameBuffer<byte>());
DataFrameBuffer<T> mutableLastBuffer = Buffers.GetOrCreateMutable(Buffers.Count - 1);
DataFrameBuffer<byte> lastNullBitMapBuffer = NullBitMapBuffers.GetOrCreateMutable(NullBitMapBuffers.Count - 1);
//Calculate how many values we can additionaly allocate and not exceed the MaxCapacity
int originalBufferLength = mutableLastBuffer.Length;
int allocatable = (int)Math.Min(remaining, ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T>.MaxCapacity - originalBufferLength);
//Calculate how many bytes we have additionaly allocate to store allocatable number of bits (need to take into account unused bits inside already allocated bytes)
int nullBufferAllocatable = (originalBufferLength + allocatable + 7) / 8 - lastNullBitMapBuffer.Length;
Length += allocatable;
if (value.HasValue)
mutableLastBuffer.RawSpan.Slice(mutableLastBuffer.Length - allocatable, allocatable).Fill(value.Value);
BitUtility.SetBits(lastNullBitMapBuffer.RawSpan, originalBufferLength, allocatable, true);
remaining -= allocatable;
public void ApplyElementwise(Func<T?, long, T?> func)
long curIndex = 0;
for (int b = 0; b < Buffers.Count; b++)
Span<T> mutableBuffer = Buffers.GetOrCreateMutable(b).Span;
Span<byte> mutableNullBitMapBuffer = NullBitMapBuffers.GetOrCreateMutable(b).Span;
for (int i = 0; i < mutableBuffer.Length; i++)
bool isValid = BitUtility.IsValid(mutableNullBitMapBuffer, i);
T? value = func(isValid ? mutableBuffer[i] : null, curIndex);
mutableBuffer[i] = value.GetValueOrDefault();
SetValidityBit(mutableNullBitMapBuffer, i, value != null);
public void Apply(Func<T, T> func)
for (int b = 0; b < Buffers.Count; b++)
var span = Buffers.GetOrCreateMutable(b).Span;
var validitySpan = NullBitMapBuffers.GetOrCreateMutable(b).Span;
for (int i = 0; i < span.Length; i++)
if (NullCount == 0 || BitUtility.IsValid(validitySpan, i))
span[i] = func(span[i]);
public void Apply<TResult>(Func<T?, TResult?> func, PrimitiveColumnContainer<TResult> resultContainer)
where TResult : unmanaged
for (int b = 0; b < Buffers.Count; b++)
var sourceBuffer = Buffers[b];
var sourceNullBitMap = NullBitMapBuffers[b].ReadOnlySpan;
Span<TResult> mutableResultBuffer = resultContainer.Buffers.GetOrCreateMutable(b).Span;
Span<byte> mutableResultNullBitMapBuffer = resultContainer.NullBitMapBuffers.GetOrCreateMutable(b).Span;
for (int i = 0; i < sourceBuffer.Length; i++)
bool isValid = BitUtility.IsValid(sourceNullBitMap, i);
TResult? value = func(isValid ? sourceBuffer[i] : null);
mutableResultBuffer[i] = value.GetValueOrDefault();
//Actually there is a bug in the previouse line. This code will not work correctly with containers having more than 1 buffers
//As buffer size for type T (sourceBuffer) is different from the size of buffer for type TResult (mutableResultBuffer) in case sizeof(T) not equal to sizeof(TResult)
//TODO fix (https://github.com/dotnet/machinelearning/issues/7122)
resultContainer.SetValidityBit(mutableResultNullBitMapBuffer, i, value != null);
public void FillNulls(T value)
for (int b = 0; b < Buffers.Count; b++)
var span = Buffers.GetOrCreateMutable(b).Span;
var validitySpan = NullBitMapBuffers.GetOrCreateMutable(b).Span;
for (int i = 0; i < span.Length; i++)
if (BitUtility.IsValid(validitySpan, i))
span[i] = value;
BitUtility.SetBit(validitySpan, i, true);
NullCount = 0;
public bool IsValid(long index) => NullCount == 0 || GetValidityBit(index);
private byte SetBit(byte curBitMap, int index, bool value)
byte newBitMap;
if (value)
newBitMap = (byte)(curBitMap | (byte)(1 << (index & 7))); //bit hack for index % 8
if (BitUtility.IsBitClear(curBitMap, index) && index < Length && NullCount > 0)
// Old value was null.
