File: ReferenceManager\CommonReferenceManager.Resolution.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Compilers\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Symbols;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
    using MetadataOrDiagnostic = System.Object;
    /// <summary>
    /// The base class for language specific assembly managers.
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="TCompilation">Language specific representation for a compilation</typeparam>
    /// <typeparam name="TAssemblySymbol">Language specific representation for an assembly symbol.</typeparam>
    internal abstract partial class CommonReferenceManager<TCompilation, TAssemblySymbol>
        where TCompilation : Compilation
        where TAssemblySymbol : class, IAssemblySymbolInternal
        protected abstract CommonMessageProvider MessageProvider { get; }
        protected abstract AssemblyData CreateAssemblyDataForFile(
            PEAssembly assembly,
            WeakList<IAssemblySymbolInternal> cachedSymbols,
            DocumentationProvider documentationProvider,
            string sourceAssemblySimpleName,
            MetadataImportOptions importOptions,
            bool embedInteropTypes);
        protected abstract AssemblyData CreateAssemblyDataForCompilation(
            CompilationReference compilationReference);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the properties of <paramref name="duplicateReference"/> are compatible with properties of <paramref name="primaryReference"/>.
        /// Reports inconsistencies to the given diagnostic bag.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if the properties are compatible and hence merged, false if the duplicate reference should not merge it's properties with primary reference.</returns>
        protected abstract bool CheckPropertiesConsistency(MetadataReference primaryReference, MetadataReference duplicateReference, DiagnosticBag diagnostics);
        /// <summary>
        /// Called to compare two weakly named identities with the same name.
        /// </summary>
        protected abstract bool WeakIdentityPropertiesEquivalent(AssemblyIdentity identity1, AssemblyIdentity identity2);
        [DebuggerDisplay("{GetDebuggerDisplay(), nq}")]
        protected readonly struct ResolvedReference
            private readonly MetadataImageKind _kind;
            private readonly int _index;
            private readonly ImmutableArray<string> _aliasesOpt;
            private readonly ImmutableArray<string> _recursiveAliasesOpt;
            private readonly ImmutableArray<MetadataReference> _mergedReferencesOpt;
            // uninitialized aliases
            public ResolvedReference(int index, MetadataImageKind kind)
                Debug.Assert(index >= 0);
                _index = index + 1;
                _kind = kind;
                _aliasesOpt = default(ImmutableArray<string>);
                _recursiveAliasesOpt = default(ImmutableArray<string>);
                _mergedReferencesOpt = default(ImmutableArray<MetadataReference>);
            // initialized aliases
            public ResolvedReference(int index, MetadataImageKind kind, ImmutableArray<string> aliasesOpt, ImmutableArray<string> recursiveAliasesOpt, ImmutableArray<MetadataReference> mergedReferences)
                : this(index, kind)
                // We have to have non-default aliases (empty are ok). We can have both recursive and non-recursive aliases if two references were merged.
                Debug.Assert(!aliasesOpt.IsDefault || !recursiveAliasesOpt.IsDefault);
                _aliasesOpt = aliasesOpt;
                _recursiveAliasesOpt = recursiveAliasesOpt;
                _mergedReferencesOpt = mergedReferences;
            private bool IsUninitialized => (_aliasesOpt.IsDefault && _recursiveAliasesOpt.IsDefault) || _mergedReferencesOpt.IsDefault;
            /// <summary>
            /// Aliases that should be applied to the referenced assembly. 
            /// Empty array means {"global"} (all namespaces and types in the global namespace of the assembly are accessible without qualification).
            /// Null if not applicable (the reference only has recursive aliases).
            /// </summary>
            public ImmutableArray<string> AliasesOpt
                    return _aliasesOpt;
            /// <summary>
            /// Aliases that should be applied recursively to all dependent assemblies. 
            /// Empty array means {"global"} (all namespaces and types in the global namespace of the assembly are accessible without qualification).
            /// Null if not applicable (the reference only has simple aliases).
            /// </summary>
            public ImmutableArray<string> RecursiveAliasesOpt
                    return _recursiveAliasesOpt;
            public ImmutableArray<MetadataReference> MergedReferences
                    return _mergedReferencesOpt;
            /// <summary>
            /// default(<see cref="ResolvedReference"/>) is considered skipped.
            /// </summary>
            public bool IsSkipped
                    return _index == 0;
            public MetadataImageKind Kind
                    return _kind;
            /// <summary>
            /// Index into an array of assemblies (not including the assembly being built) or an array of modules, depending on <see cref="Kind"/>.
