// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FlowAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Operations;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
internal static partial class OperationExtensions
public static bool IsTargetOfObjectMemberInitializer(this IOperation operation)
=> operation.Parent is IAssignmentOperation assignmentOperation &&
assignmentOperation.Target == operation &&
assignmentOperation.Parent?.Kind == OperationKind.ObjectOrCollectionInitializer;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the <see cref="ValueUsageInfo"/> for the given operation.
/// This extension can be removed once https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/25057 is implemented.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// When referring to a variable, this method should only return a 'write' result if the variable is entirely
/// overwritten. Not if the variable is written <em>through</em>. For example, a write to a property on a struct
/// variable is not a write to the struct variable (though at runtime it might impact the value in some fashion).
/// <para/> Put another way, this only returns 'write' when certain that the entire value <em>is</em> absolutely
/// entirely overwritten.
/// </remarks>
public static ValueUsageInfo GetValueUsageInfo(this IOperation operation, ISymbol containingSymbol)
| code | Read | Write | ReadableRef | WritableRef | NonReadWriteRef |
| x.Prop = 1 | | ✔️ | | | |
| x.Prop += 1 | ✔️ | ✔️ | | | |
| x.Prop++ | ✔️ | ✔️ | | | |
| Foo(x.Prop) | ✔️ | | | | |
| Foo(x.Prop), | | | ✔️ | | |
where void Foo(in T v)
| Foo(out x.Prop) | | | | ✔️ | |
| Foo(ref x.Prop) | | | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
| nameof(x) | | | | | ✔️ | ️
| sizeof(x) | | | | | ✔️ | ️
| typeof(x) | | | | | ✔️ | ️
| out var x | | ✔️ | | | | ️
| case X x: | | ✔️ | | | | ️
| obj is X x | | ✔️ | | | |
| obj is { } x | | ✔️ | | | |
| obj is [] x | | ✔️ | | | |
| ref var x = | | | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
| ref readonly var x = | | | ✔️ | | |
// Workaround for https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/30753
if (operation is ILocalReferenceOperation { IsDeclaration: true, IsImplicit: false })
// Declaration expression is a definition (write) for the declared local.
return ValueUsageInfo.Write;
else if (operation is IDeclarationPatternOperation)
while (operation.Parent is IBinaryPatternOperation or INegatedPatternOperation or IRelationalPatternOperation)
operation = operation.Parent;
switch (operation.Parent)
case IPatternCaseClauseOperation:
// A declaration pattern within a pattern case clause is a
// write for the declared local.
// For example, 'x' is defined and assigned the value from 'obj' below:
// switch (obj)
// {
// case X x:
return ValueUsageInfo.Write;
case IRecursivePatternOperation:
// A declaration pattern within a recursive pattern is a
// write for the declared local.
// For example, 'x' is defined and assigned the value from 'obj' below:
// (obj) switch
// {
// (X x) => ...
// };
return ValueUsageInfo.Write;
case ISwitchExpressionArmOperation:
// A declaration pattern within a switch expression arm is a
// write for the declared local.
// For example, 'x' is defined and assigned the value from 'obj' below:
// obj switch
// {
// X x => ...
return ValueUsageInfo.Write;
case IIsPatternOperation:
// A declaration pattern within an is pattern is a
// write for the declared local.
// For example, 'x' is defined and assigned the value from 'obj' below:
// if (obj is X x)
return ValueUsageInfo.Write;
case IPropertySubpatternOperation:
// A declaration pattern within a property sub-pattern is a
// write for the declared local.
// For example, 'x' is defined and assigned the value from 'obj.Property' below:
// if (obj is { Property : int x })
return ValueUsageInfo.Write;
Debug.Fail("Unhandled declaration pattern context");
// Conservatively assume read/write.
return ValueUsageInfo.ReadWrite;
else if (operation is IRecursivePatternOperation or IListPatternOperation)
return ValueUsageInfo.Write;
if (operation.Parent is IAssignmentOperation assignmentOperation &&
assignmentOperation.Target == operation)
return operation.Parent.IsAnyCompoundAssignment()
? ValueUsageInfo.ReadWrite
: ValueUsageInfo.Write;
else if (operation.Parent is ISimpleAssignmentOperation { IsRef: true } simpleAssignmentOperation &&
simpleAssignmentOperation.Value == operation)
return ValueUsageInfo.ReadableWritableReference;
else if (operation.Parent is IIncrementOrDecrementOperation)
return ValueUsageInfo.ReadWrite;
else if (operation.Parent is IForToLoopOperation forToLoopOperation && forToLoopOperation.LoopControlVariable.Equals(operation))
return ValueUsageInfo.ReadWrite;
else if (operation.Parent is IParenthesizedOperation parenthesizedOperation)
// Note: IParenthesizedOperation is specific to VB, where the parens cause a copy, so this cannot be classified as a write.