if (BitUtility.IsBitSet(curBitMap, index) && index < Length)
// old value was NOT null and new value is null
else if (index == Length)
// New entry from an append
newBitMap = (byte)(curBitMap & (byte)~(1 << (int)((uint)index & 7)));
return newBitMap;
// private function. Faster to use when we already have a span since it avoids indexing
private void SetValidityBit(Span<byte> bitMapBufferSpan, int index, bool value)
int bitMapBufferIndex = (int)((uint)index / 8);
Debug.Assert(bitMapBufferSpan.Length >= bitMapBufferIndex);
byte curBitMap = bitMapBufferSpan[bitMapBufferIndex];
byte newBitMap = SetBit(curBitMap, index, value);
bitMapBufferSpan[bitMapBufferIndex] = newBitMap;
/// <summary>
/// A null value has an unset bit
/// A NON-null value has a set bit
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index"></param>
/// <param name="value"></param>
internal void SetValidityBit(long index, bool value)
if ((ulong)index > (ulong)Length)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index));
// First find the right bitMapBuffer
int bitMapIndex = (int)(index / ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T>.MaxCapacity);
Debug.Assert(NullBitMapBuffers.Count > bitMapIndex);
DataFrameBuffer<byte> bitMapBuffer = (DataFrameBuffer<byte>)NullBitMapBuffers[bitMapIndex];
// Set the bit
index -= bitMapIndex * ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T>.MaxCapacity;
int bitMapBufferIndex = (int)((uint)index / 8);
Debug.Assert(bitMapBuffer.Length >= bitMapBufferIndex);
if (bitMapBuffer.Length == bitMapBufferIndex)
SetValidityBit(bitMapBuffer.Span, (int)index, value);
private bool GetValidityBit(long index)
if ((uint)index >= Length)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index));
// First find the right bitMapBuffer
int bitMapIndex = (int)(index / ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T>.MaxCapacity);
Debug.Assert(NullBitMapBuffers.Count > bitMapIndex);
ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<byte> bitMapBuffer = NullBitMapBuffers[bitMapIndex];
// Get the bit
index -= bitMapIndex * ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T>.MaxCapacity;
int bitMapBufferIndex = (int)((uint)index / 8);
Debug.Assert(bitMapBuffer.Length > bitMapBufferIndex);
byte curBitMap = bitMapBuffer[bitMapBufferIndex];
return BitUtility.IsBitSet(curBitMap, (int)index);
public long Length { get; private set; }
public long NullCount { get; private set; }
public int GetIndexOfBufferContainingRowIndex(long rowIndex)
if (rowIndex >= Length)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(Strings.IndexIsGreaterThanColumnLength, nameof(rowIndex));
return (int)(rowIndex / ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T>.MaxCapacity);
internal int MaxRecordBatchLength(long startIndex)
if (Length == 0)
return 0;
int bufferIndex = GetIndexOfBufferContainingRowIndex(startIndex);
startIndex = startIndex - bufferIndex * ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T>.MaxCapacity;
return Buffers[bufferIndex].Length - (int)startIndex;
public IReadOnlyList<T?> this[long startIndex, int length]
var ret = new List<T?>(length);
long endIndex = Math.Min(Length, startIndex + length);
for (long i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++)
return ret;
public T? this[long rowIndex]
if (!IsValid(rowIndex))
return null;
int bufferIndex = GetIndexOfBufferContainingRowIndex(rowIndex);
