// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting;
internal abstract partial class AbstractTriviaDataFactory
private const int SpaceCacheSize = 10;
private const int LineBreakCacheSize = 5;
private const int IndentationLevelCacheSize = 20;
private static readonly Dictionary<LineFormattingOptions, (Whitespace[] spaces, Whitespace[,] whitespaces)> s_optionsToWhitespace = new();
private static Tuple<LineFormattingOptions, (Whitespace[] spaces, Whitespace[,] whitespaces)>? s_lastOptionAndWhitespace;
protected readonly TreeData TreeInfo;
protected readonly LineFormattingOptions Options;
private readonly Whitespace[] _spaces;
private readonly Whitespace[,] _whitespaces;
protected AbstractTriviaDataFactory(TreeData treeInfo, LineFormattingOptions options)
TreeInfo = treeInfo;
Options = options;
(_spaces, _whitespaces) = GetSpacesAndWhitespaces(options);
private static (Whitespace[] spaces, Whitespace[,] whitespaces) GetSpacesAndWhitespaces(LineFormattingOptions options)
// Fast path where we'er asking for the same options as last time
var lastOptionAndWhitespace = s_lastOptionAndWhitespace;
if (lastOptionAndWhitespace?.Item1 == options)
return lastOptionAndWhitespace.Item2;
// Otherwise, get from the dictionary, computing if necessary.
var (spaces, whitespaces) = ComputeAndCacheSpacesAndWhitespaces(options);
// Cache this result for the next time.
s_lastOptionAndWhitespace = Tuple.Create(options, (spaces, whitespaces));
return (spaces, whitespaces);
static (Whitespace[] spaces, Whitespace[,] whitespaces) ComputeAndCacheSpacesAndWhitespaces(LineFormattingOptions options)
// First check if it's already in the cache.
lock (s_optionsToWhitespace)
if (s_optionsToWhitespace.TryGetValue(options, out var result))
return result;
// If not, compute it.
var spaces = new Whitespace[SpaceCacheSize];
for (var i = 0; i < SpaceCacheSize; i++)
spaces[i] = new Whitespace(options, space: i, elastic: false);
var whitespaces = new Whitespace[LineBreakCacheSize, IndentationLevelCacheSize];
for (var lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < LineBreakCacheSize; lineIndex++)
for (var indentationLevel = 0; indentationLevel < IndentationLevelCacheSize; indentationLevel++)
var indentation = indentationLevel * options.IndentationSize;
whitespaces[lineIndex, indentationLevel] = new Whitespace(
options, lineBreaks: lineIndex + 1, indentation: indentation, elastic: false);
// Attempt to store in cache. But defer to any other thread that may have already stored it.
lock (s_optionsToWhitespace)
if (s_optionsToWhitespace.TryGetValue(options, out var result))
return result;
s_optionsToWhitespace[options] = (spaces, whitespaces);
return (spaces, whitespaces);
protected TriviaData GetSpaceTriviaData(int space, bool elastic = false)
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(space >= 0);
// if result has elastic trivia in them, never use cache
if (elastic)
return new Whitespace(this.Options, space, elastic: true);
if (space < SpaceCacheSize)
return _spaces[space];
// create a new space
return new Whitespace(this.Options, space, elastic: false);
protected TriviaData GetWhitespaceTriviaData(int lineBreaks, int indentation, bool useTriviaAsItIs, bool elastic)
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(lineBreaks >= 0);
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(indentation >= 0);
// we can use cache
// #1. if whitespace trivia don't have any elastic trivia and
// #2. analysis (Item1) didn't find anything preventing us from using cache such as trailing whitespace before new line
// #3. number of line breaks (Item2) are under cache capacity (line breaks)
// #4. indentation (Item3) is aligned to indentation level
var canUseCache = !elastic &&
useTriviaAsItIs &&
lineBreaks > 0 &&
lineBreaks <= LineBreakCacheSize &&
indentation % Options.IndentationSize == 0;
if (canUseCache)
var indentationLevel = indentation / Options.IndentationSize;
if (indentationLevel < IndentationLevelCacheSize)
var lineIndex = lineBreaks - 1;
return _whitespaces[lineIndex, indentationLevel]!;
return useTriviaAsItIs
? new Whitespace(this.Options, lineBreaks, indentation, elastic)
: new ModifiedWhitespace(this.Options, lineBreaks, indentation, elastic);
public abstract TriviaData CreateLeadingTrivia(SyntaxToken token);
public abstract TriviaData CreateTrailingTrivia(SyntaxToken token);
public abstract TriviaData Create(SyntaxToken token1, SyntaxToken token2);