File: CodeGen\BasicBlock.cs
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Project: src\src\Compilers\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Metadata;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Debugging;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeGen
    internal partial class ILBuilder
        internal enum BlockType
        internal enum Reachability : byte
            /// <summary>
            /// Block is not reachable or reachability analysis
            /// has not been performed.
            /// </summary>
            NotReachable = 0,
            /// <summary>
            /// Block can be reached either falling through
            /// from previous block or from branch.
            /// </summary>
            /// <summary>
            /// Block is reachable from try or catch but
            /// finally prevents falling through.
            /// </summary>
        // internal for testing
        [DebuggerDisplay("{GetDebuggerDisplay(), nq}")]
        internal class BasicBlock
            public static readonly ObjectPool<BasicBlock> Pool = CreatePool(32);
            private static ObjectPool<BasicBlock> CreatePool(int size)
                return new ObjectPool<BasicBlock>(() => new PooledBasicBlock(), size);
            protected BasicBlock()
            internal BasicBlock(ILBuilder builder)
            internal void Initialize(ILBuilder builder)
                this.builder = builder;
                this.FirstILMarker = -1;
                this.LastILMarker = -1;
            //parent builder
            internal ILBuilder builder;
            private Cci.PooledBlobBuilder _lazyRegularInstructions;
            public Cci.PooledBlobBuilder Writer
                    if (_lazyRegularInstructions == null)
                        _lazyRegularInstructions = Cci.PooledBlobBuilder.GetInstance();
                    return _lazyRegularInstructions;
            // first IL marker for IL offsets in this block or -1
            public int FirstILMarker { get; private set; }
            // last IL marker for IL offsets in this block or -1
            public int LastILMarker { get; private set; }
            public void AddILMarker(int marker)
                //  We assume that all IL markers allocated for the same basic block are 
                //  allocated sequentially and don't interleave with markers from other blocks
                Debug.Assert((this.FirstILMarker < 0) == (this.LastILMarker < 0));
                Debug.Assert((this.LastILMarker < 0) || (this.LastILMarker + 1 == marker));
                if (this.FirstILMarker < 0)
                    this.FirstILMarker = marker;
                this.LastILMarker = marker;
            public void RemoveTailILMarker(int marker)
                //  We assume that all IL markers allocated for the same basic block are 
                //  allocated sequentially and don't interleave with markers from other blocks
                Debug.Assert(this.FirstILMarker >= 0);
                Debug.Assert(this.LastILMarker >= 0);
                Debug.Assert(this.LastILMarker == marker);
                if (this.FirstILMarker == this.LastILMarker)
                    this.FirstILMarker = -1;
                    this.LastILMarker = -1;
            //next block in the block sequence. Note that it is not necessarily reachable from current block.
            public BasicBlock NextBlock;
            //destination of the exit branch. null if branch code is nop or ret.
            private object _branchLabel;
            //block start relative to the method body.
            public int Start;
            //opcode that is reverse to the BranchCode.
            private byte _revBranchCode;
            //opcode that terminated the block. nop in a case if block was terminated by a label.
            private ILOpCode _branchCode;
            //reachability analysis uses this flag to indicate that the block is reachable.
            internal Reachability Reachability;
            //nearest enclosing exception handler if any
            public virtual ExceptionHandlerScope EnclosingHandler => null;
            internal virtual void Free()
                if (_lazyRegularInstructions != null)
                    _lazyRegularInstructions = null;
            public object BranchLabel => _branchLabel;
            public ILOpCode BranchCode
                    return _branchCode;
                    _branchCode = value;
            public ILOpCode RevBranchCode
                    return (ILOpCode)_revBranchCode;
                    Debug.Assert((ILOpCode)(byte)value == value, "rev opcodes must fit in a byte");
                    _revBranchCode = (byte)value;
            //destination of the branch. 
            //null if branch code is nop or ret or if label is not yet marked.
            public BasicBlock BranchBlock
                    BasicBlock result = null;
                    if (BranchLabel != null)
                        result = builder._labelInfos[BranchLabel].bb;
                    return result;
            public void SetBranchCode(ILOpCode newBranchCode)
                Debug.Assert(this.BranchCode.IsConditionalBranch() == newBranchCode.IsConditionalBranch());
                Debug.Assert(newBranchCode.IsBranch() == (_branchLabel != null));
                this.BranchCode = newBranchCode;
            public void SetBranch(object newLabel, ILOpCode branchCode, ILOpCode revBranchCode)
                this.SetBranch(newLabel, branchCode);
                this.RevBranchCode = revBranchCode;
            public void SetBranch(object newLabel, ILOpCode branchCode)
                this.BranchCode = branchCode;
                if (_branchLabel != newLabel)
                    _branchLabel = newLabel;
                    if (this.BranchCode.IsConditionalBranch())
                        Debug.Assert(newLabel != null);
                        var labelInfo = this.builder._labelInfos[newLabel];
                        if (!labelInfo.targetOfConditionalBranches)
                            this.builder._labelInfos[newLabel] = labelInfo.SetTargetOfConditionalBranches();
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns true if this block has a branch label
            /// and is not a "nop" branch.
