// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the different kinds of comparison between types.
/// </summary>
internal enum TypeCompareKind
ConsiderEverything = 0,
// This comparison option is temporary. All usages should be reviewed, and it should be removed. https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/31742
ConsiderEverything2 = ConsiderEverything,
IgnoreCustomModifiersAndArraySizesAndLowerBounds = 1,
IgnoreDynamic = 2,
IgnoreTupleNames = 4,
IgnoreDynamicAndTupleNames = IgnoreDynamic | IgnoreTupleNames,
IgnoreNullableModifiersForReferenceTypes = 8,
ObliviousNullableModifierMatchesAny = 16,
IgnoreNativeIntegers = 32,
// For the purposes of a few specific cases such as overload comparisons, we need to consider function pointers that only differ
// by ref, in, out, or ref readonly identical. For these specific scenarios, this option is available. However, it is not in
// in AllIgnoreOptions because except for these few specific cases, ignoring the RefKind is not the correct behavior.
// For overloading, we disallow overloading on just the type of refness in a function pointer parameter or return type. Technically
// we could emit signatures overloaded on this distinction, because we must encode the type of ref in a modreq on the appropriate
// parameter in metadata, which would change the type. However, this would be inconsistent with how ref vs out vs in works on
// top-level signatures today, so we disallow it in source.
FunctionPointerRefMatchesOutInRefReadonly = 64,
AllNullableIgnoreOptions = IgnoreNullableModifiersForReferenceTypes | ObliviousNullableModifierMatchesAny,
AllIgnoreOptions = IgnoreCustomModifiersAndArraySizesAndLowerBounds | IgnoreDynamic | IgnoreTupleNames | AllNullableIgnoreOptions | IgnoreNativeIntegers,
AllIgnoreOptionsForVB = IgnoreCustomModifiersAndArraySizesAndLowerBounds | IgnoreTupleNames,
CLRSignatureCompareOptions = TypeCompareKind.AllIgnoreOptions & ~TypeCompareKind.IgnoreCustomModifiersAndArraySizesAndLowerBounds,