File: PEWriter\CustomDebugInfoWriter.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Compilers\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection.Metadata;
using System.Reflection.Metadata.Ecma335;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Debugging;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Emit;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.Cci
    internal sealed class CustomDebugInfoWriter
        private MethodDefinitionHandle _methodWithModuleInfo;
        private IMethodBody _methodBodyWithModuleInfo;
        private MethodDefinitionHandle _previousMethodWithUsingInfo;
        private IMethodBody _previousMethodBodyWithUsingInfo;
        private readonly PdbWriter _pdbWriter;
        public CustomDebugInfoWriter(PdbWriter pdbWriter)
            Debug.Assert(pdbWriter != null);
            _pdbWriter = pdbWriter;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the namespace scope for this method should be forwarded to another method.
        /// Returns non-null <paramref name="forwardToMethod"/> if the forwarding should be done directly via UsingNamespace,
        /// null if the forwarding is done via custom debug info.
        /// </summary>
        public bool ShouldForwardNamespaceScopes(EmitContext context, IMethodBody methodBody, MethodDefinitionHandle methodHandle, out IMethodDefinition forwardToMethod)
            if (ShouldForwardToPreviousMethodWithUsingInfo(context, methodBody))
                // SerializeNamespaceScopeMetadata will do the actual forwarding in case this is a CSharp method.
                // VB on the other hand adds a "@methodtoken" to the scopes instead.
                if (context.Module.GenerateVisualBasicStylePdb)
                    forwardToMethod = _previousMethodBodyWithUsingInfo.MethodDefinition;
                    forwardToMethod = null;
                return true;
            _previousMethodBodyWithUsingInfo = methodBody;
            _previousMethodWithUsingInfo = methodHandle;
            forwardToMethod = null;
            return false;
        public byte[] SerializeMethodDebugInfo(
            EmitContext context,
            IMethodBody methodBody,
            MethodDefinitionHandle methodHandle,
            bool emitStateMachineInfo,
            bool emitEncInfo,
            bool emitDynamicAndTupleInfo,
            out bool emitExternNamespaces)
            emitExternNamespaces = false;
            // Caller is only expecting emitExternNamespaces == true if emitStateMachineInfo == true.
            if (emitStateMachineInfo)
                // CONSIDER: this may not be the same "first" method as in Dev10, but
                // it shouldn't matter since all methods will still forward to a method
                // containing the appropriate information.
                if (_methodBodyWithModuleInfo == null)
                    // This module level information could go on every method (and does in
                    // the edit-and-continue case), but - as an optimization - we'll just
                    // put it on the first method we happen to encounter and then put a
                    // reference to the first method's token in every other method (so they
                    // can find the information).
                    if (context.Module.GetAssemblyReferenceAliases(context).Any())
                        _methodWithModuleInfo = methodHandle;
                        _methodBodyWithModuleInfo = methodBody;
                        emitExternNamespaces = true;
            var pooledBuilder = PooledBlobBuilder.GetInstance();
            var encoder = new CustomDebugInfoEncoder(pooledBuilder);
            if (emitStateMachineInfo)
                if (methodBody.StateMachineTypeName != null)
                    SerializeNamespaceScopeMetadata(ref encoder, context, methodBody);
            if (emitDynamicAndTupleInfo)
                SerializeDynamicLocalInfo(ref encoder, methodBody);
                SerializeTupleElementNames(ref encoder, methodBody);
            if (emitEncInfo)
                var encMethodInfo = MetadataWriter.GetEncMethodDebugInfo(methodBody);
                SerializeCustomDebugInformation(ref encoder, encMethodInfo);
            byte[] result = encoder.ToArray() ?? Array.Empty<byte>();
            return result;
        // internal for testing
        internal static void SerializeCustomDebugInformation(ref CustomDebugInfoEncoder encoder, EditAndContinueMethodDebugInformation debugInfo)
            // PERF: note that we pass debugInfo as explicit parameter
            //       that is intentional to avoid capturing debugInfo as that 
            //       would result in a lot of delegate allocations here that are otherwise can be avoided.