            /// </summary>
            private bool IsBranchToLabel
                => (this.BranchLabel != null) && (this.BranchCode != ILOpCode.Nop);
            public virtual BlockType Type => BlockType.Normal;
            /// <summary>
            /// Instructions that are not branches.
            /// </summary>
            public BlobBuilder RegularInstructions => _lazyRegularInstructions;
            /// <summary>
            /// The block contains only the final branch or nothing at all
            /// </summary>
            public bool HasNoRegularInstructions => _lazyRegularInstructions == null;
            public int RegularInstructionsLength => _lazyRegularInstructions?.Count ?? 0;
            /// <summary>
            /// Updates position of the current block to account for shorter sizes of previous blocks.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="delta"></param>
            internal void AdjustForDelta(int delta)
                //blocks can only get shorter.
                Debug.Assert(delta <= 0);
                if (delta != 0)
                    this.Start += delta;
            internal void RewriteBranchesAcrossExceptionHandlers()
                if (this.EnclosingHandler == null)
                    // Cannot branch into a handler.
                    Debug.Assert(BranchBlock?.EnclosingHandler == null);
                var branchBlock = BranchBlock;
                if (branchBlock == null)
                if (branchBlock.EnclosingHandler != this.EnclosingHandler)
                    // Only unconditional branches can be replaced.
            /// <summary>
            /// If possible, changes the branch code of the current block to the short version and 
            /// updates the delta correspondingly.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="delta">Position delta created by previous block size reductions.</param>
            internal void ShortenBranches(ref int delta)
                //NOTE: current block is supposed to be already adjusted.
                if (!this.IsBranchToLabel)
                    return; //Not a branch;
                var curBranchCode = this.BranchCode;
                if (curBranchCode.GetBranchOperandSize() == 1)
                    return; //already short;
                // reduction in current block length if changed to short branch.
                // currently all long and short opcodes have same size, so reduction is always -3
                const int reduction = -3;
                int offset;
                var branchBlockStart = BranchBlock.Start;
                if (branchBlockStart > Start)
                    //forward branch
                    //there must be NextBlock
                    // delta will be applied equally to both branchBlock and NextBlock so no need to consider delta here
                    offset = branchBlockStart - NextBlock.Start;
                    //backward branch
                    // delta is already applied to current block and branchBlock so no need to consider delta here
                    offset = branchBlockStart - (this.Start + this.TotalSize + reduction);
                if (unchecked((sbyte)offset == offset))
                    //it fits!
                    delta += reduction;
            /// <summary>
            /// replaces branches with more compact code if possible.
            /// * same branch as in the next     ===> nop
            /// * branch to the next block       ===> nop
            /// * branch to ret block            ===> ret
            /// * cond branch over uncond branch ===> flip condition, skip next block
            /// * cond branch to equivalent      ===> pop args + nop
            /// </summary>
            internal bool OptimizeBranches(ref int delta)
                //NOTE: current block is supposed to be already adjusted.
                // we are only interested in branches that go to another block.
                if (this.IsBranchToLabel)
                    Debug.Assert(BranchCode != ILOpCode.Nop, "Nop branches should not have labels");
                    var next = this.NextNontrivial;
                    if (next != null)
                        // check for next block branching to the same location with the same branch instruction
                        // in such case we can simply drop through.
                        if (TryOptimizeSameAsNext(next, ref delta)) return true;
                        // check for unconditional branch to the next block or to return
                        if (TryOptimizeBranchToNextOrRet(next, ref delta)) return true;
                        // check for branch over uncond branch
                        if (TryOptimizeBranchOverUncondBranch(next, ref delta)) return true;
                        // check for conditional branch to equivalent blocks
                        // in such case we can simply pop condition arguments and drop through.
                        if (TryOptimizeBranchToEquivalent(next, ref delta)) return true;
                return false;
            private BasicBlock NextNontrivial
                    var next = this.NextBlock;
                    while (next != null &&
                        next.BranchCode == ILOpCode.Nop &&
                        next = next.NextBlock;
                    return next;
            private bool TryOptimizeSameAsNext(BasicBlock next, ref int delta)
                if (next.HasNoRegularInstructions &&
                    next.BranchCode == this.BranchCode &&
                    next.BranchBlock.Start == this.BranchBlock.Start)
                    if (next.EnclosingHandler == this.EnclosingHandler)
                        var diff = this.BranchCode.Size() + this.BranchCode.GetBranchOperandSize();
                        delta -= diff;
                        this.SetBranch(null, ILOpCode.Nop);
                        // If current block has no regular instructions the resulting block is a trivial noop
                        // TryOptimizeBranchOverUncondBranch relies on an invariant that 
                        // trivial blocks are not targeted by branches,
                        // make sure we are not breaking this condition.
