File: DataFrame.Join.cs
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Project: src\src\Microsoft.Data.Analysis\Microsoft.Data.Analysis.csproj (Microsoft.Data.Analysis)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
namespace Microsoft.Data.Analysis
    public enum JoinAlgorithm
    /// <summary>
    /// A DataFrame to support indexing, binary operations, sorting, selection and other APIs. This will eventually also expose an IDataView for ML.NET
    /// </summary>
    public partial class DataFrame
        private void SetSuffixForDuplicatedColumnNames(DataFrame dataFrame, DataFrameColumn column, string leftSuffix, string rightSuffix)
            int index = dataFrame._columnCollection.IndexOf(column.Name);
            while (index != -1)
                // Pre-existing column. Change name
                DataFrameColumn existingColumn = dataFrame.Columns[index];
                existingColumn.SetName(existingColumn.Name + leftSuffix);
                column.SetName(column.Name + rightSuffix);
                index = dataFrame._columnCollection.IndexOf(column.Name);
        /// <summary>
        /// Joins columns of another <see cref="DataFrame"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">The other <see cref="DataFrame"/> to join.</param>
        /// <param name="leftSuffix">The suffix to add to this <see cref="DataFrame"/>'s column if there are common column names</param>
        /// <param name="rightSuffix">The suffix to add to the <paramref name="other"/>'s column if there are common column names</param>
        /// <param name="joinAlgorithm">The <see cref="JoinAlgorithm"/> to use.</param>
        /// <returns>A new <see cref="DataFrame"/></returns>
        public DataFrame Join(DataFrame other, string leftSuffix = "_left", string rightSuffix = "_right", JoinAlgorithm joinAlgorithm = JoinAlgorithm.Left)
            DataFrame ret = new DataFrame();
            if (joinAlgorithm == JoinAlgorithm.Left)
                for (int i = 0; i < Columns.Count; i++)
                    DataFrameColumn newColumn = Columns[i].Clone();
                    ret.Columns.Insert(ret.Columns.Count, newColumn);
                long minLength = Math.Min(Rows.Count, other.Rows.Count);
                PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long> mapIndices = new PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long>("mapIndices", minLength);
                for (long i = 0; i < minLength; i++)
                    mapIndices[i] = i;
                for (int i = 0; i < other.Columns.Count; i++)
                    DataFrameColumn newColumn;
                    if (other.Rows.Count < Rows.Count)
                        newColumn = other.Columns[i].Clone(numberOfNullsToAppend: Rows.Count - other.Rows.Count);
                        newColumn = other.Columns[i].Clone(mapIndices);
                    SetSuffixForDuplicatedColumnNames(ret, newColumn, leftSuffix, rightSuffix);
                    ret.Columns.Insert(ret.Columns.Count, newColumn);
            else if (joinAlgorithm == JoinAlgorithm.Right)
                long minLength = Math.Min(Rows.Count, other.Rows.Count);
                PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long> mapIndices = new PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long>("mapIndices", minLength);
                for (long i = 0; i < minLength; i++)
                    mapIndices[i] = i;
                for (int i = 0; i < Columns.Count; i++)
                    DataFrameColumn newColumn;
                    if (Rows.Count < other.Rows.Count)
                        newColumn = Columns[i].Clone(numberOfNullsToAppend: other.Rows.Count - Rows.Count);
                        newColumn = Columns[i].Clone(mapIndices);
                    ret.Columns.Insert(ret.Columns.Count, newColumn);
                for (int i = 0; i < other.Columns.Count; i++)
                    DataFrameColumn newColumn = other.Columns[i].Clone();
                    SetSuffixForDuplicatedColumnNames(ret, newColumn, leftSuffix, rightSuffix);
                    ret.Columns.Insert(ret.Columns.Count, newColumn);
            else if (joinAlgorithm == JoinAlgorithm.FullOuter)
                long newRowCount = Math.Max(Rows.Count, other.Rows.Count);
                long numberOfNulls = newRowCount - Rows.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < Columns.Count; i++)
                    DataFrameColumn newColumn = Columns[i].Clone(numberOfNullsToAppend: numberOfNulls);
                    ret.Columns.Insert(ret.Columns.Count, newColumn);
                numberOfNulls = newRowCount - other.Rows.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < other.Columns.Count; i++)
                    DataFrameColumn newColumn = other.Columns[i].Clone(numberOfNullsToAppend: numberOfNulls);
