File: SourceGeneration\Nodes\SyntaxValueProvider_ForAttributeWithSimpleName.cs
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Project: src\src\Compilers\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SourceGeneration;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Aliases = ArrayBuilder<(string aliasName, string symbolName)>;
internal enum SourceGeneratorSyntaxTreeInfo
    None = 1 << 0,
    ContainsGlobalAliases = 1 << 1,
    ContainsAttributeList = 1 << 2,
    ContainsGlobalAliasesOrAttributeList = ContainsGlobalAliases | ContainsAttributeList,
public partial struct SyntaxValueProvider
    private static readonly ObjectPool<Stack<string>> s_stringStackPool = new ObjectPool<Stack<string>>(static () => new Stack<string>());
    private static readonly ObjectPool<Stack<SyntaxNode>> s_nodeStackPool = new ObjectPool<Stack<SyntaxNode>>(static () => new Stack<SyntaxNode>());
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns all syntax nodes of that match <paramref name="predicate"/> if that node has an attribute on it that
    /// could possibly bind to the provided <paramref name="simpleName"/>. <paramref name="simpleName"/> should be the
    /// simple, non-qualified, name of the attribute, including the <c>Attribute</c> suffix, and not containing any
    /// generics, containing types, or namespaces.  For example <c>CLSCompliantAttribute</c> for <see
    /// cref="System.CLSCompliantAttribute"/>.
    /// <para/> This provider understands <see langword="using"/> (<c>Import</c> in Visual Basic) aliases and will find
    /// matches even when the attribute references an alias name.  For example, given:
    /// <code>
    /// using XAttribute = System.CLSCompliantAttribute;
    /// [X]
    /// class C { }
    /// </code>
    /// Then
    /// <c>context.SyntaxProvider.CreateSyntaxProviderForAttribute(nameof(CLSCompliantAttribute), (node, c) => node is ClassDeclarationSyntax)</c>
    /// will find the <c>C</c> class.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Note: a 'Values'-provider of arrays are returned.  Each array provides all the matching nodes from a single <see
    /// cref="SyntaxTree"/>.
    /// </remarks>
    internal IncrementalValuesProvider<(SyntaxTree tree, ImmutableArray<SyntaxNode> matches)> ForAttributeWithSimpleName(
        string simpleName,
        Func<SyntaxNode, CancellationToken, bool> predicate)
        var syntaxHelper = _context.SyntaxHelper;
        // Create a provider over all the syntax trees in the compilation.  This is better than CreateSyntaxProvider as
        // using SyntaxTrees is purely syntax and will not update the incremental node for a tree when another tree is
        // changed. CreateSyntaxProvider will have to rerun all incremental nodes since it passes along the
        // SemanticModel, and that model is updated whenever any tree changes (since it is tied to the compilation).
        var syntaxTreesProvider = _context.CompilationProvider
            .SelectMany((compilation, cancellationToken) => GetSourceGeneratorInfo(syntaxHelper, compilation, cancellationToken))
        // Create a provider that provides (and updates) the global aliases for any particular file when it is edited.
        var individualFileGlobalAliasesProvider = syntaxTreesProvider
            .Where(static (info, _) => info.Info.HasFlag(SourceGeneratorSyntaxTreeInfo.ContainsGlobalAliases))
            .Select((info, cancellationToken) => getGlobalAliasesInCompilationUnit(syntaxHelper, info.Tree.GetRoot(cancellationToken)))
        // Create an aggregated view of all global aliases across all files.  This should only update when an individual
        // file changes its global aliases or a file is added / removed from the compilation
        var collectedGlobalAliasesProvider = individualFileGlobalAliasesProvider
        var allUpGlobalAliasesProvider = collectedGlobalAliasesProvider
            .Select(static (arrays, _) => GlobalAliases.Create(arrays))
        // Regenerate our data if the compilation options changed.  VB can supply global aliases with compilation options,
        // so we have to reanalyze everything if those changed.