            /// </summary>
            public int Index
                    return _index - 1;
            private string GetDebuggerDisplay()
                return IsSkipped ? "<skipped>" : $"{(_kind == MetadataImageKind.Assembly ? "A" : "M")}[{Index}]:{DisplayAliases(_aliasesOpt, "aliases")}{DisplayAliases(_recursiveAliasesOpt, "recursive-aliases")}";
            private static string DisplayAliases(ImmutableArray<string> aliasesOpt, string name)
                return aliasesOpt.IsDefault ? "" : $" {name} = '{string.Join("','", aliasesOpt)}'";
        protected readonly struct ReferencedAssemblyIdentity
            public readonly AssemblyIdentity? Identity;
            public readonly MetadataReference? Reference;
            /// <summary>
            /// non-negative: Index into the array of all (explicitly and implicitly) referenced assemblies.
            /// negative: ExplicitlyReferencedAssemblies.Count + RelativeAssemblyIndex is an index into the array of assemblies.
            /// </summary>
            public readonly int RelativeAssemblyIndex;
            public int GetAssemblyIndex(int explicitlyReferencedAssemblyCount) =>
                RelativeAssemblyIndex >= 0 ? RelativeAssemblyIndex : explicitlyReferencedAssemblyCount + RelativeAssemblyIndex;
            public ReferencedAssemblyIdentity(AssemblyIdentity identity, MetadataReference reference, int relativeAssemblyIndex)
                Identity = identity;
                Reference = reference;
                RelativeAssemblyIndex = relativeAssemblyIndex;
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves given metadata references to assemblies and modules.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="compilation">The compilation whose references are being resolved.</param>
        /// <param name="assemblyReferencesBySimpleName">
        /// Used to filter out assemblies that have the same strong or weak identity.
        /// Maps simple name to a list of identities. The highest version of each name is the first.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="references">List where to store resolved references. References from #r directives will follow references passed to the compilation constructor.</param>
        /// <param name="boundReferenceDirectiveMap">Maps #r values to successfully resolved metadata references. Does not contain values that failed to resolve.</param>
        /// <param name="boundReferenceDirectives">Unique metadata references resolved from #r directives.</param>
        /// <param name="assemblies">List where to store information about resolved assemblies to.</param>
        /// <param name="modules">List where to store information about resolved modules to.</param>
        /// <param name="diagnostics">Diagnostic bag where to report resolution errors.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Maps index to <paramref name="references"/> to an index of a resolved assembly or module in <paramref name="assemblies"/> or <paramref name="modules"/>, respectively.
        protected ImmutableArray<ResolvedReference> ResolveMetadataReferences(
            TCompilation compilation,
            [Out] Dictionary<string, List<ReferencedAssemblyIdentity>> assemblyReferencesBySimpleName,
            out ImmutableArray<MetadataReference> references,
            out IDictionary<(string, string), MetadataReference> boundReferenceDirectiveMap,
            out ImmutableArray<MetadataReference> boundReferenceDirectives,
            out ImmutableArray<AssemblyData> assemblies,
            out ImmutableArray<PEModule> modules,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            // Locations of all #r directives in the order they are listed in the references list.
            ImmutableArray<Location> referenceDirectiveLocations;
            GetCompilationReferences(compilation, diagnostics, out references, out boundReferenceDirectiveMap, out referenceDirectiveLocations);
            // References originating from #r directives precede references supplied as arguments of the compilation.
            int referenceCount = references.Length;
            int referenceDirectiveCount = (referenceDirectiveLocations != null ? referenceDirectiveLocations.Length : 0);
            var referenceMap = new ResolvedReference[referenceCount];
            // Maps references that were added to the reference set (i.e. not filtered out as duplicates) to a set of names that 
            // can be used to alias these references. Duplicate assemblies contribute their aliases into this set.