                    SetSuffixForDuplicatedColumnNames(ret, newColumn, leftSuffix, rightSuffix);
                    ret.Columns.Insert(ret.Columns.Count, newColumn);
            else if (joinAlgorithm == JoinAlgorithm.Inner)
                long newRowCount = Math.Min(Rows.Count, other.Rows.Count);
                PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long> mapIndices = new PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long>("mapIndices", newRowCount);
                for (long i = 0; i < newRowCount; i++)
                    mapIndices[i] = i;
                for (int i = 0; i < Columns.Count; i++)
                    DataFrameColumn newColumn = Columns[i].Clone(mapIndices);
                    ret.Columns.Insert(ret.Columns.Count, newColumn);
                for (int i = 0; i < other.Columns.Count; i++)
                    DataFrameColumn newColumn = other.Columns[i].Clone(mapIndices);
                    SetSuffixForDuplicatedColumnNames(ret, newColumn, leftSuffix, rightSuffix);
                    ret.Columns.Insert(ret.Columns.Count, newColumn);
            return ret;
        private static bool IsAnyNullValueInColumns(IReadOnlyCollection<DataFrameColumn> columns, long index)
            foreach (var column in columns)
                if (column[index] == null)
                    return true;
            return false;
        /// <summary> 
        /// Merge DataFrames with a database style join (for backward compatibility)
        /// </summary> 
        /// <param name="other"></param> 
        /// <param name="leftJoinColumn"></param> 
        /// <param name="rightJoinColumn"></param> 
        /// <param name="leftSuffix"></param> 
        /// <param name="rightSuffix"></param> 
        /// <param name="joinAlgorithm"></param> 
        /// <returns></returns> 
        public DataFrame Merge<TKey>(DataFrame other, string leftJoinColumn, string rightJoinColumn, string leftSuffix = "_left", string rightSuffix = "_right", JoinAlgorithm joinAlgorithm = JoinAlgorithm.Left)
            return Merge(other, new[] { leftJoinColumn }, new[] { rightJoinColumn }, leftSuffix, rightSuffix, joinAlgorithm);
        private static HashSet<long> Merge(DataFrame retainedDataFrame, DataFrame supplementaryDataFrame,
            string[] retainedJoinColumnNames, string[] supplemetaryJoinColumnNames,
            out PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long> retainedRowIndices, out PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long> supplementaryRowIndices,
            bool isInner = false, bool calculateIntersection = false)
            if (retainedJoinColumnNames == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(retainedJoinColumnNames));
            if (supplemetaryJoinColumnNames == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(supplemetaryJoinColumnNames));
            if (retainedJoinColumnNames.Length != supplemetaryJoinColumnNames.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException(Strings.MismatchedArrayLengths, nameof(retainedJoinColumnNames));
            Dictionary<long, ICollection<long>> occurrences = GetOccurences(retainedDataFrame, supplementaryDataFrame,
                retainedJoinColumnNames, supplemetaryJoinColumnNames, out HashSet<long> supplementaryJoinColumnsNullIndices);
            return PerformMerging(retainedDataFrame, retainedJoinColumnNames, occurrences, supplementaryJoinColumnsNullIndices,
                out retainedRowIndices, out supplementaryRowIndices, isInner, calculateIntersection);
        private static Dictionary<long, ICollection<long>> GetOccurences(DataFrame retainedDataFrame, DataFrame supplementaryDataFrame,
            string[] retainedJoinColumnNames, string[] supplemetaryJoinColumnNames, out HashSet<long> supplementaryJoinColumnsNullIndices)
            supplementaryJoinColumnsNullIndices = new HashSet<long>();
            // Get occurrences of values in columns used for join in the retained and supplementary dataframes
            Dictionary<long, ICollection<long>> occurrences = null;
            Dictionary<long, long> retainedIndicesReverseMapping = null;
            for (int colNameIndex = 0; colNameIndex < retainedJoinColumnNames.Length; colNameIndex++)
                DataFrameColumn shrinkedRetainedColumn = retainedDataFrame.Columns[retainedJoinColumnNames[colNameIndex]];
                // Shrink retained column by row occurrences from previous step
                if (occurrences != null)
                    // Only rows with occurences from previose step should go for futher processing
                    var shrinkedRetainedIndices = occurrences.Keys.ToArray();
