File: GroupBy.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.Data.Analysis\Microsoft.Data.Analysis.csproj (Microsoft.Data.Analysis)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Microsoft.Data.Analysis
    /// <summary>
    /// A GroupBy class that is typically the result of a DataFrame.GroupBy call.
    /// It holds information to perform typical aggregation ops on it.
    /// </summary>
    public abstract class GroupBy
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the number of non-null values in each group 
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public abstract DataFrame Count(params string[] columnNames);
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the first value in each group
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public abstract DataFrame First(params string[] columnNames);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the first <paramref name="numberOfRows"/> rows of each group
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="numberOfRows"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public abstract DataFrame Head(int numberOfRows);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the last <paramref name="numberOfRows"/> rows of each group
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="numberOfRows"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public abstract DataFrame Tail(int numberOfRows);
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the max of group values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="columnNames">The columns to find the max of. A default value finds the max of all columns</param>
        public abstract DataFrame Max(params string[] columnNames);
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the min of group values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="columnNames">The columns to find the min of. A default value finds the min of all columns</param>
        public abstract DataFrame Min(params string[] columnNames);
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the product of group values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="columnNames">The columns to find the product of. A default value finds the product of all columns</param>
        public abstract DataFrame Product(params string[] columnNames);
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the sum of group values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="columnNames">The columns to sum. A Default value sums up all columns</param>
        public abstract DataFrame Sum(params string[] columnNames);
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the mean of group values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="columnNames">The columns to find the mean of. A Default value finds the mean of all columns</param>
        public abstract DataFrame Mean(params string[] columnNames);
    public class GroupBy<TKey> : GroupBy
        #region Internal class that implements IGrouping LINQ interface
        private class Grouping : IGrouping<TKey, DataFrameRow>
            private readonly TKey _key;
            private readonly IEnumerable<DataFrameRow> _rows;
            public Grouping(TKey key, IEnumerable<DataFrameRow> rows)
                _key = key;
                _rows = rows;
            public TKey Key => _key;
            public IEnumerator<DataFrameRow> GetEnumerator()
                return _rows.GetEnumerator();
            IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
                return _rows.GetEnumerator();
        private readonly int _groupByColumnIndex;
        private readonly IDictionary<TKey, ICollection<long>> _keyToRowIndicesMap;
        private readonly DataFrame _dataFrame;
        public GroupBy(DataFrame dataFrame, int groupByColumnIndex, IDictionary<TKey, ICollection<long>> keyToRowIndices)
            if (dataFrame.Columns.Count < groupByColumnIndex || groupByColumnIndex < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(groupByColumnIndex));
            _groupByColumnIndex = groupByColumnIndex;
            _keyToRowIndicesMap = keyToRowIndices ?? throw new ArgumentException(nameof(keyToRowIndices));
            _dataFrame = dataFrame;
        private delegate void ColumnDelegate(int columnIndex, long rowIndex, ICollection<long> rows, TKey key, bool firstGroup);
        private delegate void GroupByColumnDelegate(long rowNumber, TKey key);
        private void EnumerateColumnsWithRows(GroupByColumnDelegate groupByColumnDelegate, ColumnDelegate columnDelegate, params string[] columnNames)
            long rowNumber = 0;
            bool firstGroup = true;
            foreach (KeyValuePair<TKey, ICollection<long>> pairs in _keyToRowIndicesMap)
                groupByColumnDelegate(rowNumber, pairs.Key);
                ICollection<long> rows = pairs.Value;
                IEnumerable<string> columns = columnNames;