            Dictionary<MetadataReference, MergedAliases>? lazyAliasMap = null;
            // Used to filter out duplicate references that reference the same file (resolve to the same full normalized path).
            var boundReferences = new Dictionary<MetadataReference, MetadataReference>(MetadataReferenceEqualityComparer.Instance);
            ArrayBuilder<MetadataReference>? uniqueDirectiveReferences = (referenceDirectiveLocations != null) ? ArrayBuilder<MetadataReference>.GetInstance() : null;
            var assembliesBuilder = ArrayBuilder<AssemblyData>.GetInstance();
            ArrayBuilder<PEModule>? lazyModulesBuilder = null;
            bool supersedeLowerVersions = compilation.Options.ReferencesSupersedeLowerVersions;
            // When duplicate references with conflicting EmbedInteropTypes flag are encountered,
            // VB uses the flag from the last one, C# reports an error. We need to enumerate in reverse order
            // so that we find the one that matters first.
            for (int referenceIndex = referenceCount - 1; referenceIndex >= 0; referenceIndex--)
                var boundReference = references[referenceIndex];
                if (boundReference == null)
                // add bound reference if it doesn't exist yet, merging aliases:
                MetadataReference? existingReference;
                if (boundReferences.TryGetValue(boundReference, out existingReference))
                    // merge properties of compilation-based references if the underlying compilations are the same
                    if ((object)boundReference != existingReference)
                        MergeReferenceProperties(existingReference, boundReference, diagnostics, ref lazyAliasMap);
                boundReferences.Add(boundReference, boundReference);
                Location location;
                if (referenceIndex < referenceDirectiveCount)
                    location = referenceDirectiveLocations[referenceIndex];
                    location = Location.None;
                // compilation reference
                var compilationReference = boundReference as CompilationReference;
                if (compilationReference != null)
                    switch (compilationReference.Properties.Kind)
                        case MetadataImageKind.Assembly:
                            existingReference = TryAddAssembly(
                                -assembliesBuilder.Count - 1,
                            if (existingReference != null)
                                MergeReferenceProperties(existingReference, boundReference, diagnostics, ref lazyAliasMap);
                            // Note, if SourceAssemblySymbol hasn't been created for 
                            // compilationAssembly.Compilation yet, we want this to happen 
                            // right now. Conveniently, this constructor will trigger creation of the 
                            // SourceAssemblySymbol.
                            var asmData = CreateAssemblyDataForCompilation(compilationReference);
                            AddAssembly(asmData, referenceIndex, referenceMap, assembliesBuilder);
                            throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(compilationReference.Properties.Kind);
                // PE reference
                var peReference = (PortableExecutableReference)boundReference;
                Metadata? metadata = GetMetadata(peReference, MessageProvider, location, diagnostics);
                Debug.Assert(metadata != null || diagnostics.HasAnyErrors());
                if (metadata != null)
                    switch (peReference.Properties.Kind)
                        case MetadataImageKind.Assembly:
                            var assemblyMetadata = (AssemblyMetadata)metadata;
                            WeakList<IAssemblySymbolInternal> cachedSymbols = assemblyMetadata.CachedSymbols;
                            if (assemblyMetadata.IsValidAssembly())
                                PEAssembly? assembly = assemblyMetadata.GetAssembly();
                                Debug.Assert(assembly is object);
                                existingReference = TryAddAssembly(
                                    -assembliesBuilder.Count - 1,
                                if (existingReference != null)
                                    MergeReferenceProperties(existingReference, boundReference, diagnostics, ref lazyAliasMap);
                                var asmData = CreateAssemblyDataForFile(
                                AddAssembly(asmData, referenceIndex, referenceMap, assembliesBuilder);
                                diagnostics.Add(MessageProvider.CreateDiagnostic(MessageProvider.ERR_MetadataFileNotAssembly, location, peReference.Display ?? ""));
                            // asmData keeps strong ref after this point
                        case MetadataImageKind.Module:
                            var moduleMetadata = (ModuleMetadata)metadata;
                            if (moduleMetadata.Module.IsLinkedModule)
                                // We don't support netmodules since some checks in the compiler need information from the full PE image
                                // (Machine, Bit32Required, PE image hash).
                                if (!moduleMetadata.Module.IsEntireImageAvailable)
                                    diagnostics.Add(MessageProvider.CreateDiagnostic(MessageProvider.ERR_LinkedNetmoduleMetadataMustProvideFullPEImage, location, peReference.Display ?? ""));
                                AddModule(moduleMetadata.Module, referenceIndex, referenceMap, ref lazyModulesBuilder);
                                diagnostics.Add(MessageProvider.CreateDiagnostic(MessageProvider.ERR_MetadataFileNotModule, location, peReference.Display ?? ""));
                            throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(peReference.Properties.Kind);
            if (uniqueDirectiveReferences != null)
                boundReferenceDirectives = uniqueDirectiveReferences.ToImmutableAndFree();
                boundReferenceDirectives = ImmutableArray<MetadataReference>.Empty;
            // We enumerated references in reverse order in the above code
            // and thus assemblies and modules in the builders are reversed.
