// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Simplification;
internal static class SimplificationHelpers
public static readonly SyntaxAnnotation DoNotSimplifyAnnotation = new();
public static readonly SyntaxAnnotation SimplifyModuleNameAnnotation = new();
public static TNode CopyAnnotations<TNode>(SyntaxNode from, TNode to) where TNode : SyntaxNode
// Because we are removing a node that may have annotations (i.e. formatting), we need
// to copy those annotations to the new node. However, we can only copy all annotations
// which will mean that the new node will include a ParenthesesSimplification annotation,
// even if didn't have one before. That results in potentially removing parentheses that
// weren't annotated by the user. To address this, we add *another* annotation to indicate
// that the new node shouldn't be simplified. This is to work around the
// fact that there is no way to remove an annotation from a node in the current API. If
// that gets added, we can clean this up.
var dontSimplifyResult = !to.HasAnnotation(Simplifier.Annotation);
to = from.CopyAnnotationsTo(to);
if (dontSimplifyResult)
to = to.WithAdditionalAnnotations(DoNotSimplifyAnnotation);
return to;
public static SyntaxToken CopyAnnotations(SyntaxToken from, SyntaxToken to)
// Because we are removing a node that may have annotations (i.e. formatting), we need
// to copy those annotations to the new node. However, we can only copy all annotations
// which will mean that the new node will include a ParenthesesSimplification annotation,
// even if didn't have one before. That results in potentially removing parentheses that
// weren't annotated by the user. To address this, we add *another* annotation to indicate
// that the new node shouldn't be simplified. This is to work around the
// fact that there is no way to remove an annotation from a node in the current API. If
// that gets added, we can clean this up.
var dontSimplifyResult = !to.HasAnnotation(Simplifier.Annotation);
to = from.CopyAnnotationsTo(to);
if (dontSimplifyResult)
to = to.WithAdditionalAnnotations(DoNotSimplifyAnnotation);
return to;
public static ISymbol? GetOriginalSymbolInfo(SemanticModel semanticModel, SyntaxNode expression)
var annotation1 = expression.GetAnnotations(SymbolAnnotation.Kind).FirstOrDefault();
if (annotation1 != null)
var typeSymbol = SymbolAnnotation.GetSymbol(annotation1, semanticModel.Compilation);
if (IsValidSymbolInfo(typeSymbol))
return typeSymbol;
var annotation2 = expression.GetAnnotations(SpecialTypeAnnotation.Kind).FirstOrDefault();
if (annotation2 != null)
var specialType = SpecialTypeAnnotation.GetSpecialType(annotation2);
if (specialType != SpecialType.None)
var typeSymbol = semanticModel.Compilation.GetSpecialType(specialType);
if (IsValidSymbolInfo(typeSymbol))
return typeSymbol;
var symbolInfo = semanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(expression);
if (!IsValidSymbolInfo(symbolInfo.Symbol))
return null;
return symbolInfo.Symbol;
public static bool IsValidSymbolInfo([NotNullWhen(true)] ISymbol? symbol)
// name bound to only one symbol is valid
return symbol is not null and not IErrorTypeSymbol;
public static bool IsNamespaceOrTypeOrThisParameter(SyntaxNode expression, SemanticModel semanticModel)
var expressionInfo = semanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(expression);
if (IsValidSymbolInfo(expressionInfo.Symbol))
if (expressionInfo.Symbol is INamespaceOrTypeSymbol)
return true;
if (expressionInfo.Symbol.IsThisParameter())
return true;
return false;
internal static bool ShouldSimplifyThisOrMeMemberAccessExpression(SimplifierOptions options, ISymbol symbol)
// If we're accessing a static member off of this/me then we should always consider this
// simplifiable. Note: in C# this isn't even legal to access a static off of `this`,
// but in VB it is legal to access a static off of `me`.
if (symbol.IsStatic)
return true;
return options.TryGetQualifyMemberAccessOption(symbol.Kind, out var symbolOptions) && !symbolOptions.Value;