File: Syntax\InternalSyntax\SyntaxNodeCache.cs
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Project: src\src\Compilers\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
using System.Threading;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax
    /// <summary>
    /// Provides caching functionality for green nonterminals with up to 3 children.
    /// Example:
    ///     When constructing a node with given kind, flags, child1 and child2, we can look up 
    ///     in the cache whether we already have a node that contains same kind, flags, 
    ///     child1 and child2 and use that.
    ///     For the purpose of children comparison, reference equality is used as a much cheaper 
    ///     alternative to the structural/recursive equality. This implies that in order to de-duplicate
    ///     a node to a cache node, the children of two nodes must be already de-duplicated.     
    ///     When adding a node to the cache we verify that cache does contain node's children,
    ///     since otherwise there is no reason for the node to be used.
    ///     Tokens/nulls are for this purpose considered deduplicated. Indeed most of the tokens
    ///     are deduplicated via quick-scanner caching, so we just assume they all are.
    ///     As a result of above, "fat" nodes with 4 or more children or their recursive parents
    ///     will never be in the cache. This naturally limits the typical single cache item to be 
    ///     a relatively simple expression. We do not want the cache to be completely unbounded 
    ///     on the item size. 
    ///     While it still may be possible to store a gigantic nested binary expression, 
    ///     it should be a rare occurrence.
    ///     We only consider "normal" nodes to be cacheable. 
    ///     Nodes with diagnostics/annotations/directives/skipped, etc... have more complicated identity 
    ///     and are not likely to be repetitive.
    /// </summary>
    internal class GreenStats
        // TODO: remove when done tweaking this cache.
        private static GreenStats stats = new GreenStats();
        private int greenNodes;
        private int greenTokens;
        private int nontermsAdded;
        private int cacheableNodes;
        private int cacheHits;
        internal static void NoteGreen(GreenNode node)
            Interlocked.Increment(ref stats.greenNodes);
            if (node.IsToken)
                Interlocked.Increment(ref stats.greenTokens);
        internal static void ItemAdded()
            Interlocked.Increment(ref stats.nontermsAdded);
        internal static void ItemCacheable()
            Interlocked.Increment(ref stats.cacheableNodes);
        internal static void CacheHit()
            Interlocked.Increment(ref stats.cacheHits);
            Console.WriteLine("Green: " + greenNodes);
            Console.WriteLine("GreenTk: " + greenTokens);
            Console.WriteLine("Nonterminals added: " + nontermsAdded);
            Console.WriteLine("Nonterminals cacheable: " + cacheableNodes);
            Console.WriteLine("CacheHits: " + cacheHits);
            Console.WriteLine("RateOfAll: " + (cacheHits * 100 / (cacheHits + greenNodes - greenTokens)) + "%");
            Console.WriteLine("RateOfCacheable: " + (cacheHits * 100 / (cacheableNodes)) + "%");
        internal static void NoteGreen(GreenNode _)
        internal static void ItemAdded()
        internal static void ItemCacheable()
        internal static void CacheHit()
    internal static class SyntaxNodeCache
        private const int CacheSizeBits = 16;
        private const int CacheSize = 1 << CacheSizeBits;
        private const int CacheMask = CacheSize - 1;
        private readonly struct Entry
            public readonly int hash;
            public readonly GreenNode? node;
            internal Entry(int hash, GreenNode node)
                this.hash = hash;
                this.node = node;
        private static readonly Entry[] s_cache = new Entry[CacheSize];
        internal static void AddNode(GreenNode node, int hash)
            if (AllChildrenInCache(node) && !node.IsMissing)
                Debug.Assert(node.GetCacheHash() == hash);
                var idx = hash & CacheMask;
                s_cache[idx] = new Entry(hash, node);
        private static bool CanBeCached(GreenNode? child1)
            return child1 == null || child1.IsCacheable;
        private static bool CanBeCached(GreenNode? child1, GreenNode? child2)
            return CanBeCached(child1) && CanBeCached(child2);
        private static bool CanBeCached(GreenNode? child1, GreenNode? child2, GreenNode? child3)
            return CanBeCached(child1) && CanBeCached(child2) && CanBeCached(child3);
        private static bool ChildInCache(GreenNode? child)
            // for the purpose of this function consider that 
            // null nodes, tokens and trivias are cached somewhere else.