                if (columnNames == null || columnNames.Length == 0)
                    columns = _dataFrame.GetColumnNames();
                // Assuming that the dataframe has not been modified after the groupby call
                foreach (string columnName in columns)
                    int columnIndex = _dataFrame.Columns.IndexOf(columnName);
                    columnDelegate(columnIndex, rowNumber, rows, pairs.Key, firstGroup);
                firstGroup = false;
        public override DataFrame Count(params string[] columnNames)
            DataFrame ret = new DataFrame();
            PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long> empty = new PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long>("Empty");
            DataFrameColumn firstColumn = _dataFrame.Columns[_groupByColumnIndex].Clone(empty);
            ret.Columns.Insert(ret.Columns.Count, firstColumn);
            GroupByColumnDelegate groupByColumnDelegate = new GroupByColumnDelegate((long rowIndex, TKey key) =>
                firstColumn.Resize(rowIndex + 1);
                firstColumn[rowIndex] = key;
            ColumnDelegate columnDelegate = new ColumnDelegate((int columnIndex, long rowIndex, ICollection<long> rowEnumerable, TKey key, bool firstGroup) =>
                if (columnIndex == _groupByColumnIndex)
                DataFrameColumn column = _dataFrame.Columns[columnIndex];
                long count = 0;
                foreach (long row in rowEnumerable)
                    if (column[row] != null)
                DataFrameColumn retColumn;
                if (firstGroup)
                    retColumn = new PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long>(column.Name);
                    ret.Columns.Insert(ret.Columns.Count, retColumn);
                    // Assuming non duplicate column names
                    retColumn = ret.Columns[column.Name];
                retColumn.Resize(rowIndex + 1);
                retColumn[rowIndex] = count;
            EnumerateColumnsWithRows(groupByColumnDelegate, columnDelegate, columnNames);
            return ret;
        public override DataFrame First(params string[] columnNames)
            DataFrame ret = new DataFrame();
            PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long> empty = new PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long>("Empty");
            DataFrameColumn firstColumn = _dataFrame.Columns[_groupByColumnIndex].Clone(empty);
            ret.Columns.Insert(ret.Columns.Count, firstColumn);
            GroupByColumnDelegate groupByColumnDelegate = new GroupByColumnDelegate((long rowIndex, TKey key) =>
                firstColumn.Resize(rowIndex + 1);
                firstColumn[rowIndex] = key;
            ColumnDelegate columnDelegate = new ColumnDelegate((int columnIndex, long rowIndex, ICollection<long> rowEnumerable, TKey key, bool firstGroup) =>
                if (columnIndex == _groupByColumnIndex)
                DataFrameColumn column = _dataFrame.Columns[columnIndex];
                foreach (long row in rowEnumerable)
                    DataFrameColumn retColumn;
                    if (firstGroup)
                        retColumn = column.Clone(empty);
                        ret.Columns.Insert(ret.Columns.Count, retColumn);
                        // Assuming non duplicate column names
                        retColumn = ret.Columns[column.Name];
                    retColumn.Resize(rowIndex + 1);
                    retColumn[rowIndex] = column[row];
            EnumerateColumnsWithRows(groupByColumnDelegate, columnDelegate, columnNames);
            return ret;
        public override DataFrame Head(int numberOfRows)
            DataFrame ret = new DataFrame();
            PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long> empty = new PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long>("Empty");
            DataFrameColumn firstColumn = _dataFrame.Columns[_groupByColumnIndex].Clone(empty);
            ret.Columns.Insert(ret.Columns.Count, firstColumn);
            GroupByColumnDelegate groupByColumnDelegate = new GroupByColumnDelegate((long rowIndex, TKey key) =>
            ColumnDelegate columnDelegate = new ColumnDelegate((int columnIndex, long rowIndex, ICollection<long> rowEnumerable, TKey key, bool firstGroup) =>
                if (columnIndex == _groupByColumnIndex)
                DataFrameColumn column = _dataFrame.Columns[columnIndex];
                long count = 0;
                bool firstRow = true;
                foreach (long row in rowEnumerable)
                    if (count < numberOfRows)
                        DataFrameColumn retColumn;
                        if (firstGroup && firstRow)
                            firstRow = false;
                            retColumn = column.Clone(empty);
                            ret.Columns.Insert(ret.Columns.Count, retColumn);
