File: DiagnosticAnalyzer\AnalyzerOptions.cs
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Project: src\src\Compilers\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics
    /// <summary>
    /// Options passed to <see cref="DiagnosticAnalyzer"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public class AnalyzerOptions
        internal static readonly AnalyzerOptions Empty = new AnalyzerOptions(ImmutableArray<AdditionalText>.Empty);
        /// <summary>
        /// A set of additional non-code text files that can be used by analyzers.
        /// </summary>
        public ImmutableArray<AdditionalText> AdditionalFiles { get; }
        /// <summary>
        /// A set of options keyed to <see cref="SyntaxTree"/> or <see cref="AdditionalText"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public AnalyzerConfigOptionsProvider AnalyzerConfigOptionsProvider { get; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates analyzer options to be passed to <see cref="DiagnosticAnalyzer"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="additionalFiles">A set of additional non-code text files that can be used by analyzers.</param>
        /// <param name="optionsProvider">A set of per-tree options that can be used by analyzers.</param>
        public AnalyzerOptions(ImmutableArray<AdditionalText> additionalFiles, AnalyzerConfigOptionsProvider optionsProvider)
            if (optionsProvider is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(optionsProvider));
            AdditionalFiles = additionalFiles.NullToEmpty();
            AnalyzerConfigOptionsProvider = optionsProvider;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates analyzer options to be passed to <see cref="DiagnosticAnalyzer"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="additionalFiles">A set of additional non-code text files that can be used by analyzers.</param>
        public AnalyzerOptions(ImmutableArray<AdditionalText> additionalFiles)
            : this(additionalFiles, CompilerAnalyzerConfigOptionsProvider.Empty)
        { }
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns analyzer options with the given <paramref name="additionalFiles"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public AnalyzerOptions WithAdditionalFiles(ImmutableArray<AdditionalText> additionalFiles)
            if (this.AdditionalFiles == additionalFiles)
                return this;
            return new AnalyzerOptions(additionalFiles);
        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj))
                return true;
            var other = obj as AnalyzerOptions;
            return other != null &&
                (this.AdditionalFiles == other.AdditionalFiles ||
                this.AdditionalFiles.SequenceEqual(other.AdditionalFiles, ReferenceEquals));
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return Hash.CombineValues(this.AdditionalFiles);