File: src\Workspaces\SharedUtilitiesAndExtensions\Compiler\Core\Utilities\AsyncLazy`1.cs
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Project: src\src\Workspaces\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ErrorReporting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Threading;
namespace Roslyn.Utilities;
internal abstract class AsyncLazy<T>
    public abstract bool TryGetValue([MaybeNullWhen(false)] out T result);
    public abstract T GetValue(CancellationToken cancellationToken);
    public abstract Task<T> GetValueAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken);
    public static AsyncLazy<T> Create<TData>(
        Func<TData, CancellationToken, Task<T>> asynchronousComputeFunction,
        Func<TData, CancellationToken, T>? synchronousComputeFunction,
        TData data)
        return AsyncLazyImpl<TData>.CreateImpl(asynchronousComputeFunction, synchronousComputeFunction, data);
    public static AsyncLazy<T> Create<TData>(T value)
        => AsyncLazyImpl<VoidResult>.CreateImpl(value);
    /// <summary>
    /// Represents a value that can be retrieved synchronously or asynchronously by many clients.
    /// The value will be computed on-demand the moment the first client asks for it. While being
    /// computed, more clients can request the value. As long as there are outstanding clients the
    /// underlying computation will proceed.  If all outstanding clients cancel their request then
    /// the underlying value computation will be cancelled as well.
    /// Creators of an <see cref="AsyncLazy{T}" /> can specify whether the result of the computation is
    /// cached for future requests or not. Choosing to not cache means the computation functions are kept
    /// alive, whereas caching means the value (but not functions) are kept alive once complete.
    /// </summary>
    private sealed class AsyncLazyImpl<TData> : AsyncLazy<T>
        /// <summary>
        /// The underlying function that starts an asynchronous computation of the resulting value.
        /// Null'ed out once we've computed the result and we've been asked to cache it.  Otherwise,
        /// it is kept around in case the value needs to be computed again.
        /// </summary>
        private Func<TData, CancellationToken, Task<T>>? _asynchronousComputeFunction;
        /// <summary>
        /// The underlying function that starts a synchronous computation of the resulting value.
        /// Null'ed out once we've computed the result and we've been asked to cache it, or if we
        /// didn't get any synchronous function given to us in the first place.
        /// </summary>
        private Func<TData, CancellationToken, T>? _synchronousComputeFunction;
        /// <summary>
        /// The Task that holds the cached result.
        /// </summary>
        private Task<T>? _cachedResult;
        /// <summary>
        /// Mutex used to protect reading and writing to all mutable objects and fields.  Traces indicate that there's
        /// negligible contention on this lock (and on any particular async-lazy in general), hence we can save some
        /// memory by using ourselves as the lock, even though this may inhibit cancellation.  Work done while holding
        /// the lock should be kept to a minimum.
        /// </summary>
        private object SyncObject => this;
        /// <summary>
        /// The hash set of all currently outstanding asynchronous requests. Null if there are no requests,
        /// and will never be empty.
        /// </summary>
        private HashSet<Request>? _requests;
        /// <summary>
        /// If an asynchronous request is active, the CancellationTokenSource that allows for
        /// cancelling the underlying computation.
        /// </summary>
        private CancellationTokenSource? _asynchronousComputationCancellationSource;
        /// <summary>
        /// Whether a computation is active or queued on any thread, whether synchronous or
        /// asynchronous.
        /// </summary>
        private bool _computationActive;
        private TData _data;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an AsyncLazy that always returns the value, analogous to <see cref="Task.FromResult{T}" />.
        /// </summary>
        private AsyncLazyImpl(T value)
            _cachedResult = Task.FromResult(value);
            _data = default!;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an AsyncLazy that supports both asynchronous computation and inline synchronous
        /// computation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="asynchronousComputeFunction">A function called to start the asynchronous
        /// computation. This function should be cheap and non-blocking.</param>
        /// <param name="synchronousComputeFunction">A function to do the work synchronously, which
        /// is allowed to block. This function should not be implemented by a simple Wait on the
        /// asynchronous value. If that's all you are doing, just don't pass a synchronous function
        /// in the first place.</param>
        private AsyncLazyImpl(
            Func<TData, CancellationToken, Task<T>> asynchronousComputeFunction,
            Func<TData, CancellationToken, T>? synchronousComputeFunction,
            TData data)
            _asynchronousComputeFunction = asynchronousComputeFunction;
            _synchronousComputeFunction = synchronousComputeFunction;
            _data = data;
        public static AsyncLazy<T> CreateImpl(T value)
            => new AsyncLazyImpl<VoidResult>(value);
        public static AsyncLazy<T> CreateImpl(
            Func<TData, CancellationToken, Task<T>> asynchronousComputeFunction,
            Func<TData, CancellationToken, T>? synchronousComputeFunction,
            TData data)
            return new AsyncLazyImpl<TData>(asynchronousComputeFunction, synchronousComputeFunction, data);
        #region Lock Wrapper for Invariant Checking
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes the lock for this object and if acquired validates the invariants of this class.
