// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection.Metadata;
using System.Reflection.Metadata.Ecma335;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeGen;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections;
namespace Microsoft.Cci
internal class DynamicAnalysisDataWriter
private struct DocumentRow
public BlobHandle Name;
public GuidHandle HashAlgorithm;
public BlobHandle Hash;
private struct MethodRow
public BlobHandle Spans;
// #Blob heap
private readonly Dictionary<ImmutableArray<byte>, BlobHandle> _blobs;
private int _blobHeapSize;
// #GUID heap
private readonly Dictionary<Guid, GuidHandle> _guids;
private readonly BlobBuilder _guidWriter;
// tables:
private readonly List<DocumentRow> _documentTable;
private readonly List<MethodRow> _methodTable;
private readonly Dictionary<DebugSourceDocument, int> _documentIndex;
public DynamicAnalysisDataWriter(int documentCountEstimate, int methodCountEstimate)
// Most methods will have a span blob, each document has a hash blob and at least two blobs encoding the name
// (adding one more blob per document to account for all directory names):
_blobs = new Dictionary<ImmutableArray<byte>, BlobHandle>(1 + methodCountEstimate + 4 * documentCountEstimate, ByteSequenceComparer.Instance);
// Each document has a unique guid:
const int guidSize = 16;
_guids = new Dictionary<Guid, GuidHandle>(documentCountEstimate);
_guidWriter = new BlobBuilder(guidSize * documentCountEstimate);
_documentTable = new List<DocumentRow>(documentCountEstimate);
_documentIndex = new Dictionary<DebugSourceDocument, int>(documentCountEstimate);
_methodTable = new List<MethodRow>(methodCountEstimate);
_blobs.Add(ImmutableArray<byte>.Empty, default(BlobHandle));
_blobHeapSize = 1;
#nullable enable
internal void SerializeMethodCodeCoverageData(IMethodBody? body)
var spans = body?.CodeCoverageSpans ?? ImmutableArray<SourceSpan>.Empty;
BlobHandle spanBlob = SerializeSpans(spans, _documentIndex);
_methodTable.Add(new MethodRow { Spans = spanBlob });
#nullable disable
#region Heaps
private BlobHandle GetOrAddBlob(BlobBuilder builder)
// TODO: avoid making a copy if the blob exists in the index
return GetOrAddBlob(builder.ToImmutableArray());
private BlobHandle GetOrAddBlob(ImmutableArray<byte> blob)
BlobHandle index;
if (!_blobs.TryGetValue(blob, out index))
index = MetadataTokens.BlobHandle(_blobHeapSize);
_blobs.Add(blob, index);
_blobHeapSize += GetCompressedIntegerLength(blob.Length) + blob.Length;
return index;
private static int GetCompressedIntegerLength(int length)
return (length <= 0x7f) ? 1 : ((length <= 0x3fff) ? 2 : 4);
private GuidHandle GetOrAddGuid(Guid guid)
if (guid == Guid.Empty)
return default(GuidHandle);
GuidHandle result;
if (_guids.TryGetValue(guid, out result))
return result;
result = MetadataTokens.GuidHandle((_guidWriter.Count >> 4) + 1);
_guids.Add(guid, result);
return result;
#region Spans
private BlobHandle SerializeSpans(
ImmutableArray<SourceSpan> spans,
Dictionary<DebugSourceDocument, int> documentIndex)
if (spans.Length == 0)
return default(BlobHandle);
// 4 bytes per span plus a header, the builder expands by the same amount.