var bufferOffset = (int)(rowIndex % ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T>.MaxCapacity);
return Buffers[bufferIndex][bufferOffset];
int bufferIndex = GetIndexOfBufferContainingRowIndex(rowIndex);
var bufferOffset = (int)(rowIndex % ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T>.MaxCapacity);
if (value.HasValue)
Buffers[bufferIndex][bufferOffset] = value.Value;
SetValidityBit(rowIndex, true);
Buffers[bufferIndex][bufferOffset] = default;
SetValidityBit(rowIndex, false);
public IEnumerator<T?> GetEnumerator()
for (long i = 0; i < Length; i++)
yield return this[i];
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => GetEnumerator();
public override string ToString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++)
T? value = this[i];
if (value.HasValue)
sb.Append(this[i]).Append(" ");
sb.Append("null").Append(" ");
// Can this run out of memory? Just being safe here
if (sb.Length > 1000)
return sb.ToString();
private List<ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<byte>> CloneNullBitMapBuffers()
List<ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<byte>> ret = new List<ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<byte>>();
foreach (ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<byte> buffer in NullBitMapBuffers)
DataFrameBuffer<byte> newBuffer = new DataFrameBuffer<byte>(buffer.ReadOnlyBuffer, buffer.Length);
return ret;
public PrimitiveColumnContainer<T> Clone<U>(PrimitiveColumnContainer<U> mapIndices, Type type, bool invertMapIndices = false)
where U : unmanaged
ReadOnlySpan<T> thisSpan = Buffers[0].ReadOnlySpan;
ReadOnlySpan<byte> thisNullBitMapSpan = NullBitMapBuffers[0].ReadOnlySpan;
long minRange = 0;
long maxRange = DataFrameBuffer<T>.MaxCapacity;
long maxCapacity = maxRange;
PrimitiveColumnContainer<T> ret = new PrimitiveColumnContainer<T>(mapIndices.Length);
for (int b = 0; b < mapIndices.Buffers.Count; b++)
int index = b;
if (invertMapIndices)
index = mapIndices.Buffers.Count - 1 - b;
ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<U> buffer = mapIndices.Buffers[index];
ReadOnlySpan<byte> mapIndicesNullBitMapSpan = mapIndices.NullBitMapBuffers[index].ReadOnlySpan;
ReadOnlySpan<U> mapIndicesSpan = buffer.ReadOnlySpan;
ReadOnlySpan<long> mapIndicesLongSpan = default;
ReadOnlySpan<int> mapIndicesIntSpan = default;
DataFrameBuffer<T> mutableBuffer = DataFrameBuffer<T>.GetMutableBuffer(ret.Buffers[index]);
ret.Buffers[index] = mutableBuffer;
Span<T> retSpan = mutableBuffer.Span;
DataFrameBuffer<byte> mutableNullBuffer = DataFrameBuffer<byte>.GetMutableBuffer(ret.NullBitMapBuffers[index]);
ret.NullBitMapBuffers[index] = mutableNullBuffer;
Span<byte> retNullBitMapSpan = mutableNullBuffer.Span;
if (type == typeof(long))
mapIndicesLongSpan = MemoryMarshal.Cast<U, long>(mapIndicesSpan);
if (type == typeof(int))
mapIndicesIntSpan = MemoryMarshal.Cast<U, int>(mapIndicesSpan);
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++)
int spanIndex = i;
if (invertMapIndices)
spanIndex = buffer.Length - 1 - i;
long mapRowIndex = mapIndicesIntSpan.IsEmpty ? mapIndicesLongSpan[spanIndex] : mapIndicesIntSpan[spanIndex];
bool mapRowIndexIsValid = BitUtility.IsValid(mapIndicesNullBitMapSpan, spanIndex);
if (mapRowIndexIsValid && (mapRowIndex < minRange || mapRowIndex >= maxRange))
int bufferIndex = (int)(mapRowIndex / maxCapacity);
