File: src\Workspaces\SharedUtilitiesAndExtensions\Compiler\Core\Formatting\FormattingExtensions.cs
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Project: src\src\Workspaces\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting.Rules;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageService;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting;
internal static class FormattingExtensions
    public static SyntaxNode GetParentWithBiggerSpan(this SyntaxNode node)
        if (node.Parent == null)
            return node;
        if (node.Parent.Span != node.Span)
            return node.Parent;
        return GetParentWithBiggerSpan(node.Parent);
    public static IEnumerable<AbstractFormattingRule> Concat(this AbstractFormattingRule rule, IEnumerable<AbstractFormattingRule> rules)
        => [rule, .. rules];
    [return: NotNullIfNotNull(nameof(list1)), NotNullIfNotNull(nameof(list2))]
    public static List<T>? Combine<T>(this List<T>? list1, List<T>? list2)
        => (list1, list2) switch
            (null, _) => list2,
            (_, null) => list1,
            // normal case
            _ => [.. list1, .. list2]
    public static bool ContainsElasticTrivia(this SuppressOperation operation, TokenStream tokenStream)
        var startToken = tokenStream.GetTokenData(operation.StartToken);
        var nextToken = startToken.GetNextTokenData();
        var endToken = tokenStream.GetTokenData(operation.EndToken);
        var previousToken = endToken.GetPreviousTokenData();
        return CommonFormattingHelpers.HasAnyWhitespaceElasticTrivia(startToken.Token, nextToken.Token) ||
               CommonFormattingHelpers.HasAnyWhitespaceElasticTrivia(previousToken.Token, endToken.Token);
    public static bool HasAnyWhitespaceElasticTrivia(this SyntaxTriviaList list)
        // Use foreach to avoid accessing indexer as it will call GetSlotOffset for each trivia
        foreach (var trivia in list)
            if (trivia.IsElastic())
                return true;
        return false;
    public static bool IsOn(this IndentBlockOption option, IndentBlockOption flag)
        => (option & flag) == flag;
    public static bool IsMaskOn(this IndentBlockOption option, IndentBlockOption mask)
        => (option & mask) != 0x0;
    public static bool IsOn(this SuppressOption option, SuppressOption flag)
        => (option & flag) == flag;
    public static bool IsMaskOn(this SuppressOption option, SuppressOption mask)
        => (option & mask) != 0x0;
    public static SuppressOption RemoveFlag(this SuppressOption option, SuppressOption flag)
        => option & ~flag;
    public static string CreateIndentationString(this int desiredIndentation, bool useTab, int tabSize)
        var numberOfTabs = 0;
        var numberOfSpaces = Math.Max(0, desiredIndentation);
        if (useTab)
            numberOfTabs = desiredIndentation / tabSize;
            numberOfSpaces -= numberOfTabs * tabSize;
        return new string('\t', numberOfTabs) + new string(' ', numberOfSpaces);
    public static StringBuilder AppendIndentationString(this StringBuilder sb, int desiredIndentation, bool useTab, int tabSize)
        var numberOfTabs = 0;
        var numberOfSpaces = Math.Max(0, desiredIndentation);
        if (useTab)
            numberOfTabs = desiredIndentation / tabSize;
            numberOfSpaces -= numberOfTabs * tabSize;
        return sb.Append('\t', repeatCount: numberOfTabs).Append(' ', repeatCount: numberOfSpaces);
    public static void ProcessTextBetweenTokens(
        this string text,
        TreeData treeInfo,
        SyntaxToken baseToken,
        int tabSize,
        out int lineBreaks,
        out int spaceOrIndentation)
        // initialize out param
        lineBreaks = text.GetNumberOfLineBreaks();
        // multiple line case
        if (lineBreaks > 0)
            var indentationString = text.GetLastLineText();
            spaceOrIndentation = indentationString.GetColumnFromLineOffset(indentationString.Length, tabSize);
        // with tab, more expensive way. get column of token1 and then calculate right space amount
        var initialColumn = baseToken.RawKind == 0 ? 0 /* the very beginning of the file */ : treeInfo.GetOriginalColumn(tabSize, baseToken);
        spaceOrIndentation = text.ConvertTabToSpace(tabSize, baseToken.ToString().GetTextColumn(tabSize, initialColumn), text.Length);
    private static readonly char[] s_trimChars = ['\r', '\n'];
    public static string AdjustIndentForXmlDocExteriorTrivia(
        this string triviaText,
        bool forceIndentation,
        int indentation,
        int indentationDelta,
        bool useTab,
        int tabSize)
        var isEmptyString = false;
        var builder = StringBuilderPool.Allocate();
        var nonWhitespaceCharIndex = GetFirstNonWhitespaceIndexInString(triviaText);
        if (nonWhitespaceCharIndex == -1)
            isEmptyString = true;
            nonWhitespaceCharIndex = triviaText.Length;
        var newIndentation = GetNewIndentationForComments(triviaText, nonWhitespaceCharIndex, forceIndentation, indentation, indentationDelta, tabSize);
        builder.AppendIndentationString(newIndentation, useTab, tabSize);
        if (!isEmptyString)
            builder.Append(triviaText, nonWhitespaceCharIndex, triviaText.Length - nonWhitespaceCharIndex);
        return StringBuilderPool.ReturnAndFree(builder);
    public static string ReindentStartOfXmlDocumentationComment(
        this string triviaText,
        bool forceIndentation,
        int indentation,
        int indentationDelta,
        bool useTab,
        int tabSize,
        string newLine)
        var builder = StringBuilderPool.Allocate();
        // split xml doc comments into lines