            // Fix up all the indices and reverse the builder content now to get 
            // the ordering matching the references.
            // Also fills in aliases.
            for (int i = 0; i < referenceMap.Length; i++)
                if (!referenceMap[i].IsSkipped)
                    int count = (referenceMap[i].Kind == MetadataImageKind.Assembly) ? assembliesBuilder.Count : lazyModulesBuilder?.Count ?? 0;
                    int reversedIndex = count - 1 - referenceMap[i].Index;
                    referenceMap[i] = GetResolvedReferenceAndFreePropertyMapEntry(references[i], reversedIndex, referenceMap[i].Kind, lazyAliasMap);
            assemblies = assembliesBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();
            if (lazyModulesBuilder == null)
                modules = ImmutableArray<PEModule>.Empty;
                modules = lazyModulesBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();
            return ImmutableArray.CreateRange(referenceMap);
        private static ResolvedReference GetResolvedReferenceAndFreePropertyMapEntry(MetadataReference reference, int index, MetadataImageKind kind, Dictionary<MetadataReference, MergedAliases>? propertyMapOpt)
            ImmutableArray<string> aliasesOpt, recursiveAliasesOpt;
            var mergedReferences = ImmutableArray<MetadataReference>.Empty;
            if (propertyMapOpt != null && propertyMapOpt.TryGetValue(reference, out MergedAliases? mergedProperties))
                aliasesOpt = mergedProperties.AliasesOpt?.ToImmutableAndFree() ?? default(ImmutableArray<string>);
                recursiveAliasesOpt = mergedProperties.RecursiveAliasesOpt?.ToImmutableAndFree() ?? default(ImmutableArray<string>);
                if (mergedProperties.MergedReferencesOpt is object)
                    mergedReferences = mergedProperties.MergedReferencesOpt.ToImmutableAndFree();
            else if (reference.Properties.HasRecursiveAliases)
                aliasesOpt = default(ImmutableArray<string>);
                recursiveAliasesOpt = reference.Properties.Aliases;
                aliasesOpt = reference.Properties.Aliases;
                recursiveAliasesOpt = default(ImmutableArray<string>);
            return new ResolvedReference(index, kind, aliasesOpt, recursiveAliasesOpt, mergedReferences);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates or gets metadata for PE reference.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If any of the following exceptions: <see cref="BadImageFormatException"/>, <see cref="FileNotFoundException"/>, <see cref="IOException"/>,
        /// are thrown while reading the metadata file, the exception is caught and an appropriate diagnostic stored in <paramref name="diagnostics"/>.
        /// </remarks>
        private Metadata? GetMetadata(PortableExecutableReference peReference, CommonMessageProvider messageProvider, Location location, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            Metadata? existingMetadata;
            lock (ObservedMetadata)
                if (TryGetObservedMetadata(peReference, diagnostics, out existingMetadata))
                    return existingMetadata;
            Metadata? newMetadata;
            Diagnostic? newDiagnostic = null;
                newMetadata = peReference.GetMetadataNoCopy();
                // make sure basic structure of the PE image is valid:
                if (newMetadata is AssemblyMetadata assemblyMetadata)
                    _ = assemblyMetadata.IsValidAssembly();
                    _ = ((ModuleMetadata)newMetadata).Module.IsLinkedModule;
            catch (Exception e) when (e is BadImageFormatException || e is IOException)
                newDiagnostic = PortableExecutableReference.ExceptionToDiagnostic(e, messageProvider, location, peReference.Display ?? "", peReference.Properties.Kind);
                newMetadata = null;
            lock (ObservedMetadata)
                if (TryGetObservedMetadata(peReference, diagnostics, out existingMetadata))
                    return existingMetadata;
                if (newDiagnostic != null)
                ObservedMetadata.Add(peReference, (MetadataOrDiagnostic?)newMetadata ?? newDiagnostic!);
                return newMetadata;
        private bool TryGetObservedMetadata(PortableExecutableReference peReference, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, out Metadata? metadata)
            if (ObservedMetadata.TryGetValue(peReference, out MetadataOrDiagnostic? existing))
                Debug.Assert(existing is Metadata || existing is Diagnostic);
                metadata = existing as Metadata;
                if (metadata == null)
                return true;
            metadata = null;
            return false;
        internal AssemblyMetadata? GetAssemblyMetadata(PortableExecutableReference peReference, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            var metadata = GetMetadata(peReference, MessageProvider, Location.None, diagnostics);
            Debug.Assert(metadata != null || diagnostics.HasAnyErrors());
            if (metadata == null)
                return null;
            // require the metadata to be a valid assembly metadata:
            var assemblyMetadata = metadata as AssemblyMetadata;
            if (assemblyMetadata?.IsValidAssembly() != true)
                diagnostics.Add(MessageProvider.CreateDiagnostic(MessageProvider.ERR_MetadataFileNotAssembly, Location.None, peReference.Display ?? ""));
                return null;
            return assemblyMetadata;
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether references are the same. Compilation references are the same if they refer to the same compilation.