        var compilationGlobalAliases = _context.CompilationOptionsProvider.Select(
            (o, _) =>
                var aliases = Aliases.GetInstance();
                syntaxHelper.AddAliases(o, aliases);
                return GlobalAliases.Create(aliases.ToImmutableAndFree());
        allUpGlobalAliasesProvider = allUpGlobalAliasesProvider
            .Select(static (tuple, _) => GlobalAliases.Concat(tuple.Left, tuple.Right))
        // Combine the two providers so that we reanalyze every file if the global aliases change, or we reanalyze a
        // particular file when it's compilation unit changes.
        var syntaxTreeAndGlobalAliasesProvider = syntaxTreesProvider
            .Where(static (info, _) => info.Info.HasFlag(SourceGeneratorSyntaxTreeInfo.ContainsAttributeList))
        return syntaxTreeAndGlobalAliasesProvider
            .Select((tuple, c) => (tuple.Left.Tree, GetMatchingNodes(syntaxHelper, tuple.Right, tuple.Left.Tree, simpleName, predicate, c)))
            .Where(static tuple => tuple.Item2.Length > 0)
        static GlobalAliases getGlobalAliasesInCompilationUnit(
            ISyntaxHelper syntaxHelper,
            SyntaxNode compilationUnit)
            Debug.Assert(compilationUnit is ICompilationUnitSyntax);
            var globalAliases = Aliases.GetInstance();
            syntaxHelper.AddAliases(compilationUnit.Green, globalAliases, global: true);
            return GlobalAliases.Create(globalAliases.ToImmutableAndFree());
    private static ImmutableArray<(SyntaxTree Tree, SourceGeneratorSyntaxTreeInfo Info)> GetSourceGeneratorInfo(
        ISyntaxHelper syntaxHelper, Compilation compilation, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        // Get the count up front so we can allocate without waste.
        var count = 0;
        foreach (var tree in compilation.CommonSyntaxTrees)
            var info = tree.GetSourceGeneratorInfo(syntaxHelper, cancellationToken);
            if ((info & SourceGeneratorSyntaxTreeInfo.ContainsGlobalAliasesOrAttributeList) != 0)
        var builder = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder<(SyntaxTree Tree, SourceGeneratorSyntaxTreeInfo Info)>(count);
        // Iterate again.  This will be free as the values from before will already be cached on the syntax tree.
        foreach (var tree in compilation.CommonSyntaxTrees)
            var info = tree.GetSourceGeneratorInfo(syntaxHelper, cancellationToken);
            if ((info & SourceGeneratorSyntaxTreeInfo.ContainsGlobalAliasesOrAttributeList) != 0)
                builder.Add((tree, info));
        return builder.MoveToImmutable();
    private static ImmutableArray<SyntaxNode> GetMatchingNodes(
        ISyntaxHelper syntaxHelper,
        GlobalAliases globalAliases,
        SyntaxTree syntaxTree,
        string name,
        Func<SyntaxNode, CancellationToken, bool> predicate,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var compilationUnit = syntaxTree.GetRoot(cancellationToken);
        Debug.Assert(compilationUnit is ICompilationUnitSyntax);
        var isCaseSensitive = syntaxHelper.IsCaseSensitive;
        var comparison = isCaseSensitive ? StringComparison.Ordinal : StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase;
        // As we walk down the compilation unit and nested namespaces, we may encounter additional using aliases local
        // to this file. Keep track of them so we can determine if they would allow an attribute in code to bind to the
        // attribute being searched for.
        var localAliases = Aliases.GetInstance();
        var nameHasAttributeSuffix = name.HasAttributeSuffix(isCaseSensitive);
        // Used to ensure that as we recurse through alias names to see if they could bind to attributeName that we
        // don't get into cycles.
        var seenNames = s_stringStackPool.Allocate();
        var results = ArrayBuilder<SyntaxNode>.GetInstance();
        var attributeTargets = ArrayBuilder<SyntaxNode>.GetInstance();
        return results.ToImmutableAndFree();
        void processCompilationUnit(SyntaxNode compilationUnit)
            if (compilationUnit is ICompilationUnitSyntax)
                syntaxHelper.AddAliases(compilationUnit.Green, localAliases, global: false);
        void processCompilationOrNamespaceMembers(SyntaxNode node)
            foreach (var child in node.ChildNodesAndTokens())
                if (child.AsNode(out var childNode))
                    if (syntaxHelper.IsAnyNamespaceBlock(childNode))
        void processNamespaceBlock(SyntaxNode namespaceBlock)
            var localAliasCount = localAliases.Count;
            syntaxHelper.AddAliases(namespaceBlock.Green, localAliases, global: false);
            // after recursing into this namespace, dump any local aliases we added from this namespace decl itself.
