File: StrongName\DesktopStrongNameProvider.cs
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Project: src\src\Compilers\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection.Metadata;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using Microsoft.Cci;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Interop;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
    /// <summary>
    /// Provides strong name and signs source assemblies.
    /// </summary>
    public class DesktopStrongNameProvider : StrongNameProvider
        // This exception is only used to detect when the acquisition of IClrStrongName fails
        // and the likely reason is that we're running on CoreCLR on a non-Windows platform.
        // The place where the acquisition fails does not have access to localization,
        // so we can't throw some generic exception with a localized message.
        // So this is sort of a token for the eventual message to be generated.
        // The path from where this is thrown to where it is caught is all internal,
        // so there's no chance of an API consumer seeing it.
        internal sealed class ClrStrongNameMissingException : Exception
        private readonly ImmutableArray<string> _keyFileSearchPaths;
        internal override StrongNameFileSystem FileSystem { get; }
        public DesktopStrongNameProvider(ImmutableArray<string> keyFileSearchPaths) : this(keyFileSearchPaths, StrongNameFileSystem.Instance)
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of <see cref="DesktopStrongNameProvider"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tempPath">Path to use for any temporary file generation.</param>
        /// <param name="keyFileSearchPaths">An ordered set of fully qualified paths which are searched when locating a cryptographic key file.</param>
        public DesktopStrongNameProvider(ImmutableArray<string> keyFileSearchPaths = default, string? tempPath = null)
           : this(keyFileSearchPaths, tempPath == null ? StrongNameFileSystem.Instance : new StrongNameFileSystem(tempPath))
        internal DesktopStrongNameProvider(ImmutableArray<string> keyFileSearchPaths, StrongNameFileSystem strongNameFileSystem)
            if (!keyFileSearchPaths.IsDefault && keyFileSearchPaths.Any(static path => !PathUtilities.IsAbsolute(path)))
                throw new ArgumentException(CodeAnalysisResources.AbsolutePathExpected, nameof(keyFileSearchPaths));
            FileSystem = strongNameFileSystem ?? StrongNameFileSystem.Instance;
            _keyFileSearchPaths = keyFileSearchPaths.NullToEmpty();
        internal override StrongNameKeys CreateKeys(string? keyFilePath, string? keyContainerName, bool hasCounterSignature, CommonMessageProvider messageProvider)
            var keyPair = default(ImmutableArray<byte>);
            var publicKey = default(ImmutableArray<byte>);
            string? container = null;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyFilePath))
                    string? resolvedKeyFile = ResolveStrongNameKeyFile(keyFilePath, FileSystem, _keyFileSearchPaths);
                    if (resolvedKeyFile == null)
                        return new StrongNameKeys(StrongNameKeys.GetKeyFileError(messageProvider, keyFilePath, CodeAnalysisResources.FileNotFound));
                    var fileContent = ImmutableArray.Create(FileSystem.ReadAllBytes(resolvedKeyFile));
                    return StrongNameKeys.CreateHelper(fileContent, keyFilePath, hasCounterSignature);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return new StrongNameKeys(StrongNameKeys.GetKeyFileError(messageProvider, keyFilePath, ex.Message));
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyContainerName))
                    ReadKeysFromContainer(keyContainerName, out publicKey);
                    container = keyContainerName;
                catch (ClrStrongNameMissingException)
                    return new StrongNameKeys(StrongNameKeys.GetContainerError(messageProvider, keyContainerName,
                        new CodeAnalysisResourcesLocalizableErrorArgument(nameof(CodeAnalysisResources.AssemblySigningNotSupported))));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return new StrongNameKeys(StrongNameKeys.GetContainerError(messageProvider, keyContainerName, ex.Message));
            return new StrongNameKeys(keyPair, publicKey, privateKey: null, container, keyFilePath, hasCounterSignature);
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves assembly strong name key file path.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Normalized key file path or null if not found.</returns>
        internal static string? ResolveStrongNameKeyFile(string path, StrongNameFileSystem fileSystem, ImmutableArray<string> keyFileSearchPaths)
            // Dev11: key path is simply appended to the search paths, even if it starts with the current (parent) directory ("." or "..").
