File: Text\ChangedText.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Compilers\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
    internal sealed class ChangedText : SourceText
        private readonly SourceText _newText;
        private readonly ChangeInfo _info;
        public ChangedText(SourceText oldText, SourceText newText, ImmutableArray<TextChangeRange> changeRanges)
            : base(checksumAlgorithm: oldText.ChecksumAlgorithm)
            RoslynDebug.Assert(newText != null);
            Debug.Assert(newText is CompositeText || newText is SubText || newText is StringText || newText is LargeText);
            RoslynDebug.Assert(oldText != null);
            Debug.Assert(oldText != newText);
            RequiresChangeRangesAreValid(oldText, newText, changeRanges);
            _newText = newText;
            _info = new ChangeInfo(changeRanges, new WeakReference<SourceText>(oldText), (oldText as ChangedText)?._info);
        private static void RequiresChangeRangesAreValid(
            SourceText oldText, SourceText newText, ImmutableArray<TextChangeRange> changeRanges)
            var deltaLength = 0;
            foreach (var change in changeRanges)
                deltaLength += change.NewLength - change.Span.Length;
            if (oldText.Length + deltaLength != newText.Length)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Delta length difference of change ranges didn't match before/after text length.");
            var position = 0;
            foreach (var change in changeRanges)
                if (change.Span.Start < position)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Change preceded current position in oldText");
                if (change.Span.Start > oldText.Length)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Change start was after the end of oldText");
                if (change.Span.End > oldText.Length)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Change end was after the end of oldText");
                position = change.Span.End;
        private class ChangeInfo
            public ImmutableArray<TextChangeRange> ChangeRanges { get; }
            // store old text weakly so we don't form unwanted chains of old texts (especially chains of ChangedTexts)
            // used to identify the changes in GetChangeRanges.
            public WeakReference<SourceText> WeakOldText { get; }
            public ChangeInfo? Previous { get; private set; }
            public ChangeInfo(ImmutableArray<TextChangeRange> changeRanges, WeakReference<SourceText> weakOldText, ChangeInfo? previous)
                this.ChangeRanges = changeRanges;
                this.WeakOldText = weakOldText;
                this.Previous = previous;
            // clean up 
            private void Clean()
                // look for last info in the chain that still has reference to old text
                ChangeInfo? lastInfo = this;
                for (ChangeInfo? info = this; info != null; info = info.Previous)
                    SourceText? tmp;
                    if (info.WeakOldText.TryGetTarget(out tmp))
                        lastInfo = info;
                // break chain for any info's beyond that so they get GC'd
                ChangeInfo? prev;
                while (lastInfo != null)
                    prev = lastInfo.Previous;
                    lastInfo.Previous = null;
                    lastInfo = prev;
        public override Encoding? Encoding
            get { return _newText.Encoding; }
        public IEnumerable<TextChangeRange> Changes
            get { return _info.ChangeRanges; }
        public override int Length
            get { return _newText.Length; }
        internal override int StorageSize
            get { return _newText.StorageSize; }
        internal override ImmutableArray<SourceText> Segments
            get { return _newText.Segments; }
        internal override SourceText StorageKey
            get { return _newText.StorageKey; }
        public override char this[int position]
            get { return _newText[position]; }
        public override string ToString(TextSpan span)
            return _newText.ToString(span);
        public override SourceText GetSubText(TextSpan span)
            return _newText.GetSubText(span);
        public override void CopyTo(int sourceIndex, char[] destination, int destinationIndex, int count)
            _newText.CopyTo(sourceIndex, destination, destinationIndex, count);
        public override SourceText WithChanges(IEnumerable<TextChange> changes)
            // compute changes against newText to avoid capturing strong references to this ChangedText instance.
            // _newText will only ever be one of CompositeText, SubText, StringText or LargeText, so calling WithChanges on it 
            // will either produce a ChangeText instance or the original instance in case of a empty change.
            var changed = _newText.WithChanges(changes) as ChangedText;
            if (changed != null)
                return new ChangedText(this, changed._newText, changed._info.ChangeRanges);
                // change was empty, so just return this same instance
                return this;
        public override IReadOnlyList<TextChangeRange> GetChangeRanges(SourceText oldText)
            if (oldText == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(oldText));
            if (this == oldText)
                return TextChangeRange.NoChanges;
            // try this quick check first
            SourceText? actualOldText;
            if (_info.WeakOldText.TryGetTarget(out actualOldText) && actualOldText == oldText)
                // the supplied old text is the one we directly reference, so the changes must be the ones we have.
                return _info.ChangeRanges;
            // otherwise look to see if there are a series of changes from the old text to this text and merge them.
            if (IsChangedFrom(oldText))
                var changes = GetChangesBetween(oldText, this);
                if (changes.Count > 1)
                    return Merge(changes);
            // the SourceText subtype for editor snapshots knows when two snapshots from the same buffer have the same contents
            if (actualOldText != null && actualOldText.GetChangeRanges(oldText).Count == 0)
                // the texts are different instances, but the contents are considered to be the same.
                return _info.ChangeRanges;
            return ImmutableArray.Create(new TextChangeRange(new TextSpan(0, oldText.Length), _newText.Length));
        private bool IsChangedFrom(SourceText oldText)
            for (ChangeInfo? info = _info; info != null; info = info.Previous)
                SourceText? text;
                if (info.WeakOldText.TryGetTarget(out text) && text == oldText)
                    return true;
            return false;
        private static IReadOnlyList<ImmutableArray<TextChangeRange>> GetChangesBetween(SourceText oldText, ChangedText newText)
            var list = new List<ImmutableArray<TextChangeRange>>();
            ChangeInfo? change = newText._info;
            while (change != null)
                SourceText? actualOldText;
                change.WeakOldText.TryGetTarget(out actualOldText);
                if (actualOldText == oldText)
                    return list;
                change = change.Previous;
                if (change != null)
                    list.Insert(0, change.ChangeRanges);
            // did not find old text, so not connected?
            return list;
        private static ImmutableArray<TextChangeRange> Merge(IReadOnlyList<ImmutableArray<TextChangeRange>> changeSets)
            Debug.Assert(changeSets.Count > 1);
            var merged = changeSets[0];
            for (int i = 1; i < changeSets.Count; i++)
                merged = TextChangeRangeExtensions.Merge(merged, changeSets[i]);
            return merged;
        protected override TextLineCollection GetLinesCore()
            => _newText.Lines;
        internal static class TestAccessor
            public static ImmutableArray<TextChangeRange> Merge(ImmutableArray<TextChangeRange> oldChanges, ImmutableArray<TextChangeRange> newChanges)
                => TextChangeRangeExtensions.Merge(oldChanges, newChanges);