            localAliases.Count = localAliasCount;
        void processMember(SyntaxNode member)
            // Don't bother descending into nodes that don't contain attributes.
            if (!member.ContainsAttributes)
            // nodes can be arbitrarily deep.  Use an explicit stack over recursion to prevent a stack-overflow.
            var nodeStack = s_nodeStackPool.Allocate();
                while (nodeStack.Count > 0)
                    var node = nodeStack.Pop();
                    // Don't bother descending into nodes that don't contain attributes.
                    if (!node.ContainsAttributes)
                    if (syntaxHelper.IsAttributeList(node))
                        foreach (var attribute in syntaxHelper.GetAttributesOfAttributeList(node))
                            // Have to lookup both with the name in the attribute, as well as adding the 'Attribute' suffix.
                            // e.g. if there is [X] then we have to lookup with X and with XAttribute.
                            var simpleAttributeName = syntaxHelper.GetUnqualifiedIdentifierOfName(syntaxHelper.GetNameOfAttribute(attribute));
                            if (matchesAttributeName(simpleAttributeName, withAttributeSuffix: false) ||
                                matchesAttributeName(simpleAttributeName, withAttributeSuffix: true))
                                syntaxHelper.AddAttributeTargets(node, attributeTargets);
                                foreach (var target in attributeTargets)
                                    if (predicate(target, cancellationToken))
                        // attributes can't have attributes inside of them.  so no need to recurse when we're done.
                        // For any other node, just keep recursing deeper to see if we can find an attribute. Note: we cannot
                        // terminate the search anywhere as attributes may be found on things like local functions, and that
                        // means having to dive deep into statements and expressions.
                        foreach (var child in node.ChildNodesAndTokens().Reverse())
                            if (child.AsNode(out var childNode))
        // Checks if `name` is equal to `matchAgainst`.  if `withAttributeSuffix` is true, then
        // will check if `name` + "Attribute" is equal to `matchAgainst`
        bool matchesName(string name, string matchAgainst, bool withAttributeSuffix)
            if (withAttributeSuffix)
                return name.Length + "Attribute".Length == matchAgainst.Length &&
                    matchAgainst.HasAttributeSuffix(isCaseSensitive) &&
                    matchAgainst.StartsWith(name, comparison);
                return name.Equals(matchAgainst, comparison);
        bool matchesAttributeName(string currentAttributeName, bool withAttributeSuffix)
            // If the names match, we're done.
            if (withAttributeSuffix)
                if (nameHasAttributeSuffix &&
                    matchesName(currentAttributeName, name, withAttributeSuffix))
                    return true;
                if (matchesName(currentAttributeName, name, withAttributeSuffix: false))
                    return true;
            // Otherwise, keep searching through aliases.  Check that this is the first time seeing this name so we
            // don't infinite recurse in error code where aliases reference each other.
            // note: as we recurse up the aliases, we do not want to add the attribute suffix anymore.  aliases must
            // reference the actual real name of the symbol they are aliasing.
            if (seenNames.Contains(currentAttributeName))
                return false;
                foreach (var (aliasName, symbolName) in localAliases)
                    // see if user wrote `[SomeAlias]`.  If so, if we find a `using SomeAlias = ...` recurse using the
                    // ... name portion to see if it might bind to the attr name the caller is searching for.
                    if (matchesName(currentAttributeName, aliasName, withAttributeSuffix) &&
                        matchesAttributeName(symbolName, withAttributeSuffix: false))
                        return true;
                foreach (var (aliasName, symbolName) in globalAliases.AliasAndSymbolNames)
                    if (matchesName(currentAttributeName, aliasName, withAttributeSuffix) &&
                        matchesAttributeName(symbolName, withAttributeSuffix: false))
                        return true;
                return false;