                            // Assuming non duplicate column names
                            retColumn = ret.Columns[column.Name];
                        long retColumnLength = retColumn.Length;
                        retColumn.Resize(retColumnLength + 1);
                        retColumn[retColumnLength] = column[row];
                        if (firstColumn.Length <= retColumnLength)
                            firstColumn.Resize(retColumnLength + 1);
                        firstColumn[retColumnLength] = key;
                    if (count == numberOfRows)
            EnumerateColumnsWithRows(groupByColumnDelegate, columnDelegate);
            return ret;
        public override DataFrame Tail(int numberOfRows)
            DataFrame ret = new DataFrame();
            PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long> empty = new PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long>("Empty");
            DataFrameColumn firstColumn = _dataFrame.Columns[_groupByColumnIndex].Clone(empty);
            ret.Columns.Insert(ret.Columns.Count, firstColumn);
            GroupByColumnDelegate groupByColumnDelegate = new GroupByColumnDelegate((long rowIndex, TKey key) =>
            ColumnDelegate columnDelegate = new ColumnDelegate((int columnIndex, long rowIndex, ICollection<long> rowEnumerable, TKey key, bool firstGroup) =>
                if (columnIndex == _groupByColumnIndex)
                DataFrameColumn column = _dataFrame.Columns[columnIndex];
                long count = 0;
                bool firstRow = true;
                ICollection<long> values = _keyToRowIndicesMap[key];
                int numberOfValues = values.Count;
                foreach (long row in rowEnumerable)
                    if (count >= numberOfValues - numberOfRows)
                        DataFrameColumn retColumn;
                        if (firstGroup && firstRow)
                            firstRow = false;
                            retColumn = column.Clone(empty);
                            ret.Columns.Insert(ret.Columns.Count, retColumn);
                            // Assuming non duplicate column names
                            retColumn = ret.Columns[column.Name];
                        long retColumnLength = retColumn.Length;
                        if (firstColumn.Length <= retColumnLength)
                            firstColumn.Resize(retColumnLength + 1);
                            firstColumn[retColumnLength] = key;
                        retColumn.Resize(retColumnLength + 1);
                        retColumn[retColumnLength] = column[row];
            EnumerateColumnsWithRows(groupByColumnDelegate, columnDelegate);
            return ret;
        private DataFrameColumn ResizeAndInsertColumn(int columnIndex, long rowIndex, bool firstGroup, DataFrame ret, PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long> empty, Func<string, DataFrameColumn> getColumn = null)
            if (columnIndex == _groupByColumnIndex)
                return null;
            DataFrameColumn column = _dataFrame.Columns[columnIndex];
            DataFrameColumn retColumn;
            if (firstGroup)
                retColumn = getColumn == null ? column.Clone(empty) : getColumn(column.Name);
                ret.Columns.Insert(ret.Columns.Count, retColumn);
                // Assuming unique column names
                retColumn = ret.Columns[column.Name];
            retColumn.Resize(rowIndex + 1);
            return retColumn;
        public override DataFrame Max(params string[] columnNames)
            DataFrame ret = new DataFrame();
            PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long> empty = new PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long>("Empty");
            DataFrameColumn firstColumn = _dataFrame.Columns[_groupByColumnIndex].Clone(empty);
            ret.Columns.Insert(ret.Columns.Count, firstColumn);
            GroupByColumnDelegate groupByColumnDelegate = new GroupByColumnDelegate((long rowIndex, TKey key) =>
                firstColumn.Resize(rowIndex + 1);
                firstColumn[rowIndex] = key;
            ColumnDelegate columnDelegate = new ColumnDelegate((int columnIndex, long rowIndex, ICollection<long> rowEnumerable, TKey key, bool firstGroup) =>
                DataFrameColumn retColumn = ResizeAndInsertColumn(columnIndex, rowIndex, firstGroup, ret, empty);
                if (!(retColumn is null))
                    retColumn[rowIndex] = _dataFrame.Columns[columnIndex].Max(rowEnumerable);
            EnumerateColumnsWithRows(groupByColumnDelegate, columnDelegate, columnNames);
            return ret;
        public override DataFrame Min(params string[] columnNames)
            DataFrame ret = new DataFrame();
            PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long> empty = new PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long>("Empty");