        /// Otherwise, references are represented by their object identities.
        /// </summary>
        internal sealed class MetadataReferenceEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<MetadataReference>
            internal static readonly MetadataReferenceEqualityComparer Instance = new MetadataReferenceEqualityComparer();
            public bool Equals(MetadataReference? x, MetadataReference? y)
                if (ReferenceEquals(x, y))
                    return true;
                var cx = x as CompilationReference;
                if (cx != null)
                    var cy = y as CompilationReference;
                    if (cy != null)
                        return (object)cx.Compilation == cy.Compilation;
                return false;
            public int GetHashCode(MetadataReference reference)
                var compilationReference = reference as CompilationReference;
                if (compilationReference != null)
                    return RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(compilationReference.Compilation);
                return RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(reference);
        /// <summary>
        /// Merges aliases of the first observed reference (<paramref name="primaryReference"/>) with aliases specified for an equivalent reference (<paramref name="newReference"/>).
        /// Empty alias list is considered to be the same as a list containing "global", since in both cases C# allows unqualified access to the symbols.
        /// </summary>
        private void MergeReferenceProperties(MetadataReference primaryReference, MetadataReference newReference, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, ref Dictionary<MetadataReference, MergedAliases>? lazyAliasMap)
            if (!CheckPropertiesConsistency(newReference, primaryReference, diagnostics))
            if (lazyAliasMap == null)
                lazyAliasMap = new Dictionary<MetadataReference, MergedAliases>();
            MergedAliases? mergedAliases;
            if (!lazyAliasMap.TryGetValue(primaryReference, out mergedAliases))
                mergedAliases = new MergedAliases();
                lazyAliasMap.Add(primaryReference, mergedAliases);
        /// <remarks>
        /// Caller is responsible for freeing any allocated ArrayBuilders.
        /// </remarks>
        private static void AddAssembly(AssemblyData data, int referenceIndex, ResolvedReference[] referenceMap, ArrayBuilder<AssemblyData> assemblies)
            // aliases will be filled in later:
            referenceMap[referenceIndex] = new ResolvedReference(assemblies.Count, MetadataImageKind.Assembly);
        /// <remarks>
        /// Caller is responsible for freeing any allocated ArrayBuilders.
        /// </remarks>
        private static void AddModule(PEModule module, int referenceIndex, ResolvedReference[] referenceMap, [NotNull] ref ArrayBuilder<PEModule>? modules)
            if (modules == null)
                modules = ArrayBuilder<PEModule>.GetInstance();
            referenceMap[referenceIndex] = new ResolvedReference(modules.Count, MetadataImageKind.Module);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns null if an assembly of an equivalent identity has not been added previously, otherwise returns the reference that added it.
        /// Two identities are considered equivalent if
        /// - both assembly names are strong (have keys) and are either equal or FX unified 
        /// - both assembly names are weak (no keys) and have the same simple name.