Debug.Assert(parenthesizedOperation.Language == LanguageNames.VisualBasic);
return parenthesizedOperation.GetValueUsageInfo(containingSymbol) &
~(ValueUsageInfo.Write | ValueUsageInfo.Reference);
else if (operation.Parent is INameOfOperation or ITypeOfOperation or ISizeOfOperation)
return ValueUsageInfo.Name;
else if (operation.Parent is IArgumentOperation argumentOperation)
switch (argumentOperation.Parameter?.RefKind)
case RefKind.RefReadOnly:
return ValueUsageInfo.ReadableReference;
case RefKind.Out:
return ValueUsageInfo.WritableReference;
case RefKind.Ref:
return ValueUsageInfo.ReadableWritableReference;
return ValueUsageInfo.Read;
else if (operation.Parent is IReturnOperation returnOperation)
return returnOperation.GetRefKind(containingSymbol) switch
RefKind.RefReadOnly => ValueUsageInfo.ReadableReference,
RefKind.Ref => ValueUsageInfo.ReadableWritableReference,
_ => ValueUsageInfo.Read,
else if (operation.Parent is IConditionalOperation conditionalOperation)
if (operation == conditionalOperation.WhenTrue
|| operation == conditionalOperation.WhenFalse)
return GetValueUsageInfo(conditionalOperation, containingSymbol);
return ValueUsageInfo.Read;
else if (operation.Parent is IReDimClauseOperation reDimClauseOperation &&
reDimClauseOperation.Operand == operation)
return reDimClauseOperation.Parent is IReDimOperation { Preserve: true }
? ValueUsageInfo.ReadWrite
: ValueUsageInfo.Write;
else if (operation.Parent is IDeclarationExpressionOperation declarationExpression)
return declarationExpression.GetValueUsageInfo(containingSymbol);
else if (operation.IsInLeftOfDeconstructionAssignment(out _))
return ValueUsageInfo.Write;
else if (operation.Parent is IVariableInitializerOperation variableInitializerOperation)
if (variableInitializerOperation.Parent is IVariableDeclaratorOperation variableDeclaratorOperation)
switch (variableDeclaratorOperation.Symbol.RefKind)
case RefKind.Ref:
return ValueUsageInfo.ReadableWritableReference;
case RefKind.RefReadOnly:
return ValueUsageInfo.ReadableReference;
return ValueUsageInfo.Read;
public static RefKind GetRefKind(this IReturnOperation? operation, ISymbol containingSymbol)
var containingMethod = TryGetContainingAnonymousFunctionOrLocalFunction(operation) ?? (containingSymbol as IMethodSymbol);
return containingMethod?.RefKind ?? RefKind.None;
public static IMethodSymbol? TryGetContainingAnonymousFunctionOrLocalFunction(this IOperation? operation)
operation = operation?.Parent;
while (operation != null)
switch (operation.Kind)
case OperationKind.AnonymousFunction:
return ((IAnonymousFunctionOperation)operation).Symbol;
case OperationKind.LocalFunction:
return ((ILocalFunctionOperation)operation).Symbol;
operation = operation.Parent;
return null;
public static bool IsInLeftOfDeconstructionAssignment(this IOperation operation, [NotNullWhen(true)] out IDeconstructionAssignmentOperation? deconstructionAssignment)
deconstructionAssignment = null;
var previousOperation = operation;
var current = operation.Parent;
while (current != null)
switch (current.Kind)
case OperationKind.DeconstructionAssignment:
deconstructionAssignment = (IDeconstructionAssignmentOperation)current;
return deconstructionAssignment.Target == previousOperation;
case OperationKind.Tuple:
case OperationKind.Conversion:
case OperationKind.Parenthesized:
previousOperation = current;
current = current.Parent;
return false;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the given operation is a regular compound assignment,
/// i.e. <see cref="ICompoundAssignmentOperation"/> such as <code>a += b</code>,
/// or a special null coalescing compound assignment, i.e. <see cref="ICoalesceAssignmentOperation"/>
/// such as <code>a ??= b</code>.
