File: Syntax\SyntaxTokenListBuilder.cs
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Project: src\src\Compilers\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Syntax
    internal class SyntaxTokenListBuilder
        private GreenNode?[] _nodes;
        private int _count;
        public SyntaxTokenListBuilder(int size)
            _nodes = new GreenNode?[size];
            _count = 0;
        public static SyntaxTokenListBuilder Create()
            return new SyntaxTokenListBuilder(8);
        public int Count
                return _count;
        public void Add(SyntaxToken item)
            Debug.Assert(item.Node is object);
        internal void Add(GreenNode item)
            _nodes[_count++] = item;
        public void Add(SyntaxTokenList list)
            this.Add(list, 0, list.Count);
        public void Add(SyntaxTokenList list, int offset, int length)
            list.CopyTo(offset, _nodes, _count, length);
            _count += length;
        public void Add(SyntaxToken[] list)
            this.Add(list, 0, list.Length);
        public void Add(SyntaxToken[] list, int offset, int length)
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                _nodes[_count + i] = list[offset + i].Node;
            _count += length;
        private void CheckSpace(int delta)
            var requiredSize = _count + delta;
            if (requiredSize > _nodes.Length)
        private void Grow(int newSize)
            var tmp = new GreenNode[newSize];
            Array.Copy(_nodes, tmp, _nodes.Length);
            _nodes = tmp;
        public SyntaxTokenList ToList()
            if (_count > 0)
                switch (_count)
                    case 1:
                        return new SyntaxTokenList(null, _nodes[0], 0, 0);
                    case 2:
                        Debug.Assert(_nodes[0] is object);
                        Debug.Assert(_nodes[1] is object);
                        return new SyntaxTokenList(null, InternalSyntax.SyntaxList.List(_nodes[0]!, _nodes[1]!), 0, 0);
                    case 3:
                        Debug.Assert(_nodes[0] is object);
                        Debug.Assert(_nodes[1] is object);
                        Debug.Assert(_nodes[2] is object);
                        return new SyntaxTokenList(null, InternalSyntax.SyntaxList.List(_nodes[0]!, _nodes[1]!, _nodes[2]!), 0, 0);
                        return new SyntaxTokenList(null, InternalSyntax.SyntaxList.List(_nodes, _count), 0, 0);
                return default(SyntaxTokenList);
        public static implicit operator SyntaxTokenList(SyntaxTokenListBuilder builder)
            return builder.ToList();