            // TODO: should use slotCount
            if (child == null || child.SlotCount == 0) return true;
            int hash = child.GetCacheHash();
            int idx = hash & CacheMask;
            return s_cache[idx].node == child;
        private static bool AllChildrenInCache(GreenNode node)
            // TODO: should use slotCount
            var cnt = node.SlotCount;
            for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
                if (!ChildInCache(node.GetSlot(i)))
                    return false;
            return true;
        internal static GreenNode? TryGetNode(int kind, GreenNode? child1, out int hash)
            return TryGetNode(kind, child1, GetDefaultNodeFlags(), out hash);
        internal static GreenNode? TryGetNode(int kind, GreenNode? child1, GreenNode.NodeFlags flags, out int hash)
            if (CanBeCached(child1))
                int h = hash = GetCacheHash(kind, flags, child1);
                int idx = h & CacheMask;
                var e = s_cache[idx];
                if (e.hash == h && e.node != null && e.node.IsCacheEquivalent(kind, flags, child1))
                    return e.node;
                hash = -1;
            return null;
        internal static GreenNode? TryGetNode(int kind, GreenNode? child1, GreenNode? child2, out int hash)
            return TryGetNode(kind, child1, child2, GetDefaultNodeFlags(), out hash);
        internal static GreenNode? TryGetNode(int kind, GreenNode? child1, GreenNode? child2, GreenNode.NodeFlags flags, out int hash)
            if (CanBeCached(child1, child2))
                int h = hash = GetCacheHash(kind, flags, child1, child2);
                int idx = h & CacheMask;
                var e = s_cache[idx];
                if (e.hash == h && e.node != null && e.node.IsCacheEquivalent(kind, flags, child1, child2))
                    return e.node;
                hash = -1;
            return null;
        internal static GreenNode? TryGetNode(int kind, GreenNode? child1, GreenNode? child2, GreenNode? child3, out int hash)
            return TryGetNode(kind, child1, child2, child3, GetDefaultNodeFlags(), out hash);
        internal static GreenNode? TryGetNode(int kind, GreenNode? child1, GreenNode? child2, GreenNode? child3, GreenNode.NodeFlags flags, out int hash)
            if (CanBeCached(child1, child2, child3))
                int h = hash = GetCacheHash(kind, flags, child1, child2, child3);
                int idx = h & CacheMask;
                var e = s_cache[idx];
                if (e.hash == h && e.node != null && e.node.IsCacheEquivalent(kind, flags, child1, child2, child3))
                    return e.node;
                hash = -1;
            return null;
        public static GreenNode.NodeFlags GetDefaultNodeFlags()
            return GreenNode.NodeFlags.IsNotMissing;
        private static int GetCacheHash(int kind, GreenNode.NodeFlags flags, GreenNode? child1)
            int code = (int)(flags) ^ kind;
            code = Hash.Combine(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(child1), code);
            // ensure nonnegative hash
            return code & Int32.MaxValue;
        private static int GetCacheHash(int kind, GreenNode.NodeFlags flags, GreenNode? child1, GreenNode? child2)
            int code = (int)(flags) ^ kind;
            if (child1 != null)
                code = Hash.Combine(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(child1), code);
            if (child2 != null)
                code = Hash.Combine(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(child2), code);
            // ensure nonnegative hash
            return code & Int32.MaxValue;
        private static int GetCacheHash(int kind, GreenNode.NodeFlags flags, GreenNode? child1, GreenNode? child2, GreenNode? child3)
            int code = (int)(flags) ^ kind;
            if (child1 != null)
                code = Hash.Combine(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(child1), code);
            if (child2 != null)
                code = Hash.Combine(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(child2), code);
            if (child3 != null)
                code = Hash.Combine(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(child3), code);
            // ensure nonnegative hash
            return code & Int32.MaxValue;