// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageService;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
internal static partial class SemanticModelExtensions
public static SemanticMap GetSemanticMap(this SemanticModel semanticModel, SyntaxNode node, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
=> SemanticMap.From(semanticModel, node, cancellationToken);
private static ISymbol? MapSymbol(ISymbol? symbol, ITypeSymbol? type)
if (symbol.IsConstructor() && symbol.ContainingType.IsAnonymousType)
return symbol.ContainingType;
if (symbol.IsThisParameter())
// Map references to this/base to the actual type that those correspond to.
return type;
if (symbol.IsFunctionValue() &&
symbol.ContainingSymbol is IMethodSymbol method)
if (method.AssociatedSymbol != null)
return method.AssociatedSymbol;
return method;
// see if we can map the built-in language operator to a real method on the containing
// type of the symbol. built-in operators can happen when querying the semantic model
// for operators. However, we would prefer to just use the real operator on the type
// if it has one.
if (symbol is IMethodSymbol methodSymbol &&
methodSymbol.MethodKind == MethodKind.BuiltinOperator &&
methodSymbol.ContainingType is ITypeSymbol containingType)
var comparer = SymbolEquivalenceComparer.Instance.ParameterEquivalenceComparer;
// Note: this will find the real method vs the built-in. That's because the
// built-in is synthesized operator that isn't actually in the list of members of
// its 'ContainingType'.
var mapped = containingType.GetMembers(methodSymbol.Name)
.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Parameters.SequenceEqual(methodSymbol.Parameters, comparer));
symbol = mapped ?? symbol;
return symbol;
public static TokenSemanticInfo GetSemanticInfo(
this SemanticModel semanticModel,
SyntaxToken token,
SolutionServices services,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var languageServices = services.GetLanguageServices(token.Language);
var syntaxFacts = languageServices.GetRequiredService<ISyntaxFactsService>();
var syntaxKinds = languageServices.GetRequiredService<ISyntaxKindsService>();
if (!syntaxFacts.IsBindableToken(semanticModel, token))
return TokenSemanticInfo.Empty;
var semanticFacts = languageServices.GetRequiredService<ISemanticFactsService>();
var overridingIdentifier = syntaxFacts.GetDeclarationIdentifierIfOverride(token);
IAliasSymbol? aliasSymbol = null;
ITypeSymbol? type = null;
ITypeSymbol? convertedType = null;
ISymbol? declaredSymbol = null;
IPreprocessingSymbol? preprocessingSymbol = null;
var allSymbols = ImmutableArray<ISymbol?>.Empty;
var tokenParent = token.Parent;
if (token.RawKind == syntaxKinds.UsingKeyword &&
(tokenParent?.RawKind == syntaxKinds.UsingStatement || tokenParent?.RawKind == syntaxKinds.LocalDeclarationStatement))
var usingStatement = token.Parent;
declaredSymbol = semanticFacts.TryGetDisposeMethod(semanticModel, tokenParent, cancellationToken);
else if (overridingIdentifier.HasValue)
// on an "override" token, we'll find the overridden symbol
var overridingSymbol = semanticFacts.GetDeclaredSymbol(semanticModel, overridingIdentifier.Value, cancellationToken);
var overriddenSymbol = overridingSymbol.GetOverriddenMember(allowLooseMatch: true);
allSymbols = overriddenSymbol is null ? [] : [overriddenSymbol];
Debug.Assert(tokenParent is not null);
aliasSymbol = semanticModel.GetAliasInfo(tokenParent, cancellationToken);
var bindableParent = syntaxFacts.TryGetBindableParent(token);
var typeInfo = bindableParent != null ? semanticModel.GetTypeInfo(bindableParent, cancellationToken) : default;
type = typeInfo.Type;
convertedType = typeInfo.ConvertedType;
declaredSymbol = MapSymbol(semanticFacts.GetDeclaredSymbol(semanticModel, token, cancellationToken), type);
preprocessingSymbol = semanticFacts.GetPreprocessingSymbol(semanticModel, tokenParent);
if (preprocessingSymbol != null)
allSymbols = [preprocessingSymbol];
else if (!declaredSymbol.IsKind(SymbolKind.RangeVariable))
allSymbols = semanticFacts
.GetBestOrAllSymbols(semanticModel, bindableParent, token, cancellationToken)
.WhereAsArray(s => s != null && !s.Equals(declaredSymbol))
.SelectAsArray(s => MapSymbol(s, type));
// NOTE(cyrusn): This is a workaround to how the semantic model binds and returns
// information for VB event handlers. Namely, if you have:
// Event X]()
// Sub Goo()
// Dim y = New $$XEventHandler(AddressOf bar)
// End Sub
// Only GetTypeInfo will return any information for XEventHandler. So, in this
// case, we upgrade the type to be the symbol we return.
if (type is INamedTypeSymbol namedType && allSymbols.Length == 0)
if (namedType.TypeKind == TypeKind.Delegate ||
namedType.AssociatedSymbol != null)
allSymbols = [type];
type = null;
if (allSymbols.Length == 0 && syntaxFacts.IsQueryKeyword(token))
type = null;
convertedType = null;
return new TokenSemanticInfo(declaredSymbol, preprocessingSymbol, aliasSymbol, allSymbols, type, convertedType, token.Span);