3 writes to _charsRead
Microsoft.Data.Analysis.Tests (3)
src\Microsoft.Data.Analysis\TextFieldParser.cs (3)
637_charsRead = _reader.Read(_buffer, 0, BufferLength); 652_charsRead = _charsRead - _position + charsRead; 674_charsRead += charsRead;
11 references to _charsRead
Microsoft.Data.Analysis.Tests (11)
src\Microsoft.Data.Analysis\TextFieldParser.cs (11)
220if (_lineNumber != -1 && ((_reader.Peek() == -1) && (_position == _charsRead))) 490builder.Append(_buffer, _position, _charsRead - _position); 638return _charsRead; 652_charsRead = _charsRead - _position + charsRead; 664_peekPosition = _charsRead; 675Debug.Assert(_charsRead <= bufferSize, "We've read more chars than we have space for"); 713Debug.Assert((cursor >= 0) && (cursor <= _charsRead), "The cursor is out of range"); 714if (cursor == _charsRead && changeBuffer() == 0) 722for (int i = cursor; i <= _charsRead - 1; i++) 741if (cursor < _charsRead) 759int Size = _charsRead - cursor;