var writer = new BlobBuilder(4 + spans.Length * 4);
int previousStartLine = -1;
int previousStartColumn = -1;
DebugSourceDocument previousDocument = spans[0].Document;
// header:
writer.WriteCompressedInteger(GetOrAddDocument(previousDocument, documentIndex));
for (int i = 0; i < spans.Length; i++)
var currentDocument = spans[i].Document;
if (previousDocument != currentDocument)
writer.WriteCompressedInteger(GetOrAddDocument(currentDocument, documentIndex));
previousDocument = currentDocument;
// Delta Lines & Columns:
SerializeDeltaLinesAndColumns(writer, spans[i]);
// delta Start Lines & Columns:
if (previousStartLine < 0)
Debug.Assert(previousStartColumn < 0);
writer.WriteCompressedSignedInteger(spans[i].StartLine - previousStartLine);
writer.WriteCompressedSignedInteger(spans[i].StartColumn - previousStartColumn);
previousStartLine = spans[i].StartLine;
previousStartColumn = spans[i].StartColumn;
return GetOrAddBlob(writer);
private void SerializeDeltaLinesAndColumns(BlobBuilder writer, SourceSpan span)
int deltaLines = span.EndLine - span.StartLine;
int deltaColumns = span.EndColumn - span.StartColumn;
// spans can't have zero width
Debug.Assert(deltaLines != 0 || deltaColumns != 0);
if (deltaLines == 0)
#region Documents
internal int GetOrAddDocument(DebugSourceDocument document)
return GetOrAddDocument(document, _documentIndex);
private int GetOrAddDocument(DebugSourceDocument document, Dictionary<DebugSourceDocument, int> index)
int documentRowId;
if (!index.TryGetValue(document, out documentRowId))
documentRowId = _documentTable.Count + 1;
index.Add(document, documentRowId);
var sourceInfo = document.GetSourceInfo();
_documentTable.Add(new DocumentRow
Name = SerializeDocumentName(document.Location),
HashAlgorithm = (sourceInfo.Checksum.IsDefault ? default(GuidHandle) : GetOrAddGuid(sourceInfo.ChecksumAlgorithmId)),
Hash = (sourceInfo.Checksum.IsDefault) ? default(BlobHandle) : GetOrAddBlob(sourceInfo.Checksum)
return documentRowId;
private static readonly char[] s_separator1 = { '/' };
private static readonly char[] s_separator2 = { '\\' };
private BlobHandle SerializeDocumentName(string name)
Debug.Assert(name != null);
int c1 = Count(name, s_separator1[0]);
int c2 = Count(name, s_separator2[0]);
char[] separator = (c1 >= c2) ? s_separator1 : s_separator2;
// Estimate 2 bytes per part, if the blob heap gets big we expand the builder once.
var writer = new BlobBuilder(1 + Math.Max(c1, c2) * 2);
// TODO: avoid allocations
foreach (var part in name.Split(separator))
BlobHandle partIndex = GetOrAddBlob(ImmutableArray.Create(MetadataWriter.s_utf8Encoding.GetBytes(part)));
return GetOrAddBlob(writer);
private static int Count(string str, char c)
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
if (str[i] == c)
return count;
#region Table Serialization
private readonly struct Sizes
public readonly int BlobHeapSize;
public readonly int GuidHeapSize;
public readonly int BlobIndexSize;
public readonly int GuidIndexSize;
public Sizes(int blobHeapSize, int guidHeapSize)
BlobHeapSize = blobHeapSize;
GuidHeapSize = guidHeapSize;
BlobIndexSize = (blobHeapSize <= ushort.MaxValue) ? 2 : 4;
GuidIndexSize = (guidHeapSize <= ushort.MaxValue) ? 2 : 4;
internal void SerializeMetadataTables(BlobBuilder writer)
var sizes = new Sizes(_blobHeapSize, _guidWriter.Count);
SerializeHeader(writer, sizes);
// tables:
SerializeDocumentTable(writer, sizes);
SerializeMethodTable(writer, sizes);
// heaps:
private void WriteBlobHeap(BlobBuilder builder)
var writer = new BlobWriter(builder.ReserveBytes(_blobHeapSize));
// Perf consideration: With large heap the following loop may cause a lot of cache misses
// since the order of entries in _blobs dictionary depends on the hash of the array values,
// which is not correlated to the heap index. If we observe such issue we should order
// the entries by heap position before running this loop.
foreach (var entry in _blobs)
int heapOffset = MetadataTokens.GetHeapOffset(entry.Value);
var blob = entry.Key;
writer.Offset = heapOffset;
private void SerializeHeader(BlobBuilder writer, Sizes sizes)
// signature:
// version: 0.2
// table sizes:
// blob heap sizes:
private void SerializeDocumentTable(BlobBuilder writer, Sizes sizes)
foreach (var row in _documentTable)
writer.WriteReference(MetadataTokens.GetHeapOffset(row.Name), isSmall: (sizes.BlobIndexSize == 2));
writer.WriteReference(MetadataTokens.GetHeapOffset(row.HashAlgorithm), isSmall: (sizes.GuidIndexSize == 2));
writer.WriteReference(MetadataTokens.GetHeapOffset(row.Hash), isSmall: (sizes.BlobIndexSize == 2));
private void SerializeMethodTable(BlobBuilder writer, Sizes sizes)
foreach (var row in _methodTable)
writer.WriteReference(MetadataTokens.GetHeapOffset(row.Spans), isSmall: (sizes.BlobIndexSize == 2));