            if (!debugInfo.LocalSlots.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
                    (info, builder) => info.SerializeLocalSlots(builder));
            if (!debugInfo.Lambdas.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
                    (info, builder) => info.SerializeLambdaMap(builder));
            if (!debugInfo.StateMachineStates.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
                    (info, builder) => info.SerializeStateMachineStates(builder));
        private static ArrayBuilder<T> GetLocalInfoToSerialize<T>(
            IMethodBody methodBody,
            Func<ILocalDefinition, bool> filter,
            Func<LocalScope, ILocalDefinition, T> getInfo)
            ArrayBuilder<T> builder = null;
            foreach (var currentScope in methodBody.LocalScopes)
                foreach (var local in currentScope.Variables)
                    Debug.Assert(local.SlotIndex >= 0);
                    if (filter(local))
                        if (builder == null)
                            builder = ArrayBuilder<T>.GetInstance();
                        builder.Add(getInfo(default(LocalScope), local));
                foreach (var localConstant in currentScope.Constants)
                    Debug.Assert(localConstant.SlotIndex < 0);
                    if (filter(localConstant))
                        if (builder == null)
                            builder = ArrayBuilder<T>.GetInstance();
                        builder.Add(getInfo(currentScope, localConstant));
            return builder;
        private static void SerializeDynamicLocalInfo(ref CustomDebugInfoEncoder encoder, IMethodBody methodBody)
            if (!methodBody.HasDynamicLocalVariables)
            byte[] GetDynamicFlags(ILocalDefinition local)
                var dynamicTransformFlags = local.DynamicTransformFlags;
                var flags = new byte[CustomDebugInfoEncoder.DynamicAttributeSize];
                for (int k = 0; k < dynamicTransformFlags.Length; k++)
                    if (dynamicTransformFlags[k])
                        flags[k] = 1;
                return flags;
            var dynamicLocals = GetLocalInfoToSerialize(
                local =>
                    var dynamicTransformFlags = local.DynamicTransformFlags;
                    return !dynamicTransformFlags.IsEmpty &&
                        dynamicTransformFlags.Length <= CustomDebugInfoEncoder.DynamicAttributeSize &&
                        local.Name.Length < CustomDebugInfoEncoder.IdentifierSize;
                (scope, local) => (local.Name, GetDynamicFlags(local), local.DynamicTransformFlags.Length, (local.SlotIndex < 0) ? 0 : local.SlotIndex));
            if (dynamicLocals == null)
        private static void SerializeTupleElementNames(ref CustomDebugInfoEncoder encoder, IMethodBody methodBody)
            var locals = GetLocalInfoToSerialize(
                local => !local.TupleElementNames.IsEmpty,
                (scope, local) => (local.Name, local.SlotIndex, scope.StartOffset, scope.EndOffset, local.TupleElementNames));
            if (locals == null)
        private void SerializeNamespaceScopeMetadata(ref CustomDebugInfoEncoder encoder, EmitContext context, IMethodBody methodBody)
            if (context.Module.GenerateVisualBasicStylePdb)
            if (ShouldForwardToPreviousMethodWithUsingInfo(context, methodBody))
                Debug.Assert(!ReferenceEquals(_previousMethodBodyWithUsingInfo, methodBody));
            var usingCounts = ArrayBuilder<int>.GetInstance();
            for (IImportScope scope = methodBody.ImportScope; scope != null; scope = scope.Parent)
            if (_methodBodyWithModuleInfo != null && !ReferenceEquals(_methodBodyWithModuleInfo, methodBody))
        private bool ShouldForwardToPreviousMethodWithUsingInfo(EmitContext context, IMethodBody methodBody)
            if (_previousMethodBodyWithUsingInfo == null ||
                ReferenceEquals(_previousMethodBodyWithUsingInfo, methodBody))
                return false;
            // VB includes method namespace in namespace scopes:
            if (context.Module.GenerateVisualBasicStylePdb)
                if (_pdbWriter.GetOrCreateSerializedNamespaceName(_previousMethodBodyWithUsingInfo.MethodDefinition.ContainingNamespace) !=
                    return false;
            var previousScopes = _previousMethodBodyWithUsingInfo.ImportScope;
            // methods share the same import scope (common case for methods declared in the same file)
            if (methodBody.ImportScope == previousScopes)
                return true;
            // If methods are in different files they don't share the same scopes,
            // but the imports might be the same nevertheless.
            // Note: not comparing project-level imports since those are the same for all method bodies.
            var s1 = methodBody.ImportScope;
            var s2 = previousScopes;
            while (s1 != null && s2 != null)
                if (!s1.GetUsedNamespaces(context).SequenceEqual(s2.GetUsedNamespaces(context)))
                    return false;
                s1 = s1.Parent;
                s2 = s2.Parent;
            return s1 == s2;