        /// </summary>
        private WaitThatValidatesInvariants TakeLock(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            Contract.ThrowIfTrue(Monitor.IsEntered(SyncObject), "Attempt to take the lock while already holding it!");
            return new WaitThatValidatesInvariants(this);
        private readonly struct WaitThatValidatesInvariants(AsyncLazyImpl<TData> asyncLazy) : IDisposable
            public void Dispose()
        private void AssertInvariants_NoLock()
            // Invariant #1: thou shalt never have an asynchronous computation running without it
            // being considered a computation
            Contract.ThrowIfTrue(_asynchronousComputationCancellationSource != null &&
            // Invariant #2: thou shalt never waste memory holding onto empty HashSets
            Contract.ThrowIfTrue(_requests != null &&
                                 _requests.Count == 0);
            // Invariant #3: thou shalt never have an request if there is not
            // something trying to compute it
            Contract.ThrowIfTrue(_requests != null &&
            // Invariant #4: thou shalt never have a cached value and any computation function
            Contract.ThrowIfTrue(_cachedResult != null &&
                                 (_synchronousComputeFunction != null || _asynchronousComputeFunction != null));
            // Invariant #5: thou shalt never have a synchronous computation function but not an
            // asynchronous one
            Contract.ThrowIfTrue(_asynchronousComputeFunction == null && _synchronousComputeFunction != null);
        public override bool TryGetValue([MaybeNullWhen(false)] out T result)
            // No need to lock here since this is only a fast check to 
            // see if the result is already computed.
            if (_cachedResult != null)
                result = _cachedResult.Result;
                return true;
            result = default;
            return false;
        public override T GetValue(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // If the value is already available, return it immediately
            if (TryGetValue(out var value))
                return value;
            Request? request = null;
            AsynchronousComputationToStart? newAsynchronousComputation = null;
            using (TakeLock(cancellationToken))
                // If cached, get immediately
                if (_cachedResult != null)
                    return _cachedResult.Result;
                // If there is an existing computation active, we'll just create another request
                if (_computationActive)
                    request = CreateNewRequest_NoLock();
                else if (_synchronousComputeFunction == null)
                    // A synchronous request, but we have no synchronous function. Start off the async work
                    request = CreateNewRequest_NoLock();
                    newAsynchronousComputation = RegisterAsynchronousComputation_NoLock();
                    // We will do the computation here
                    _computationActive = true;
            // If we simply created a new asynchronous request, so wait for it. Yes, we're blocking the thread
            // but we don't want multiple threads attempting to compute the same thing.
            if (request != null)
                request.RegisterForCancellation(OnAsynchronousRequestCancelled, cancellationToken);
                // Since we already registered for cancellation, it's possible that the registration has
                // cancelled this new computation if we were the only requester.
                if (newAsynchronousComputation != null)
                    StartAsynchronousComputation(newAsynchronousComputation.Value, requestToCompleteSynchronously: request, callerCancellationToken: cancellationToken);
                // The reason we have synchronous codepaths in AsyncLazy is to support the synchronous requests for syntax trees
                // that we may get from the compiler. Thus, it's entirely possible that this will be requested by the compiler or
                // an analyzer on the background thread when another part of the IDE is requesting the same tree asynchronously.
                // In that case we block the synchronous request on the asynchronous request, since that's better than alternatives.
                return request.Task.WaitAndGetResult_CanCallOnBackground(cancellationToken);
                T result;
                // We are the active computation, so let's go ahead and compute.
                    result = _synchronousComputeFunction(_data, cancellationToken);
                catch (OperationCanceledException)
                    // This cancelled for some reason. We don't care why, but
                    // it means anybody else waiting for this result isn't going to get it
                    // from us.
                    using (TakeLock(CancellationToken.None))
                        _computationActive = false;
                        if (_requests != null)
                            // There's a possible improvement here: there might be another synchronous caller who
                            // also wants the value. We might consider stealing their thread rather than punting
                            // to the thread pool.
                            newAsynchronousComputation = RegisterAsynchronousComputation_NoLock();
                    if (newAsynchronousComputation != null)
                        StartAsynchronousComputation(newAsynchronousComputation.Value, requestToCompleteSynchronously: null, callerCancellationToken: cancellationToken);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // We faulted for some unknown reason. We should simply fault everything.