                    // Create reverse mapping of index of the row in the shrinked column to the index of this row in the original dataframe (new index -> original index)
                    var newRetainedIndicesReverseMapping = new Dictionary<long, long>(shrinkedRetainedIndices.Length);
                    for (int i = 0; i < shrinkedRetainedIndices.Length; i++)
                        // Store reverse mapping to restore original dataframe indices from indices in shrinked row
                        var originalIndex = shrinkedRetainedIndices[i];
                        newRetainedIndicesReverseMapping.Add(i, originalIndex);
                    retainedIndicesReverseMapping = newRetainedIndicesReverseMapping;
                    var indices = new Int64DataFrameColumn("Indices", shrinkedRetainedIndices);
                    shrinkedRetainedColumn = shrinkedRetainedColumn.Clone(indices);
                DataFrameColumn supplementaryColumn = supplementaryDataFrame.Columns[supplemetaryJoinColumnNames[colNameIndex]];
                // Find occurrenses on current step (join column)
                var newOccurrences = shrinkedRetainedColumn.GetGroupedOccurrences(supplementaryColumn, out HashSet<long> supplementaryColumnNullIndices);
                // Convert indices from in key from local (shrinked row) to indices in original dataframe
                if (retainedIndicesReverseMapping != null)
                    newOccurrences = newOccurrences.ToDictionary(kvp => retainedIndicesReverseMapping[kvp.Key], kvp => kvp.Value);
                // Shrink join result on current column by previous join columns (if any)
                // (we have to remove occurrences that doesn't exist in previous columns, because JOIN happens only if ALL left and right columns in JOIN are matched)
                if (occurrences != null)
                    newOccurrences = GetShrinkedOccurences(occurrences, newOccurrences);
                occurrences = newOccurrences;
            return occurrences;
        private static Dictionary<long, ICollection<long>> GetShrinkedOccurences(Dictionary<long, ICollection<long>> occurrences,
            Dictionary<long, ICollection<long>> newOccurrences)
            var shrinkedOccurences = new Dictionary<long, ICollection<long>>();
            foreach (var newOccurrence in newOccurrences)
                var newOccurrenceKey = newOccurrence.Key;
                var list1 = (IReadOnlyList<long>)occurrences[newOccurrenceKey];
                var list2 = (IReadOnlyList<long>)newOccurrence.Value;
                var crossing = DataFrameJoinExtensions.GetSortedListsIntersection(list1, list2);
                if (crossing.Any())
                    shrinkedOccurences.Add(newOccurrenceKey, crossing);
            return shrinkedOccurences;
        private static HashSet<long> PerformMerging(DataFrame retainedDataFrame, string[] retainedJoinColumnNames,
            Dictionary<long, ICollection<long>> occurrences, HashSet<long> supplementaryJoinColumnsNullIndices,
            out PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long> retainedRowIndices, out PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long> supplementaryRowIndices,
            bool isInner, bool calculateIntersection)
            retainedRowIndices = new Int64DataFrameColumn("RetainedIndices");
            supplementaryRowIndices = new Int64DataFrameColumn("SupplementaryIndices");
            HashSet<long> intersection = calculateIntersection ? new HashSet<long>() : null;
            var retainJoinColumns = retainedJoinColumnNames.Select(name => retainedDataFrame.Columns[name]).ToArray();
            for (long i = 0; i < retainedDataFrame.Columns.RowCount; i++)
                if (!IsAnyNullValueInColumns(retainJoinColumns, i))
                    // Get all row indexes from supplementary dataframe that satisfy JOIN condition
                    if (occurrences.TryGetValue(i, out ICollection<long> rowIndices))
                        foreach (long supplementaryRowIndex in rowIndices)
                            // Store intersection if required
                            if (calculateIntersection)
                                if (!intersection.Contains(supplementaryRowIndex))
                        if (isInner)
                    foreach (long row in supplementaryJoinColumnsNullIndices)
            return intersection;
        public DataFrame Merge(DataFrame other, string[] leftJoinColumns, string[] rightJoinColumns, string leftSuffix = "_left", string rightSuffix = "_right", JoinAlgorithm joinAlgorithm = JoinAlgorithm.Left)
            if (other == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(other));
            // In Outer join the joined dataframe retains each row — even if no other matching row exists in supplementary dataframe.
