// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection.Metadata;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.Cci
internal static class NativeResourceWriter
//// Resource Format.
//// Resource directory consists of two counts, following by a variable length
//// array of directory entries. The first count is the number of entries at
//// beginning of the array that have actual names associated with each entry.
//// The entries are in ascending order, case insensitive strings. The second
//// count is the number of entries that immediately follow the named entries.
//// This second count identifies the number of entries that have 16-bit integer
//// Ids as their name. These entries are also sorted in ascending order.
//// This structure allows fast lookup by either name or number, but for any
//// given resource entry only one form of lookup is supported, not both.
//// This is consistent with the syntax of the .RC file and the .RES file.
//typedef struct _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY {
// DWORD Characteristics;
// DWORD TimeDateStamp;
// WORD MajorVersion;
// WORD MinorVersion;
// WORD NumberOfNamedEntries;
// WORD NumberOfIdEntries;
//#define IMAGE_RESOURCE_NAME_IS_STRING 0x80000000
//// Each directory contains the 32-bit Name of the entry and an offset,
//// relative to the beginning of the resource directory of the data associated
//// with this directory entry. If the name of the entry is an actual text
//// string instead of an integer Id, then the high order bit of the name field
//// is set to one and the low order 31-bits are an offset, relative to the
//// beginning of the resource directory of the string, which is of type
//// IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_STRING. Otherwise the high bit is clear and the
//// low-order 16-bits are the integer Id that identify this resource directory
//// entry. If the directory entry is yet another resource directory (i.e. a
//// subdirectory), then the high order bit of the offset field will be
//// set to indicate this. Otherwise the high bit is clear and the offset
//// field points to a resource data entry.
// union {
// struct {
// DWORD NameOffset:31;
// DWORD NameIsString:1;
// DWORD Name;
// WORD Id;
// union {
// DWORD OffsetToData;
// struct {
// DWORD OffsetToDirectory:31;
// DWORD DataIsDirectory:1;
//// For resource directory entries that have actual string names, the Name
//// field of the directory entry points to an object of the following type.
//// All of these string objects are stored together after the last resource
//// directory entry and before the first resource data object. This minimizes
//// the impact of these variable length objects on the alignment of the fixed
//// size directory entry objects.
// WORD Length;
// CHAR NameString[ 1 ];
//typedef struct _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIR_STRING_U {
// WORD Length;
// WCHAR NameString[ 1 ];
//// Each resource data entry describes a leaf node in the resource directory
//// tree. It contains an offset, relative to the beginning of the resource
//// directory of the data for the resource, a size field that gives the number
//// of bytes of data at that offset, a CodePage that should be used when
//// decoding code point values within the resource data. Typically for new
//// applications the code page would be the unicode code page.
//typedef struct _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY {
// DWORD OffsetToData;
// DWORD Size;
// DWORD CodePage;
// DWORD Reserved;
private class Directory
internal readonly string Name;
internal readonly int ID;
internal ushort NumberOfNamedEntries;
internal ushort NumberOfIdEntries;
internal readonly List<object> Entries;
internal Directory(string name, int id)
this.Name = name;
this.ID = id;
this.Entries = new List<object>();
private static int CompareResources(IWin32Resource left, IWin32Resource right)
int result = CompareResourceIdentifiers(left.TypeId, left.TypeName, right.TypeId, right.TypeName);
return (result == 0) ? CompareResourceIdentifiers(left.Id, left.Name, right.Id, right.Name) : result;
//when comparing a string vs ordinal, the string should always be less than the ordinal. Per the spec,
//entries identified by string must precede those identified by ordinal.
private static int CompareResourceIdentifiers(int xOrdinal, string xString, int yOrdinal, string yString)
if (xString == null)
if (yString == null)
return xOrdinal - yOrdinal;
return 1;
else if (yString == null)
return -1;
return String.Compare(xString, yString, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
//sort the resources by ID least to greatest then by NAME.