                    CompleteWithTask(Task.FromException<T>(ex), CancellationToken.None);
                // We have a value, so complete
                CompleteWithTask(Task.FromResult(result), CancellationToken.None);
                // Optimization: if they did cancel and the computation never observed it, let's throw so we don't keep
                // processing a value somebody never wanted
                // Because we called CompleteWithTask with an actual result, _cachedResult must be set. However, it's possible that result is a different result than
                // what is in our local variable here; it's possible that an asynchronous computation was running and cancelled, but eventually completed (ignoring cancellation)
                // and then set the cached value. Because that could be a different instance than what we have locally, we can't use the local result if the other value
                // got cached first. Always returning the cached value ensures we always return a single value from AsyncLazy once we got one.
                Contract.ThrowIfNull(_cachedResult, $"We called {nameof(CompleteWithTask)} with a result, there should be a cached result.");
                return _cachedResult.Result;
        private Request CreateNewRequest_NoLock()
            _requests ??= [];
            var request = new Request();
            return request;
        public override Task<T> GetValueAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Optimization: if we're already cancelled, do not pass go
            if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                return Task.FromCanceled<T>(cancellationToken);
            // Avoid taking the lock if a cached value is available
            var cachedResult = _cachedResult;
            if (cachedResult != null)
                return cachedResult;
            Request request;
            AsynchronousComputationToStart? newAsynchronousComputation = null;
            using (TakeLock(cancellationToken))
                // If cached, get immediately
                if (_cachedResult != null)
                    return _cachedResult;
                request = CreateNewRequest_NoLock();
                // If we have either synchronous or asynchronous work current in flight, we don't need to do anything.
                // Otherwise, we shall start an asynchronous computation for this
                if (!_computationActive)
                    newAsynchronousComputation = RegisterAsynchronousComputation_NoLock();
            // We now have the request counted for, register for cancellation. It is critical this is
            // done outside the lock, as our registration may immediately fire and we want to avoid the
            // reentrancy
            request.RegisterForCancellation(OnAsynchronousRequestCancelled, cancellationToken);
            if (newAsynchronousComputation != null)
                StartAsynchronousComputation(newAsynchronousComputation.Value, requestToCompleteSynchronously: request, callerCancellationToken: cancellationToken);
            return request.Task;
        private AsynchronousComputationToStart RegisterAsynchronousComputation_NoLock()
            _asynchronousComputationCancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
            _computationActive = true;
            return new AsynchronousComputationToStart(_asynchronousComputeFunction, _asynchronousComputationCancellationSource);
        private readonly struct AsynchronousComputationToStart(Func<TData, CancellationToken, Task<T>> asynchronousComputeFunction, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource)
            public readonly Func<TData, CancellationToken, Task<T>> AsynchronousComputeFunction = asynchronousComputeFunction;
            public readonly CancellationTokenSource CancellationTokenSource = cancellationTokenSource;
        private void StartAsynchronousComputation(
            AsynchronousComputationToStart computationToStart,
            Request? requestToCompleteSynchronously,
            CancellationToken callerCancellationToken)
            var cancellationToken = computationToStart.CancellationTokenSource.Token;
            // DO NOT ACCESS ANY FIELDS OR STATE BEYOND THIS POINT. Since this function
            // runs unsynchronized, it's possible that during this function this request
            // might be cancelled, and then a whole additional request might start and
            // complete inline, and cache the result. By grabbing state before we check
            // the cancellation token, we can be assured that we are only operating on
            // a state that was complete.
                var task = computationToStart.AsynchronousComputeFunction(_data, cancellationToken);
                // As an optimization, if the task is already completed, mark the 
                // request as being completed as well.
                // Note: we want to do this before we do the .ContinueWith below. That way, 
                // when the async call to CompleteWithTask runs, it sees that we've already
                // completed and can bail immediately. 
                if (requestToCompleteSynchronously != null && task.IsCompleted)
                    using (TakeLock(CancellationToken.None))
                        task = GetCachedValueAndCacheThisValueIfNoneCached_NoLock(task);
                // We avoid creating a full closure just to pass the token along
                // Also, use TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously so that we inline 
                // the continuation if asynchronousComputeFunction completes synchronously
                    (t, s) => CompleteWithTask(t, ((CancellationTokenSource)s!).Token),
            catch (OperationCanceledException e) when (e.CancellationToken == cancellationToken)
                // The underlying computation cancelled with the correct token, but we must ourselves ensure that the caller
                // on our stack gets an OperationCanceledException thrown with the right token
                // We can only be here if the computation was cancelled, which means all requests for the value
                // must have been cancelled. Therefore, the ThrowIfCancellationRequested above must have thrown
                // because that token from the requester was cancelled.
                throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
            catch (Exception e) when (FatalError.ReportAndPropagate(e))
                throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
        private void CompleteWithTask(Task<T> task, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            IEnumerable<Request> requestsToComplete;
            using (TakeLock(cancellationToken))
                // If the underlying computation was cancelled, then all state was already updated in OnAsynchronousRequestCancelled
                // and there is no new work to do here. We *must* use the local one since this completion may be running far after
                // the background computation was cancelled and a new one might have already been enqueued. We must do this
                // check here under the lock to ensure proper synchronization with OnAsynchronousRequestCancelled.
                // The computation is complete, so get all requests to complete and null out the list. We'll create another one
                // later if it's needed
                requestsToComplete = _requests ?? (IEnumerable<Request>)[];
                _requests = null;
                // The computations are done
                _asynchronousComputationCancellationSource = null;
                _computationActive = false;
                task = GetCachedValueAndCacheThisValueIfNoneCached_NoLock(task);
            // Complete the requests outside the lock. It's not necessary to do this (none of this is touching any shared state)
            // but there's no reason to hold the lock so we could reduce any theoretical lock contention.
            foreach (var requestToComplete in requestsToComplete)
        [SuppressMessage("Style", "VSTHRD200:Use \"Async\" suffix for async methods", Justification = "This is a Task wrapper, not an asynchronous method.")]
        private Task<T> GetCachedValueAndCacheThisValueIfNoneCached_NoLock(Task<T> task)
            if (_cachedResult != null)
                return _cachedResult;
            if (task.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
                // Hold onto the completed task. We can get rid of the computation functions for good
                _cachedResult = task;
                _asynchronousComputeFunction = null;
                _synchronousComputeFunction = null;
                _data = default!;
            return task;
        private void OnAsynchronousRequestCancelled(object? state)
            var request = (Request)state!;
            CancellationTokenSource? cancellationTokenSource = null;
            using (TakeLock(CancellationToken.None))
                // Now try to remove it. It's possible that requests may already be null. You could
                // imagine that cancellation was requested, but before we could acquire the lock
                // here the computation completed and the entire CompleteWithTask synchronized
                // block ran. In that case, the requests collection may already be null, or it
                // (even scarier!) may have been replaced with another collection because another
                // computation has started.
                if (_requests != null)
                    if (_requests.Remove(request))
                        if (_requests.Count == 0)
                            _requests = null;
                            if (_asynchronousComputationCancellationSource != null)
                                cancellationTokenSource = _asynchronousComputationCancellationSource;
                                _asynchronousComputationCancellationSource = null;
                                _computationActive = false;
        /// <remarks>
        /// This inherits from <see cref="TaskCompletionSource{TResult}"/> to avoid allocating two objects when we can just use one.
        /// The public surface area of <see cref="TaskCompletionSource{TResult}"/> should probably be avoided in favor of the public
        /// methods on this class for correct behavior.
        /// </remarks>
        private sealed class Request : TaskCompletionSource<T>
            /// <summary>
            /// The <see cref="CancellationToken"/> associated with this request. This field will be initialized before
            /// any cancellation is observed from the token.
            /// </summary>
            private CancellationToken _cancellationToken;
            private CancellationTokenRegistration _cancellationTokenRegistration;
            // We want to always run continuations asynchronously. Running them synchronously could result in deadlocks:
            // if we're looping through a bunch of Requests and completing them one by one, and the continuation for the
            // first Request was then blocking waiting for a later Request, we would hang. It also could cause performance
            // issues. If the first request then consumes a lot of CPU time, we're not letting other Requests complete that
            // could use another CPU core at the same time.
            public Request() : base(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously)
            public void RegisterForCancellation(Action<object?> callback, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                _cancellationToken = cancellationToken;
                _cancellationTokenRegistration = cancellationToken.Register(callback, this);
            public void CompleteFromTask(Task<T> task)
                // As an optimization, we'll cancel the request even we did get a value for it.
                // That way things abort sooner.
                if (task.IsCanceled || _cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                else if (task.IsFaulted)
                    // TrySetException wraps its argument in an AggregateException, so we pass the inner exceptions from
                    // the antecedent to avoid wrapping in two layers of AggregateException.
                    if (task.Exception.InnerExceptions.Count > 0)
            public void Cancel()
                => this.TrySetCanceled(_cancellationToken);