// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Syntax
internal static class CommonSyntaxNodeRemover
public static void GetSeparatorInfo(
SyntaxNodeOrTokenList nodesAndSeparators, int nodeIndex, int endOfLineKind,
out bool nextTokenIsSeparator, out bool nextSeparatorBelongsToNode)
// remove preceding separator if any, except for the case where
// the following separator immediately touches the item in the list
// and is followed by a newline.
// In that case, we consider the next token to be more closely
// associated with the item, and it should be removed.
// For example, if you have:
// Goo(a, // a stuff
// b, // b stuff
// c);
// If we're removing 'b', we should remove the comma after it.
// If there is no next comma, or the next comma is not on the
// same line, then just remove the preceding comma if there is
// one. If there is no next or previous comma there's nothing
// in the list that needs to be fixed up.
var node = nodesAndSeparators[nodeIndex].AsNode();
Debug.Assert(node is object);
nextTokenIsSeparator =
nodeIndex + 1 < nodesAndSeparators.Count &&
nodesAndSeparators[nodeIndex + 1].IsToken;
nextSeparatorBelongsToNode =
nextTokenIsSeparator &&
nodesAndSeparators[nodeIndex + 1].AsToken() is var nextSeparator &&
!nextSeparator.HasLeadingTrivia &&
!ContainsEndOfLine(node.GetTrailingTrivia(), endOfLineKind) &&
ContainsEndOfLine(nextSeparator.TrailingTrivia, endOfLineKind);
private static bool ContainsEndOfLine(SyntaxTriviaList triviaList, int endOfLineKind)
=> triviaList.IndexOf(endOfLineKind) >= 0;