            DataFrameColumn firstColumn = _dataFrame.Columns[_groupByColumnIndex].Clone(empty);
            ret.Columns.Insert(ret.Columns.Count, firstColumn);
            GroupByColumnDelegate groupByColumnDelegate = new GroupByColumnDelegate((long rowIndex, TKey key) =>
                firstColumn.Resize(rowIndex + 1);
                firstColumn[rowIndex] = key;
            ColumnDelegate columnDelegate = new ColumnDelegate((int columnIndex, long rowIndex, ICollection<long> rowEnumerable, TKey key, bool firstGroup) =>
                DataFrameColumn retColumn = ResizeAndInsertColumn(columnIndex, rowIndex, firstGroup, ret, empty);
                if (!(retColumn is null))
                    retColumn[rowIndex] = _dataFrame.Columns[columnIndex].Min(rowEnumerable);
            EnumerateColumnsWithRows(groupByColumnDelegate, columnDelegate, columnNames);
            return ret;
        public override DataFrame Product(params string[] columnNames)
            DataFrame ret = new DataFrame();
            PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long> empty = new PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long>("Empty");
            DataFrameColumn firstColumn = _dataFrame.Columns[_groupByColumnIndex].Clone(empty);
            ret.Columns.Insert(ret.Columns.Count, firstColumn);
            GroupByColumnDelegate groupByColumnDelegate = new GroupByColumnDelegate((long rowIndex, TKey key) =>
                firstColumn.Resize(rowIndex + 1);
                firstColumn[rowIndex] = key;
            ColumnDelegate columnDelegate = new ColumnDelegate((int columnIndex, long rowIndex, ICollection<long> rowEnumerable, TKey key, bool firstGroup) =>
                DataFrameColumn retColumn = ResizeAndInsertColumn(columnIndex, rowIndex, firstGroup, ret, empty);
                if (!(retColumn is null))
                    retColumn[rowIndex] = _dataFrame.Columns[columnIndex].Product(rowEnumerable);
            EnumerateColumnsWithRows(groupByColumnDelegate, columnDelegate, columnNames);
            return ret;
        public override DataFrame Sum(params string[] columnNames)
            DataFrame ret = new DataFrame();
            PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long> empty = new PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long>("Empty");
            DataFrameColumn firstColumn = _dataFrame.Columns[_groupByColumnIndex].Clone(empty);
            ret.Columns.Insert(ret.Columns.Count, firstColumn);
            GroupByColumnDelegate groupByColumnDelegate = new GroupByColumnDelegate((long rowIndex, TKey key) =>
                firstColumn.Resize(rowIndex + 1);
                firstColumn[rowIndex] = key;
            ColumnDelegate columnDelegate = new ColumnDelegate((int columnIndex, long rowIndex, ICollection<long> rowEnumerable, TKey key, bool firstGroup) =>
                DataFrameColumn retColumn = ResizeAndInsertColumn(columnIndex, rowIndex, firstGroup, ret, empty);
                if (!(retColumn is null))
                    retColumn[rowIndex] = _dataFrame.Columns[columnIndex].Sum(rowEnumerable);
            EnumerateColumnsWithRows(groupByColumnDelegate, columnDelegate, columnNames);
            return ret;
        public override DataFrame Mean(params string[] columnNames)
            DataFrame ret = new DataFrame();
            PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long> empty = new PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long>("Empty");
            DataFrameColumn firstColumn = _dataFrame.Columns[_groupByColumnIndex].Clone(empty);
            ret.Columns.Insert(ret.Columns.Count, firstColumn);
            GroupByColumnDelegate groupByColumnDelegate = new GroupByColumnDelegate((long rowIndex, TKey key) =>
                firstColumn.Resize(rowIndex + 1);
                firstColumn[rowIndex] = key;
            ColumnDelegate columnDelegate = new ColumnDelegate((int columnIndex, long rowIndex, ICollection<long> rowEnumerable, TKey key, bool firstGroup) =>
                DataFrameColumn retColumn = ResizeAndInsertColumn(columnIndex, rowIndex, firstGroup, ret, empty, (name) => new PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<double>(name));
                if (!(retColumn is null))
                    retColumn[rowIndex] = (double)Convert.ChangeType(_dataFrame.Columns[columnIndex].Sum(rowEnumerable), typeof(double)) / rowEnumerable.Count;
            EnumerateColumnsWithRows(groupByColumnDelegate, columnDelegate, columnNames);
            return ret;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a collection of Grouping objects, where each object represent a set of DataFrameRows having the same Key
        /// </summary>
        public IEnumerable<IGrouping<TKey, DataFrameRow>> Groupings
                return _keyToRowIndicesMap.Select(kvp => new Grouping(kvp.Key, kvp.Value.Select(index => _dataFrame.Rows[index])));