        /// </summary>
        private MetadataReference? TryAddAssembly(
            AssemblyIdentity identity,
            MetadataReference reference,
            int assemblyIndex,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics,
            Location location,
            Dictionary<string, List<ReferencedAssemblyIdentity>> referencesBySimpleName,
            bool supersedeLowerVersions)
            var referencedAssembly = new ReferencedAssemblyIdentity(identity, reference, assemblyIndex);
            List<ReferencedAssemblyIdentity>? sameSimpleNameIdentities;
            if (!referencesBySimpleName.TryGetValue(identity.Name, out sameSimpleNameIdentities))
                referencesBySimpleName.Add(identity.Name, new List<ReferencedAssemblyIdentity> { referencedAssembly });
                return null;
            if (supersedeLowerVersions)
                foreach (var other in sameSimpleNameIdentities)
                    Debug.Assert(other.Identity is object);
                    if (identity.Version == other.Identity.Version)
                        return other.Reference;
                // Keep all versions of the assembly and the first identity in the list the one with the highest version:
                if (sameSimpleNameIdentities[0].Identity!.Version > identity.Version)
                    sameSimpleNameIdentities[0] = referencedAssembly;
                return null;
            ReferencedAssemblyIdentity equivalent = default(ReferencedAssemblyIdentity);
            if (identity.IsStrongName)
                foreach (var other in sameSimpleNameIdentities)
                    // Only compare strong with strong (weak is never equivalent to strong and vice versa).
                    // In order to eliminate duplicate references we need to try to match their identities in both directions since 
                    // ReferenceMatchesDefinition is not necessarily symmetric.
                    // (e.g. System.Numerics.Vectors, Version=4.1+ matches System.Numerics.Vectors, Version=4.0, but not the other way around.)
                    Debug.Assert(other.Identity is object);
                    if (other.Identity.IsStrongName &&
                        IdentityComparer.ReferenceMatchesDefinition(identity, other.Identity) &&
                        IdentityComparer.ReferenceMatchesDefinition(other.Identity, identity))
                        equivalent = other;
                foreach (var other in sameSimpleNameIdentities)
                    // only compare weak with weak
                    Debug.Assert(other.Identity is object);
                    if (!other.Identity.IsStrongName && WeakIdentityPropertiesEquivalent(identity, other.Identity))
                        equivalent = other;
            if (equivalent.Identity == null)
                return null;
            // equivalent found - ignore and/or report an error:
            if (identity.IsStrongName)
                // versions might have been unified for a Framework assembly:
                if (identity != equivalent.Identity)
                    // Dev12 C# reports an error
                    // Dev12 VB keeps both references in the compilation and reports an ambiguity error when a symbol is used.
                    // BREAKING CHANGE in VB: we report an error for both languages
                    // Multiple assemblies with equivalent identity have been imported: '{0}' and '{1}'. Remove one of the duplicate references.
                    MessageProvider.ReportDuplicateMetadataReferenceStrong(diagnostics, location, reference, identity, equivalent.Reference!, equivalent.Identity);
                // If the versions match exactly we ignore duplicates w/o reporting errors while 
                // Dev12 C# reports:
                //   error CS1703: An assembly with the same identity '{0}' has already been imported. Try removing one of the duplicate references.
                // Dev12 VB reports:
                //   Fatal error BC2000 : compiler initialization failed unexpectedly: Project already has a reference to assembly System. 
                //   A second reference to 'D:\Temp\System.dll' cannot be added.
                // Dev12 reports an error for all weak-named assemblies, even if the versions are the same.
                // We treat assemblies with the same name and version equal even if they don't have a strong name.
                // This change allows us to de-duplicate #r references based on identities rather than full paths,
                // and is closer to platforms that don't support strong names and consider name and version enough
                // to identify an assembly. An identity without version is considered to have version
                if (identity != equivalent.Identity)
                    MessageProvider.ReportDuplicateMetadataReferenceWeak(diagnostics, location, reference, identity, equivalent.Reference!, equivalent.Identity);
            Debug.Assert(equivalent.Reference != null);
            return equivalent.Reference;
        protected void GetCompilationReferences(
            TCompilation compilation,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics,
            out ImmutableArray<MetadataReference> references,
            out IDictionary<(string, string), MetadataReference> boundReferenceDirectives,
            out ImmutableArray<Location> referenceDirectiveLocations)
            ArrayBuilder<MetadataReference> referencesBuilder = ArrayBuilder<MetadataReference>.GetInstance();
            ArrayBuilder<Location>? referenceDirectiveLocationsBuilder = null;
            IDictionary<(string, string), MetadataReference>? localBoundReferenceDirectives = null;
                foreach (var referenceDirective in compilation.ReferenceDirectives)
                    Debug.Assert(referenceDirective.Location is object);
                    if (compilation.Options.MetadataReferenceResolver == null)
                        diagnostics.Add(MessageProvider.CreateDiagnostic(MessageProvider.ERR_MetadataReferencesNotSupported, referenceDirective.Location));
                    // we already successfully bound #r with the same value:
                    Debug.Assert(referenceDirective.File is object);
                    Debug.Assert(referenceDirective.Location.SourceTree is object);
                    if (localBoundReferenceDirectives != null && localBoundReferenceDirectives.ContainsKey((referenceDirective.Location.SourceTree.FilePath, referenceDirective.File)))
                    MetadataReference? boundReference = ResolveReferenceDirective(referenceDirective.File, referenceDirective.Location, compilation);
                    if (boundReference == null)
                        diagnostics.Add(MessageProvider.CreateDiagnostic(MessageProvider.ERR_MetadataFileNotFound, referenceDirective.Location, referenceDirective.File));
                    if (localBoundReferenceDirectives == null)
                        localBoundReferenceDirectives = new Dictionary<(string, string), MetadataReference>();
                        referenceDirectiveLocationsBuilder = ArrayBuilder<Location>.GetInstance();
                    localBoundReferenceDirectives.Add((referenceDirective.Location.SourceTree.FilePath, referenceDirective.File), boundReference);
                // add external reference at the end, so that they are processed first:
                // Add all explicit references of the previous script compilation.