            // Outer joins subdivide further into left outer joins (left dataframe is retained), right outer joins (rightdataframe is retained), in full outer both are retained
            PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long> retainedRowIndices;
            PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long> supplementaryRowIndices;
            DataFrame supplementaryDataFrame;
            DataFrame retainedDataFrame;
            bool isLeftDataFrameRetained;
            if (joinAlgorithm == JoinAlgorithm.Left || joinAlgorithm == JoinAlgorithm.Right)
                isLeftDataFrameRetained = (joinAlgorithm == JoinAlgorithm.Left);
                supplementaryDataFrame = isLeftDataFrameRetained ? other : this;
                var supplementaryJoinColumns = isLeftDataFrameRetained ? rightJoinColumns : leftJoinColumns;
                retainedDataFrame = isLeftDataFrameRetained ? this : other;
                var retainedJoinColumns = isLeftDataFrameRetained ? leftJoinColumns : rightJoinColumns;
                Merge(retainedDataFrame, supplementaryDataFrame, retainedJoinColumns, supplementaryJoinColumns, out retainedRowIndices, out supplementaryRowIndices);
            else if (joinAlgorithm == JoinAlgorithm.Inner)
                // Use as supplementary (for Hashing) the dataframe with the smaller RowCount
                isLeftDataFrameRetained = (Rows.Count > other.Rows.Count);
                supplementaryDataFrame = isLeftDataFrameRetained ? other : this;
                var supplementaryJoinColumns = isLeftDataFrameRetained ? rightJoinColumns : leftJoinColumns;
                retainedDataFrame = isLeftDataFrameRetained ? this : other;
                var retainedJoinColumns = isLeftDataFrameRetained ? leftJoinColumns : rightJoinColumns;
                Merge(retainedDataFrame, supplementaryDataFrame, retainedJoinColumns, supplementaryJoinColumns, out retainedRowIndices, out supplementaryRowIndices, true);
            else if (joinAlgorithm == JoinAlgorithm.FullOuter)
                // In full outer join we would like to retain data from both side, so we do it into 2 steps: one first we do LEFT JOIN and then add lost data from the RIGHT side
                // Step 1
                // Do LEFT JOIN
                isLeftDataFrameRetained = true;
                supplementaryDataFrame = isLeftDataFrameRetained ? other : this;
                var supplementaryJoinColumns = isLeftDataFrameRetained ? rightJoinColumns : leftJoinColumns;
                retainedDataFrame = isLeftDataFrameRetained ? this : other;
                var retainedJoinColumns = isLeftDataFrameRetained ? leftJoinColumns : rightJoinColumns;
                var intersection = Merge(retainedDataFrame, supplementaryDataFrame, retainedJoinColumns, supplementaryJoinColumns, out retainedRowIndices, out supplementaryRowIndices, calculateIntersection: true);
                // Step 2
                // Do RIGHT JOIN to retain all data from supplementary DataFrame too (take into account data intersection from the first step to avoid duplicates)
                for (long i = 0; i < supplementaryDataFrame.Columns.RowCount; i++)
                    var columns = supplementaryJoinColumns.Select(name => supplementaryDataFrame.Columns[name]).ToArray();
                    if (!IsAnyNullValueInColumns(columns, i))
                        if (!intersection.Contains(i))
                throw new NotImplementedException(nameof(joinAlgorithm));
            DataFrame ret = new DataFrame();
            PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long> mapIndicesLeft = isLeftDataFrameRetained ? retainedRowIndices : supplementaryRowIndices;
            PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<long> mapIndicesRight = isLeftDataFrameRetained ? supplementaryRowIndices : retainedRowIndices;
            // Insert columns from left dataframe (this)
            for (int i = 0; i < this.Columns.Count; i++)
                ret.Columns.Insert(i, this.Columns[i].Clone(mapIndicesLeft));
            // Insert columns from right dataframe (other)
            for (int i = 0; i < other.Columns.Count; i++)
                DataFrameColumn column = other.Columns[i].Clone(mapIndicesRight);
                SetSuffixForDuplicatedColumnNames(ret, column, leftSuffix, rightSuffix);
                ret.Columns.Insert(ret.Columns.Count, column);
            return ret;