2 overrides of DenormalMantissaBits
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis (2)
RealParser.cs (2)
246public override ushort DenormalMantissaBits => 23; 261public override ushort DenormalMantissaBits => 52;
6 references to DenormalMantissaBits
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis (6)
RealParser.cs (6)
71public ushort NormalMantissaBits => (ushort)(DenormalMantissaBits + 1); // we get an extra (hidden) bit for normal mantissas 77public ulong DenormalMantissaMask => (1UL << (DenormalMantissaBits)) - 1; 229Debug.Assert((DenormalMantissaMask & (1UL << DenormalMantissaBits)) == 0); 230ulong shiftedExponent = ((ulong)(exponent + this.ExponentBias)) << DenormalMantissaBits; 233Debug.Assert((shiftedExponent & ~(((1UL << this.ExponentBits) - 1) << DenormalMantissaBits)) == 0); // exponent fits in its place 587int baseExponent = type.DenormalMantissaBits;