                var previousScriptCompilation = compilation.ScriptCompilationInfo?.PreviousScriptCompilation;
                if (previousScriptCompilation != null)
                if (localBoundReferenceDirectives == null)
                    // no directive references resolved successfully:
                    localBoundReferenceDirectives = SpecializedCollections.EmptyDictionary<(string, string), MetadataReference>();
                boundReferenceDirectives = localBoundReferenceDirectives;
                references = referencesBuilder.ToImmutable();
                referenceDirectiveLocations = referenceDirectiveLocationsBuilder?.ToImmutableAndFree() ?? ImmutableArray<Location>.Empty;
                // Put this in a finally because we have tests that (intentionally) cause ResolveReferenceDirective to throw and 
                // we don't want to clutter the test output with leak reports.
        /// <summary>
        /// For each given directive return a bound PE reference, or null if the binding fails.
        /// </summary>
        private static PortableExecutableReference? ResolveReferenceDirective(string reference, Location location, TCompilation compilation)
            var tree = location.SourceTree;
            string? basePath = (tree != null && tree.FilePath.Length > 0) ? tree.FilePath : null;
            // checked earlier:
            Debug.Assert(compilation.Options.MetadataReferenceResolver != null);
            var references = compilation.Options.MetadataReferenceResolver.ResolveReference(reference, basePath, MetadataReferenceProperties.Assembly.WithRecursiveAliases(true));
            if (references.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
                return null;
            if (references.Length > 1)
                // TODO: implement
                throw new NotSupportedException();
            return references[0];
        internal static AssemblyReferenceBinding[] ResolveReferencedAssemblies(
            ImmutableArray<AssemblyIdentity> references,
            MultiDictionary<string, (AssemblyData DefinitionData, int DefinitionIndex)> definitions,
            bool resolveAgainstAssemblyBeingBuilt,
            AssemblyIdentityComparer assemblyIdentityComparer)
            var boundReferences = new AssemblyReferenceBinding[references.Length];
            for (int j = 0; j < references.Length; j++)
                boundReferences[j] = ResolveReferencedAssembly(references[j], definitions, resolveAgainstAssemblyBeingBuilt, assemblyIdentityComparer);
            return boundReferences;
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to match AssemblyRef with AssemblyDef.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="definitions">Definitions to match against.</param>
        /// <param name="resolveAgainstAssemblyBeingBuilt">Whether to attempt to resolve the reference against the assembly being built (index 0).</param>
        /// <param name="reference">Reference identity to resolve.</param>
        /// <param name="assemblyIdentityComparer">Assembly identity comparer.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns an index the reference is bound.
        /// </returns>
        internal static AssemblyReferenceBinding ResolveReferencedAssembly(
            AssemblyIdentity reference,
            MultiDictionary<string, (AssemblyData DefinitionData, int DefinitionIndex)> definitions,
            bool resolveAgainstAssemblyBeingBuilt,
            AssemblyIdentityComparer assemblyIdentityComparer)
            // Dev11 C# compiler allows the versions to not match exactly, assuming that a newer library may be used instead of an older version.
            // For a given reference it finds a definition with the lowest version that is higher then or equal to the reference version.
            // If match.Version != reference.Version a warning is reported.
