1 implementation of IMetadataImport
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis (1)
DiaSymReader\Metadata\MetadataAdapterBase.cs (1)
13internal unsafe class MetadataAdapterBase : IMetadataImport, IMetadataEmit
57 references to IMetadataImport
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis (57)
DiaSymReader\Metadata\MetadataAdapterBase.cs (57)
57void IMetadataImport.CloseEnum(void* enumHandle) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 58int IMetadataImport.CountEnum(void* enumHandle, out int count) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 59int IMetadataImport.ResetEnum(void* enumHandle, int position) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 60int IMetadataImport.EnumTypeDefs(ref void* enumHandle, int* typeDefs, int bufferLength, int* count) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 61int IMetadataImport.EnumInterfaceImpls(ref void* enumHandle, int typeDef, int* interfaceImpls, int bufferLength, int* count) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 62int IMetadataImport.EnumTypeRefs(ref void* enumHandle, int* typeRefs, int bufferLength, int* count) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 63int IMetadataImport.FindTypeDefByName(string name, int enclosingClass, out int typeDef) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 64int IMetadataImport.GetScopeProps(char* name, int bufferLength, int* nameLength, Guid* mvid) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 65int IMetadataImport.GetModuleFromScope(out int moduleDef) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 66int IMetadataImport.GetInterfaceImplProps(int interfaceImpl, int* typeDef, int* interfaceDefRefSpec) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 67int IMetadataImport.ResolveTypeRef(int typeRef, ref Guid scopeInterfaceId, out object scope, out int typeDef) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 68int IMetadataImport.EnumMembers(ref void* enumHandle, int typeDef, int* memberDefs, int bufferLength, int* count) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 69int IMetadataImport.EnumMembersWithName(ref void* enumHandle, int typeDef, string name, int* memberDefs, int bufferLength, int* count) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 70int IMetadataImport.EnumMethods(ref void* enumHandle, int typeDef, int* methodDefs, int bufferLength, int* count) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 71int IMetadataImport.EnumMethodsWithName(ref void* enumHandle, int typeDef, string name, int* methodDefs, int bufferLength, int* count) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 72int IMetadataImport.EnumFields(ref void* enumHandle, int typeDef, int* fieldDefs, int bufferLength, int* count) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 73int IMetadataImport.EnumFieldsWithName(ref void* enumHandle, int typeDef, string name, int* fieldDefs, int bufferLength, int* count) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 74int IMetadataImport.EnumParams(ref void* enumHandle, int methodDef, int* paramDefs, int bufferLength, int* count) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 75int IMetadataImport.EnumMemberRefs(ref void* enumHandle, int parentToken, int* memberRefs, int bufferLength, int* count) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 76int IMetadataImport.EnumMethodImpls(ref void* enumHandle, int typeDef, int* implementationTokens, int* declarationTokens, int bufferLength, int* count) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 77int IMetadataImport.EnumPermissionSets(ref void* enumHandle, int token, uint action, int* declSecurityTokens, int bufferLength, int* count) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 78int IMetadataImport.FindMember(int typeDef, string name, byte* signature, int signatureLength, out int memberDef) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 79int IMetadataImport.FindMethod(int typeDef, string name, byte* signature, int signatureLength, out int methodDef) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 80int IMetadataImport.FindField(int typeDef, string name, byte* signature, int signatureLength, out int fieldDef) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 81int IMetadataImport.FindMemberRef(int typeDef, string name, byte* signature, int signatureLength, out int memberRef) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 82int IMetadataImport.GetMemberRefProps(int memberRef, int* declaringType, char* name, int nameBufferLength, int* nameLength, byte** signature, int* signatureLength) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 83int IMetadataImport.EnumProperties(ref void* enumHandle, int typeDef, int* properties, int bufferLength, int* count) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 84uint IMetadataImport.EnumEvents(ref void* enumHandle, int typeDef, int* events, int bufferLength, int* count) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 85int IMetadataImport.GetEventProps(int @event, int* declaringTypeDef, char* name, int nameBufferLength, int* nameLength, int* attributes, int* eventType, int* adderMethodDef, int* removerMethodDef, int* raiserMethodDef, int* otherMethodDefs, int