/// </summary>
public static bool IsAnyCompoundAssignment(this IOperation operation)
switch (operation)
case ICompoundAssignmentOperation:
case ICoalesceAssignmentOperation:
return true;
return false;
public static bool IsInsideCatchRegion(this IOperation operation, ControlFlowGraph cfg)
foreach (var block in cfg.Blocks)
var isCatchRegionBlock = false;
var currentRegion = block.EnclosingRegion;
while (currentRegion != null)
switch (currentRegion.Kind)
case ControlFlowRegionKind.Catch:
isCatchRegionBlock = true;
currentRegion = currentRegion.EnclosingRegion;
if (isCatchRegionBlock)
foreach (var descendant in block.DescendantOperations())
if (operation == descendant)
return true;
return false;
public static bool HasAnyOperationDescendant(this ImmutableArray<IOperation> operationBlocks, Func<IOperation, bool> predicate)
foreach (var operationBlock in operationBlocks)
if (operationBlock.HasAnyOperationDescendant(predicate))
return true;
return false;
public static bool HasAnyOperationDescendant(this IOperation operationBlock, Func<IOperation, bool> predicate)
=> operationBlock.HasAnyOperationDescendant(predicate, out _);
public static bool HasAnyOperationDescendant(this IOperation operationBlock, Func<IOperation, bool> predicate, [NotNullWhen(true)] out IOperation? foundOperation)
foreach (var descendant in operationBlock.DescendantsAndSelf())
if (predicate(descendant))
foundOperation = descendant;
return true;
foundOperation = null;
return false;
public static bool HasAnyOperationDescendant(this ImmutableArray<IOperation> operationBlocks, OperationKind kind)
=> operationBlocks.HasAnyOperationDescendant(predicate: operation => operation.Kind == kind);
public static bool IsNumericLiteral(this IOperation operation)
=> operation.Kind == OperationKind.Literal && operation.Type.IsNumericType();
public static bool IsNullLiteral(this IOperation operand)
=> operand is ILiteralOperation { ConstantValue: { HasValue: true, Value: null } };
/// <summary>
/// Walks down consecutive conversion operations until an operand is reached that isn't a conversion operation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="operation">The starting operation.</param>
/// <returns>The inner non conversion operation or the starting operation if it wasn't a conversion operation.</returns>
[return: NotNullIfNotNull(nameof(operation))]
public static IOperation? WalkDownConversion(this IOperation? operation)
while (operation is IConversionOperation conversionOperation)
operation = conversionOperation.Operand;
return operation;
public static bool IsSingleThrowNotImplementedOperation([NotNullWhen(true)] this IOperation? firstBlock)
if (firstBlock is null)
return false;
var compilation = firstBlock.SemanticModel!.Compilation;
var notImplementedExceptionType = compilation.NotImplementedExceptionType();
if (notImplementedExceptionType == null)
return false;
if (firstBlock is not IBlockOperation block)
return false;
if (block.Operations.Length == 0)
return false;
var firstOp = block.Operations.Length == 1
? block.Operations[0]
: TryGetSingleExplicitStatement(block.Operations);
if (firstOp == null)
return false;
if (firstOp is IExpressionStatementOperation expressionStatement)
// unwrap: { throw new NYI(); }
firstOp = expressionStatement.Operation;
else if (firstOp is IReturnOperation returnOperation)
// unwrap: 'int M(int p) => throw new NYI();'
// For this case, the throw operation is wrapped within a conversion operation to 'int',
// which in turn is wrapped within a return operation.
firstOp = returnOperation.ReturnedValue.WalkDownConversion();
// => throw new NotImplementedOperation(...)
return IsThrowNotImplementedOperation(notImplementedExceptionType, firstOp);
static IOperation? TryGetSingleExplicitStatement(ImmutableArray<IOperation> operations)
IOperation? firstOp = null;
foreach (var operation in operations)
if (operation.IsImplicit)
if (firstOp != null)
return null;
firstOp = operation;
return firstOp;
static bool IsThrowNotImplementedOperation(INamedTypeSymbol notImplementedExceptionType, IOperation? operation)
=> operation is IThrowOperation throwOperation &&
throwOperation.Exception.UnwrapImplicitConversion() is IObjectCreationOperation objectCreation &&
[return: NotNullIfNotNull(nameof(value))]
public static IOperation? UnwrapImplicitConversion(this IOperation? value)
=> value is IConversionOperation conversion && conversion.IsImplicit
? conversion.Operand
: value;