            // definition with the lowest version higher than reference version, unless exact version found
            int minHigherVersionDefinition = -1;
            Version? minHigherVersionDefinitionVersion = null;
            int maxLowerVersionDefinition = -1;
            Version? maxLowerVersionDefinitionVersion = null;
            foreach ((AssemblyData definitionData, int definitionIndex) in definitions[reference.Name])
                // Skip assembly being built for now; it will be considered at the very end
                if (definitionIndex == 0)
                AssemblyIdentity definition = definitionData.Identity;
                switch (assemblyIdentityComparer.Compare(reference, definition))
                    case AssemblyIdentityComparer.ComparisonResult.NotEquivalent:
                    case AssemblyIdentityComparer.ComparisonResult.Equivalent:
                        return new AssemblyReferenceBinding(reference, definitionIndex);
                    case AssemblyIdentityComparer.ComparisonResult.EquivalentIgnoringVersion:
                        if (reference.Version < definition.Version)
                            // Refers to an older assembly than we have
                            if (minHigherVersionDefinition == -1 || definition.Version < minHigherVersionDefinitionVersion)
                                minHigherVersionDefinition = definitionIndex;
                                minHigherVersionDefinitionVersion = definition.Version;
                            Debug.Assert(reference.Version > definition.Version);
                            // Refers to a newer assembly than we have
                            if (maxLowerVersionDefinition == -1 || definition.Version > maxLowerVersionDefinitionVersion)
                                maxLowerVersionDefinition = definitionIndex;
                                maxLowerVersionDefinitionVersion = definition.Version;
                        throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
            // we haven't found definition that matches the reference
            if (minHigherVersionDefinition != -1)
                return new AssemblyReferenceBinding(reference, minHigherVersionDefinition, versionDifference: +1);
            if (maxLowerVersionDefinition != -1)
                return new AssemblyReferenceBinding(reference, maxLowerVersionDefinition, versionDifference: -1);
            // Handle cases where Windows.winmd is a runtime substitute for a
            // reference to a compile-time winmd. This is for scenarios such as a
            // debugger EE which constructs a compilation from the modules of
            // the running process where Windows.winmd loaded at runtime is a
            // substitute for a collection of Windows.*.winmd compile-time references.
            if (reference.IsWindowsComponent())
                foreach ((AssemblyData definitionData, int definitionIndex) in definitions[AssemblyIdentityExtensions.WindowsRuntimeIdentitySimpleName])
                    // Skip assembly being built for now; it will be considered at the very end
                    if (definitionIndex == 0)
                    if (definitionData.Identity.IsWindowsRuntime())
                        return new AssemblyReferenceBinding(reference, definitionIndex);
            // In the IDE it is possible the reference we're looking for is a
            // compilation reference to a source assembly. However, if the reference
            // is of ContentType WindowsRuntime then the compilation will never
            // match since all C#/VB WindowsRuntime compilations output .winmdobjs,
            // not .winmds, and the ContentType of a .winmdobj is Default.
            // If this is the case, we want to ignore the ContentType mismatch and
            // allow the compilation to match the reference.
            if (reference.ContentType == AssemblyContentType.WindowsRuntime)
                foreach ((AssemblyData definitionData, int definitionIndex) in definitions[reference.Name])
                    // Skip assembly being built for now; it will be considered at the very end
                    if (definitionIndex == 0)
                    var definition = definitionData.Identity;
                    var sourceCompilation = definitionData.SourceCompilation;
                    if (definition.ContentType == AssemblyContentType.Default &&
                        sourceCompilation?.Options.OutputKind == OutputKind.WindowsRuntimeMetadata &&
                        reference.Version.Equals(definition.Version) &&
                        reference.IsRetargetable == definition.IsRetargetable &&
                        AssemblyIdentityComparer.CultureComparer.Equals(reference.CultureName, definition.CultureName) &&
                        AssemblyIdentity.KeysEqual(reference, definition))
                        return new AssemblyReferenceBinding(reference, definitionIndex);
            // As in the native compiler (see IMPORTER::MapAssemblyRefToAid), we compare against the
            // compilation (i.e. source) assembly as a last resort.  We follow the native approach of
            // skipping the public key comparison since we have yet to compute it.
            if (resolveAgainstAssemblyBeingBuilt)
                foreach ((AssemblyData definitionData, int definitionIndex) in definitions[reference.Name])
                    if (definitionIndex == 0)
                        return new AssemblyReferenceBinding(reference, 0);
            return new AssemblyReferenceBinding(reference);