File: PEWriter\InheritedTypeParameter.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Compilers\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection.Metadata;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using EmitContext = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Emit.EmitContext;
namespace Microsoft.Cci
    internal class InheritedTypeParameter : IGenericTypeParameter
        private readonly ushort _index;
        private readonly ITypeDefinition _inheritingType;
        private readonly IGenericTypeParameter _parentParameter;
        internal InheritedTypeParameter(ushort index, ITypeDefinition inheritingType, IGenericTypeParameter parentParameter)
            _index = index;
            _inheritingType = inheritingType;
            _parentParameter = parentParameter;
        #region IGenericTypeParameter Members
        public ITypeDefinition DefiningType
            get { return _inheritingType; }
        #region IGenericParameter Members
        public IEnumerable<TypeReferenceWithAttributes> GetConstraints(EmitContext context)
            return _parentParameter.GetConstraints(context);
        public bool MustBeReferenceType
            get { return _parentParameter.MustBeReferenceType; }
        public bool MustBeValueType
            get { return _parentParameter.MustBeValueType; }
        public bool AllowsRefLikeType
            get { return _parentParameter.AllowsRefLikeType; }
        public bool MustHaveDefaultConstructor
            get { return _parentParameter.MustHaveDefaultConstructor; }
        public TypeParameterVariance Variance
            get { return _inheritingType.IsInterface || _inheritingType.IsDelegate ? _parentParameter.Variance : TypeParameterVariance.NonVariant; }
        #region ITypeDefinition Members
        public bool IsEncDeleted
            => false;
        public ushort Alignment
            get { return 0; }
        public bool HasDeclarativeSecurity
            get { return false; }
        public bool IsEnum
            get { return false; }
        public IArrayTypeReference? AsArrayTypeReference
                return this as IArrayTypeReference;
        public IGenericMethodParameter? AsGenericMethodParameter
                return this as IGenericMethodParameter;
        public IGenericMethodParameterReference? AsGenericMethodParameterReference
                return this as IGenericMethodParameterReference;
        public IGenericTypeInstanceReference? AsGenericTypeInstanceReference
                return this as IGenericTypeInstanceReference;
        public IGenericTypeParameter? AsGenericTypeParameter
                return this as IGenericTypeParameter;
        public IGenericTypeParameterReference? AsGenericTypeParameterReference
                return this as IGenericTypeParameterReference;
        public INamespaceTypeDefinition? AsNamespaceTypeDefinition(EmitContext context)
            return this as INamespaceTypeDefinition;
        public INamespaceTypeReference? AsNamespaceTypeReference
                return this as INamespaceTypeReference;
        public INestedTypeDefinition? AsNestedTypeDefinition(EmitContext context)
            return this as INestedTypeDefinition;
        public INestedTypeReference? AsNestedTypeReference
                return this as INestedTypeReference;
        public ISpecializedNestedTypeReference? AsSpecializedNestedTypeReference
                return this as ISpecializedNestedTypeReference;
        public IModifiedTypeReference? AsModifiedTypeReference
                return this as IModifiedTypeReference;
        public IPointerTypeReference? AsPointerTypeReference
                return this as IPointerTypeReference;
        public ITypeDefinition? AsTypeDefinition(EmitContext context)
            return this as ITypeDefinition;
        public IDefinition? AsDefinition(EmitContext context)
            return this as IDefinition;
        #region IReference Members
        CodeAnalysis.Symbols.ISymbolInternal? Cci.IReference.GetInternalSymbol() => null;
        public IEnumerable<ICustomAttribute> GetAttributes(EmitContext context)
            return _parentParameter.GetAttributes(context);
        public void Dispatch(MetadataVisitor visitor)
        #region ITypeReference Members
        public TypeDefinitionHandle TypeDef
                return default(TypeDefinitionHandle);
        public bool IsAlias
            get { return false; }
        public bool IsValueType
            get { return false; }
        public ITypeDefinition GetResolvedType(EmitContext context)
            throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
        public PrimitiveTypeCode TypeCode
            get { return PrimitiveTypeCode.NotPrimitive; }
        #region IParameterListEntry Members
        public ushort Index
            get { return _index; }
        #region INamedEntity Members
        public string? Name
            get { return _parentParameter.Name; }
        #region IGenericTypeParameterReference Members
        ITypeReference IGenericTypeParameterReference.DefiningType
            get { return _inheritingType; }
        #region INamedTypeReference Members
        public bool MangleName
            get { return false; }
        public bool IsNested
            get { throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable(); }
        public bool IsSpecializedNested
            get { throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable(); }
        public ITypeReference UnspecializedVersion
            get { throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable(); }
        public bool IsNamespaceTypeReference
            get { throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable(); }
        public bool IsGenericTypeInstance
            get { throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable(); }
        public sealed override bool Equals(object? obj)
            // It is not supported to rely on default equality of these Cci objects, an explicit way to compare and hash them should be used.
            throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
        public sealed override int GetHashCode()
            // It is not supported to rely on default equality of these Cci objects, an explicit way to compare and hash them should be used.
            throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();