//Where strings and ordinals are compared, strings are less than ordinals.
internal static IEnumerable<IWin32Resource> SortResources(IEnumerable<IWin32Resource> resources)
return resources.OrderBy(CompareResources);
public static void SerializeWin32Resources(BlobBuilder builder, IEnumerable<IWin32Resource> theResources, int resourcesRva)
theResources = SortResources(theResources);
Directory typeDirectory = new Directory(string.Empty, 0);
Directory nameDirectory = null;
Directory languageDirectory = null;
int lastTypeID = int.MinValue;
string lastTypeName = null;
int lastID = int.MinValue;
string lastName = null;
uint sizeOfDirectoryTree = 16;
//EDMAURER note that this list is assumed to be sorted lowest to highest
//first by typeId, then by Id.
foreach (IWin32Resource r in theResources)
bool typeDifferent = (r.TypeId < 0 && r.TypeName != lastTypeName) || r.TypeId > lastTypeID;
if (typeDifferent)
lastTypeID = r.TypeId;
lastTypeName = r.TypeName;
if (lastTypeID < 0)
Debug.Assert(typeDirectory.NumberOfIdEntries == 0, "Not all Win32 resources with types encoded as strings precede those encoded as ints");
sizeOfDirectoryTree += 24;
typeDirectory.Entries.Add(nameDirectory = new Directory(lastTypeName, lastTypeID));
if (typeDifferent || (r.Id < 0 && r.Name != lastName) || r.Id > lastID)
lastID = r.Id;
lastName = r.Name;
if (lastID < 0)
Debug.Assert(nameDirectory.NumberOfIdEntries == 0, "Not all Win32 resources with names encoded as strings precede those encoded as ints");
sizeOfDirectoryTree += 24;
nameDirectory.Entries.Add(languageDirectory = new Directory(lastName, lastID));
sizeOfDirectoryTree += 8;
var dataWriter = new BlobBuilder();
//'dataWriter' is where opaque resource data goes as well as strings that are used as type or name identifiers
WriteDirectory(typeDirectory, builder, 0, 0, sizeOfDirectoryTree, resourcesRva, dataWriter);
private static void WriteDirectory(Directory directory, BlobBuilder writer, uint offset, uint level, uint sizeOfDirectoryTree, int virtualAddressBase, BlobBuilder dataWriter)
writer.WriteUInt32(0); // Characteristics
writer.WriteUInt32(0); // Timestamp
writer.WriteUInt32(0); // Version
uint n = (uint)directory.Entries.Count;
uint k = offset + 16 + n * 8;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
int id;
string name;
uint nameOffset = (uint)dataWriter.Count + sizeOfDirectoryTree;
uint directoryOffset = k;
Directory subDir = directory.Entries[i] as Directory;
if (subDir != null)
id = subDir.ID;
name = subDir.Name;
if (level == 0)
k += SizeOfDirectory(subDir);
k += 16 + 8 * (uint)subDir.Entries.Count;
//immediately by the data that it refers to. This results
//in a layout different than that produced by pulling the resources
//from an OBJ. In that case all of the data bits of a resource are
//contiguous in .rsrc$02. After processing these will end up at
//the end of .rsrc following all of the directory
IWin32Resource r = (IWin32Resource)directory.Entries[i];
id = level == 0 ? r.TypeId : level == 1 ? r.Id : (int)r.LanguageId;
name = level == 0 ? r.TypeName : level == 1 ? r.Name : null;
dataWriter.WriteUInt32((uint)(virtualAddressBase + sizeOfDirectoryTree + 16 + dataWriter.Count));
byte[] data = new List<byte>(r.Data).ToArray();
while ((dataWriter.Count % 4) != 0)
if (id >= 0)
if (name == null)
name = string.Empty;
writer.WriteUInt32(nameOffset | 0x80000000);
if (subDir != null)
writer.WriteUInt32(directoryOffset | 0x80000000);
k = offset + 16 + n * 8;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
Directory subDir = directory.Entries[i] as Directory;
if (subDir != null)
WriteDirectory(subDir, writer, k, level + 1, sizeOfDirectoryTree, virtualAddressBase, dataWriter);
if (level == 0)
k += SizeOfDirectory(subDir);
k += 16 + 8 * (uint)subDir.Entries.Count;
private static uint SizeOfDirectory(Directory/*!*/ directory)
uint n = (uint)directory.Entries.Count;
uint size = 16 + 8 * n;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
Directory subDir = directory.Entries[i] as Directory;
if (subDir != null)
size += 16 + 8 * (uint)subDir.Entries.Count;
return size;
public static void SerializeWin32Resources(BlobBuilder builder, ResourceSection resourceSections, int resourcesRva)
var sectionWriter = new BlobWriter(builder.ReserveBytes(resourceSections.SectionBytes.Length));
var readStream = new MemoryStream(resourceSections.SectionBytes);
var reader = new BinaryReader(readStream);
foreach (int addressToFixup in resourceSections.Relocations)
sectionWriter.Offset = addressToFixup;
reader.BaseStream.Position = addressToFixup;
sectionWriter.WriteUInt32(reader.ReadUInt32() + (uint)resourcesRva);