thisSpan = Buffers[bufferIndex].ReadOnlySpan;
thisNullBitMapSpan = NullBitMapBuffers[bufferIndex].ReadOnlySpan;
minRange = bufferIndex * maxCapacity;
maxRange = (bufferIndex + 1) * maxCapacity;
T value = default;
bool isValid = false;
if (mapRowIndexIsValid)
mapRowIndex -= minRange;
value = thisSpan[(int)mapRowIndex];
isValid = BitUtility.IsValid(thisNullBitMapSpan, (int)mapRowIndex);
retSpan[i] = isValid ? value : default;
ret.SetValidityBit(retNullBitMapSpan, i, isValid);
return ret;
public PrimitiveColumnContainer<T> Clone()
var ret = new PrimitiveColumnContainer<T>();
foreach (ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T> buffer in Buffers)
DataFrameBuffer<T> newBuffer = new DataFrameBuffer<T>(buffer.ReadOnlyBuffer, buffer.Length);
ret.Length += buffer.Length;
ret.NullBitMapBuffers = CloneNullBitMapBuffers();
ret.NullCount = NullCount;
return ret;
internal PrimitiveColumnContainer<bool> CloneAsBoolContainer()
var ret = new PrimitiveColumnContainer<bool>();
foreach (ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T> buffer in Buffers)
DataFrameBuffer<bool> newBuffer = new DataFrameBuffer<bool>(buffer.Length);
if (typeof(T) == typeof(bool))
var localBuffer = buffer;
ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<bool> boolLocalBuffer = Unsafe.As<ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T>, ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<bool>>(ref localBuffer);
ret.Length += buffer.Length;
ret.NullBitMapBuffers = CloneNullBitMapBuffers();
ret.NullCount = NullCount;
return ret;
internal PrimitiveColumnContainer<byte> CloneAsByteContainer()
var ret = new PrimitiveColumnContainer<byte>();
foreach (ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T> buffer in Buffers)
ret.Length += buffer.Length;
DataFrameBuffer<byte> newBuffer = new DataFrameBuffer<byte>(buffer.Length);
ReadOnlySpan<T> span = buffer.ReadOnlySpan;
for (int i = 0; i < span.Length; i++)
ret.NullBitMapBuffers = CloneNullBitMapBuffers();
ret.NullCount = NullCount;
return ret;
internal PrimitiveColumnContainer<sbyte> CloneAsSByteContainer()
var ret = new PrimitiveColumnContainer<sbyte>();
foreach (ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T> buffer in Buffers)
ret.Length += buffer.Length;
DataFrameBuffer<sbyte> newBuffer = new DataFrameBuffer<sbyte>(buffer.Length);
ReadOnlySpan<T> span = buffer.ReadOnlySpan;
for (int i = 0; i < span.Length; i++)
ret.NullBitMapBuffers = CloneNullBitMapBuffers();
ret.NullCount = NullCount;
return ret;
internal PrimitiveColumnContainer<double> CloneAsDoubleContainer()
var ret = new PrimitiveColumnContainer<double>();
foreach (ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T> buffer in Buffers)
ret.Length += buffer.Length;
DataFrameBuffer<double> newBuffer = new DataFrameBuffer<double>(buffer.Length);
ReadOnlySpan<T> span = buffer.ReadOnlySpan;
for (int i = 0; i < span.Length; i++)
ret.NullBitMapBuffers = CloneNullBitMapBuffers();
ret.NullCount = NullCount;
return ret;
internal PrimitiveColumnContainer<decimal> CloneAsDecimalContainer()
var ret = new PrimitiveColumnContainer<decimal>();
foreach (ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T> buffer in Buffers)
ret.Length += buffer.Length;
DataFrameBuffer<decimal> newBuffer = new DataFrameBuffer<decimal>(buffer.Length);
ReadOnlySpan<T> span = buffer.ReadOnlySpan;
for (int i = 0; i < span.Length; i++)