        var lines = triviaText.Split('\n');
        Contract.ThrowIfFalse(lines.Length > 0);
        // add first line and append new line iff it is not a single line xml doc comment
        if (0 < lines.Length - 1)
        // add rest of xml doc comments
        for (var i = 1; i < lines.Length; i++)
            var line = lines[i].TrimEnd(s_trimChars);
            var nonWhitespaceCharIndex = GetFirstNonWhitespaceIndexInString(line);
            if (nonWhitespaceCharIndex >= 0)
                var newIndentation = GetNewIndentationForComments(line, nonWhitespaceCharIndex, forceIndentation, indentation, indentationDelta, tabSize);
                builder.AppendIndentationString(newIndentation, useTab, tabSize);
                builder.Append(line, nonWhitespaceCharIndex, line.Length - nonWhitespaceCharIndex);
            if (i < lines.Length - 1)
        return StringBuilderPool.ReturnAndFree(builder);
    private static int GetNewIndentationForComments(this string line, int nonWhitespaceCharIndex, bool forceIndentation, int indentation, int indentationDelta, int tabSize)
        if (forceIndentation)
            return indentation;
        var currentIndentation = line.GetColumnFromLineOffset(nonWhitespaceCharIndex, tabSize);
        return Math.Max(currentIndentation + indentationDelta, 0);
    public static int GetFirstNonWhitespaceIndexInString(this string text)
        for (var i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
            if (text[i] is not ' ' and not '\t')
                return i;
        return -1;
    public static TextChange SimpleDiff(this TextChange textChange, string text)
        var span = textChange.Span;
        var newText = textChange.NewText ?? "";
        var i = 0;
        for (; i < span.Length; i++)
            if (i >= newText.Length || text[i] != newText[i])
        // two texts are exactly same
        if (i == span.Length && text.Length == newText.Length)
            // don't do anything
            return textChange;
        if (i > 0)
            span = new TextSpan(span.Start + i, span.Length - i);
            newText = newText[i..];
        return new TextChange(span, newText);
    internal static IEnumerable<TextSpan> GetAnnotatedSpans(SyntaxNode node, SyntaxAnnotation annotation)
        if (annotation == SyntaxAnnotation.ElasticAnnotation)
            var tokens = node.GetAnnotatedTrivia(SyntaxAnnotation.ElasticAnnotation).Select(tr => tr.Token).Distinct();
            return AggregateSpans(tokens.Select(GetElasticSpan));
        return EnumerateAnnotatedSpans(node, annotation);
        static IEnumerable<TextSpan> EnumerateAnnotatedSpans(SyntaxNode node, SyntaxAnnotation annotation)
            foreach (var nodeOrToken in node.GetAnnotatedNodesAndTokens(annotation))
                var (firstToken, lastToken) = nodeOrToken.AsNode(out var childNode)
                    ? (childNode.GetFirstToken(includeZeroWidth: true), childNode.GetLastToken(includeZeroWidth: true))
                    : (nodeOrToken.AsToken(), nodeOrToken.AsToken());
                yield return GetSpan(firstToken, lastToken);
    internal static TextSpan GetSpan(SyntaxToken firstToken, SyntaxToken lastToken)
        var previousToken = firstToken.GetPreviousToken();
        var nextToken = lastToken.GetNextToken();
        if (previousToken.RawKind != 0)
            firstToken = previousToken;
        if (nextToken.RawKind != 0)
            lastToken = nextToken;
        return TextSpan.FromBounds(firstToken.SpanStart, lastToken.Span.End);
    internal static TextSpan GetElasticSpan(SyntaxToken token)
        => GetSpan(token, token);
    private static IEnumerable<TextSpan> AggregateSpans(IEnumerable<TextSpan> spans)
        var aggregateSpans = new List<TextSpan>();
        var last = default(TextSpan);
        foreach (var span in spans)
            if (last == default)
                last = span;
            else if (span.IntersectsWith(last))
                last = TextSpan.FromBounds(last.Start, span.End);
                last = span;
        if (last != default)
        return aggregateSpans;
    internal static int GetAdjustedIndentationDelta(
        this IndentBlockOperation operation, IHeaderFacts headerFacts, SyntaxNode root, SyntaxToken indentationAnchor)
        if (operation.Option.IsOn(IndentBlockOption.AbsolutePosition))
            // Absolute positioning is absolute
            return operation.IndentationDeltaOrPosition;
        if (!operation.Option.IsOn(IndentBlockOption.IndentIfConditionOfAnchorToken))
            // No adjustment operations are being applied
            return operation.IndentationDeltaOrPosition;
        // Consider syntax forms similar to the following:
        //   if (conditionLine1
        //     conditionLine2)
        // Adjustments may be requested for conditionLine2 in cases where the anchor for relative indentation is the
        // first token of the containing statement (in this case, the 'if' token).
        if (headerFacts.IsOnIfStatementHeader(root, operation.BaseToken.SpanStart, out var conditionStatement)
            || headerFacts.IsOnWhileStatementHeader(root, operation.BaseToken.SpanStart, out conditionStatement))
            if (conditionStatement.GetFirstToken() == indentationAnchor)
                // The node is located within the condition of a conditional block statement (or
                // syntactically-similar), uses a relative anchor to the block statement, and has requested an
                // additional indentation adjustment for this case.
                return operation.IndentationDeltaOrPosition + 1;
        // No adjustments were necessary/applicable
        return operation.IndentationDeltaOrPosition;