                        if (this.HasNoRegularInstructions)
                            var labelInfos = builder._labelInfos;
                            var labels = labelInfos.Keys;
                            foreach (var label in labels)
                                var info = labelInfos[label];
                                if ( == this)
                                    // move the label from "this" to "next"
                                    labelInfos[label] = info.WithNewTarget(next);
                        return true;
                return false;
            private bool TryOptimizeBranchOverUncondBranch(BasicBlock next, ref int delta)
                if (next.HasNoRegularInstructions &&
                    next.NextBlock != null &&
                    next.NextBlock.Start == BranchBlock.Start &&
                    (next.BranchCode == ILOpCode.Br || next.BranchCode == ILOpCode.Br_s) &&
                    next.BranchBlock != next)
                    ILOpCode revBrOp = this.GetReversedBranchOp();
                    if (revBrOp != ILOpCode.Nop)
                        // we are effectively removing blocks between this and the BranchBlock (including next) from the block chain.
                        // that is ok, since branch-to-branch should already eliminate any possible branches to these blocks
                        // and they were only reachable from current via NextBlock which we are re-directing.
                        var toRemove = this.NextBlock;
                        var branchBlock = this.BranchBlock;
                        while (toRemove != branchBlock)
                            Debug.Assert(toRemove == next || toRemove.TotalSize == 0);
                            Debug.Assert(!builder._labelInfos.Values.Any(li => == toRemove),
                                "nothing should branch to a trivial block at this point");
                            toRemove.Reachability = ILBuilder.Reachability.NotReachable;
                            toRemove = toRemove.NextBlock;
                        next.Reachability = Reachability.NotReachable;
                        delta -= next.TotalSize;
                        if (next.BranchCode == ILOpCode.Br_s)
                            revBrOp = revBrOp.GetShortBranch();
                        // our next block is now where we used to branch
                        this.NextBlock = BranchBlock;
                        // swap BranchCode for revBrOp
                        // set our branch label where next block used to branch.
                        var origBrOp = this.BranchCode;
                        this.SetBranch(next.BranchLabel, revBrOp, origBrOp);
                        return true;
                return false;
            private bool TryOptimizeBranchToNextOrRet(BasicBlock next, ref int delta)
                var curBranchCode = this.BranchCode;
                if (curBranchCode == ILOpCode.Br || curBranchCode == ILOpCode.Br_s)
                    // check for branch to next.
                    if (BranchBlock.Start - next.Start == 0)
                        // becomes a nop block
                        this.SetBranch(null, ILOpCode.Nop);
                        delta -= (curBranchCode.Size() + curBranchCode.GetBranchOperandSize());
                        return true;
                    // check for branch to ret.
                    if (BranchBlock.HasNoRegularInstructions && BranchBlock.BranchCode == ILOpCode.Ret)
                        this.SetBranch(null, ILOpCode.Ret);
                        // curBranchCode.Size() + curBranchCode.BranchOperandSize() - Ret.Size()
                        delta -= (curBranchCode.Size() + curBranchCode.GetBranchOperandSize() - 1);
                        return true;
                return false;
            private bool TryOptimizeBranchToEquivalent(BasicBlock next, ref int delta)
                var curBranchCode = this.BranchCode;
                if (curBranchCode.IsConditionalBranch() &&
                    next.EnclosingHandler == this.EnclosingHandler)
                    // check for branch to next, 
                    // or if both blocks are identical
                    if (BranchBlock.Start - next.Start == 0 ||
                        AreIdentical(BranchBlock, next))
                        // becomes a pop block
                        this.SetBranch(null, ILOpCode.Nop);
                        // curBranchCode.Size() + curBranchCode.BranchOperandSize() - ILOpCode.Pop.Size()
                        delta -= (curBranchCode.Size() + curBranchCode.GetBranchOperandSize() - 1);
                        if (curBranchCode.IsRelationalBranch())
                            delta += 1;
                        return true;
                return false;
            /// <summary>
            /// Blocks are identical if:
            /// 1) have same regular instructions
            /// 2) lead to unconditional control transfer (no fall through)
            /// 3) branch with the same instruction to the same label
            /// </summary>
            private static bool AreIdentical(BasicBlock one, BasicBlock another)
                if (one._branchCode == another._branchCode &&
                    !one._branchCode.CanFallThrough() &&
                    one._branchLabel == another._branchLabel)
                    var instr1 = one.RegularInstructions;
                    var instr2 = another.RegularInstructions;
                    return instr1 == instr2 || instr1?.ContentEquals(instr2) == true;
                return false;
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns reversed branch operation for the current block.