ret.NullBitMapBuffers = CloneNullBitMapBuffers();
ret.NullCount = NullCount;
return ret;
internal PrimitiveColumnContainer<short> CloneAsShortContainer()
var ret = new PrimitiveColumnContainer<short>();
foreach (ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T> buffer in Buffers)
ret.Length += buffer.Length;
DataFrameBuffer<short> newBuffer = new DataFrameBuffer<short>(buffer.Length);
ReadOnlySpan<T> span = buffer.ReadOnlySpan;
for (int i = 0; i < span.Length; i++)
ret.NullBitMapBuffers = CloneNullBitMapBuffers();
ret.NullCount = NullCount;
return ret;
internal PrimitiveColumnContainer<ushort> CloneAsUShortContainer()
var ret = new PrimitiveColumnContainer<ushort>();
foreach (ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T> buffer in Buffers)
ret.Length += buffer.Length;
DataFrameBuffer<ushort> newBuffer = new DataFrameBuffer<ushort>(buffer.Length);
ReadOnlySpan<T> span = buffer.ReadOnlySpan;
for (int i = 0; i < span.Length; i++)
ret.NullBitMapBuffers = CloneNullBitMapBuffers();
ret.NullCount = NullCount;
return ret;
internal PrimitiveColumnContainer<int> CloneAsIntContainer()
var ret = new PrimitiveColumnContainer<int>();
foreach (ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T> buffer in Buffers)
ret.Length += buffer.Length;
DataFrameBuffer<int> newBuffer = new DataFrameBuffer<int>(buffer.Length);
ReadOnlySpan<T> span = buffer.ReadOnlySpan;
for (int i = 0; i < span.Length; i++)
ret.NullBitMapBuffers = CloneNullBitMapBuffers();
ret.NullCount = NullCount;
return ret;
internal PrimitiveColumnContainer<uint> CloneAsUIntContainer()
var ret = new PrimitiveColumnContainer<uint>();
foreach (ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T> buffer in Buffers)
ret.Length += buffer.Length;
DataFrameBuffer<uint> newBuffer = new DataFrameBuffer<uint>(buffer.Length);
ReadOnlySpan<T> span = buffer.ReadOnlySpan;
for (int i = 0; i < span.Length; i++)
ret.NullBitMapBuffers = CloneNullBitMapBuffers();
ret.NullCount = NullCount;
return ret;
internal PrimitiveColumnContainer<long> CloneAsLongContainer()
var ret = new PrimitiveColumnContainer<long>();
foreach (ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T> buffer in Buffers)
ret.Length += buffer.Length;
DataFrameBuffer<long> newBuffer = new DataFrameBuffer<long>(buffer.Length);
ReadOnlySpan<T> span = buffer.ReadOnlySpan;
for (int i = 0; i < span.Length; i++)
ret.NullBitMapBuffers = CloneNullBitMapBuffers();
ret.NullCount = NullCount;
return ret;
internal PrimitiveColumnContainer<ulong> CloneAsULongContainer()
var ret = new PrimitiveColumnContainer<ulong>();
foreach (ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T> buffer in Buffers)
ret.Length += buffer.Length;
DataFrameBuffer<ulong> newBuffer = new DataFrameBuffer<ulong>(buffer.Length);
ReadOnlySpan<T> span = buffer.ReadOnlySpan;
for (int i = 0; i < span.Length; i++)
ret.NullBitMapBuffers = CloneNullBitMapBuffers();
ret.NullCount = NullCount;
return ret;
internal PrimitiveColumnContainer<float> CloneAsFloatContainer()
var ret = new PrimitiveColumnContainer<float>();
foreach (ReadOnlyDataFrameBuffer<T> buffer in Buffers)
ret.Length += buffer.Length;
DataFrameBuffer<float> newBuffer = new DataFrameBuffer<float>(buffer.Length);
ReadOnlySpan<T> span = buffer.ReadOnlySpan;
for (int i = 0; i < span.Length; i++)
ret.NullBitMapBuffers = CloneNullBitMapBuffers();
ret.NullCount = NullCount;
return ret;