1 write to _fieldWidths
Microsoft.Data.Analysis.Tests (1)
src\Microsoft.Data.Analysis\TextFieldParser.cs (1)
258_fieldWidths = value;
16 references to _fieldWidths
Microsoft.Data.Analysis.Tests (16)
src\Microsoft.Data.Analysis\TextFieldParser.cs (16)
246get => _fieldWidths; 878Debug.Assert(_fieldWidths != null, "No field widths"); 888int length = _fieldWidths.Length; 892Fields[i] = GetFixedWidthField(lineInfo, index, _fieldWidths[i]); 893index += _fieldWidths[i]; 945if (_fieldWidths == null) 949if (_fieldWidths.Length == 0) 955int widthBound = _fieldWidths.Length - 1; 960Debug.Assert(_fieldWidths[i] > 0, "Bad field width, this should have been caught on input"); 961_lineLength += _fieldWidths[i]; 963if (_fieldWidths[widthBound] > 0) 965_lineLength += _fieldWidths[widthBound]; 1100Debug.Assert(((_fieldWidthsCopy == null) && (_fieldWidths == null)) || ((_fieldWidthsCopy != null) && (_fieldWidths != null)), "FieldWidths and copy are not both Nothing or both not Nothing"); 1101if (_fieldWidths == null) 1111if (_fieldWidths[j] != _fieldWidthsCopy[j])