            /// If no reverse opcode can be obtained Nop is returned.
            /// </summary>
            private ILOpCode GetReversedBranchOp()
                var result = RevBranchCode;
                if (result != ILOpCode.Nop)
                    return result;
                // For some instructions reverse can be unambiguously inferred, 
                // but in other cases it depends on whether it was a float or an integer operation.
                // (we do not know if _un means unsigned or unordered here)
                switch (this.BranchCode)
                    case ILOpCode.Brfalse:
                    case ILOpCode.Brfalse_s:
                        result = ILOpCode.Brtrue;
                    case ILOpCode.Brtrue:
                    case ILOpCode.Brtrue_s:
                        result = ILOpCode.Brfalse;
                    case ILOpCode.Beq:
                    case ILOpCode.Beq_s:
                        result = ILOpCode.Bne_un;
                    case ILOpCode.Bne_un:
                    case ILOpCode.Bne_un_s:
                        result = ILOpCode.Beq;
                return result;
            public virtual int TotalSize
                    int branchSize;
                    switch (BranchCode)
                        case ILOpCode.Nop:
                            branchSize = 0; //Nop has 0 length here because we do not emit nop branch.
                        case ILOpCode.Ret:
                        case ILOpCode.Throw:
                        case ILOpCode.Endfinally:
                            branchSize = 1;
                        case ILOpCode.Rethrow:
                        case ILOpCode.Endfilter:
                            branchSize = 2;
                            Debug.Assert(BranchCode.Size() == 1);
                            branchSize = 1 + BranchCode.GetBranchOperandSize();
                    return (int)RegularInstructionsLength + branchSize;
            private string GetDebuggerDisplay()
                var visType = System.Type.GetType("Roslyn.Test.Utilities.ILBuilderVisualizer, Roslyn.Test.Utilities", false);
                if (visType != null)
                    var method = visType.GetTypeInfo().GetDeclaredMethod("BasicBlockToString");
                    return (string)method.Invoke(null, new object[] { this });
                return "";
            private class PooledBasicBlock : BasicBlock
                internal override void Free()
                    _branchLabel = null;
                    this.BranchCode = ILOpCode.Nop;
                    _revBranchCode = 0;
                    this.NextBlock = null;
                    this.builder = null;
                    this.Reachability = Reachability.NotReachable;
                    this.Start = 0;
        internal class BasicBlockWithHandlerScope : BasicBlock
            //nearest enclosing exception handler if any
            public readonly ExceptionHandlerScope enclosingHandler;
            public BasicBlockWithHandlerScope(ILBuilder builder, ExceptionHandlerScope enclosingHandler)
                : base(builder)
                this.enclosingHandler = enclosingHandler;
            public override ExceptionHandlerScope EnclosingHandler => enclosingHandler;
        internal sealed class ExceptionHandlerLeaderBlock : BasicBlockWithHandlerScope
            private readonly BlockType _type;
            public ExceptionHandlerLeaderBlock(ILBuilder builder, ExceptionHandlerScope enclosingHandler, BlockType type) :
                base(builder, enclosingHandler)
                _type = type;
            // The next exception handler clause (catch or finally)
            // in the same exception handler.
            public ExceptionHandlerLeaderBlock NextExceptionHandler;
            public override BlockType Type => _type;
            public override string ToString()
                => $"[{_type}] {base.ToString()}";
        // Basic block for the virtual switch instruction
        // Unlike a regular basic block, a switch block can
        // have more than one possible branch labels
        // and branch target blocks
        internal sealed class SwitchBlock : BasicBlockWithHandlerScope
            public SwitchBlock(ILBuilder builder, ExceptionHandlerScope enclosingHandler) :
                base(builder, enclosingHandler)
            public override BlockType Type => BlockType.Switch;
            // destination labels for switch block
            public object[] BranchLabels;
            public uint BranchesCount
                    Debug.Assert(BranchLabels != null);
                    return (uint)BranchLabels.Length;
            // get branch blocks for switch block
            public void GetBranchBlocks(ArrayBuilder<BasicBlock> branchBlocksBuilder)
                // We need to regenerate the branch blocks array every time
                // as the labeled blocks might have been optimized.
                Debug.Assert(BranchesCount > 0);
                Debug.Assert(branchBlocksBuilder != null);
                foreach (var branchLabel in this.BranchLabels)
            public override int TotalSize
                    // switch (N, t1, t2... tN)
                    //  IL ==> ILOpCode.Switch < unsigned int32 > < int32 >... < int32 > 
                    // size(ILOpCode.Switch) = 1
                    // size(N) = 4
                    // size(t1, t2,... tN) = 4*N
                    uint branchSize = 5 + 4 * this.BranchesCount;
                    return (int)(RegularInstructionsLength + branchSize);