            // This is different from PathUtilities.ResolveRelativePath.
            if (PathUtilities.IsAbsolute(path))
                if (fileSystem.FileExists(path))
                    return FileUtilities.TryNormalizeAbsolutePath(path);
                return path;
            foreach (var searchPath in keyFileSearchPaths)
                string? combinedPath = PathUtilities.CombineAbsoluteAndRelativePaths(searchPath, path);
                Debug.Assert(combinedPath == null || PathUtilities.IsAbsolute(combinedPath));
                if (fileSystem.FileExists(combinedPath))
                    return FileUtilities.TryNormalizeAbsolutePath(combinedPath!);
            return null;
        internal virtual void ReadKeysFromContainer(string keyContainer, out ImmutableArray<byte> publicKey)
                publicKey = GetPublicKey(keyContainer);
            catch (ClrStrongNameMissingException)
                // pipe it through so it's catchable directly by type
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new IOException(ex.Message);
        internal override void SignFile(StrongNameKeys keys, string filePath)
            Debug.Assert(string.IsNullOrEmpty(keys.KeyFilePath) != string.IsNullOrEmpty(keys.KeyContainer));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keys.KeyFilePath))
                Sign(filePath, keys.KeyPair);
                Sign(filePath, keys.KeyContainer!);
        internal override void SignBuilder(ExtendedPEBuilder peBuilder, BlobBuilder peBlob, RSAParameters privateKey)
            peBuilder.Sign(peBlob, content => SigningUtilities.CalculateRsaSignature(content, privateKey));
        // EDMAURER in the event that the key is supplied as a file,
        // this type could get an instance member that caches the file
        // contents to avoid reading the file twice - once to get the
        // public key to establish the assembly name and another to do
        // the actual signing
        internal virtual IClrStrongName GetStrongNameInterface()
                return ClrStrongName.GetInstance();
            catch (MarshalDirectiveException) when (PathUtilities.IsUnixLikePlatform)
                // CoreCLR, when not on Windows, doesn't support IClrStrongName (or COM in general).
                // This is really hard to detect/predict without false positives/negatives.
                // It turns out that CoreCLR throws a MarshalDirectiveException when attempting
                // to get the interface (Message "Cannot marshal 'return value': Unknown error."),
                // so just catch that and state that it's not supported.
                // We're deep in a try block that reports the exception's Message as part of a diagnostic.
                // This exception will skip through the IOException wrapping by `Sign` (in this class),
                // then caught by Compilation.SerializeToPeStream or DesktopStringNameProvider.CreateKeys
                throw new ClrStrongNameMissingException();
        internal ImmutableArray<byte> GetPublicKey(string keyContainer)
            IClrStrongName strongName = GetStrongNameInterface();
            IntPtr keyBlob;
            int keyBlobByteCount;
            strongName.StrongNameGetPublicKey(keyContainer, pbKeyBlob: default, 0, out keyBlob, out keyBlobByteCount);
            byte[] pubKey = new byte[keyBlobByteCount];
            Marshal.Copy(keyBlob, pubKey, 0, keyBlobByteCount);
            return pubKey.AsImmutableOrNull();
        /// <exception cref="IOException"/>
        private void Sign(string filePath, string keyName)
                IClrStrongName strongName = GetStrongNameInterface();
                strongName.StrongNameSignatureGeneration(filePath, keyName, IntPtr.Zero, 0, null, pcbSignatureBlob: out _);
            catch (ClrStrongNameMissingException)
                // pipe it through so it's catchable directly by type
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new IOException(ex.Message, ex);
        private unsafe void Sign(string filePath, ImmutableArray<byte> keyPair)
                IClrStrongName strongName = GetStrongNameInterface();
                fixed (byte* pinned = keyPair.ToArray())
                    strongName.StrongNameSignatureGeneration(filePath, null, (IntPtr)pinned, keyPair.Length, null, pcbSignatureBlob: out _);
            catch (ClrStrongNameMissingException)
                // pipe it through so it's catchable directly by type
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new IOException(ex.Message, ex);
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return Hash.CombineValues(_keyFileSearchPaths, StringComparer.Ordinal);
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            if (obj is null || GetType() != obj.GetType())
                return false;
            var other = (DesktopStrongNameProvider)obj;
            if (!FileSystem.Equals(other.FileSystem))
                return false;
            if (!_keyFileSearchPaths.SequenceEqual(other._keyFileSearchPaths, StringComparer.Ordinal))
                return false;
            return true;