otherMethodDefBufferLength, int* methodMethodDefsLength) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 86int IMetadataImport.EnumMethodSemantics(ref void* enumHandle, int methodDef, int* eventsAndProperties, int bufferLength, int* count) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 87int IMetadataImport.GetMethodSemantics(int methodDef, int eventOrProperty, int* semantics) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 88int IMetadataImport.GetClassLayout(int typeDef, int* packSize, MetadataImportFieldOffset* fieldOffsets, int bufferLength, int* count, int* typeSize) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 89int IMetadataImport.GetFieldMarshal(int fieldDef, byte** nativeTypeSignature, int* nativeTypeSignatureLengvth) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 90int IMetadataImport.GetRVA(int methodDef, int* relativeVirtualAddress, int* implAttributes) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 91int IMetadataImport.GetPermissionSetProps(int declSecurity, uint* action, byte** permissionBlob, int* permissionBlobLength) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 92int IMetadataImport.GetModuleRefProps(int moduleRef, char* name, int nameBufferLength, int* nameLength) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 93int IMetadataImport.EnumModuleRefs(ref void* enumHandle, int* moduleRefs, int bufferLength, int* count) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 94int IMetadataImport.GetTypeSpecFromToken(int typeSpec, byte** signature, int* signatureLength) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 95int IMetadataImport.GetNameFromToken(int token, byte* nameUtf8) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 96int IMetadataImport.EnumUnresolvedMethods(ref void* enumHandle, int* methodDefs, int bufferLength, int* count) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 97int IMetadataImport.GetUserString(int userStringToken, char* buffer, int bufferLength, int* length) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 98int IMetadataImport.GetPinvokeMap(int memberDef, int* attributes, char* importName, int importNameBufferLength, int* importNameLength, int* moduleRef) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 99int IMetadataImport.EnumSignatures(ref void* enumHandle, int* signatureTokens, int bufferLength, int* count) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 100int IMetadataImport.EnumTypeSpecs(ref void* enumHandle, int* typeSpecs, int bufferLength, int* count) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 101int IMetadataImport.EnumUserStrings(ref void* enumHandle, int* userStrings, int bufferLength, int* count) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 102int IMetadataImport.GetParamForMethodIndex(int methodDef, int sequenceNumber, out int parameterToken) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 103int IMetadataImport.EnumCustomAttributes(ref void* enumHandle, int parent, int attributeType, int* customAttributes, int bufferLength, int* count) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 104int IMetadataImport.GetCustomAttributeProps(int customAttribute, int* parent, int* constructor, byte** value, int* valueLength) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 105int IMetadataImport.FindTypeRef(int resolutionScope, string name, out int typeRef) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 106int IMetadataImport.GetMemberProps(int member, int* declaringTypeDef, char* name, int nameBufferLength, int* nameLength, int* attributes, byte** signature, int* signatureLength, int* relativeVirtualAddress, int* implAttributes, int* constantType, byte** constantValue, int* constantValueLength) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 107int IMetadataImport.GetFieldProps(int fieldDef, int* declaringTypeDef, char* name, int nameBufferLength, int* nameLength, int* attributes, byte** signature, int* signatureLength, int* constantType, byte** constantValue, int* constantValueLength) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 108int IMetadataImport.GetPropertyProps(int propertyDef, int* declaringTypeDef, char* name, int nameBufferLength, int* nameLength, int* attributes, byte** signature, int* signatureLength, int* constantType, byte** constantValue, int* constantValueLength, int* setterMethodDef, int* getterMethodDef, int* outerMethodDefs, int outerMethodDefsBufferLength, int* otherMethodDefCount) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 109int IMetadataImport.GetParamProps(int parameter, int* declaringMethodDef, int* sequenceNumber, char* name, int nameBufferLength, int* nameLength, int* attributes, int* constantType, byte** constantValue, int* constantValueLength) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 110int IMetadataImport.GetCustomAttributeByName(int parent, string name, byte** value, int* valueLength) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 111bool IMetadataImport.IsValidToken(int token) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 112int IMetadataImport.GetNativeCallConvFromSig(byte* signature, int signatureLength, int* callingConvention) => throw new NotImplementedException(); 113int IMetadataImport.IsGlobal(int token, bool value) => throw new NotImplementedException();